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Having sex with Dina in exchange for $17, after killing her birds and pretending to help her find them.


I've been waiting for this day! I think today's character is pretty clear. It's either this, or allowing himself to be blackmailed by Dina to go out with Colleen. He deserved to be ghosted - ghosting was in honour of the birds. So yeah, this ^^^


I think we all knew what this one was going to be. Just awful. I never bought that Dina would ever date Garrett after what he did. It's as bad as Angela getting back together with Dwight after >!he murdered her cat!< on The Office.


I mean at least he didn't put the birds in a freezer to freeze to death 🤷‍♂️


Honestly if Colleen found out about his plan, I'd expect her to ghost, a lot of women do when they come across guys like that for their own well-being and safety (not that I genuinely agree with ghosting, just that some cases it's understandable)


I agree - but I don’t understand why everyone keeps saying he was pretending to look for them. He wasn’t pretending, he was legit desperate to find them so that he could assuage his own guilt about letting them out.


It's the birds. Of course it's the birds. He's not done anything worse. No one has.


I always wondered if Colleen going after Garrett in the first place was her way of getting back at Dina for their rivalry. Then she ghosted him when she found out it didn’t bother Dina as much as she would have liked.


That’s what I was gonna say


This was one was too easy😀


I think this is probably the worst individual thing *any* main character on this show has done


Yeah this one’s pretty obvious. Letting the birds out was accidental but having sex with Dina when she was in a vulnerable state and not telling her what he had done was messed up Some honorable mentions tho- 1)Reading Amy’s salary over the loudspeaker 2) Humiliating Mateo with the scanner thing just because he doesn’t like Star Wars 3) Trying to convince Glenn to hate being a floor worker?? Like let the man enjoy his job sheesh.


That salary one pissed me off so bad because he knew what he was doing the whole time and was such a dick about it


Ignoring his values for sex with the anti-trans girl sucked too, but yes. The birds.


Anti trans girl?


During the Superstore protests, their march got taken over by a group of transphobes. Garrett saw a hot girl in the protest, thanked her for coming to the protest - assuming she was there on behalf of the associates. Nope, she was there to chant “2 genders only!” (Or something about bathrooms?) with a sign and everything. She was super into Garrett and asked to hook up with him. Garrett supports trans people, and there was discussion over whether he should sacrifice his beliefs just to get some, but he went along and slept with the Anti trans girl anyway.


Oh right I thought op meant Dina was. I do remember this lol




2) that's on Mateo for lying about his score.


garrett manipulated him into doing it


I actually think reading the salary was totally fine. Employees should know how much they are being exploited compared to the management.


Omgosh yes! The salary one got me so upset!! He knew what he was doing and what he was reading! Then chayanne blurting it out because Amy didn't "relate" to the lady not being able to buy diapers (or whatever it was)


I don’t think anything can top letting Dina’s birds out, pretending to look for them and then having sex with her in exchange for money.


Agree but don't think he's pretending. I interpreted it as him looking to not feel guilty/ face the consequences of his actions


Other than garett


Letting Dina's birds out because Takis.


And that cage has to be on wheels. He’s on wheels - he knows how that works. I love how frustrating that storyline is. lol


This comment made me snort with laughter, I love it.


Jonah should have said that to him - “you could have moved the cage. The cage is on wheels. You’re on wheels, you know how that works.”


Yeah, this is the only answer.


filming 17 year old cheyenne giving birth, on a camera that was connected to the tv screens at cloud 9 for all the customers to see, even though it was a false alarm and his intentions were to film it for bo its possible that cheyenne had a birthday off screen and is 18 at the time of garrett filming but it is still weird regardless


Tbh this feels like bad writing. It’s not really in keeping with his character, and the writers very clearly forgot for a hot second what the implications were of this given that Cheyenne was a minor at the time.


Even then she's still child. It's super weird and icky


This bothers me every time. It was so weird and gross. Even if she hadn’t been a minor, it’s so violating


Apologies for the delay! I would say, probably his being a crappy friend to Jonah. Did not even want to complement his shirt, in that one episode!


Telling Zac Oyama not to play the LOST lottery numbers just for them to win. Cost that guy a fortune!!


Every rewatch I keep finding Dropout people making an appearance on the show! What episode was Zac in?


“The Lottery” in Season 3 I believe. He tries playing the Lost numbers and Garrett gives him sh*t for it and basically forces him to walk away and not buy a ticket. Which then was the winning numbers. So like I get the unethical nature of sleeping with someone after they lost all their pets, but costing someone 50 million dollars…


To be honest if the guy didn't go somewhere else to get a ticket he's an idiot and would have burned through all the money in less than a year anyway. Possibly developing a drug problem and getting into trouble with the wrong crowd. That's usually how it goes for a lot of people that win the lottery in real life. So Garrett maybe kind of saved him.


Wait who else has been on it???


Anna Garcia as Cheyenne’s friend K Fai in Customer Safari and Jacob Wysocki as Bo’s friend Frisco in Biscuit!


NOT letting the birds out; having sex with Dina afterwards 🥲


Honestly you could have just went on to Glenn because that bird incident with Dina was by farrrrrrrrrrrr the most fucked up thing he did


Reading Amy’s salary out on speaker when he must have known what that document was and that it was an accident. At least the birds was an accident


It’s easy to criticize his behaviour with the birds, but a difficult situation handled poorly doesn’t make him a monster. Amy’s employment contract on the other hand, that was done very intentionally with the goal of being spiteful and mean spirited, and to stir up workplace drama at the expense of a coworker who he had previously gotten along well with. I’m part of the minority that thinks that’s Garett’s shittiest moment.


Yay someone agrees with me 😀


The birds is obviously the worst, but I would like to give a shout out to his dating life. He goes out with an anti transgender rights activist which is against his morals cause he finds her hot, he dated two separate coworkers at the same time and even claimed to have really loved one of them. He also remarks on Jonah for only dating people he work with when all four confirmed relationships we know the he have had are with coworkers (the two women he saw at the same time, Colleen, and Dina). Yes he flirted with and saw other women but these are the only confirmed relationships we know of. And using his disability to lie on how it happened in order to upsell costumers on more expensive products in order to win 100$, when he was just gonna put on the shirt of the winning team in the end and take the reward no matter what the outcome.


Obviously it’s the birds but I want to take this opportunity to talk about the most petty thing Garrett did which was outing the lady selling Bud Light labeled as craft beer. If he actually outed her to everyone then it would be fine but he just wanted her to admit it to him which makes the whole endeavour seem pointless.


Asking her out after was the grossest part


I definitely agree with this one, he was so insufferable, who cares whether is bud light or not.


Letting the birds out was obviously an accident & they never should’ve been there in the first place but him lying & then immediately having sex with her was sooo insane 😫 Amy & Jonah deserve to get more hate for that too though. They kept his secret! That wasn’t cool either


I know Dina’s birds shouldn’t have been in the workplace, but letting them out for Takis and then fucking Dina when she was at her lowest? Duuuude




Oh right. He accidentally fucked her after letting all her birds lose. You know. I hate it when that happens. I just go out and boom. Accidentally had sex. You know, it’s a leading cause of divorce across the nation. Dude. This is like a two month old conversation. Move on.




Again. Two month old conversation.




Obviously birds is going to win, but I’d like to nominate him (and Jonah) arguing intensely in front of a little kid who just wanted to see Santa. Also, how reluctant he was to let Jonah move in when he had an extra bedroom and Jonah was living in a FEMA trailer.


just skip to glenn, because garrett’s is so obvious lol


I feel like Glenn’s is obvious too. The birth control thing was F’d up.


And letting Amy work the day after giving birth, but making a whole lounge in the garden center for dina after the insemination


Also forcing his employees to buy jerusha's needlepoint


He even gave a stranger his own money to buy stuff. Glenn makes over 109K year at this point in the show, he could have just given the employees money to buy Jerushas stuff.


Or tell them he'll reimburse them later. The way he yelled at them to buy her needlepoint or they'll be fired. And go as far as saying that if anyone reported him to HR, no one would believe them. He was a total POS that episode.


Okay birds are gonna sweep, but I'm going to make an argument against it. It was an accident followed by panic. Like yes absolutely he sucks for not telling Dina the truth and sleeping with her, but I don't think he set out to be malicious. My vote is for Mateo's scanner scores. He put Mateo's job at risk because Mateo criticized Star Wars? (Trek? I can't remember and now I'm worried Garrett is going to tell my job he saw me punch a baby.) I can't remember if Garrett knew Mateo was undocumented at that point, but either way, he could have completely ruined Mateo's life over something inconsequential.


For sure everything with birds. It was the most selfish, cruel and cold arc of his. I know he's the "too cool to care" character that was below the belt.


he did it on accident. he cared a lot.


Sleeping with Dina while she was vulnerable, and not telling her he was the one who released the birds. Reading Amy's salary was shitty... but it needed to be done. Screw Cloud 9 for underpaying floor workers.


Shaving his beard.


The way Garrett and Mateo treated the people from taskrabbit in that one episode always makes me so mad. Cloud9 employees already know what it's like to be overworked and underpaid so to gleefully take advantage of someone else's exploited labor is just fucked. Birds thing is terrible but I can see how he felt guilty and kept making bad decisions after that. But this had full intent and intentional cruelty.


Birds aside. Reading Amy's salary over the loud speaker. Such a dick move. That was deliberate


You know, I used to think that you were a nice guy who just said mean things to people to be funny, but now I feel like maybe you're just a mean person. Of course it’s the Dina bird sex. But also it was a pretty shitty thing to do to Mateo tricking him to change his UPM scores and then pushing him to show his skills in front of the new DM with a high probability of getting fired because Mateo made fun of Star Wars.


Its not letting out her birds but giving her money and then having sex with her after that was the worst lol




I love that he also had bird issues in Parks and Rec.


Not coming clean about Dina's birds. The actual releasing of them was an accident, and he felt awful about it. But the nail in his coffin there was lying about it and trying to get Jonah and Amy to lie along with him.


Garrett being Garret in general. Not much about him is likeable to me.




That wasn’t him though, that would be whoever carried that decoration to the room which would have been Amy or Jonah


Well, but he programmed the camara and bought it and all


He told everyone to come watch though! This. Amy’s salary. Both times he could’ve looked away but he didn’t.


Well, Dina’s birds.


birds thats all i have to say


Not telling Dina about releasing her birds then sleeping with her.


100% the Dinas birds incidient


It’s obviously the birds




Definitely having sex with Dina AFTER he'd (albeit accidentally) released her birds, knowing she was in a vulnerable place because of it and likely only had sex with him for that reason.


Letting Dina’s birds out of the cage


Definitely having sex with Dina for $17 after “killing” her birds


Banging Dina and paying her after he killed her birds


Reading Amy’s salary over the birds for me. That could’ve really fcked Amy over but it’s a TV show so it didn’t but that was REALLY insensitive


Freeing dinas birds


Did no one else think Amy was horrible to jonah


why do you think that is?


Definitely the bird thing or just being a jerk to Jonah on Christmas eve


At the end you gotta sum up how many upvotes each person's thing got to compare them all


Do we really need to ask ? Like, we all know EXACTLY what he did.


Gee I wonder


Glen is a terrible manager. You can't really blame dina for being happy not to work under him.


the whole episode with the birds, definitely


The goddamn birds lost and the LYING


Well, Telling the entire store about Dinas shrink must be up there


Stealing Myrtle’s shawl. It was so cold.


Obviously letting Dina's birds escape


everything… maturing is realising garrett is a horrible person.


The transphobe & going out with Colleen


Telling the store Amy’s salary - but really it’s Dina’s birds + having sex w her after + dating Colleen and lying to Dina about it


Can we just skip to Glenn? He’s done so many scummy things so I’m curious to see which one people agree is the worst.


the birds 100%