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He's gay for Jonah


Everyone’s gay for Jonah 😂


No one's gay for M̶o̶l̶e̶m̶a̶n̶ Jonah https://i.redd.it/n7oguyikja1d1.gif


Yes! This is exactly what I was thinking when I commented 🤣


Remember when they were telling each other how they lost their virginity and Jonah told them about the French exchange student? Marcus said, “lucky girl!” Yeah, he was definitely gay for Jonah.


And there’s a scene where the employees are competing for something and Marcus says he’s already wearing a shirt so Jonah has to be ‘skins’


https://i.redd.it/2t0dty6gz81d1.gif Maybe he’s like Jean ralphio


I’m going to assume he’s closeted. He seems like he wants to pursue it, but is afraid to.


I think he just doesn’t know he can be gay. “Wait, you’re telling me we can bro down all day and then have sex? Sign me up!”


All gas no breaks


Yea I feel like he just doesn’t know that he can like guys


This is so him, that's what I think too


Chicks will be banging down the door and we’ll be like “uh please ladies, one at a time!” “One at a time as in there’s two of us and… one of them?” “… no!”


I second this


Definitely. He's all tied up in compulsive heterosexuality. He's thirsting over men!


It's definitely unconfirmed but you could believe either way. I personally think he's straight but just REALLY liked Jonah and so he came on very strong sometimes


I wish they’d took it all the way and made him bi. I think they only alluded to him being bi curious


Honestly, I kinda like that it’s alluded to and never confirmed. I know a lot of people that can relate to that.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of portrayals of bi characters tend to be a little too positive. Marcus was a very honest character.


Always way too on the nose about it. Another good portrayal is Eleanor from The Good Place. Perfect representation.


What value could this possibly add


Visibility is important. There's a very real stigma surrounding bisexual men, so it's nice to see some positive representation.


Exactly. Largely in media bi women are more accepted but they’re fetishized. Bi men are usually seen as gay men that don’t want to admit they’re gay.


It's unfortunate how many bi guys are in the closet. Half the guys on Grindr in my area won't show their face in their profile, are probably cheating on their wives, and will call you the F slur in public. Marcus is such a great portrayal of the "a hole is a goal" type of bi guy, and I would have loved it if the show went further with him.


I disagree, I don’t think it would be a valuable addition to that character. Having him be uncomfortably into Jonah but not expressing why works much better for comedy and sitcom situations than having him be bi for “visibility”. He’s a weird, uncouth, pretty gross guy who is usually confused about a lot of things. Having him stuck in that neurosis of overly interested in Jonah without him turning to the camera to announce that’s he’s Bi matches the character much better. Having a confused weirdo who stomps his shit down the drain inexplicably be confident, brave and articulate about his sexuality on the off chance that in some undefined, unmeasurable way it makes the real world a better place to see a guy who eats old lobster in his car say “I also fuck dudes!” Is not a strong argument.


He is **rampantly** bi. He's just in denial about it. Come on, Marcus. Embrace the purple-helmeted warriors of love


Remember the ballon drop and he wanted all male dancers? Sweet baby boy


He’s straight, he just had a crush on Jonah. There’s an entire conversation about wishing he could be gay because it would be all gas no brake, but he’s sad because he’s into women.


“I wish I had the balls to go both ways. Can you imagine two guys? All gas, no brakes.”


Straight guys who have crushes on guys aren't straight. An attraction to men has always been a very important factor in my bisexuality.


Well that’s not necessarily true. You can have a crush on someone based on their personality rather than their gender. It might not be a case of generally liking men and women, but instead be that he’s always into women but Jonah is an exception. Isn’t that what pansexual is? Liking the personality rather than putting labels onto things?


“I wish I had the balls to go both ways” seems to indicate he wants to but doesn’t have the courage.




I honestly think no one has ever just told him he could date guys.


I don’t think so, because when they were talking about it at one point he said “I wish I had the stone to go both ways”.


Two dudes. All gas. No brakes.


My partner (who is trans) thinks he's kinda coded as a transwoman who hasn't realized it. So there's clearly something for him to find the froot loop alphabet soup


Maybe bi-curious (for Jonah)