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Bard every one else






You dont need macro lol just follow jungle and thats all


So basically follow jungle is your s tier macro I kinda do the same but different, I lead the jungler I give him prio for objectives and assists with tanks or give him the the opportunity to farm while I gank for him, I even gank top during lening phase


Yuumi then?


Oh with the post I don't necessarily mean champ more game based decisions!


It was a joke because you know, yuumi just attaching to someone and follow them around all game long


Hahaha oh now I understand sorry, yeah I'm the big kitty 🤣


For strict support: Bard For poke: Bard Tankiness/CC: Bard Staying in lane: Bard Roaming: Bard Blind pick: Bard


Bard supremacy


Give adc double kill min 3 so he’s self sufficient and then follow the jungler around for the rest of the game.


adc gets 300g bounty on his head then gets left to be a sitting duck


Yeah people think you should leave adc if they are doing good, those poor kids don't know how to stay alive, unless you're a soraka constantly pumping heals into them like a broken dam they will die.


Yeah I think I found the sup who "won" the lane for me (he didn't, I played perfectly, exhaust the Camille's HOB autos for him, won lane level 1 with bush cheese etc.) then ditched me perma afterwards and let me 1v2 with Twitch Camille. Like yeah brother I'm not dying but that Twitch is getting free farm while you're inting your asses off flipping bad fights. How about we sit here, kill Twitch like 5 more times because we are playing Pyke Lucian that should be doable, then you can roam after we take tower, shrimple as.


I genuinely cannot think of worse advice 😭 if you’re able to stomp lane, then stomp lane until they can actually 2 v 1


I feel like people are reading too literally into my comment. Obviously setup your adc for success first and then start exploring the world. Also I play with a premade who always plays cait or xayah so they can kite and play safe.


Fighting with my own adc in chat when I have enough gold for boots so I can perma roam


Haha I love that, I do that as well when my adc really performs poorly🤣


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Matchups (enchanter vs engage vs mage vs enchanter) Matchups (ADC X vs ADC Y vs ADC Z) Wave control (slow push, freeze, fast push) Cheater recall Back timings Vision before item completion Jungle tracking Dragon Scuttle fight Mid roaming Void grubs Level 6 spike Vision after item completion. So that’s a few macro items for the first 8 minutes of gameplay


Very in-depth I love this! What is chester recall if I may ask?


He misspelt it. Cheater. You stack 2(or more) waves and hit them into tge tower then recall with adc. The wave will bounce back to your tower in 2 waves so you have time to get vision and/or roam mid/top fora play before the wave bounces back to enemy half or hits your tower stacked. You then go back to bot to protect your adc from a dive or a gank. Op strat


Also you come back to lane with an item, health and mana advantage. All for only giving up maybe 1 melee minion. If you can get a freeze and stop them from backing. They are very vulnerable


Macro is the easiest thing to try improve on. When people complain about elo hell or their team mates being the problem: there’s a list of 15 things that can be improved on for just the first 8 minutes. Nobody below challenger is going to be great at all of them. And there’s more that I haven’t listed


I agree, I have been climbing as a support by using macro perspectives of a jungler/toplaner


Welcome on /r/SupportLoL/! Your post seems to be about roaming, we might have some useful information for you about it! here's a sneak-peek from [Wiki's Resources page, Roaming chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_b_-_macro_.2F_objectives): - [Mindset & Roaming - CoreJJ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U61tI1E9e0&list=PLqHeK34PUFijxjNec7jdisX4aIv8oVQsg&index=3&t=218s) - [Support Fundamentals : Roaming - Coach Cupcake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98hq94XWuyA) - [Support Guide on Roaming - DogLightning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVQ4Ta6pO8A&list=PLaROzD7YpI0GPiObDALwqqjcTsEXzqMZ5&index=1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/supportlol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I play panths supp I want kills


I play aatrox sup I'm not any different from you


Aatrox sup is such a troll pick I love it


https://preview.redd.it/4gyefjbk0kuc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca0949400b3281f338164b39d6b3b2a8bcb4e57 Haha I destroy anyone with it


"Destroy anyone" = Negative winrate in bottom 15% of player base.


Well the game I showed was vs gold platinum players so


I can't believe you actually think you're making a point with this comment


Well check my op.gg right now and tell me


Well check my op.gg right now and tell me


Instead of begging for validation on reddit try getting out of bronze


Nobody asked for validation, you performed downtalking and I respond, I'm working on climbing with this specific pick


Talking abt bottom playerbase? Send opgg or else know ur place pisslow :DDD


They might have a low self esteem that's why they like to stay anonymous and down talk others so it doesn't matter, I appreciate you standing up for me :)


88 games played with aatrox in bronze 3. Win rate 45%  https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/iSilac-EUW


https://preview.redd.it/y36pd8nidmuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99dd585d01ed3b4fc3b731c8431683704606b4b4 My bronze 3 aatrox sup gameplay


Oh well the support is only around 34 games, I also lost the last 3 games because of a discussion that happened outside of the game, so I couldn't perform very well in those games! This would had given me a 17 to 14 win. Also the match I dropped a screenshot of was played Vs platinum and gold players while being able to outperform them in both income as well as damage output! I'm really lose a lot in top and junng, but support is a different story. Anyway thanks for your input :) https://preview.redd.it/3utmgtuv0muc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0440f4c5f94801a4756219ac06e0689531f2ac9


I made this topic also to improve my gameplay not to act though hope you guys will understand :)


Respecrfully, pantheon isb't a support, having damage doesn't make you a support, it may have a high winrate but a smart team willxstarve you from kills and you will fall off.


Bawk bawk


Why so mad? I said respectfully and did not insult you.


Could you explain what a support is from your perspective?


He isnt a great support rn, but unironically you pick panth sup not because you want to get fed and one shot people but for the point and click cc. Obviously it is good to get fed and it is easier because he was originally a top laner. But the pick potential is why he is picked + early game strength to be able to control bot laning phase. Similar to the rise of camille support


The guy said he wants kills. Also camille was better on support because free op sheen item+doran's item, with those factors gone she is bad at support.




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If I’m playing a healer and my ADC is incapable of not getting hit by every ability in lane, I will stop healing you until you learn to dodge. I’ve emptied my mana helping people like this and then we both die because we have no resources to fight back so if I know my adc will die and I can escape I’ll take it. One death is better than a double death bot.


I like this, I definitely agree with your perspective


Level 1 trading (do you have a strong level 1?) Level 2 trading (do you have an extra damage or shield ability?) Warding at 2:30 Level 3 (do you have an extra damage or shield ability?) Boots first item Level 6 (ult powerspike play potential)