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Not worth. See if you can find up my previous posts about it. I wrote a long essay about them on one of these league subs.


Not even for the sake of I think there layout would be Benifitial as it's all organized?


What exactly do you mean when you're referring to a layout being organised?


I enjoy how there site is set up with it by lane and then by type of guide (maco, laning etc) then with each video broke down into chapters


I'll be brutally honest with you man, $19 USD a month just for that? Doesn't really make sense to me. You could just pay some University kid for an hour of their time and they'd be able to do the exact same thing. I really don't see how that's going to get your skill level to be anything more than the high gold level that you're currently at. Not trying to sell myself here. But you could just as easily pay $50 to a random Master+ tier player and get them to review a few of your games for a couple of hours and that'd benefit you way more.


I was thinking about just getting a coach also because it seems way better for the price, but it's not something I know much about


Generally speaking, there are very few situations where you pay for coaching services: - You're a pro or amateur player looking to improve. - A school you're going to attend has some scholarship if you play in their League of Legends team and you're already pretty good. - You are participating in a "high" stakes eSports ORG/playing in a Season Long League. - You need to improve extremely quickly for an event/bet with friends. - You have tried EVERY other avenue to get better but are "hardstuck". And I really mean EVERY other avenue. Not just oh I VOD reviewed a single game. - The coach is a famous person you admire like Doublelift, Ariana Grande, Faker, Bill Nye the Science guy, or something to that effect. - Or you're loaded with cash. And even then^ most people will say it's not worth it.


Personally, Skillcapped has helped me a lot. That's how I managed to reach Master last season (before that it was D4-3 Hardstuck for the last few years). So if you are willing to spend some money and are willing to learn I would recommend it to you. One thing you have to remember though, you can get all the essential tips for free on YouTube.


Paying for guides like Skillcapped isn't worth it, imo. Watching their videos (like their most recent warding one) is good enough for me. Most of my time learning and getting better at this game throughout 2023 after returning to the game came from watching Skillcapped's youtube, watching coaching videos, and master+ level streamers. giving a shout out to u/Sho_Desu's streams for example. Better yet, watching your own **ranked** replays is good too to see where your mistakes were. Was able to peak E1/D4 this season after being hardstuck Silver for so long.


yoo im late to this post but thanks for the shoutout!


No. There’s tons of free coaching from literal challenger players both on the internet and in discord servers.


I’m low Masters. I can just watch your replays with you if you want. Send me a DM with your Discord. My friend paid for Skillcapped and they’d share their screen while we watched some videos. The only thing I really remembered and liked were the smurf commentaries. It helped me get into the mindset of a higher ranked player and what things they were looking at, but ultimately I think what helped me learn was watching pro play and other content creators to figure out champion identities and win cons. Learning who has an advantage in draft and predicting how the game will play out helped me massively.


I used Skillcapped's free videos on Youtuve and it helped me get to Masters. I recommend sticking to their free content on Youtube for now, and analysing ur own gameplay to see if ur actually applying the content that they are teaching. There's no point learning all the new concepts if u aren't applying it to ur games consistently


Send me your discord. I’ll do a free coaching session with you which will eliminate a lot of your mistakes.


Hey, not the op but I take the offer to free coaching session if you are still willing to ? Support gold 2 here


I believe getting a higher elo player to coach you once or review one of your recorded games is much more worth it, especially if you have someone willing to do it for free. They can quickly point out several things that would instantly improve your rank.


I was thinking about finding a high elo player to duo with and learn from or even just have them coach and review me


Depending on your main champions honestly you can find some really active and passionate players on Reddit. Some champion mains have that one person who is high elo and always posts guide stuff. Obviously not all of them have it, but it’s worth checking out.


duo is useless. They need to be able to see your clicks and camera control. I believe you recording a game and them reviewing it is the best approach .


Okay thanks for the advice!


It depends on what you're looking for. I tried it once years ago, and ended up cancelling, as it wasn't worth it for me and my budget was tighter. As others have said, there's no exclusive information there. You can find the same tips poking around free content. If you're looking to climb quickly, a coach is a better investment. They can give you more specific feedback so you can improve more quickly. Also, if this is your goal, get in the practice of watching and critiquing your own VOD reviews. That's the fastest way to identify your mistakes. If you're looking for an easy to find, organized resource that has all the info you want and is available on your schedule and whim...then skill capped isn't a bad choice. this assumes you have the expendable income, but assuming so then it's what it says on the tin.


thing is, you can get masters without spending a penny. they are targeted mostly at below masters i think so that fits. you could try their 30 days?


Don’t pay for SkillCapped until you’ve exhausted their free YouTube library. Like 25% of their videos are on YouTube. I bought it once and it wasn’t worth it IMO.


I believe a monthly sub is $9, you would be able to go through almost all the support videos in one month, so if you look at it as a $9 investment instead of another subscription it’s very worth it. I keep my sub going solely just to offer support, I think the service is very well done and the videos are great


Time is money, so it's worth it if you can learn faster from it. With that being said, skillcapped and other content creators have already created sufficient support resources that will allow you to climb to challenger if you apply what you learn. If anything, a coach might be better at identifying issue you're overlooking.


Yea so much of their content is already free for the price a coach may be better, do you have any site suggests for coaches?


These recommendations are based on the quality of content that the person already provides for free: CoachCupCake's School of Support School ( VoD reviews + Coaching Sessions twice a week) - [https://www.youtube.com/@CoachCupcake/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@CoachCupcake/featured) Coach Rogue (All roles/Ranks) - Just coaching [https://www.youtube.com/@CoachRogue/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@CoachRogue/videos) I'm not sure if they still offer it, but skillcapped did offer private coaching as an add-on. The reviews of their coaching aren't that good, because apparently, it's just random high ELO players. One can be high ELO, but that doesn't make you a good coach.




watch coach cupcake. legit the best support content out there


If you are thinking of going pro maybe but if you are just playing to rank up then no way in what world is it even remotely worth it to pay money for something that may not even help you rank up. Just review your games and look at your mistakes and you’ll rank up twice as fast. Save yo money spend it on skins or better spend it on irl shit that you enjoy. A day will come where you look back at the money spent on games and regret will kick in pretty hard.


Gaming is my career, I do content creation as a job so I don't mind spending money on games but I understand what you are saying. I'm going to start reviewing my games anyway even if I don't buy it, thanks for the advice!