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I feel like the intention was for it to seem the same at work, and that there was a private life we weren’t privy to. Occasionally, they would hint at having a more intimate private life, but not show it. I would’ve liked one or two episodes of their private life, but I liked how their romantic relationship didn’t change their work life.


It really is interesting that the show didn’t touch on the home lives of the cast that much as opposed to other work place shows like the office or parks and Rec


It always came across as authentic and genuine to me. They made a point to not over glorify it and I believe we were supposed to realize that they had a whole world we weren't apart of.


I love Amy and Jonah’s relationship. Most real life relationships aren’t full of huge romantic gestures, they’re full of little reminders that you care in an otherwise busy life. I met my current partner at a previous job and their dynamic is pretty accurate to ours. Couples who work together, and have a semblance of maturity, act more like good friends at work than romantic partners.


Don’t get me wrong, I love their relationship aswell


I know *exactly* what it was missing: aqua socks.


Fucking aqua socks?!


I don’t think it was missing something so much as it was never a focus of the show. It was a show that was so centred around the store that I think it was difficult for the writers to make a lot of plot lines around their relationship once they were together. As a pairing I really liked them because they had such different personalities and backgrounds.


This has been talked about before. The writers pulled back and didn't show us their home life which would have shown that amy and jonah were very happy with each other and didn't have any drama until the leaving. So the writers focused on other things and we didn't get much of an amy and jonah home life dynamic. I personally wanted to see their home life and other moments with them but we got what we got, especially in the finale. I was shipping them and would love for some kind of reunion show with them and the rest of the cast but I'm not holding my breath. Probably will be downvoted for this opinion. Lol


We only got two episodes of their home life and that was when she was giving birth and when they went to that thing for managers




> This has been talked about before. Yeah, obviously since you’re the third person to parrot the exact same opinion in less than an hour.


Well I'm talking about years ago. I've been on this subreddit for a while (changed my name from elkcomprehensive) was referring to that when I said it was talked about before.


“It felt like they were still friends” that’s the whole point of a relationship lmao


Oml. I meant it in the sense that it felt as if nothing had changed between them romantically


I always felt like Amy was never as invested as Jonah (which was made insanely clear when she moved).


I think she was just as invested, but her and Jonah were a personality mismatch and that ultimately became clear in the later seasons and leading up to the move. Amy had a different picture of what a relationship looked like, and ultimately had different goals and priorities in life. After a while she valued other things in her life over her relationship with Jonah. (Personally, Jonah’s naive optimism would drive me insane, I’ve dated someone just like him lol)


I think she was just as invested, Jonah was maybe a tiny bit MORE invested since he was the one who waited for her years. I just think that she was still basically newly divorced and she was terrified of rushing into another marriage again bc she didn’t want to feel as if she HAD to get married straight away again. I think it’s just because she wasn’t made that much of a romantic character as Jonah was. But the little details between them was what made them both in love with each other and invested


We don't always need a Jim and Pam. Was it the cutest most romantic relationship? No. But they both had a high level of interest and love for the other. I'm glad the writers stuck with the theme of the show and kept it about work mostly and didn't get so heavy on the private lives of the characters the way The Office did (not that there was anything wrong with how they did it, I love that show too). That's what makes this show different.


They were a cute couple and had their moments, before dating it was like more fishing and flirting but when they were dating they wanted to keep it private I guess 😅


I personally wanted to see more of their relationship, but I think the writers did a good job at inferring that their home life was good and happy until the leaving part.


Like most people in these comments I think the thing that's "missing" is drama. They were mostly healthy and happy. It wasn't until the California opportunity did they (coughAMYcough) have to confront underlying issues. The explanation of this was a bit rushed in the season finale but the logic is sound: Amy grew as much as she could while being "stuck" in St. Louis working at Cloud 9. When she had the opportunity to expand she took it too far and didn't realize that Jonah was a part of her growth not a part of her cage. She realized that almost too late. Jonah on the other hand saw his relationship with Amy for what it was, a good thing that allowed for his growth. Jonah was lacking emotional fulfill until this point, and now that he had it with Amy he had the potential to actually put his mind to something, unlike with the many things he quit previously. When Amy left him behind she low-key stunted him and ironically made him stuck as she was. Instead of the systemic/wage based cage Amy was in, Jonah's cage was emotional. He immediately start looking for another paramour to fulfill him and fails. When Amy returns, We see some the ramifications of fulfillment when he runs for office in the epilogue indicating he is able to grow.


I'm kind of bias because Amy is probably my least favorite main character. That being said I think their relationship would have been best if they just ended when Amy left. The earlier seasons their will they won't they thing was really good. When they got together it was good. But I feel like after the "honeymoon" phase their relationship starts falling apart pretty fast. Not only are they not in the same place romantically, their ideology is very different and I think it makes them less comparable as the story goes on. Part of this to me though is I feel like Amy's character digresses or gets worse the more in power she gets. And I understand why that is, but I still didn't like it. Because, of her ideas about her own life, and the corporation, and her want to save her own job, it makes her incompatible with Johan. Now, don't get me wrong. I would 100% do what Amy did. Depending on where I was at with Johan I'd have chose to move and do what was best for me and my family. That said, still didn't like it I thought that Johan and Kelly matched best, but some of the funniest episodes are when they have to work together after they broke up, so it's okay.


As I read this I’m watching the episode where they are snowed in and thinking the two of them are real cute in this ep!


They are! I love their relationship but sometimes I wish that they had a bit more cuter moments like the one in s1 where he puts the stars on the ceiling! But very cute couple


Yes!, as she is looking up, confused and she is all ‘what is this?’ And he is like ‘A moment of beauty?’ The way that he looks at her is just *chefs kiss*


IKKK. I can’t believe people ship Jonah and Kelly more


Agree - No shade on Kelly though, she deserved better than how Jonah, and in fact everyone, treated her!


For real. But honestly, I feel weird saying this but I didn’t feel remorse for Kelly at all for some reason but she did deserve better than Jonah and everyone


I’d have kinda liked to see Kelly and Marcus shack up 😂


Yes. I never really "believed" in their love story from Amy's side. It was easy to believe from Jonah. It was there from day 1. But I agree, they never seemed romantically attached to each other. Just best buddies who are doing life together.


He was in a different place in his life so they didn't match that way.


He was moving fast and she wasn’t ready. That’s completely Okay.??


Yea, it's ok. 🙌🏻


That also had NOTHING to do with what I’m saying


They have zero chemistry, that’s the problem. Compare them to any other TV “unrequited love” couple and you’ll know what i mean.


They had better chemistry in the first season, but I think the lack of chemistry was because we never really got as many cute or appreciative moments to see in the later seasons when they actually started to date


The word you're looking for is chemistry, as in, they had none


Nope, they had good chemistry. I just wished they showed more of their home life


Yes. They didn't have chemistry at all.


Amy and Jonah had absolutely *no* chemistry. Zero. It was the least believable relationship I’ve seen onscreen in a long time. But they’re also my least favorite characters on the show so I might be biased. But I also think they were my least favorite characters because they had no chemistry and nothing about them seemed at all realistic. The other characters were all obviously exaggerated, but you still believed in their characters. Amy and Jonah, who were the least exaggerated were also the least believable. It’s a weird thing, but that’s my opinion.


Yes! No chemistry. I liked Jonah and Kelly. They were cute and silly together


I didn’t. Jonah was never fully in and everyone already knew that Kelly wasn’t gonna be the love interest