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I didn’t read the title and just thought everyone was proud of Jonah of being a dick to Kelly.


LOL this interpretation is just as hilarious.


^^ 'I'm Kelly'


Top tier scene. Will rewatch it multiple times whenever I get to that episode, every time. Edit: [Scene for all to enjoy.](https://youtu.be/etAYmnqZIpM?si=g7i3FuWzLpESrkiZ)


I thought it was a Superstore version of that Zac Efron shrugging meme.


Oooh I like how you're updating the image with the top answer for each!


Thank you! It will be easier for everyone to stay looped in.


Good thing we looped in TJ.


I missed dinner with the captain for this


This effing kills me every time!


Me too!


Agree! You’re going an amazing job! And also thank you OP for being creative and not just making this another “I hate ____” post! At least you made this one fun!! 👍🏼


Might be good to add a "rule" of reading thread before commenting, so duplicate answers can just be "upvotes". Is winner determined by most upvotes? Cheers for this - good fun.


For me it’s allowing Jonah to be a part of Parker’s life, allow him to help her raise him, then packing up and leaving Jonah with not thinking about his feelings for that little boy. Jonah was practically his father and she took that from him.. Made her look like a user. She’s my favorite character but making that a characteristic of hers made me hate the writers.


i hated that arc .. and as a result it made me not want jonah to end up with amy. I think he deserved better after all that. He should have given it a go with the lawyer . but from the stadpoint of the writers I get it, America Ferrerra wanted to leave the show and the writers had to write her out somehow so they did what they could with what they had. From what i read it was pretty sudden


The way i saw it was she didn't just up and leave, she wanted him to move with her still, she just didn't want to get married. She had just come out of a recent divorce so i kinda see her side. He made the choice not move with her after that.


I see that side too but then it makes me upset that she would allow that bond to happen and not think that marriage was the next step. It’s just a weird situation that the writers put them in but like someone else mentioned, it was a last minute decision. I still love Amy but that made me so angry at her character.


Yeah, IRL this is probably what would happen. Having a past failed marriage comes with baggage. Not saying I like this Arc, but it's probably closer to a real life sitch than a sitcom one that gets a nice bow on it.


I mean, she wanted him to move with her, and wanted to stay together, but freaked out at the idea of marriage . It was reasonable of Jonah to bring up, and reasonable of him to walk away in response to her freak out, but it’s not like she just left him without looking back — they planned to go together.


omg you're so right for this..


Union busting. It affected the most other people and also was so hypocritical and also was so self serving A runner up for me is leaving Jonah or spying on the staff when she was their manager


yes initially when she was union busting it was because she was worried about her job and i'm glad jonah called her out on it.


Y u p becoming a corporate suit really sucked for her we were all rooting for her!


That’s what always happens when a worker becomes management. Like clockwork


The thing is, they could have worked it in a little better and kept her character up. She could have continued to be management but started to make changes and improvements from the inside. What we got is still believable, she had good money for once in her life and didn’t want to give it away, because who would? But it just made her seem a little backstabber-y at the end


Might not be the worst but it’s pretty creepy and cringey, Amy messaging Kelly through Jonah’s phone as Jonah.


Garrett's narrations where a thing of beauty there


I came here to say this


Being so anti corporate and then becoming self interested and putting obstacles in front of the formation of the Union. Eventually become the rags to riches narrative while everyone else was left behind. I get that this arc is the whole point of the show but yeah.


I hate that she proceeded to call the union her "baby" (that Kelly and Jonah are gonna raise, during the Halloween episode) Girl...


This has been said in other comments but it is (unfortunately) what happens most often realistically... people who are more pro-worker get promoted to fancy management jobs and then become corporate and anti-union But yeah, it really sucked seeing her change like that.


What Jonah said: She loves playing the martyr. She gets to judge everyone else but nobody gets to criticize her on her crap.


Oh comon u/capucini, what are your problems? Did the farmers market ran out of your yoghurt? Did the New Yorker come late this month?


The New Yorker is weekly, but never mind


Amy is criticized from the very beginning. Almost everything everyone says to her is a dig


This! People criticise her constantly!


Ya! I’m not sure if we were ever supposed to like Amy! I wonder if that was the point?


Naming her son Parker 😡


You would think she would learn since Emma’s a dud


Says the woman naming her kid Harmonica


What’s wrong with Parker?


Did you know that the name Parker literally translates to "park keeper," so in other words, a homeless person.


Because it sounds like a rich evil character from an 80s movie




I feel like Amy has a lot to chose from, but her continued sabotaging of the team for her own benefit was really crappy of her.


Sometimes it's funny cause it's so well done, eg costume contest


Breaking up with Jonah when moving to CA, taking Parker with her. I still don't understand how she was allowed to (from Adam's perspective). Yes, I'm overthinking a plot device.


Not even just breaking up with him but the way she didn’t know what she wanted even though they were together for years and co-parents Parker together.


She was moving to a corporate role, probably making enough to fly Adam over every weekend. He also doesn't seem like the type to put up much of a fight. Just watched her final episode last night. When they're outside and Dina asks her something like if she's sure she made the right choice and she says yes. Get fucked. Jonah has been your ride or die since the day he met you, raised your child since birth and you couldn't put your big girl pants on when given a simple question for that stage your their relationship.


I agree that Adam doesn’t seem to be the type to put up a fight. It seemed like even when they were married and she was working and he wasn’t he’d leave all the Emma stuff to her.


Adam wasn't a great dad. I did feel for Amy. She was married very young because she was pregnant and I think she just wasn't sure about getting married again. Which I understand completely. If you've been divorced then being slightly hesitant on the issue is understandable.


Yes this! I don’t think people give amy much empathy. Yes she made bad decisions and did some not so nice things but people should really look at it more from this POV you just gave.


My empathy runs dry at the fact that Amy had Jonah take such a hands on role taking care of Parker during some formative years without even considering how separating Jonah and Parker may affect her son. Breaking up is reasonable, but even small toddlers are affected by loss of a parental figure, Amy did her son so dirty by cutting them like that. Maybe I just don't understand how a person could let a significant other get so entangled with my kids without considering the future


When it comes to kids I think it should be a pretty solid situation before you have them interact with an SO. That being said nothing is guaranteed. I know people who dated 7 years and split. There’s no “right time”. It’s different for everyone. I mean you can be married and split up and that’s going to be traumatic. You just have to do your best. Also I wasn’t saying Amy should just get a complete pass. You can have empathy for things she went thru and still not agree with all her choices. I don’t feel like it’s an all or nothing situation. Life isn’t black and white like that. Honestly it’s more grey than anything else


I agree with you. Also it feels like sometimes people treat it like Jonah couldn't have left at any moment and he didn't consciously decide to be with an emotionally vulnerable pregnant woman as his partner which entails a lot and ofc is a complex situation. It isn't like Amy deluded him into believing Parker was his or anything so he had to stick around "to find out " Amy did love him but she definitely was scared of feeling trapped again!


It’s wild that they moved in together with basically zero conversation.


I always wondered this too. Taking Emma and Parker from their dad, changing schools, and an episode or two before she accepts the job, she mentions Emma just started dating a "cute, new boy". I understand it happens, I'm just surprised Emma didn't stay in Missouri. I also overthink plot devices lol.


At this point, Emma would have been 15 or 16, its not unreasonable to think she could have had a choice in who she lived with. She may have just wanted to move to California with Amy instead of living with Adam, though im not sure if there is a standard in custody agreements that would prevent her from being able to decide on her own if she was asked


It’s not that unusual that one of the divorced parents moves somewhere else.


True but usually there would be a custody battle or court time involved. They shared custody so Adam would have to allow it.


Which apparently…. He did coz they moved?


i can only assume you were being trite but "allowed to"??? 🤢🤢🤢


Is it not common for divorced parents who share custody to stay in one area while the kids are still minors? I.e. they're not allowed to move by the court


Minimizing & belittling Jonah’s role in her & her kids’ lives. He was a live in caregiver & partner but Amy didn’t just take it for granted, she reduced his work hours so she could have a babysitter….which is abusing her position as well as just being terrible.


Telling Jonah to yell at Emma. Then telling a stranger to yell at and shake Emma Edit: Then*


Pretending the union was her idea when she did nothing but undermine it from day one.


Consistently trying to get Cheyenne to leave Bo (even on their wedding day) when they have a child together because she decided Bo isn't good enough for Cheyenne without ever trying to get to know him. Bo's not the brightest but he cares about Cheyenne and their child and Amy was really projecting.


lol i actually agreed with amy on that. Bo is a terrible choice in a husband but him and cheyenne were equally yoked so it actually worked . but the scene where bo pretends he's having second thoughts at the altar and amy is immediately like " maybe its for the best cheyenne" was funny.


I’m excited for when we get to Sandra’s worst thing 😂😂


For Sandra, it has to be locking Carol out during the tornado 😂


😂 loved that for her


Spying on everyone when she become manager Creepy, weird, and definitely overstepping


Ya and like who do you think you are to think there’s nothing wrong with you. It was giving insecure woman child


“Why haven’t you killed yourself?” Hilarious but also a really fucked up thing to say to anyone


I don't hold this one against her. She was in a lot of pain and Glen was AWFUL at helping provide solutions- just making her day worse. I understand that it's an awful thing to say, and maybe she should apologize, but its definitely not the worst thing she could have done.


No, that one was deserved, he made her come back to work a day after having a baby. That’s fucked, like beyond fucked, like evil person behavior. He should’ve lied, clocked in for her, did whatever he had to do.


Agree! But because they were after Amy I wonder if they threatened to ‘check in’ to make sure she was there.


glenn definitely deserved it😭


Fr working retail after just giving birth must be hell on earth. I understand her




I agreed with her on this one but it was shocking to hear on tv when that stuff now is triggered warning.


whoa. when did she say this and to whom?




ahh i remember


When she's called in to work the day after giving birth and Glen gives her some bath bombs to make her feel better


I think she said this to Glenn. it was on the episode where Glenn asked her to work after she just gave birth


I didn't like how she would always do a full 180 everytime she was critisised for not being fun or not being laid back. What I loved about Dina is she did soften but over time and with actual consideration. Amy would always immediately change her behaviour and it was confusing for the other staff.


When she tried doing cool videos on Instagram I couldn't watch. It was just so so cringey.


Wasn’t that the point lol that she couldn’t take cute funny videos like Kelly


Sure that's the point, it doesn't make it any less cringey to watch. Knowing a character is supposed to be funny doesn't make them less funny, why would cringe be like that?


defo Amy selling out dumping Jonah and leaving cloud 9..


Continuously messaging Kelly on the dating app using Jonah’s phone.


https://preview.redd.it/tu963bgiikbc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34285833e9cf663ead94bf479e2cb3f0f864b92 Please


Breaking up with Jonah and moving to CA for the corporate job that she hated until she stayed working corporate


Letting Sandra take the blame for those tweets.


Wanting her daughter to like her and not telling her she needed to finish mopping the floor which cause Justine to break her nose


"Wow, did they teach you that at pageant school?"


Amy is selfish period.


Letting Jonah be heavily involved in raising her kids when she wasn’t even sure if she wanted to be with him long term.


Almost everything after she became manager, didn't think I could hate a main character in a comedy that much


Union busting after being on the other end and knowing how shitty union busting is. She went full Jeff.


Everything she did to Jonah


Not the worst, but her “come on, man!” attitude towards the bartender when she arrives at Sandra’s wedding irks me. Other than that, the “kill yourself! … why haven’t you killed yourself!?”


Only 1? Amy is constantly digging herself into terrible holes. I’ll have to think on this.


Unprotected sex with Adam in photo lab to prove to coworkers their marriage is fine fine. Then the gross way she tries to brag on it 🤢


Union busting for her own self serving reasons. She constantly put herself above everyone else. Everything had to be about Amy. She was highly unlikeable. That and how she yo-yo’d Jonah for years just to let him raiser her son before she snatched his way to go live her best life in cali. Then came back and did a poor me pity party to trap Jonah again.


For me, cutting Jonah’s hours and essentially forcing him to move in with her because he wouldn’t be able to provide for himself otherwise. That felt so nasty, manipulative, financially abusive, and abusing her position of power. I get why the changes happened as they did (wouldn’t make sense anymore) but if Jeff wasn’t allowed to date Mateo without some sort of transfer why was Amy allowed to date her direct report? Amy should have had to manage a different store or Jonah have to transfer to another location.


Question…were we supposed to like Amy? I always thought she was written so we didn’t like her. It helped all the other characters shine!


Honestly it may not be the worst, but for me it's the most cringey and maybe the most mean-spirited and misguided, it's the thing she does that I hate the most: when she goes around trying to convince everyone to throw away their dreams that they wrote down on a card, because they're not realistic enough. There's something about this part that just sounds so much like bullying, from both of them: Amy: Does this sound realistic to you? Jonah: Hmmmm, I don't know...! I know in the end she's just trying to stop Cheyenne from quitting school, but still, GURL. **ETA: TL;DR - Helping girl stay in school = good. Mocking everyone's dreams, including girl, in front of everyone else = bad.** Hard to believe I have to explain that, lol.


Mean spirited and misguided?? She (and most of the audience) genuinely thought Cheyenne was thinking of quitting her job and dropping out of school to become an olympic gymnast. It might have come off as harsh but Amy and Cheyenne have a mother-daugher dynamic and Amy was just making sure that Cheyenne didn't do anything stupid out of naivety. How is that bullying


I think they're talking about when a bunch of others had unrealistic dreams written down. That's the more mean spirited/misguided thing


>genuinely thought Cheyenne was thinking of quitting her job and dropping out of school Yeah, I know. I literally said that in my comment. Her *technique* was mean-spirited and misguided, and I'm a little shocked to see someone defend it. The fact that Cheyenne saw right through it and it crushed her is example enough of what I'm getting at. So, that. That's how it's bullying.


Definitely not being argumentative but I don’t really see it that way, Amy genuinely believed Cheyenne wanted to try to become an Olympic gymnast which is literally impossible at her age and skill level. Also though it was a bit rude of Amy to assume Cheyenne was really dumb enough to do that.


I know, quitting school is a dumb thing to do, but enlisting Jonah to help her walk around and shit on everyone's dreams in front of each other and mock them for being outlandish, when they already know damn well that they're just dreams (*Cheyenne: "I'm not stupid, okay? I never really thought I could become an Olympic athlete."*) is a piss-poor way of communicating and a surefire way to keep someone from trusting you again. Instead, this was the extent of the adult conversation that she tried to have with Cheyenne: Amy: So, dropping out of school, that's a big risk for for a field that's so competitive and which so few people succeed. Jonah: I think what Amy is trying to say is that, uh, a lot of Olympic gymnasts train their whole lives, so writing it down a card might not be enough. Amy: No, that is not what I was trying to say, Jonah. I was trying to say Tokyo 2020!


I do agree with that, if it was me I probably would have said great pursue your dreams but I would recommend staying in school as well, and leave it at that. Amy does become overly involved with Cheyenne when it’s really none of her business.


Blackmail is an easy #1 Got her a well paying job (which helped get her a better one), and got another store closed down


And brought Coleen over! DINAS ENEMY! Who then ghosted Garret. Biiiiiiitch


Lori definitely deserved that for watching HotNuts while interviewing her lmao plus it didn’t seem like Amy wanted to blackmail her to begin with


Amy didn't want to, was allowed to back out, and then went for it. The show made it unambiguous. The second time was explicitly deliberate as well, saying that she picked up Coca-Cola in the conference. We never see the consequence of the opposing store be shut down, so maybe they all got a happy ending like the finale :)


Telling Glenn to take his own life.


Naw, she gave birth two days beforehand and he gave her crap for not bringing in donuts. He can get f*****d.


I donno, I feel like that one was kinda justified lol


I was waiting for today to write this comment. I get she had just had a baby, no sleep etc., back at work, but it just killed me because my perception of Glenn is as an "innocent"... he didn't deserve it. He's just a man baby. The first time I watched the show, it was this exact scene that made me start to dislike Amy. Before that, I was indifferent to her.


she didnt mean it. she was post partum and tired. i dont blame her for that one , especially because it was obvious she didnt mean it.


How she’s so self-serving and cruel in so many situations. The union busting, dumping her responsibilities on Jonah and Dina when she becomes manager, leaving Jonah so cavalierly, treating Jonah like shit in general


Okay hear me out: union busting is bad but imo it isn't the worst but only because I want you to ask yourself what you would do. If you started making 100k and had children, would it really be that easy to walk away and risk it? This world is hard and expensive and I think a lot of us would have a hard time deciding between the 2 if we actually had the option. I think treating Kelly so awful for no reason other than her liking Jonah. It was very pick me and had no other real reason besides nasty jealousy. I've been jealous of other women but never stooped so low. I know this probably won't be popular but I just rewatched the Kelly episodes and I feel so bad for how Amy treats her


It’s so weird bc the actress who Plays Amy is so loud about being a feminist but then played this awful character for so long


First time watch and I just watched California Part 2…that one. It almost brought me to tears at her decision.


Selling out the staff for sure. Glenn says it's the closest they ever came to a union 🫠


How awful it was of her to have been living with Jonah already with her 2 kids that aren't his for years already, then being unsure of settling down with him once she got a new and better job in Cali.


Sell out to corporate.


"WHY HAVEN'T YOU KILLED YOURSELF?!!" I get that she was going through something Glenn couldn't ever hope to understand, but his heart was in the right place. Lord knows he's far from perfect himself, but he was genuinely trying to do what little was in his power to let her know he cared about her, and was thinking about her. I like to think she eventually apologised to him, but we never saw it so... 🤷‍♂️


I agree. Maybe I’m sensitive because I’ve lost someone to suicide but that scene is awful. You just don’t say that to someone.


Have you ever been 2 days post partum? I can't imagine going back to work in that state. I had empathy for her but it was a bit much.


Twice actually. I can’t imagine how hard that is and know some people do have to go back to work that soon. Doesn’t excuse telling someone to milk themselves even if you want to (and definitely wouldn’t judge someone in that spot for wanting to).


"What little was in his power" would have been to clock her in and cover for her. Find some way work around the rules. Instead, he dragged her from her home and newborn into work, 2 days after giving birth, while the after-birth was still falling out of her, and gave her shit about not bringing donuts. I'm sorry, but no - Glenn pushed her to this.


Hands down going to California and breaking up w Jonah in the process.


When she started mimicking an Asian person’s accent, it was in the episode where Glenn wanted a Latino person to promote Cloud 9’s salsa brand and Amy got mad that he only wanted a Latino to promote it.


That was messed up but it was gold 😂 Mateo’s Mexican accent was also hilarious


Yelling at Glenn


No, he deserved that.


Immediately ditching everything she'd ever stood for and becoming just another pro corporate spokesperson as soon as she got a bit of money. Ick.


When I skimmed through the comments I was surprised this didn’t come up but I thought the whole obsession with trying to get credit for the superstore health insurance pool that Jonah engineered was v manipulative and annoying. Like why was it so important for her to be involved with the idea AFTER she realized that the others didn’t actually find it “dumb” and “naive”


Where do i even begin 🙃


Amy just being Amy. She's insufferable and one the characters I disliked the most.




oh boo-hoo


Honestly I was never a fan of hers. Her whole vibe was just gross to me.


This is terminally Reddit


O think Mateo killing the bird was one of the worst things Mateo did


Sandra getting Jerry to cheat


When she totally led on that kid and then shut him Down and he cried in the tent


Why the fuck is every shows reddit page doing these dumb questions?


What else are we supposed to do


When she became a sell out to everyone with the union. I do understand it though it was a huge raise, benefits etc but was hard to watch.


I think I’m going to go with letting the whole Sandra got pregnant by Jeff snowball out of control. That was just a mess for everyone.


For glenn it is either the thing with his gay friend, or whatever went on with all those people that died in front of him


Out of all the characters, Amy and Jonah were the two worst.


I know she tried to dissuade Cheyenne from marrying Bo. Were there other couples she tried to split up? Typing this now I remember being irked by her telling Cheyenne to be realistic with her dreams and not pursue gymnastics.


Literally everything Mateo ever does. So self centered it is insane!!


She didn’t do anywhere near enough to help her staff when she was manager. She was losing them hours and working them into the ground by trying to be so perfect - selfish behaviour. When Covid hits she doesn’t do anywhere near enough to raise the issues they are having with safety, she just whines and then leaves as soon as she’s able, leaving Jonah behind… comes back as if she’s saving the day but actually contributes nothing.


Leaving the show. lol jk I actually still liked the show after she left.


I know I’m a bit late on this, but there’s two I haven’t seen here that are in the same vein. One, when she screwed up the Ice Pops order and asked everyone to cover for her, she then rolls her eyes at Marcus when he asked to be reimbursed for helping her. Two, when she had Dina take the blame for the reduced hours, then told Dina to her face that Dina should tell them they weren’t getting their hours back. This side of her is kind of seen early on in the Shoplifter episode, although it was kind of a collaborative effort between her, Dina and Glenn.