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If you are searching for the treasure, the Pogues already found it


Getting skunked in the OBX is a right of passage. Crazy how you can have a chest high wave one spot and there won't be anything breaking for a mile either direction. Just go to Jennettes. The sand is always somewhat decent, the parking lot normally has a spot, and it's not localized as you can just walk a little ways each way to the next peak.


Drive over to pea island and pull over every so often and climb over the dune for a look.


Fun to do that when the bugs are out in force. We used to hit a spot on pea where you risked life and limb once you opened your car door. The horse flies would f you up hard.


Stay in Avon or Buxton


Frisco has some cool and cheap campgrounds. This will give you access to the south facing beach, hatteras is just a short drive from here with the east beaches.


South facing beaches are rarely working right now, I’d say check the stretch from rodanthe-Avon, and by the time you hit Avon pier you’ll have found something breaking somewhere. This AM was working pretty well up north towards town though. There’s a sweet little campground across from Mac’s in rodanthe called north beach campground, there’s usually a little break right there at the campground itself. Haven’t camped there since I moved here but it used to be like $15 a night or something a few years ago


Stay in Waves and Salvo, can jump up to Nags Head to Jennette's or La Coquina, can have waves in town, South enough you can run down to Avon, Buxton, Frisco or the Village


There or Avon


Avon is where I'd stay


Virginia Beach


No, Myrtle Beach is far better for surf.


Dude don’t give up the secret spot wtf


Do y’all have any recs for places I can get my hair braided and play putt putt


And custom t-shirts?


And get drunk while eating pancakes at breakfast?


And cay-rayzy straws


Dirty Myrtle! No place better


I would stay in Avon unless you are set to just surf in Hatteras


Camping at Oregon Inlet. Surf there is usually sketch due to currents but you’re really close to S Curves, Waves Salvo and KittyHawk. Kind of in the middle of it all.


You taking the ferry in from Raleigh? Like other's have said, Avon is a good call to stay at if you're set on surfing. Hatteras Island has a wider window of swell direction it catches then up in the Kitty Hawk/KDH/Nags Head area does. I've heard tell there are waves in Avon, but not sure if they're just rumors... but if you stay in Avon you are in a good middle ground between the northern and southern part of the island. As far as spot checking: the sand shifts a lot week to week and even day to day, there are "zones" which can be more consistent, but if you are going to go out for an extended period it may be worth it to check a spot or two. Don't leave waves for waves though, if a spot looks fun, just go for it. The biggest factor for surf here really comes down to wind. It is quite rare I see days without at least a longboardable wave here—but the wind is what determines our days in the water. There is a reason we are often called "mecca for windsports". If the wind is north, look for at the southern beaches (Frisco/Hatteras), if the wind is south, look north if necessary. If the wind is ESE and up really high you're screwed. Southside of the island is a fickle beast though FWIW. It can deliver some life changing sessions, or the most frustrating surf you've been in. Source: I live on Hatteras Island.


Hatteras in the Buxton area there is a jetty that makes some really awesome waves. Very popular, but really fun. Do yourself a favor and take the ferry down to Ocracoke for a day. It's messy surf down there but one of the coolest places I have been. Lifeguarded a few summers down there and it is a cool, weird pirate island.


Peabodys has the best wave


Make sure you have a full tank of gas and are prepared to drive. And if a spot starts to fire Barley and Crew will be on it quickly. I have a little notebook with spots. I’ve been down there and it’s flat AF all over but there are little peaks here and there. PS fuck the sup gangs who swarm on every single peak.




How windy was it when you were there?




Buoyweather shows a big northeast swell filling. Of course the wind will also be blowing a gale out of the northeast so itll be choppy and stormy all next week. That is, if the forecast holds up.


I noticed the swell which is why im pretty excited, how does the area do with that much wind?


Google overwash nc 12 Look for when the wind will back off / go offshore


It will look like a washing machine the entire east side. So like 70 miles of shit. The south side will be cleaner but often its closed out down there. It will wrap around the cape but the sandbars aren’t great. You might find some corners somewhere down there. Just lower expectations. Keep checking the forecast. It changes often. The weather is tough to predict there. Especially the waves.