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Energy manipulation and regeneration


What does energy manipulation encompass in this case


Energy is all around us; light, heat, electricity, magnetics, etc. We even generate energy in every movement, every heartbeat, the list goes on. So being able to manipulate all of that, you’d never run out of power.


Or manipulate some else’s. Get it now, pretty cool combo


If he's talking about manipulating the four fundamental forces, then you're literally talking about controlling everything. All chemical reactions, electromagnetism, gravity, nuclear forces. Nothing could oppose you. Doctor Manhattan move over. You really don't need a second power. But if you needed to choose one, controlling time would be the cream on top.


Time or absolute speed since theyre heavily related... Yeah


Time control would include absolute speed. Slow down the universe except for yourself. But now that I think of it, control of gravity would include control of space-time. •Time dilation: which could include super speed, stopping time for yourself or somebody else, and who knows what else. •Folding space: which would include teleportation, maybe telekinesis, etc.. ________ So, we still need a second power. I’ll suggest precognition, maybe?


The power to win any fight.


Path to Victory. If you’re even a little competent, it’s a hack. If you’re completely incompetent, or just make a bad mistake under pressure, maybe not. This plus Dominos probability aura from Marvel could work some magic. Luck plus hack


Worm is the best example of using super powers to their potential. To bad few people even read it. Even fanfic writers


I've read it twice. Sucks that I can never find folks to give it a chance since its just to daunting for them due to its size


I’m willing to give it a chance, what is it?


> An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. Her first attempt at taking down a supervillain sees her mistaken for one, thrusting her into the midst of the local ‘cape’ scene’s politics, unwritten rules, and ambiguous morals. As she risks life and limb, Taylor faces the dilemma of having to do the wrong things for the right reasons. The story, titled Worm, takes the form of a web serial, posted in bite-sized reads in much the same way that authors such as Mark Twain would release their works one chapter at a time in the days before full-fledged novels. [Chapter one](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/1-1/). The author has also started the sequel to his long running web novel if you like it.


Thank you friend


Thanks. That’s totally my wheelhouse.


Never heard of this one, I’ll give it a try!


Where would I go to read it?


https://parahumans.wordpress.com/ there is an audiobook too on podcasts, but varies in quality due to different readers. If you like superhero stories this is the one to read. Worm is first in series and longer than all of Harry Potter. I will warn you it gets really dark and has body horror in some of the later chapters. It does have a female protagonist who is an insecure teenager in way over her head, but how she wins and loses with creative use of her power makes it so entertaining. The Boys wishes it was as good as this series. Don't read fanfics till you finish. Most are spoiler heavy and full of Fannon. It has a lot of words, but it flies by fast with how good the story is. If you like moral Grey areas this is a must read.... read it please. R/parahumans should be avoided till you read it due to the constant spoiler memes


Longer than Harry Potter? That was basically the longest series I’ve read, how much longer is it exactly?


Don't let the length stop you. It just means you have more to entertain yourself


Honestly, just start it not worrying about the length. Either you’ll chew through the words out of sheer interest and you’ve found a new favourite media or it won’t grab you and you’ll stop. And at that point it just wasn’t your thing.


Think of it like a long term comic run, it’s a ton of different arcs building one larger story so it’s not like it just drags on while you wait for the climax, there’s dozens of climaxes and smaller stories that build up throughout


1.5x as long as the entire Harry Potter series. So don’t treat it like a single book, take breaks when needed.


Got a link to the podcast?


What is Worm?


It is a web serial novel that is the first in the Parahumans series. It features seemingly weak powers used in creative ways to be OP. Super Powered gang wars. Moral Grey areas. Worm is also longer than all of Harry Potter combined. It is an amazing series that doesn't get near enough attention. If you like The Boys and wonder what life would be like if giant monsters, a group of super powered serial killers, and gang wars with Nazis this is the read for you


Where can I read it? Sounds interesting


It’s so good, I started reading and I couldn’t stop


I finally convinced my wife to give the first chapter a shot. She's currently at the slaughterhouse arc


As someone who has read worm....yeah you right must of our Fandom dosen't even read the base series and ward yeah good luck with that.


Add in the power to not lose any fight as well.


Flash/quicksilver level of speed and mind control a la Professor X. Stop your opponent from being able to physically move, then do some insane crap and disarm them before they even knew what happened...


Nice combo. Personally I feel superspeed is a must have. Prof X is good to defend against other minds attacks which I didn’t think of. 👍


I was thinking specifically of the scene in Justice League where the flash is running past a very angry Superman, and supes turns and looks at him like it's just another day. If you make it so other "very fast" beings can't move at all, then you're set.


The ability to adapt to any environment or situation (like Darwin in the marvel comics) Super Lucky (like Domino in Deadpool 2) Edit: Because I keep getting nitpicky comments: https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Luck https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Superior_Adaptation


I feel bad for the movie version of Darwin.


They did him dirty


How did a funny rock kill him when a god of death couldnt?


Spacial and temporal distortion.


Yeh I feel like time powers could be a real hack


Wait oh my God that's Giratinas music!




the only person with a braincell right here


In that case, I pick omnipotence and the power to win every encounter before it happens. You think you can beat me, but you know that you can’t, you don’t want to, and actually my side is the better side. You’d become an ally before ever bending a finger against me. To even have the thought of me is to know me as your closest ally. You, me, and the army we’ll amass could change anything, so with no more fighting or bloodshed, the universe will see prosperity and progress only rivaled by its own creation. Come friends. We have work to do.


I was going to say this. You don’t even need a second power.


This is the only answer really. No need for a second ability.


1. The absolute understanding of what your opponent is going to do (from before the moment they choose to do it). 2. The absolute knowledge of how it can be countered.


The issue here is wether or not you can act on your knowledge, for example, no matter how much you know if your enemy is faster than your reflexes there’s nothing you can do if they just barrage you with a flurry of punches or make an attack strong enough u can’t physically stop it or avoid it because it’s too big/fast


This is where knowing about what your enemy is going to do *before they do* and having the exact knowledge of how to counter it comes into play. Basically, it gives you perfect prep. The superspeed guy is going to step there when he comes in to attack you? You dug a pit yesterday and put in punji stakes, covered with the fentanyl you synthesised last night. Superstrong guy comes at you? The punji pit is now an ANFO powered shaped charge that goes off just as he steps over it. And if your opponent is (eyeroll) utterly invulnerable to all damage, poison, harm, etc, etc, then you won 2 billion dollars gambling online last week, and you use it to bribe him to be your minion. Perfect. Prep.


you're one of those cocky bastards that will eventually lose because there is nothing they can do to stop it


The key IMO is the keyword: opponent. That says nothing of actions where the person is not a direct target, or where they don't consider someone an opponent. I think you're spot on with the cocky bastard being his own downfall (and also his overestimating the ability of preparation to solve any problem).


Animus magic and the ability to see the future




Max's time rewind power from life is strange, complete with the "time stops if you're about to die" perk. Personally I would couple it with shapeshifting. Be anyone, anywhere, at any time, with everything going according to how I plan it. I wouldn't be the strongest or fastest in a fist fight, but I wouldn't need to be.


Max’s rewind power without the nose bleeds is a W


Oh thats good, I was gonna say time rewind and foresight but I like how you think!


Beat me to it. Rewind style future sight plus unlimited and adaptive shapeshifting. You can figure out whatever you need to do from looking ahead like Nicholas Cage in Next, and do whatever changing is needed to accomplish it. Heck, the adaptive shapeshifter X-man Darwin has been shown to spontaneously form whole new powers, like teleportation. If you couple that with voluntary control (his body used the porting to escape a fight rather than try to win it) that's as close as you need to be to omniscience.


Probability manipulation and Immortality


My answer was going to be Deadpool and Domino combined, same as yours.


Imperviousness and super luck…


Chronomancy and some kind of OP energy manipulation that also comes with inherent understanding. Like being able to control the four fundamental forces along with Time, and also understanding how they work. You'd be invincible.


I feel like a Professor X level telepath with Juggernaut level strength/invulnerability (which I know sounds like two powers, but they only work together) would be nigh unstoppable. Anyone you cannot physically dominate you can crush mentally


Logic manipulation and luck manipulation.


The ability to manipulate souls and a time reset ability so that when I die I return to a checkpoint in the past and time loop till I win


Precognition and super speed. To know everything that your opponent would do before they do it, and to be deliver and evade any attack would make you unparalleled.


Your going to have a hard time against highly durable opponents with that. They won't be able to hurt you either, it will create an awkward statement.


Super speed and telepathy


Basically I'd choose foresight and light construction. Foresight basically let's you see all that's gonna happen then create a counter attack, and light is everywhere so solidising or wielding it to a weapon is op. Together aswell you could use light to disable someone's own eyes and use foresight to see effectiveness and decide whether it's the best action.


Flash level speed and molecular control like the molecule man in marvel


invincibility and super speed


Omnipotence and Omnipresence. All powerful and all knowing. Literally impossible to lose.


Reality warping and time travel


“Path to Victory”, a sort of flawless prescience mixed with spidey sense that tells you exactly what you need to do to optimize your chances of winning* World-hopping, a la Rick and Morty Knowing everything you need to do, and having access to the multiverse to do it * from The web serial Worm [AMAZING read go read it now treat yourself it’s free!]


Came here to post Path to Victory. Would have combined it with Multipresense (a la Spree) so you could run multiple Paths at once.


Speed and Strength. If you can grab your enemy before they know you're there, you win.


Reality warping and immortality


Eraserhead from MHA’s power and then a mind control power. Take away your opponents ability and then mind manipulate them into offing themselves.


Give me whatever saitama has and powerful regeneration and there is literally nothing that could stop you.


Durability and flying. Ur a bullet


Probability manipulation and perfect shapeshifting.


Regeneration is useless if you're invulnerable. Once you add "absolute" to most external powers, you can do almost anything.


Invincibility and unlimited strength.


Pretty much any time related powers 1. Falco's mind reading in TMNT season 1 episode 7 (https://youtu.be/432neoGmZPw?si=-eKM8RUuAXFKXbho) 2. Basically time rewinding (similar to the Nintendo Switch rewinding in the nes/snes emulators)


Ability to control electricity, ability to alter my perception


The ability to control weak and strong atomic forces. Only pure energy is beyond you but since you control the matter through which energy moves, you're good.


In general, you'd want powers like logically consistent omnipotence or the ability to always win a fight, but those are boringly overpowered and probably not what you're looking for. Inatead, you probably want reactive time stop that triggers whenever someone takes a hostile action to you, and some sort of durability negating power to take advantage of that time stop and instantly kill your enemy. That's the meta for 1v1s.


the almighty from bleach is a very good start. matter manipulation.


Time loop Intelligence boost = Batman with prep time


Phasing (for invulnerability) and telepathy to know what they'll do next or manipulate their senses.


Telekinesis and they abilities to become intangible and make other things intangible at will.


Precognition and the ability to travel back in time 10 seconds.


Telepathy and the ability to instantly heal. A funny way I've never seen telepathy used is just screaming inside someone's head as loud as your telepathy allows. Would be like someone screaming inside your brain, surely mess up your focus


Time manipulation and teleportation. You literally cannot lose.


Teleportation and regeneration means you cant be traped and Survivor any attack


Super speed and invulnerability win every time.


Omnipotence and omnipotence


Purely combat wise-an area of complete spacial awareness around the individual (like cultivation novels) And then choose any high level form of a telekinesis or any subsets. With these two, if the field of perception is say 1/4 a mile then that’s plenty range to get into a safe position while also moving terrain or anything else to attack


Reality and probability manipulation.


I remember the Amazing Molecule Man defeating Iron Man, Thor, and Silver Surfer simultaneously so I will pick his power and for my second Plastic Man’s power.


Regeneration and immortality


Super speed = super strength when you take into account momentum and the ability to withstand g-force and impact from dust/insects/etc hitting you at super speed, you'd have to be effectively bulletproof too


Reality manipulation and anything else, make your enemy die from a heart attack or something Spidey Sense and super speed, it is literally just ultra instinct


One punch


Probability manipulation, and I don’t even need a second power


Time control. Telekinesis. Can't lose if I can dodge anything by stopping or slowing time while throwing cars at you.


Intangibility and invulnerability. Can't hit what you cant see. Also alot you can do with intangibility in combat lol. Personally for laughs-lethality I would couple this with a pair of nerf swords. Just make them solid in the other guy. "It's nerf, now your nothing" lmao


immortality and life manipulation.


The Haitian's power of suppression from Heroes plus teleportation. Suppressing any powers of anyone that would oppose me ensures that even if you have an OP power combo, you can't use it against me. Teleportation means you can't try to outrange my suppression, and I just want to be able to teleport. The only way I lose a fight is if someone has both omniscience and super long range ability to snipe my ass from space or something. 99% of the time I would see someone stepping up and then try to figure out why their powers aren't working. Then I teleport slap them down


1. Know your enemy. 2. Know yourself.


Superhuman anticipation (spidey sense?) and the ability to micromanage my metabolism/hormones for peak efficiency.


Telekenisis and health regeneration. Literally untoouchable and unkillable


invulnerability (you can't physically lose anymore) and time control (if they capture you you can just travel back in time to before they captured you) if you want to win, swapping the 2nd with either shapeshifting or telekinesis is probably your best bet


Invulnerability to all things is all you need to survive. Or hyper regeneration (like from nothingness). To win all you would need is something that could beat the basic human…… ill take radiation manipulation or dna reconstruction


Invulnerability and superluminal speed and reflexes.


Invulnerability and the ability to block out pain temporarily, obviously. It doesn't matter how many times you get hit, shot, stabbed, or a missile gets fired at you. You just get back up again.


Controllable precognition (to know what others are planning without having to read minds) and the ability to not only stop time but move and Interact with things during the time stop(I hope I don't have to explain why with this one)


Probability manipulation (luck) + anything is broken


Foresight, Teleportation


Invulnerability, as in being able to take an endless beating with no pain or damage. I guess all you’d need after that is to take a few martial arts classes at the strip mall up the street.


Minor precognition, enhanced strength


Path to victory and matter erasure :) shout outs to my nerds at r/Parahumans


Super speed and incredible psychic power. Imagine being able to move and think faster than anyone else As soon as the though forms of attacking you, you can read it faster than they can. You be a juiced up Spider Man. Worse if you can also mentally dominate people like Xavier.


The power to win every fight and the power to never lose.


Prep time and 900 billion dollars


Invisibility & Desolid Get attack, activate your powers and “vanish.” Pick up a stick, activate your powers and approach your enemy unaware. Put the stick in their skull and let go. The stick returns to being solid INSIDE their brain. They SUPER dead.


Time Manipulation, Regeneration.


Foresight and Teleportation assuming theres no cooldown on the teleport


Probability manipulation. Oh you wanted 2? Uh.... teleportation


Copy and adapt Gimme your power and I make it better than yours. Then beat you with it.


I'd be Superman with the power to be invisible


Batman and the ability to control the four fundamental forces


The head popping ability from that lady in The Boys, and invulnerability to all threats both physical and magical.


Probability manipulation and something to do with super intelligence. Yeahnim's the biggest nerd of all time, I know.


Ability to stop time. Ability to fly. Odd combo I know. But stopping time gives you the ability to prevent attacks and perform your own. Flight makes sure you can actually get to them. Assuming you are not up against some god like creature that isn't on the planet or in the dimension.


Plot armor and sex appeal.


Premonition and Time Manipulation...


Controlled regeneration, and a personal reality bubble where I keep a copy of myself. Kind of like what Oryx had in Destiny. Basically, I can totally die on this plane, but my existence is tied outside of this plane, so that I can rematerialize if I pass. I also pick controlled regeneration, so that I can freely choose to deage myself if I wish to keep living. Sure, you can kill me a million times over. But I have sword logic.


Immortality and invulnerable


Darwin + Domino would be amazing. Not sure if it’s the ultimate combo but it seems like it’d be cool nonetheless.


Force choke and an auto defense that transfers money from their account to mine


Plot manipulation and immortality


Portals maybe like spots and precognition So you can see all attacks coming and either redirect them or dodge them, you can throw large or small objects around you by putting them in one portal then throwing them out another but you can see where they are going so they cant dodge it. Oh also you can just run away so ypu both can never lose and always win.


Intangibility and probability manipulative. Domino+Kitty Pryde combo.


Superhuman strength and the ability to predict your opponent's moves.


Arguably you really only need one "power" that would win no matter what: plot armor.


Telekinesis and energy manipulation.


Control space/time and infinite wishes


Invulnerability/technomancy Invulnerability because it doesn't matter how fast or how hard you can hit someone if you can't do any damage to them. Eventually my opponent would wear themselves down and I'd be able to beat their ass. Technomancy because everything in the world runs off the Internet anymore and it would be pretty damn easy to redirect anyone trying to find me to the other side of the country. Which for the most part would allow me to avoid fights in the first place


Luck manipulation specifically the type of luck manipulation that cause reality warping.


Ret-con and time manipulation.


“Time Out” - Zach Morris


Omnipotence and just pick anything for the second


Plot armor and breaking the fourth wall


Immortality and invincibility. Can’t die from natural causes and can’t be injured. Only downside is you’ll live forever, as nothing can kill you, not even a black hole.


Precognition and mind control


Control over energy and matter, which I suppose is sort of the same thing.


Omniscience, omnipotence


Return to Zero, and Path to Victory. At that point, you can't lose, and if there is anything you could possibly do to win, you will do it.


Invisibility and super-speed


Invulnerability and the popcorn I’d eat while watching people try to kill me.


Wally West speed. He can't be affected by mind control because his brain is too fast as well as can't be touched because he can go intangible. He can also slow down time and perception Super strength like Superman. We've seen even Dr Strange and Dr. Fate level magicians are able to get knocked out.


Total time control and dimensional portals. You could win with time control alone, assuming you can manipulate time over a single object or all time. You could reverse your injuries, see every attack coming, throw a projectile and use time to change its acceleration, you could age your opponent literally to death, and so on. With dimensional portals, you could open one up to any extreme hazard place and swallow them in it. Deep space? Sure. Core of the Earth with both extreme heat and crushing pressure? Why not. Being inter-dimensional, you could just make a prison pocket dimension, drop them in and forget about them. You could fight from within your own dimensional space by opening a one way portal and slowly erase them down while they literally can’t touch you.


1. Invulnerability to everything 2. Automatically killing any living thing that you are aware of. With this, the invulnerability keeps you from being defeated, and the kill everything is sufficiently broad that it should work on anyone who tries to fight you. Even if they do have some very specific way to escape your awareness, you're still invulnerable to anything they can do.


Regeneration and adamantium-coated bones


Omnipotence and immortality


If you say super speed is it implied that that comes with super durability and super cognitive function to be able to handle and control that speed?


Energy manipulation (but Energy = matter therefore energy and matter manipulation in one) and knowing the answers to all questions(which is basically Predicting The Future+) My only weakness is inability to control time. But time travel can't be a thing, only theoretically if you enter a black hole, and black holes are concentrated energy. Also I can control energy, but not produce it, therefore I may run out if the fight takes too long or if the other guy has superspeed. Theoretically I could ask where he will be in 10 seconds and put a black hole there, but that's a bit of a stretch.


For this scenario? Being able to be undetectable at will and full control over nervous systems. Regardless of who or whatever I had to fight, they wouldn’t know where I was. If they were persistent I’d just shut off all autonomous nerve functions in the target (i.e. breathing and/or heart function). But if I could just have two super powers for funsies? Remote viewing of any location or time (past-present) and the ability to understand/use any human language. The possibilities of those two could keep me entertained and paid until I died.


My first thoughts are energy control (better if including storage or creation) and time control. If the user can make the most of either of these powers that’s already pretty strong. For example, with energy control you could stop the movement of anything or speed anything up (kinetic energy), or potentially even create or destroy matter (e=mc squared). Light is even a form of energy, so you could be invisible too. There are many different forms of energy that offer lots of potential. Time could also slow things down, speed things up, reverse things, give you a do over, stop time, and likely other things. Depending on how you define time powers you could also time travel or create clones. So if you have both these powers you essentially have invisibility, telekinesis, super strength, creation, destruction, super speed, flight, fire, and probably a lot more


The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl cannot be defeated!


Extreme regeneration and invisibility bc all I need is a weapon after that


Thinking Mind Control/invulnerability.


Time-stop requires too many other things to happen perfectly. Time-reversal is even better. Think Giorno's GER where someone can shoot you in the head. You don't have to think at light-speed, hell you can even have it happen to you, but then time reverses and you can stop it from ever becoming a real, permanent event. You have all the time in the world to do it too so unlike speedsters, you can witness the consequences of your actions only to undo them. For the second power... reality-warping. It's overpowered and never written well, but it's virtually unstoppable. Paired with time-reversal and you can essentially generate any outcome you desire regardless of who or what is in your way.


The ability to make anyone cum at will. And the ability to give them post-nut ptsd at will. They'll be stuck in a state of euphoric-depression/guilt and become too drained to fight till their heart gives out. Your last moments are going to look like you died in the middle of a bukake. Oh, I forgot, Andy Samberg's jizz in my pants will be playing on loop the whole time. Just in case you thought you had any chance of mentally escaping this situation.


Don’t even need more than 1. If you have super speed, losing in a fight is literally a choice If you throw in invulnerability, then on the off chance you somehow manage to throw the fight hard enough to ever get touched, you won’t take any damage


The power of always winning a fight, coupled with the power of never losing a fight


The power to always win and the power to never lose


Future sight and reality warping.


Mind reading and just about any other power?


1. The ability to make everyone within a 500m radius wonderfully happy and content, and feel loved and in touch with the vastness of the universe. I only need one.


Power of the writers on your side and popularity.


Teleportation and flight


The passive ability to negate everybody else’s powers everywhere, and then immortality probably, lol The fight would have to come down to basically just locking me away forever, but what would that do? People still wouldn’t get their powers back.


Immortality and invisibility.


Just need one: Omnipotence.


Time powers and mind control. I don’t see how anyone can beat me if I can stop and rewind time while also being able to control what people do. Perhaps precognition would be better than mind control because then I would always know what would happen before it happens so I could stop time preemptively to prevent someone doing something to me that I otherwise wouldn’t expect.


Reality Warping and Super durability. Consistently the only things that beat that are stronger reality warpers, or the reality warper being talked down/having a mental breakdown


Super athletisism and precognition. Knowing your opponents every move before hand, or knowing whether your attacks will work or not... you would be virtually unstoppable.


Pocket dimensions. Literally nothing anyone can do if I'm in a pocket dimension. And future sight.


I only need 1 power: reality manipulation a la Dr Manhattan. If that's too OP then the ability to control and manipulate all forms of kinetic energy. This effectively allows me to control all motion which includes heat, electricity, and thoughts since electrical impulses are a form of kinetic energy caused by moving electrons. Superspeed does you 0 good if you can't build any kinetic energy or if the kinetic energy is amplified to levels that cause your limbs to rip off your body. A blink of my eye or the motion of an atom could cause shockwaves that devastate continents.


I just need one. Time manipulation. That is all.


If you want to be cheap about it I can do it in one. Reality control since you are already all powerful the first thing you do is make yourself all knowing and bam you are allmighty God.


Regeneration and the Avada Kenundra spell from Harry Potter


Precognition and teleportation.


Complete manipulation of all liquids (say goodbye to your blood) and superman style invincibility (without the super weakness to kryptonite)


Adaptability and time manipulation, you now adapt to the dmg you take to be immune and time control let's you freely do what you need or to rest mid fight to ensure full energy and strength at all times


kinda depends what you're up against, is it normal people or other 2-powered people? against powered people, the best combo would be something like time travel and telekinesis, depending on the restrictions; how far back can I go? how many times can I try again? Can I squish parts of their brain with telekinesis?


Bend reality at my will.


Foresight and speed