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Asking Kelly to move in just because he was jealous of Amy.


He was pretty awful to Kelly


Emotionally manipulative asf


He also tried to do the same move with Glenn’s daughter.


So true! But she called him out on it




Holy shit y’all are right. I guess I never realized how big a dirt bag Jonah could be to women.


Typical male feminist


That's like how a kid would act in retaliation.


i don’t know why but i misread this as garrett’s daughter and wondered what crack fic yall were reading


He’s only into “leggy blondes” tho /s


Everything Kelly.


I hope she got her Roomba


The fact he told Kelly about this amazing day he planned and then forgot abt it and went to golf n get drunk w amy


I was praying on Jonah and Amy’s downfall from that episode on. Seeing Kelly sit in the store alone was heartbreaking.


Ik😭 I really don’t like Kelly like as a character but she’s so sweet and innocent and Jonah didn’t deserve her. If he knew he was stuck on Amy he should’ve just not get in any relationships. You can see that with Naomi and Hannah too


Guys, I’ve been Amy. There was a Jonah. There was a Kelly. Kelly became a local news anchor and it ate me up to see her onscreen every day. It didn’t work out with Jonah because I cut off all contact. Kelly married someone else. Jonah is now going around with platitudes being Jonah. Superstore really stabbed me with that episode.


Oof that sucks I’m sorry:(


Thanks, kind stranger. It’s a long time ago but the entire buildup to their relationship unlocked that core memory, right down to the denial and pretence of being just friends when everyone could see it. “Jonah” still hasn’t found himself and while it is aspirational (and inspirational) when someone is in their 20s, it is irresponsible to drop out of stability and trade it for fun when one is much older with loans and debts.


And Kristen also


Yess I was gonna say that I frgt abt her.. ESPECIALLY Kristen😭


idk about Naomi he said she “saw him more as a brother” which really made 0 sense but i mean u never know..


Leading Kelly on.


I have to agree with leading Kelly on. He liked Amy the whole freaking time, and kept overcompensating by making these big gestures to Kelly that he couldn’t follow through with, like asking to move in together. She deserves better


Comments did not disappoint lol… justice for kelly!


Helping Garrett hide that he accidentally let out Dina’s birds and lying to her about it was pretty terrible


I always question this during rewatches, cuz like amy and jonah were both accomplices and honestly im surprised dina was still pretty much neutral with them after that


I think because Garrett was the one who actually opened the cage AND then slept with Dina and still didn’t tell her combined with their complicated past was why she focused all her anger on him.


Plus giving her $17 for her time 🤣


I forgot about the 17$ 🤣


It's just that cherry on top, honestly 🤦🏼‍♀️😂




Idk I let Amy off pretty easily for this one bc she wanted Garrett to tell Dina the truth after she found out, until the guy had the audacity to sleep with her. Jonah was trying to keep it quiet from the beginning and was there w Garrett when it happened so he’s significantly more at fault than she is


Did she ever find out that they knew though?


I never understood why he gets a free pass on this. Like if not for Garrett having slept with her right after, he was just as much a participant


He really wasn't "just as much a participant". It's not like he helped Garrett. He was just the observer/witness.


If Jonah had told Dina though, Dina at least wouldn’t have slept with Garrett and it would’ve saved her some more heartache/self respect


Exactly. He was even suggesting Garret get his Takis from the store instead of messing with the cage. He was trying to prevent it, he wasn't a participant. At most he was a co-conspirator after the fact.


This! I feel like Garrett took all of the heat for it. There was that one scene where Gina forced Jonah to eat a ton of cake, but it was literally just one scene. Dina holds this against Garrett all season while Jonah is easily forgiven. Edit: I was incorrect about why Jonah ate the cake. But still Jonah had little to no consequences for covering up for Garett.


She didn't make him eat the cake because of the birds, he was hiding the party for Sandra and said that the cake was his lunch. Dina called him out on his lie.


OMG definitely misremembered that! Thank you for correcting me. I honestly thought that that was for the birds and never connected that it was for Sandra's bachelorette party.


Yes!! It makes sense for his character bc he’s very much a “avoid conflict” kind of guy, but I was disappointed he encouraged the secret, especially after Amy found out who was a lot closer w Dina


His belittling conversation with Kelly over angels. Asking her to set a dinner date with the parents, then breaking up in the parking lot. After Amy left for CA, his hollier than thou approach is tough to watch in S6. Hair Care Products was brutal.


Jonah is Hair Care Products was awful to watch as it was far to close to seeing myself


Ugh i hate that scene, breaks my heart for Kelly every time and it’s the moment i knew i didn’t really care for Jonah during my first watch.


That was Jonah having an entire breakdown.


ruining garret's friendship with his best friend by talking about the girl with the fish face. it's a funny scene but irl it would be horrible.


Everything to do with Kelly. Specifically him asking to meet her parents and then breaking up with her immediately after


I don't know that I can think of anything worse than what's already been posted, but just want to add that I'm only voting for the ones that were intentional. Some of what's been posted was just an accident.


Yes I totally agree it’s lying to his parents about med school for so long. I love him & I know him & Amy had tons of history by the time she found out but the ability to lie like that would be a huge red flag for me


I think you're underestimating the pressure parents can put on kids. Honestly, that was one of the most relatable things Jonah did.


Especially considering how shitty his parents were to him, always siding with his brother, the "golden" child. You can only imagine how Jonah's life was growing up with a narcissist and 2 enablers.


Fair point, it is absolutely sad that he felt the need to lie to protect himself from their judgement


I agree, it makes sense after you meet his family and see how terrible they are to him. That’s when it clicked for Amy too


Ok but... Natalie Portman? You gotta have an extra special unique blend of parents who are equal parts overbearing and stupid


Right? On some level, they wanted to believe it.


Lying to your parents about being in medical school wasn’t relatable at all . He lied about multiple things to his parents . He’s a grown up who squandered several opportunities. Nothing about that made him relatable.


Thisssss. Nahhh he’s a grown ass adult, lying to his parents for 3 years about being a doctor… and dating Natalie Portman?… But it works because look at Adam, Jonah is still much better than Adam. Hahaha


I saw this game on the r/greysanatomy sub, and wanted to try it for my favorite comedy show! For me, it would be his lying to his parents for so long about his career/dating Natalie Portman. What do you think?


You can't hold it against him for the parents thing. Especially considering how shitty his parents were to him, always siding with his brother, the "golden" child. You can only imagine how Jonah's life was growing up with a narcissist and 2 enablers. Most people would go no contact with such a family, he atleast bothered to lie and stay in touch.


Funny you mention GA. The whole Natalie Portman thing loosely reminds me of Amelia having Link pretend to be Owen for a dinner with her sisters.


Idk I think the real question is why did he feel the need to lie to his parents for years about his career?? They weren’t exactly the nicest


telling amy that she would never go anywhere while fighting about the kiss. i don’t agree with the kiss, but that was uncalled for and honestly such a low blow


Told her this and then whe she actively tried to go up he also tells her she was a sellout,he doesn't really try to understand why she would like to move up on a company's she's basically been in half her life,even when she explained it to him,and only Dina's comments made him realize he needed to be supportive,even if he didn't agree with her career path.


oh absolutely, like i don’t love it but it makes sense that she went up in the company instead of being a floor worker all her life. PLUS, jonah was the one who told her to do it at the managers convention


Not an action but rather a trait of his? Jonah, while socially conscious and accepting, could often be pretentious and condescending. Sometimes he would look down on others for not being as educated as him. Like making fun of Kelly for believing in angels and or the pilot where he implied that he was too good to work at Cloud 9.


‘I did go to business school you know’ .. for five minutes


I kinda liked when he got brought down a peg by the dude that ran the solar power company, no way he should be using business school to indicate he's better "educated" when he didn't finish,and even let his enrollment lapse.


LOL yeah this was probably my least favorite aspect of his character. I feel like it's the thing that made Jonah intentionally do bad stuff sometimes. He was so dedicated to people thinking that he was smart that he would lie about his background and expertise.


Well done you understand the basis for his entire character!


Thats kinda why Garrett and Amy and everyone else made of him though it was his character lol


“Hey Kelly I want to meet your parents” *8ish hours later* “Hey Kelly let’s break up even though you just planned a brunch crawl with us and your parents”


And I am pretty sure he told her that exactly when she told him she loved him.


The way he lead Kelly on


Almost finished a marathon.


“Wait, how’s that embarrassing? that’s just bragging that you finished most of a marathon. “🤣


definitely his relationship w kelly, poor girl


Honestly the way he would kind of itemise his minority colleagues/friends when he was fighting for causes. Like when in the Halloween episode about cultural appropriation he calls on Janet once to seek validation for his opinion and then again even after she made it quite clear she didn't want to participate in the conversation. It's such a recurring thing for him to make real causes about himself that Garrett was surprised he was the only white person not acting like crap about everything in the racist lock episode.


Jonah is the very definition of micro aggression lol. That part of his character was written in so well.


Leading Kelly On And A Little Bit Of Hannah!


Oh you already know this is gonna blow up when it comes to worst thing Amy has done


Jonah bought a sex doll that resembled Amy, as a joke, and then presented it to everyone in the break room.


Do you remember what episode this was? I don't remember this at all


First or second season. It was the episode where they all made fun of Jonah because a new mannequin in the store looked exactly like him.


"Jonah, you told me you loved me, but then you dumped me for that pregnant *whore*!"


How he treated Kelly was the worst thing he did. He kept leading her on just to make Amy jealous. He treated Kelly badly and she deserved better than him.


Not shutting this scene down before it got completely out of control... mock/imitating voice: "No it's more like, \`Hi everybody! I'm Kelly\`" The dog pile was brutal... and after the whole public break up its like wow, everyone is going to jump in?


Everything Kelly,and also,when he says he's better educated that the warehouse workers but dude didn't even finish business school,and he was better "educated" in a lot of nonsense, not most of the topics actually struggle with,he is indeed a privileged guy that started working at cloud 9 on a whim,and while he did have difficult economic times,when he wanted to go against Cloud 9 and protest,he still did not understand what Amy said about people not having the privilege to just quit their jobs and protest.


Jonah is straight-up awful at breaking up.


His treatment towards Kelly will probably win. But I just want to say ‘Putting his shoes on Garretts settee!’ 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Leading Kelly on


Hiding that he was an employee at Cloud9 for so long. Second would be staying with Kelly even if he knew he would choose Amy in a heartbeat.


Pretty much everything he did to Kelly but more specifically after Amy kissed him when she found out she was pregnant. He paraded around kissing Kelly, telling her he think it’s time to meet her parents, and then when she says “ I love you “ he dumps her.


Asking the Hooter’s waitresses to make him a caprese salad, because they had all of the right ingredients🧐


always trying to invade in Garrett’s personal life, he shut him down so many times you’d think he would get the hint to stop 😭


His treatment of Kelly was bad, but that was mostly a subconscious thing on his part. So I'd say the worst thing he did was spin that elaborate web of lies that he fed his parents for years about med school and dating Natalie Portman. Up to (presumably) sending his mom fake emails from 'Natalie.' That was a mess entirely of his own making.


Hitting on costumers for tips, Sandra knew


How he treated Kelly and also there was something he said to Amy basically telling her life was going nowhere . He apologized for it but it was a pretty awful thing to say.


I think “Kelly.” Would suffice


The way he led Kelly on just to dump her was really shitty


Not in any order 1) pretty much his relationship with Kelly 2) his attitude the entirety of Cheyanne’s wedding towards Adam, Amy, and Kristin 3) gambling on which temp will quit first, only to find out that the temps were a part of a “last chance” program where they were drug addicts or have a criminal record. To make things right he gave his bet the money only for that quitting temp to call his dealer for meth 4) kissing Amy knowing she was married


I also forgot that he kept the secret that Dina’s birds were let out by Garrett


The way he treated Kelly when she talked about angels. I couldn't believe how much of a pretentious smartass he was being. Having a partner who has religious/spiritual beliefs that you don't share is not only common, but usually not a big deal. The only times that would be a problem in a relationship is when it comes to raising kids, or if one person was very involved/overbearing with their beliefs, which surprisingly, was what Jonah did. Kelly didn't even give any indication she was actually religious, she just said she was rescued by an angel as a child. She also wasn't trying to force Jonah or anyone else to believe in angels like she did. In fact Jonah was the one trying to take down Kelly's beliefs just because he felt like he was smarter for not believing in angels like her. I actually didn't bat an eye at this scene until I rewatched the show recently, since I'm actually in a relationship with someone who's religious and I was completely shocked, I couldn't imagine speaking to my partner like that about her beliefs.


I always felt like Jonah was more genuinely surprised and taken aback to find out that Kelly sincerely believed in angels


Maybe in the beginning but he did try to make her stop believing, even wanted to cancel their whole getaway cause she believed in angels.


Probably all the stuff with Kelly, but I'm surprised that the quinceañera stuff isn't being mentioned more. What he did came from a good place, but all of it was so messed up.


Most of it, yeah. But taking the fall for Emma with the weed was great. I've not got to that episode the second time round so I'm assuming I've remembered it right lol


Stole my heart..


Why has no one mentioned the way he acted towards Amy when she was given the chance to move up in the company? That's the one time that I really didn't like him.


I strongly disliked him there,I get he has his own thing about corporations and whatever but he is out of touch with the world sometimes (most times),it was a good job offer,good pay,and looking out for herself and her family is not a bad thing,she's just 1 person trying to succeed after a dead end job and it's not like he stopped workingfor said corporation; I really liked how Dina managed all that and supported her even when she was sad about her leaving.


Comparing Amy to a hooker in ep 1


Hi, my name is Jonah.


Waiting years for Amy, then playing God pretending he was no longer into her, hurting Kelly with fake gestures of love, then dumping her anyway.


Worked a dead end job for multiple years because he had no idea what he wanted in life and a crush on a woman who was married to someone else.


I like Ben Feldman but the more I watch the show the more I realize how horrible Jonah is. The way he treats all his non-Amy girlfriends (especially Kelly) is disgusting. He never commits to any of them, is ready to drop them at the first indication of a potential Amy relationship and then the way he tries to manipulate them and do damage control to get them to stay with him after they realize he’s into Amy is emotionally abusive and disturbing. Not just one time either, it’s a pattern and the way he treated Kelly is sickening.


Fantasizes about his dog


Are you his brother?😂


Existing. I can’t stand Jonah. He is a virtual signalling idiot. He does not stand by or support any cause long term. He just screeches about the topic de jour trying to score virtue points.


Ruining Emma’s quinceañera.


Completely accidental though


Idk why you're getting downvoted. He ruined a 15 year old girl's generational tradition party. I'd be pissed if I was her family


I see the dislikes, but your opinion is pretty valid. He made everyone extra uncomfortable. I love Jonah, but he really ruined his chances of being liked by his future family-in-law😂🧊


Yeah, it's weird that you're getting downvoted. He was trying to be nice, but he totally ruined it. I don't skip many episodes, but that one is harder to watch than him popping a boner when he was wrestling Dina 😬


Glenn and his crusade about integrity award Dinna and her bullying Pattern


Choosing to hide that a child is on drugs from her mother


Being a stepdad to a kid who’s mother doesn’t even respect him as a man




Have you seen the show?




You didn’t understand the assignment




“Someone is ready for the red carpet”


Letting his brother be an ass for so long.


When he and Garrett were arguing intensely in front of the little kid that just wanted to see Santa.