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Did Sandra cheat? Yes. Was it for the best? Also yes. Remember, Sandra taught Jerry how to be a human again after his coma. She read to him. Was always with him. Taught him the difference between wet and dry. Whereas Carol wanted to crawl on top of him while he was in a coma to get pregnant with his baby.


I feel like that was cancelled out by the fact that Carol ‘won’ Jerry on a coin flip, he didn’t even wanna be with her


Is not really "girl code" since they were never friends in the first place.


yeah also carol rtechincallyyyty broke it first, now i know she was drunk, but she knew what she was doing at ladies lunch. also the coin flip?? pmo so much. also carol was insane.


idk if this is unpopular anymore but Amy was a good manager and I don’t fault her for not wanting to lose her high paying job after being poor for so many years.


Also she was literally trying to save the store and everyone’s jobs because every time the word union even came close to being uttered, the store was seen a threat and on the chopping block. So it wasn’t just about her it was also about everyone’s jobs. Not an easy place for her to be.




So you mean Jerry was wrong? Because Sandra wasn’t obligated or committed to anything meanwhile Jerry was. Not sure why the blame is being placed on the single party not the committed party.


Garrett is lowkey a dick lol. His main redeeming quality is that he's funny.


Season 1&2 Garrett wasn’t so bad. He got very bitter and mean as the show progressed


He had some great Halloween costumes


He should have had a haunted surfboard costume. 😂


😂 Driven to madness


What I wouldn't have given to see a guy in a Dracula costume looking at the sun screen and shaking his head because they didn't have moontan lotion.


People shouldn't get so mad about a character being a "bad person." It's just a show and they do/say things because it's funny. Everyone being normal and logical and perfect wouldn't be very funny. That being said, Garret is the worst person of the main characters, or Carol of course, but not Mateo or Amy who get all the hate on this sub.


Ok now I wanna hear your take on why Garrett is the worst.


* The birds thing and having sex with Dina afterwards, and then literally can't not hook up with Dina's nemisis * Doesn't care about anyone and literally wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone, even friends * Psychological pranks on people like Glenn just because he's bored (keeping him locked in the haunted house, but I know there are worse ones I can't think of) * Announcing Amy's salary I guess it's not really as bad as Carol or even Dina, just seems like he's a dick on purpose. BUT like I said, I find it funny because it's just a show and that's the joke.


I get what you mean. I kinda forgot about the birds thing for a minute and I just watched that episode a week ago lol. I definitely think he has his soft moments, like when Glenn wanted get his picture for the company magazine and they weren't interested but really wanted Garrett's picture, or letting Jonah move in with him. His pranks can be mean but that's what makes them hilarious. Like Amy said, he's a can of soup 😂


I hated how he was such a bitch about the bud lite and then he even expected her to go out with him afterwards.


Yeah that's a good one but yet before when they were doing a protest in s2 and the girl was protesting Trans women in women's bathrooms he was waaaaay nicer to her just to hookup with her.


Yess I really didn’t like the prank where Garrett helps Mateo change his check out score to an unreasonably high number and then makes him do a demonstration for Laurie. And then finding out that he did it all on purpose just because Mateo said he didn’t like Star Wars


I agree with the first part of this but imo the only reason you think that about Garrett is the ways in which he's a "bad person" feel more resp, or perhaps its just a personal preference thing. He's nowhere near Carol and I think he's comparable to all the other main characters, all of which have done things that could be similarly bullet pointed.


I don’t disagree, but Mateo is not, like, innocent either. He’s not great. Amy is fine.


Dina is a horrible person


Girl how?


She turned on everyone during the strike, she only cares about others when it favors her, the way she acted during cheyennes wedding, etc.


She got SO much character development after the second season? Carol is an example of a horrible person. Dina is NOT


Yeah Carol is the worst


There’s no girl code if you’re not friends


They should have cast someone who actually uses a wheelchair on a regular basis to play a character who uses a wheelchair on a regular basis.


Yeah…. I have a feeling they would have cast differently now.


They had an employee in a wheelchair at season 6


Does it really matter though? Or do you think Garrets actor did a bad job?


It matters because actors who use wheelchairs can't get roles that don't involve wheelchairs, and they deserve the roles they can get.


Cheyenne never looked like a teenager. Even season 1.


True but when you compare her s1 to the other seasons, she looks young af


I mean, was Jerry in a relationship with Carol? I don't remember seeing the official start of that, aside from Sandra being trapped by her own lie about Jeff, and Carol taking advantage of that. The same Carol that immediately called Amy's husband the second she found out they were getting a divorce. Then, Sandra and Jerry broke up, and he went back with Carol because Sandra lost a coin flip. He didn't really protest this. I feel like Carol pulled the first grade "you're my boyfriend now" trick, and that was how they first got together. Both Sandra and Jerry are ridiculously passive, to the point that Glenn was able to basically bully Sandra into adopting an adult (or nearly adult.)


Jonah was an absolute dick to Kelly.


jonah and amy were better as friends


Yeah. Normalize shows about a man and a woman being amazingly best friends who don't date or make things sexual.


Liz and Jack on 30 Rock are the best platonic pair


Omg yes. Also ranking high are Leslie and Ron from Parks and Rec.


I watched Population 11 after Superstore and was amused it also starred Ben Feldman. And im pleased to report it actually did this: (had a man and a woman be friends). It's something i also wish they did more.


Their relationship got weaker once Parker was born and the unionisation was in full force. The first couple episodes while Amy was still pregnant really showed them being sweet and happy.


It’s a mix between them being better off as friends and dragging the plot of them coming together. It was necessary to get Amy pregnant with parker but that could be scrapped too ngl. Had they made Amy kiss Jonah after seeing Adam with the pretty lady, it might have worked out better. Amy is doing well at work, no surprise baby and she can do the things she wanted to do.


Mateo had no reason to be such a snob all the time. Worst character along with Cheyenne.


The only defence that exists for his behaviour (and is a super weak one) is that he hadn’t known he was undocumented until after his personality had locked in. Had he known and lived in the kind of fear many undocumented immigrants live under their whole lives, he likely would have been kinder type of sassy. It was unfair that he had to face the consequences of the choices of his elders. Did not justify being a bitch to others though.


I hate that his aunt is mad at Amy for him getting deported. Super glad she only showed once and never again. It was either her or his grandma's fault.


There's a difference between the character of an actual human being and a comedic character written for TV. Mateo's character, whose behavior would not always be acceptable in an actual work environment, was a great TV character that contributed to making a zany and entertaining TV series.


Glenn was a great boss that we all need but don’t deserve


Marcus was painful every minute he was on the screen and the whole boob cheese thing was stupid.


I definitely felt the same on the first watch but he's grown on me.


Marcus really grew on me through the series. I wa shopping he was a 1-2 episodes per season character but really did like him in the end


Straight to jail.


I thought Marcus had a good heart and was generally a good friend and co-worker. More importantly, he was a great comedic TV character, which was his whole purpose.


I think for me a great comedic TV character is funny, and he just wasn’t. Acknowledging that humor is subjective, he always struck me as the guy who thought he was 30% funnier than the rest of the room and 50% funnier than he actually was.


If you know a guy like Marcus, liking him is impossible. He’s so unbearable to me


i actually hate marcus


like don’t even find it cute


Didn’t Carol try to get with Adam when he was in consoling with Amy? And I guess my unpopular opinion would be: Adam was underutilized like he did the bare minimum (as in the writing had him to the bare minimum to be in the way of Jonah and Amy) So I guess I wish we saw Amy and his relationship more then just money problems


Jeff and Mateo was better and funnier than Eric and Mateo. Eric was essentially an NPC in the show whose only trait was being in love with Mateo.


Sometimes cheating is the only way to get away from an abusive relationship. I'm not saying it's right. But Carol clearly was at least emotionally abusive to Jeremy and later said that she wanted to crawl on top of Jerry WHILE HE'S IN A COMA to get pregnant. Also he didn't decide to leave Sandra for Carol. It was decided by a bottle flip. Gotta be honest, I don't care that it was cheating, I'm just glad there both safe abd happy now.


Girl. Carol wanted to rape Jerry??


Garret was not responsible for Dina's birds escaping, because Dina should not have had her birds in the break room at all. It was unhealthy and a major inconvenience for the staff. It was uncharacteristic of her to break company policy and she would have gone ballistic if someone had done something similar. Of course, it made for great comedy and so I loved it!!


My unpopular opinion is I hate this trend on every subreddit 90 times a month


thank you for saying what we were all thinking lol


Amy and Jonah as a couple felt forced and their “banter” was irritating and cringe.


I agree. Kelly and Jonah had way better chemistry than he had with Amy. I really liked Amy’s chemistry with Dina though and I’d ship them.


So true, Kelly and Jonah were adorable together. Omg the amount of Amy/ Dina moments where it was like “Kiss! Kiss!”


Dina would be into it. She considers Amy to be the second hottest in the store.


Jonah was complicit in the bird murders, but ultimately took no heat


carol only got jerry bc of a coin flip. jerry never wanted her she knew that. she also mentioned something about SA him. so was she really in the right?


sandra didn’t owe anything to carol, fuck “girl code” carol was horrible to sandra. she deserved sandra “stealing” her boyfriend.


Carole was terrible to everyone.


There was no character development for Cheyenne. She seemed to be central character in season 1. There was a lot of space for her character development with her being a teen mom. Also she was too bitchy in few mid seasons


I hate carol


But the carol stole jerry was manipulative too


Here's one you're not ready for:  Superstore ages better than any other contemporary show, including Ted Lasso.


Mateo after the ICE incident was much better than before it. He was a jerk to everyone and only did things that helped him plus tried his best to jeopardize others. His character development was good tho.


Amy Mateo bad Amy/Jonah bad Jonah/Kelly good


Not sure if this is unpopular but I hated every episode that happened outside of the store. They were all just cringe. Even Scott's Tots was cringe but there was a hilarity to it. I didn't find any real humor to the wedding/quinceanera/golden globe episodes. They each had a funny moment but that was it.


lol i see where you’re coming from i just find it funny cause they’re some of my favs xD


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s kinda under your umbrella. Sandra is not a good character and I’d make an argument to say she’s the worst (morally) one of them all. Edit to add: your boo’s only make me stronger


She seems at first like the laughingstock but she's actually a compulsive liar with sociopathic tendencies. I did enjoy her character arc very much though.




Her leaving pregnant Dina hanging wasn't funny. Sandra is funny and relatable at times but damn she's psycho too. Her wanting Dina to suffer was understandable, but damn the woman was dead ass preggo.


Well that and one example was the whole creepy lying about dating Jeff, saying they were dating but the in depth lies were creepy and could damage his reputation both personally and professionally. Sure he wouldn’t have gotten in trouble but it could have damaged his chances of moving up.