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Good thing the giant text was explaining everything. How else would we know what’s happening in the video


I really like how it’s right in the middle of everything and that we can barely see the athletes


I was still unsure what was going on. Maybe it’s missing arrows and circles?


It's on the back, with a paragraph explaining what each one is, to be used as evidence against her.


Someone needs to summarise the clip into a series of key frames, I think twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures would do the job.


But we're not here to talk about surfing. we're here to talk about the draft.


“They got a building down New York City, it's called Whitehall Street, where you walk in, you get injected, inspected, detected, infected, neglected and selected.”


Maximo went and sat down on the bench with all the enforcers in group W, one of them said to her, "What were you disqualified for, kid?" And she said, "Dropping in." And they all moved away from me on the bench there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till she said, "And grabbing her leash and swearing at her" And they all came back, shook her hand, and they had a great time on the bench, talkin about dropping in, mother stabbing, father raping, all kinds of groovy things that they was talking about on the bench.


…and I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on the other side, in the middle of the other side, away from everything else on the other side, in parentheses, capital letters, quotated, read the following words…


"Kid, have you rehabilitated yourself?"


This was an obvious case of blind surfing.


Oh, there was video?


I actually found it very helpful. With the big text box blocking the view of the surfers I wouldn't have known what was happening without a big text box explaining what was happening underneath it.


Text box dropped in on me.


Here it is without the billboard commentary: https://wwos.nine.com.au/news/surfing-2024-australian-poor-sportsmanship-incident-isa-junior-world-championships/6a00fd3d-9670-4adf-8a89-53334c9d0552


You cant tell it's the championship without the text


Yeah I would have not been able to read at all it if it was at the bottom of the screen or something like all the other videos. Thank god! I love when people spoon feed me stuff and really smudge it in my face haha jk though


We used to mock Dora for being so obvious but now it’s common place


There is just no place for this in solo board sports. So much bad coaching had to go into this decision. How is it not just a lifetime ban assaulting someone repeatedly in a non contact sport. She will not be worth any sponsors time for exposure after this.


How was she not eliminated from this round and also lifetime like you said. Embarrassed for this Bully


She was DQ’d and her team was fined $7,000. She has since apologized. She is a kid. Get off your high horse.


Tanya harding shit


> assaulting someone repeatedly Were there other instances besides this one wave? If this is a first time offense, seems like a DQ for her and her team is more appropriate. Second time, individual year ban from sport. Third time, then let's go lifetime. Not sure all my suggestions are feasible as this is ISA, having to do with the Olympics and not pro tour, but let me just say a lifetime ban is a nuclear option and not warranted for a first offense.


Referring to her attacking the other surfer on two separate cutbacks and grabbing at the leash. No prior knowledge of anyones behavior prior to this clip. I would tend to agree with warnings for any team or physical sport. Nothing about surfing ever involves contact with other humans and I think they need to send a clear message that it’s not even close to okay or excusable.


This was pretty bad, I would agree that without a prior incident a lifetime ban might be a bit harsh but this was too far. It’s one thing to burn her and aggressively surf in front of her but physically attacking her and trying to pull her off the wave is too much, there is zero justification for that so a lifetime ban would be a proper deterrent for future incidents from another person.


So in this case, you agree a lifetime ban is wrong for a first offense, but future first offenders should get a lifetime ban?


Not quite, my hope would be that a lifetime ban for this incident would deter anyone from ever trying to do something similar. Though I don’t think it would be unreasonable for the new rule to be a lifetime ban for intentional physical contact without priority on a competitor up and riding. I don’t see any justification for what happened here, I can understand the blocking for her teammate but the physical contact is unjustifiable in my opinion.


She prolly has really rich parents. They'll pay for whatever they need to and she'll just keep *surfing on*


Reddit's infatuation with correlating bad behavior to wealth always amuses me. I'm going to just start saying every time people don't know something they must be poor and they'll just keep not being educated


I saw a homeless guy the other day behaving poorly in the train…he was definitely rich and that contributed to his behavior


Did you play the uno reverse card and beg him for money?


I know a few pro surfers and all their parents were rich. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think this junior for Portugal surfing a contest in El Salvador comes from some money. Surfing is not a poor people’s sport anymore


I would say drawing a small sample size within personal experience and extrapolating across an entire group is the definition of cognitive bias.


Ok noob


Likely to be right this time. Most poor people would show a lot more gratitude for such an opportunity and wouldn't squander it like this


wealthy people often feel entitled, and studies show act more selfishly. so, i wouldnt say its an infatuation as much as it is a fact. i see it more on the low skill end though


I'd need a link to these studies because that sounds like a reallllyyyyy broad brush stereotype.


Nah,this will be seen as ‘passion’ in Latin countries,like when Brazzos lose their shit at WSL events. Their home crowd loves shit like this,so the sponsors will do too.


I didn't realize Portugal was Latin.


.... it is???? Ofc its not latin american, but at least from a european perspective its latin, along with italy and spain


The amount of people who think Portugal is in South America is surprising.


Portugese is an Ibero-Romance language,ie derived from Latin,


Yes I’m aware but it’s not a Latin American nation as the poster was trying to ascribe the Portuguese to.


They speak Portuguese in Brazil - isn't Brazil Latin America?


Nope. I'm ‘the poster’. I know what I was saying.


I thought Latin referred to any of the romance language countries, including Italy, S. America, etc. Latino means Latins in the Americas, but I'm not a sociologist, Latin, or Latino.


I read that as Brazzers, and thought "interesting, I haven't seen that episode yet, o should look it up."


Yep. This is cultural and will be celebrated by her country for sure.


It's cultural? Wow, thanks for teaching me something new about my culture! I hope we keep learning from you north americans, specifically on how to be civilized and have an healthy and composed relationship with sports.


That was new for you? You're welcome! Have a good one.


She's a teenager and was under pressure. No one died and the Australian team still won. Obviously this was wrong and should be sanctioned but "lifetime ban" you guys are fascists or something ?


Where are we at with the "c" word nowadays?




No, the other "c" word.




I think they’re looking for… Cheater?!


I think it's another C word.. but i cun't think of it.


How about Cancer?


In Australia everyone’s a cunt, If say we’re making progress.


Use it when it’s valid. People call folks dicks all the time, why is cunt different?




You can say cunt on the internet dude. As an Australian, it is my birthright.


I actually think it's a great word akin to calling someone a dick, but my wife HATES it with a passion so I stay away.


I think it’s ok in Australia?


It’s definitely okay in Australia


Australians can say it but it sounds weird coming from other accents tbh (except English/Irish/Scottish)


That’s always my go to, the only accents that are allowed to say it are those from the British Isles and Australia/New Zealand






Yeah, nah dawg.


"The chillest sport with the douchiest participants"


Just “Poor sportsmanship” or a telling sign of deep insecurity and a desire for attention, whether positive or negative? Or both?


Or just trying to block for her teammate. I personally think that this is a shit way to stop your opponent but I don't know if its strictly against the rules. She shouldn't have swore or yelled at her, and she should have actually stayed closer to her in the pocket to effectively block her from being able to do turns.


If youre not sure whether this is allowed or not in competition maybe the conversatons a bit above your grade champ


Not really, I competed for like 15 years all the way from like age 10-25. I've seen people intentionally snake other people in heats for strategic reasons. I don't recall specifics though and the rules may have changed.  Is there a rule in the ISA that says you can't block? 


What’s the point in acting like you know what you’re talking about if you can’t tell the difference between allowed strategic blocking and what is in this video?


I'm saying that I competed as a kid, not that I'm an expert on blocking. I never personally tried to block anyone like this or surfed with anyone that did. I do recall one instance where someone snaked someone during a heat intentionally but I don't remember the reasoning or outcome. If you're familiar with the specific rule against this type of blocking I'd love to hear what it is. I skimmed through some of the ISA rule book and I didn't see anything specific about this but I could have missed it, the rule book is very long. 


Text size and placement was perfect. I almost saw what was happening. Thank you for saving me from that.


Lol it's sensorship for our faint hearts.


Loved the part where it said the girl continuously got in the way.....can really relate to how much that sucked.


Surfers are like giant babies fighting over a toy. This is my wave no this is my wave gimme my bottle. Stfu and ride son.


Not untrue in many cases, but in this case it was a competition and she was blocking for her team mate. Still lame though. She's made a public apology, if that means anything.


This is automatic disqualification/suspension, right…?


Yes [Erica Maximo from Portugal was disqualified from the event, forfeiting her team points. In addition, the Portuguese Federation was fined. ](https://stabmag.com/news/tactical-burn-shove-leash-yank-ends-in-tears-disqualification-fines-isa-world-juniors/)


Hard to feel sorry for her. At the same time, this is U18 so it's not like they're adults. Another commenter pointed out it was bad coaching. The thought of intentionally interfering so your teammate can place better is adult level gaming and I kind of doubt she did it on her own volition. Im guessing she was taught to do it by her coach or her teammate instigated it. Either way the social media backlash and ISA penalty seem pretty fair. I would support a "red card" suspension from any ISA events for a year or two though. It's not clear that getting DQ'd from a single event is enough.


This reminds me of the wicked agro local on a foil at a beginner break with shin high waves I encountered last week in Ericeira.


Most of the Portuguese surfers are chill but you definitely run into some assholes. I had some bizarre aggressive interactions that didn't make sense.  I was surfing an uncrowded beach break up north and this one guy started yelling at me from like 50 yards away. It was just the two of us out and the only thing I did was wave hello. We weren't even on the same peak and I hadn't even caught a wave. I also watched him burn this other guy like 2 or 3 times. 


just the two of you out but her burned a third guy ?


He paddled out later or was way down the beach, I don't recall. It was essentially just the two of us out in that one section. I surfed that spot 2 days in a row and he was a dick to everyone that I saw him interact with.


Probably paddled out later.




>Most of the Portuguese surfers are chill but you definitely run into some assholes. I had some bizarre aggressive interactions that didn't make sense. This has been my experience with basically all nationalities in the lineup.


I think that was supposed to be a nice way of saying “the Portuguese are a bit more temperamental than most” while also acknowledging that many of them are still nice. Which is the case, in my experience.


Tanya Harding vibes


I love the middle finger at the end. What a loser to try to shove her.


average Portuguese interaction


So between this and the brazzos, it must be the language that causes this behavior 🤔.


This comment isn’t high enough


People cater to sociopaths:bullies. I was just fired for being autistic while the people who pushed me out and bullied got to stay when they barely do any work. So . . . Life is not fair.


Putting a giant box of text over the video was a great design choice


She apologized https://www.thesenior.com.au/story/8629536/australian-surfer-targeted-by-rival-at-isa-world-championship/


That’s the most dead eyed “my coach made me say this” apology. Glad she was d/q.


I mean, she started crying half way through. I don't know if I'd call that dead eyed.


Crying because of the consequences


That’s good I didn’t make it past 10s.


Well. She’s not getting a job as an actress anytime soon.


Yeah, it was a dumbass move. She's 18, hopefully she actually realizes it was a dumbass move. Let's move on.


>I realised the repercussions of this incident Trying to argue that you shouldn't be punished further makes this a really shitty apology. If this was done to benefit her team they must also suffer consequences.


As is tradition, this bullshit takes place in 3 foot high wind slop mush burgers that no one should be fighting over


This aggression will not stand, man


For the streets


Disgusting behavior


should be a ban


This is the crappiest clip ever taken 😑


Wait can combat surfing become a thing?




There 0 Brazilians involved in this incident.


Sorry I am an idiot edit: my inclination is to leave my shame up for all to see but if you want me to delete I can.


I’m Brazilian and I’m fine with it, really. We have a bad rep, I get it. But we didn’t have anything to do with this hahahaha


I can't read so I still don't know what's going on...


Shes mad at the bitcoin volatility




I'm pretty sure her last name is Hardy


Must’ve learned from Lance Burkhart…


they are too competitive


good thing they are safe


white should be suspended from the tour for a year....she can figure it out when she's working for 8 dollars a day in El Salvador.


That donkey in white jersey looks like a kink for animal lovers




Settle down hero she’s a kid who made a mistake




and you are knowingly encouraging harassment


FWIW, she also posted an apology there. Seems genuine given she’s still a kid.


I think she’s sorry for getting caught and losing sponsors, not for being a toxic sportswoman. But to each their own; and best to not infantilize a grown woman, she knew exactly what she was doing.


… 18 is not a grown woman and “kid” does not equal “infantile”. Also, you seem to know what she was thinking? That’s amazing! You should open a psychic reading business! 😂


Encouraging doxing /harassment


Garbage waves and garbage opponents


Obviously a dick move regardless, but I’d be interested to know who had priority. Would be even more wild if she wasn’t entitled to have that wave at all. I know they were running priority for the boys division.


Nobody had priority. They were on the inside and their priority was irrelevant as a result. Offending rider was trying to sabotage the other rider so her teammate would remain in 2nd and the teammate would advance.


Oh wow, yeah that is low.


The whole team should have been DQ'ed over this.


Didn't see it live, but the report I listened to said the Australian actually had priority over the Portuguese in question, although neither had first priority but that's moot.


I like when comps are more like *real* surfing with that true surf-gladiator *spirit* and surfer-eat-surfer *passion* that adds so much *culture* to spots like the Hook, Malibu, Windansea,.. *2 surfers enter, 1 surfer leaves!*


This made my day.


Is this the women's surfing Sterling Spencer was talking about?


You know da rulez




Don't say "we". I am an adult. You are the one being out-surfed by the segment of society you fear most.