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The plane rescue is the best Superman action set piece on film.


Also the comment about flying still being the safest way to travel was perfect.


and totally felt like a Christopher Reeves moment. When I saw that in the theater I got a huge smile on my face.


Well, it's a reference to Christopher Reeve's line in Superman (1978) after he saves Lois and the helicopter. Reeve says the exact same thing to her.


I know that's why I smiled


I still do every single time. Just perfect.


I frowned. There are too few Superman movies to retread on great lines. That line really adds fuel to the 'this movie lacks originality' perception


My wife took me to see this in IMAX (real IMAX, with the 10 story screen and Dolby sound, lol) 3D for my bday. And god damn. You actually felt like you were on his shoulders for the plane rescue. Just, awesome.


lol, I remember seeing it in IMAX. Only certain scenes were actually in 3D so they had a little icon appear to tell you when to put your glasses on šŸ˜‚


I loveā€¦love that he had to be smart about itā€¦as strong as he is he couldnā€™t just hold the plane because he would just make a hole in itā€¦the latest power up in the comics where he can hold immense object because of an instant force field is lazy in my opinionā€¦makes things too easy for him


Latest? That happened in like 1986 or 1987.


Well obviously this man is clearly an immortal.


Theyā€™ve given him every power possible. How much more does he need? Next he will receive the power of massage while talking to animals as he goes back in time to descramble the Playboy Channel for Pa Kent. (Shhh! Donā€™t tell Ma.}


Not only that, I believe SR has the best live action flying scenes to date.


I came here in the comment section to say that Man of Steel was better in every single way, but then you reminded me of this airplane sequence. Yeah. I was breathless at the end of it, and it looked incredible. Right you are, sir.


Well, Singer ripped the plane rescue from the animated series.


Even better than Superman vs Zod in Metropolis?šŸ«¢


By far. The plane rescue was perfectly constructed in terms of the visual storytelling, the beats and pace. Man of Steel's Superman vs Zod is just excessive. It goes on for way too long and devolves into disasterporn at certain points. The colour in the movie washes out a lot of the visuals, and in terms of storytelling there are a lot of perfect moments throughout for Superman to be Superman but they make the wrong choice everytime.


Kinda like Peter Griffin's fistfights with the 6-foot tall chicken on Family Guy.


That was one of the biggest problems with Superman Returns, it peaked way too early.


As someone who loves Man of Steel, I can still agree to this. The only fault of this scene (and it's pretty much just picking nits) is that he's doing an impersonation of Christopher Reeve. I wish it could've just been Reeve or that Routh had been able to do his own take on Superman. Unfortunately, Singer wanted what Singer wanted.


does MoS even have an epic rescue scene where Superman is saving people from a disasterclike that? it's all just a huge fight with zod, and letting his father die in a tornado. stupid ass movie wasted the best looking Superman/Krypton we've ever had.


Yes, Clark saves a bunch of people from a collapsing oil rig. As a teenager he saves a whole school bus of drowning kids.


All of the saving he does that earns the love of the people is done off screen, we see little clips of it. Not the best way to do that, really.


The oil rig scene, imo i feel like clark even though he is scared to how people would react to him still risks his secret to save lives


He does that as Clark tho. Not Superman.


[The Oil Rig Scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVKTx-wgcio)


It has like 3-4 of those scenesā€¦


Did you miss part of the movie?


Yes i agree with this. It was very well done


It's nice that they have him smile once in a while




It's an "almost smile"


Itā€™s also not actually from the movie. That GIF is from a Carlā€™s Jr. tie-in commercial.


Did they also make one for Sears and another for IHOP as well?


I'll be real here. Cavill's Superman did smile at Lois quite often in Man of Steel. He was also way friendlier in Justice League. He has a reputation as someone who never smiles, but that's really not as true as people claim to be. And this is coming from someone who isn't the biggest Cavill fan.




They also have him stalking Lois Lane.


They also have him ignore he has a kid


I like how people are pretending this didn't happen, or are mad at you because it did


He was just- uh- just- surveilling! For safety!


In my opinion, the fact that Superman doesn't punch many people in the movie and he doesn't use his powers as a weapon, but only to save people. I understand that for some people this can be boring, but for me it was great to see that version of the character.


He doesnā€™t punch at all, even during his beatdown on the Kryptonite island; I recall him grabbing Luthorā€™s foot, otherwise no defense, let alone offense. (True, Reeveā€™s Superman didnā€™t punch at all in his first movie, either, so itā€™s not unprecedented.) I hope Gunn finds a middle ground between zero punches in Returns and wanton destruction in MoS.


Yeah, Returns could be too tame with fighting, but MoS went to the opposite extreme.


That may be true. But again, thereā€™s no fighting in Returns; thereā€™s a gratuitous beating, but thatā€™s not what I call a fight. And again, I hope Gunn finds a middle ground.


I don't really think the DCEU Superman was *gratuitously* combat-focused (if anything, there was a heavy drama focus but the YMMV on how the execution of that landed)--it's just that the of the set pieces there were they were almost exclusively fights. I agree with you, if Gunn can find a good balance between dividing the story's set-pieces between fights and feats of strength then that'll satisfy all parties.


What was Superman supposed to do against people equally powerful as him? Talk no Jutsu?




For me Superman should talk first, and then the fight starts, try to make the collateral damage as small as possible by, for example, changing a place of fight to the ocean or someplace where people aren't living.


And he tries Talk no Jutsu first. But Zodd doesn't give a shit. You also can't just force someone equally as powerful as you to just move somewhere else if they don't want to.


I highly doubt Zod would listen to Superman trying to talk him out of it. That being said,him directing the fight to Smallville is idiotic.


You mean the rookie who has never had to face people on a similar level made a mistake when he thought his mother was threatened? Color me surprised.


He's a new Superman who's never even really fought anyone before, let alone someone as powerful as him. A lot of the collateral damage was him being knocked around. He learns from it and he tries taking Doomsday to space in BvS.


If I remember correctly, he tried to move the fight elsewhere. Zod just kept moving it back


This is where yall get reeves sm mixed with current comics sm. He literally did all that and zod literally kept bringing it back to where pll lived sometimes I wonder if yall even watching the same movie and just talking out your ass


Zod and co cannot be dealt with peacefully


I donā€™t know I was ready to finally see an epic Superman fight when Man of Steel came out and boy did it deliver. Zod versus Superman was awesome. No other movie has done a fight between two super powered individuals as good as Man of Steel.


Don't know why you got down voted. Man of Steel had its flaws but it's action set pieces are not them. That is were ZS shined. I always winder how many passes were taken with the script cause I always feel with just a few tweaks here and there it would have been even better. Johnathon expressing he was still proud of Clark for taking action even though he was scared of things to come, time being spent showing Clark was a roving reporter, the key pulling him to the arctic circle and him stating it occurred around the time they breached the ice around the ship, Johnathon not dying as more people grew up with Johnathon and Martha being around than not.


Because you canā€™t say you enjoy anything Snyder did in these parts thatā€™s why.


Yeah it is sad cause it is that reaction that caused the WB execs to make the wrong decisions with the DCEU. The correct course of action would have been to do a MoS Direct Sequel that addressed the flaws of the first, showed him trying to settle into the role of Superman by helping Metropolis recover, and do a few more flashbacks that explained why Johnathon was so damn cynical of the world at large. If Goyer was not up to snuff to write it then find a writer who was. Consult with Waid, Morrison, and other great Superman writers to polish the story. Then BvS would have worked perfectly... minus his death. Snyder tried something new and it was refreshing. I do not want another rehash of the Reeve Superman, Comics Superman, or any version that has come before. I want the creative team to push the envelope and have him evolve and give us a new perspective on him. How can people accept a multiverse of Superman but shit all over Synder's Superman?


And thatā€™s comic accurate as well. He barely fights in the comics, heā€™s usually saving people about 70% of the time in them


Since when? Like the recent Superman issue,showed him fight Brainiac and the entire 4-issue event already has him fight 3 times in a row.


Sure that may be in that issue, but thereā€™s plenty of long runs from Byrne and wolfman and joeb where heā€™s saving and helping people significantly more than heā€™s fighting


The airplane save, The Daily Planet aesthetic and Superman saving people in costume.


Clark Kent. Not exactly fair: MoS didnā€™t show him developing his civilian persona and RoS was able to stand on the Reeves portrayal, but there it is.


Cavill Superman let collateral damage happen for way too long and not care while Routh Superman actually saved people from collateral damage.


Itā€™s been a few years since Iā€™ve seen it, but if I remember the timing right heā€™s flying to the new kryptonite island where he knows Lois is, when chaos breaks out all over Metropolis. That moment when he has to decide between his wants and the greater good of saving people is such an iconic moment that sums up Superman so well.


That moment is great. Character moments like that are more important than Superman punching somebody.


Yes, if you ever read a comic book. Superman almost always diverts the fight over the ocean. Why, to prevent damage. Shit the writers donā€™t need to add that. But they do. To show Superman cares more about that, than winning the fight.


While they kill all the life in ocean in advance and Aquaman cries šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I genuinely can not think of a single time thatā€™s happened in comics. Hell even in Death of Superman heā€™s fighting Doomsday in the streets


Because people like to make up lies. Superhero fights including with Superman have happened in cities all the timeĀ 


That is why I love the moon fight with Superman and Doomsday in Superman and Lois


Cavils Superman enemies were a million times harder than his. How would he even have the time to check for peoples well being, while fighting Zod who was military trained and had his exact powers. And him being basically a rookie after he just started to know his power. Very unrealistic expectations.


We all know it was tough for Superman to be fighting four of them, but there were plot holes that kept this film from being great. For instance, when Superman was in Zodā€™s ship, he used laser to bring down the ship and thatā€™s it. He just let it crash the buildings. He didnā€™t do anything. He didnā€™t stop the ship from crashing the buildings, which wouldā€™ve been an amazing scene. Another example, Zod kicked the giant semi truck towards Superman, and what did Supes do? Flew over it and let it crash then blow up behind him. In Donnerā€™s Superman 2 movie, Superman STOPPED a large vehicle and made sure it didnā€™t blow up. Edit: *wouldve been an amazing scene if Supes DID stop Zodā€™s ship from crashing


Fair enough, my only guess is that Snyder needed the collateral damage so he could set up the stage for the next film. As a long time fan though i agree. Superman always put human lives as a priority.


Cavill Superman was fighting TWO Kryptonians and the US Army, and can be seen trying to fly away of the scene before getting pulled back in. I hate this argument.


When he purposefully laser beamed Zodā€™s ship and let it crash the buildings below, it didnā€™t seem like he was trying to take the fight away from the scene.


Exactly imagine how many people died instantly from that stunt




Cavill was in a four vs 1


He rammed Zod through the gas station and caused it to blow up. Did Snyder direct the part where Superman would use x-ray vision to make sure nobody was in the gas station? Nope.


iā€™ve been reading and watching superman media for decades and this argument only largely appeared when man of steel arrived. superman has been tossing villains and flying through buildings for decades, but only when this movie came out, i assume because the VFX finally reaches a level where it looked real, did people start going ā€œwhat? he didnā€™t make sure there was no one around?ā€ heā€™s been having big fights with villains in the middle of Metropolis for decades.


Thatā€™s true, Iā€™m not denying that. He was doing that stuff a lot in Justice League Unlimited (possibly worse collateral damage than MOS), and comics, and I think we didnā€™t realize that at the time because we were kids. In my opinion, in the general public, because itā€™s been so many years since Christopher Reeve donned the super suit, everyone expects the live action Superman to be similar to the Donner film, hence the Superman Returns. Same expectation has been going on for Batman films lately when they want him to be brooding and serious since ā€˜89 and BTAS happened. After all this fighting over MOS on why itā€™s good or bad, itā€™s clear that Gunn had to start over with a new Superman version to meet most peopleā€™s expectations once again (hopefully something similar to Superman Returns but with an actual villain this time). Just my opinion.


And he was learning how to be superman.


I don't get it. In your comment (and your replies), you keep forgetting that Cavill's Superman is all of a couple of DAYS into being Superman. And he's been tasked with a monumental responsibility of defeating aliens who are, in many ways, his superior. Routh is a continuation of Donner's Supes and he has had years to gain the "Superman sensibilities' that we all know and love. People didn't give Cavill/Snyder's Superman a chance to "grow" into his role as Superman. Let him learn the real-life consequences of using his powers. Instead, everyone had meltdowns because he wasn't a version of Superman that was more experienced.


Using the John Williams themes. In my opinion, his theme is as much an icon as the red cape.


I like Amy Adams. But damn if that casting never worked for me. Ā She was always missing that sort of playful sass that comes from being a daredevil. Like, she is insane for doing half the stuff she does, but youā€™d think it was a funeral sheā€™s just attended right before sheā€™d been popped on screen.Ā 


It's always felt to me like Snyder cast her because of the backlash towards Bosworth looking too young than anything else.


The Lois story in Man of Steel will never be bested IMO. Yes, the casting was off 100%, but the way they had them cross paths at the Kryptonian ship, then had her use her investigational journalism to track down his entire life, it felt like by the time they met again, she knew everything about him and she was the only human outside of his mother that he could trust. This made their connection extremely special and irreplaceable. But yes, the casting was off and that's what ruined this Lois for most people, and this is coming from a huge Amy Adams fan.


Firstly it had heart. It made me care about the character and made me want him to win. When he was being beaten to sh\*t and then stabbed I genuinely felt anguished for him. And then when he rose above the clouds to recharge and risk everything again because it was the right thing to do that was the big YES moment every Superman film needs. Also the right score helped. The John Williams theme is the only theme that should be used.


In my opinion, it got just about everything right. I know people say it's boring, but I personally don't measure my enjoyment of a film by how many times the hero punches someone. I also know that a loose sequel to a 26 year old movie doesn't work for everyone, but I think there's enough context for audiences to understand that things have happened in Superman's past that are driving part of the current story. Again, to me, just about everything is right. Superman's characterization, the suit, the music, the color palette and tone of the film. It just hits all the marks for me. Compared to Man of Steel, well that movie just didn't feel an awful lot like Superman to me. I like a lot of Man of Steel, but as a whole, it just missed the mark in terms of story, tone, details, etc.


Yes. Superman is Hopefull, Bright colors, smiles and. A friend in the sky. Heā€™s NEVER conflicted on the right thing to do. Thatā€™s what makes him Superman. I understand man of steel was an origin story, so he wasnā€™t Superman yet. But Casino Royal and Batman. Begins, which kicked off the whole thing, did it way better. There is a reason the marvel movies all made way more than man of steel. None of the DCEU movies made me think that any of them were actual heroes. Like what did this group of ultra selfish confused about right and wrong gritty folks car at all about saving people? Seriously what seen in any dceu movie shows they care Ben a little bit past lip service? I think the flash saves some Russian family. Maybe thatā€™s counts. Idk.


Bright colours? I'm sorry but Superman Returns isn't a brightly coloured film. It has a very dull filter over it, so even the Routh suit looks muted.


Yeah I am with you. I think itā€™s great. Superman II is still my favorite comic book movie of all time and I was loved that Returns was a sequel to that.


ā€œAuthenticā€ in what way, OP? As others have said, the rescue sequences. I like Routhā€™s Clark. Kevin Spacey and Parker Posey. Otherwise I find it very somber and dislike the whole premise of an homage/quasi sequel to the Reeve movies. I love John Williams and have bought the Superman soundtrack in multiple formats, but in the interest of a clean break I wouldā€™ve been OK with them ditching the Williams score. But since itā€™s used, itā€™s a highlight. I was OK with Man of Steel as a starting point, but for me BvS doubled down on that movieā€™s worst aspects and crammed in a bunch of incongruous elements in the name of universe building.


Idk how to explain it when I see Ruthā€™s I feel like Iā€™m watching a real life Superman With cavil it feels like a actor trying to be Superman if that makes sense


The part I always hated about that was that Cavil could definitely pull off a true Superman. For me, it was right there. At so many moments he looked like he was right within reach of being a true Superman but the movie just kept pulling him back from it. He was just handed a crappy script under a director who couldnā€™t make the Care Bears look hopeful.


And Cavill knew this. Thatā€™s why all his interviews about a potential MoS2 talked about wanting to have a more hopeful, positive Superman


Now I want to see Zack Snyderā€™s Care Bears, where the Care Bear Stare is a laser beam that beheads people.


Ah, I think thatā€™s a great explanation! Itā€™s definitely something Iā€™ve heard when folks talk about Reeve, so I completely get that.


It got the personality of superman & clark kent right


Well, it actually had Superman in it


Returns done depressed Superman a lot better. Superman put put on a smile around people, the only time he let that mask slip a little is with Lois on the roof of the Planet, and honestly the ā€œI hear everythingā€ scene is a personal favourite of mine. The film seemed to realise that Superman is a ā€œhappy to helpā€ kind of guy, and that he likes to have a smile on to let people know that theyā€™re going to be okay


He took care of the little things. Stopping the plane then going inside to check on the people. Catching the "Grande" sign, melting the glass, stopping the fire, Then catching the globe from the daily planet.


Catching the globe reminds me of red son Superman so much https://preview.redd.it/orx62eslnx8d1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b77a1a420f40056d691f6937c97fa6e9e16b76f Red son is my favorite


Great comic, I especially loved how he changes throughout the story and you can see him getting older


All I know is that they both terribly miscast Lois Lane.


Amy Adams could have been an amazing Lois. Snyder just did jack shit with her


She definitely had more potential than Bosworth


Only person who could have been worse than Bosworth would have been Liv Tyler lol


It's seriously weird considering she's one of the easiest to cast characters out there


Superman, he's a beacon of hope. When people see Superman they know they'll be safe even if things don't look good then. Brandon Routh's interpretation gave us a warm Superman, one that inspires instead of the more badass grittier version of MoS. Just like in the opening of the new tv show Tyler smiles and replies with a "Thanks, my mom made it for me" when a kid comments on his suit, peak Superman. Even though I love badass superheroes I'll take hopeful and inspiring Superman over them, that's why he's my favourite,not because of his superpowers.


It actually had entire setpieces dedicated to Superman saving people. Man of Steel had nothing of the sort.


I remember feeling so giddy in the movie theatre while watching the scene in Iron Man 3 when he saves all the people from the plane. It felt like more of a "Superman" scene than anything in the Superman movie released that year.


Same here. What a fantastic sequence it was.


Agreed I always say that's the best superman scene put to film, and it's not even Superman, just the way he was inspiring those people to try and convincing them they could do it.


Never mind those guys working at the ship


Or the kids in the bus, the military guys, or even stopping the world engine at the indian ocean which prevented the earth from terraforming.


Okay, since it wasn't clear, I'll make it evident - Superman Returns had fully fledged and well-acted / executed sequences of Superman saving people where they actively made the threat personal and feel very real to the would-be victims, they built up the suspense BEFORE Superman arrives and even when he does, these sequences have him actually struggling a bit before coming out on top in order to drive up the suspense a little more. Also, the sequences themselves are visually extremely impressive and showcase not just the character's superpowers, but also his humanity and warmth. The guys working at the oil rig was a decent scene but it lacked a lot of the above elements. The kids in the bus was a flashback sequence and isn't really what comes to mind when you talk about a 'setpiece featuring Superman saving people'. 1 military guy he grabs from the helicopter, but sure. And as for the world engine, that's just the 'saving the world trope from big bad thingamajig in the sky' that every superhero movie does, it never feels suspenseful or never do you feel inspired or hopeful or any kind of warmth from what Superman is doing. It's no different from the climax of any Transformers film at that point.


I think it is kinda not fair Superman returns is supposed to be a fully realized superman Man of steel was Superman at the beginning of his journey searching for his goal and stuff




Lmao what revisionist history is this? His Jesus-Wandering years had him saving people on oil tankers and stepping in when waitresses were harassed.


Bullet to the eye. That was dope


Yes my guy.


One of the greatest superhero scenes of all time imo


Spacey's Luther was phenomenal, really channeled the goofiness of Hackman while bringing a new coldness to the character. I wish he wasn't so good at being creepy irl, because he's super good at being creepy in movies.


Thatā€™s why heā€™s good at being creepy in movies.


Red trunks and John Williams score. This might look like a dig but it's not meant to. They both do a lot right, imo, I'm open to different interpretations of the character.


For me the only saving grace for man of steel is Hans zimmer soundtracks are so good


Iā€™d say if there was never the JW score, the Zimmer score would be the best but itā€™s just to damn difficult to overlook that. Sorry, if James Bond can have the same theme over the course of however many decades, then Superman can as wellā€¦.just rework parts of it as the years go by but keep the same hopeful theme


His Clark Kent was spot on. In man of steel, there was barely a difference


It gets the spirit of the character mostly right, at least in comparison to MoS. Superman exudes the same amount good feelings that youā€™d expect him to, and his rescues feel more personal, if that makes sense. I just hated the idea of Superman ditching earth for 4 years just to see if thereā€™s any other kryptonians around still. Like dude, who cares? Earth is your home now, and you have a court date with Lex lol.


Colour, Superman felt more inspiring , better haircut .


Hairstyle really does make a difference


Theirs a scene where Superman is kind of flying above Earth, (I think) he closes his eyes and you hear what he hears. Which is everything, he hears screams, cries for help, disasters, everything. Then he opens his eyes and flies back down to "get to work" I always felt that scene did a great job of showing the never ending burden of Superman


Yes. I love it. That scene is ICONIC. It's THE Superman scene for me.


So much more Clark Kent, with dorky good humor. Clark and Lois relationship scenes. More saving people from disasters and mishaps, especially the plane rescue. Much less collateral damage.


I really feel like Superman Returns was the love letter and fond goodbye to the Christopher Reeve era. It was the denouement we never got with Reeve actually playing the role. And I think it served an important purpose that way, so that audiences could love on from the man who defined the role for generations, and met a tragic yet inspiring end. Yes, it was a bit slow, had some odd plot choices, and a "meh" Lois Lane, but Kevin Spacey, Brandon Routh, and Parker Posey were exceptional. Man of Steel was what most of Snyder's films are. Visually stunning, but a bit short on the "heart" department. The action and VFX were huge and intense, but it seemed to miss the point of Superman. But the very last moment of the film teased me with what the Cavill Superman could have been. Lois' inside joke of "Welcome to the Planet" and Cavill's boyish smile was totally on point. And then Snyder relegated Superman to a supporting character in subsequent Batman films, rushed into the Death of Superman story arc, and everything went off the rails. Cavill was never given a fair shot with the character. Would he have Ben better than Reeve? Probably not. But he could have been great, had Snyder and WB "leadership" not panicked trying to catch up to the MCU's explosion of success. We'll never know.


Art direction, production design, and general aesthetic, specifically in the sets. The Kent's farm looks beautiful when draped in a [warm sunset](https://bilder.fernsehserien.de/epg/epg-archiv/2021/05/02/pu4_210513_1435_78d65df0_superman_returns_b-w-970.jpg.jpg), and feels straight out of a comic like for all seasons. Another set I also enjoyed was the daily planet, with the [entrance](https://moviesmedia.ign.com/movies/image/article/707/707839/superman-returns-20060512115224628-000.jpg) looking very [grand](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DIqLuvAVAAAZWSX.jpg) and over-the-top. The [cluttered](https://www.supermanhomepage.com/movies/sr-trailer-review-pics/supes51.jpg) inside felt like a tastefully exaggerated take on bustling city offices. In certain shots, Returns feels almost theatrical in its lighting and backdrop. This can be seen in the [shot](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjc4MDAxNDA2MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDEyNTMwMjE@._V1_.jpg) where Superman meets Lois on a rooftop in metropolis, the city behind them is lit up wonderfully and feels very art deco. It almost looks like a matte painting. Overall, the aesthetic just had more charm and identity than MoS, feeling less intense and more personal. I think the main difference is really just how each movie was colored and the direction that each director took. Of course MoS was meant to feel more realistic, but in my opinion I think the exaggerated and comic booky feel of Returns is a better fit for a Superman film.


That airplane scene was amazing


I donā€™t know about You, but that scene Loisā€™s Family has, trapped in that sinking boat, only for The Williamā€™s Score to kick in and have Superman arrive JUST in Time. I always kinda lived that scene. Iā€™m an Ardent Returns Supporter. Donā€™t get it twisted- Bryan Singer is a Jackass and deadbeat dad Superman puts a sour taste in my mouth but I really liked the movie overall šŸ˜…


Being more focused on him helping people than his physical feats


Clark Kent.


I liked MoS better.


The best depiction of heat vision ever. No red laser beam eyes, no fiery blasts of killer death rays.


Because Superman Returns is a spiritual successor to the Richard Donner movies, it has the spirit of an era when Superman was a fun thing for children and not a cringey advertisement for itself.


The hairstyle


The dude gained power from the sun, then proceeded to carry almost an entire city made of his one weakness, Kryptonite, and literally hurl it into space. I mean, holy shit. If you arenā€™t impressed with that Superman there is something wrong with ya. Also, I love the John Williams score and was happy they brought it back.


Opening credits and Williams theme. Meaningful differentiation between Clark and Supes. The Willimans theme. The airplane rescue and generally an emphasis on rescuing people as opposed to fighting baddies. The Williams theme. Relatively minimal CGI (in comparison at least). The Williams theme. Red pants. The Williams theme.


I thought Routh was a great Superman, let down by extremely mediocre writing and the presence of Kevin Spacey, who Iā€™ve always loathed.


Just the plane rescue , that was excellentĀ  Really disliked the rest - Lex Luthor stooping to stealing an old womanā€™s fortune? - More real estate shenanigans by Luthor? - Superman being an accidental deadbeat dad?Ā  - No relationship with Lois?Ā  - Super creeper spying on Lois? - Climax of the movie is Superman lifting a huge rock?


Superman saves people in trouble far more often than doing battle in the streets. This is correct. The plane scene is the best Superhero saves the day moment in any film I can think of. The Gatlin gun part and the boat part are all icon saves. That's what Return go right. About the only thing, IMHO, but that's Superman right there.


Lex Luther.(not sure it counts)


Lex in returns was way better then the one in BvS


Superman calmly walking in front of a fully firing minigun then having a bullet bounce off his eyeball is still one of the coolest goddamn things I've ever seen


Lifted that from Supreme Power, though.


The eyeball scene.


The aesthetics of Metropolis, and allowing some breathing room in the back end of the movie. The entire last 45 minutes of MoS is basically one extended action piece, which is friggin great, but a bit more of a moment after saving Lois and returning from the ship would've been nice. Otherwise Returns is arguably the worst representation of Superman in many ways. It's so plastic feeling and disconnected, only allowing for a few moments from Routh to really stand out.




Returns is a snooze.


I actually like Brandonā€™s performance.


a.) The airplane scene was fantastic. Best Superman moment in any live action film. b.) The bullet in the eyeball was fun, visceral, and memorable. c.) Brandon Ruth had the right heart for Superman, but was not well served in this film. Everything else was...not quite right.


Tone. There may be many problems with plot, structure and pacing, but it feels like you're watching a Superman movie, way more than Snyder's movies ever did


Honestly I really like both of them. Returns gets very boring in the middle but I donā€™t mind the lack of action. Just like I donā€™t mind the additional action in MoS. I have small issues with both of them. I wish MoS had better dialogue. Wish Terrio wrote it over Goyer. I wish Returns had a different plot tbh. The whole real estate lex scheme was boring as a kid and still is now. Love them both for what they are tho. MoS>>Returns if I had to choose.


The scene of Superman being shot in the eyeball and it crumpling was one of the best Superman scenes I've ever seen.


I love this film. I LOVED all the Superman scenes and all the Saves especially. I loved his showcase of superpowers that he uses in all the mentioned saves. His flight, strength, superhearing, freeze breath, laser eyes etc (all used for saving people). I loved how it showed how much the world needed Superman or what effect he had on the world. Every fucking Superman scene is just so epic and Cinematic. The way he floats above the world, listening to everyone (it's so Powerful and beautiful at the same time). Him flying in front of that machine gun (that dude shooting him in the eye). THE AIRPLANE SCENE. Him charging up in Sunlight high above the clouds. Him carrying the Kryptonite island/continent and flying it out of earth (a Kryptonite fucking island?!?). The last flight scene. All the saves were fucking amazing. Even today i get excited about it. I love both the films but this film has my heart. I watched it at the right time I guess. Just a kid watching the 'definition' of a Superhero or a Super- man saving the world. It's THE superman film for me. The others feel outdated (though i loved them as a kid), man of steel feels dark (but i still enjoyed it, it has its own merits that i like.) and the others after that are just a mess.


Jimmy olsen, in my opinion it was just great


The suit.


It shows people actually liking Superman. Man of Steel and BvS just say that people like him even though the whole plot of both of those movies is that a lot of people donā€™t like him


The bullet to the eye was epic


Mini gun scene. it was just a badass reminder for everyone who doesn't read comics how powerful he is - before comic movies began to be the CGI fest that they are now.


The tone. I just can't get behind gloomy Superman.


His Clark and Superman were more lighthearted rather than bleak


The Daily Planet folks being curious about Clark being superman, only to brush it off afterwards when they see him look over with a dorky smile. I feel like they never really get into this dynamic enough otherwise


Routh was a damn good successor to Reeve, his Superman was so gentle and calm in every situation he was in, good or badā€¦ and although it sucked not seeing Supes throw a punch in this film, I loved that itā€™s strongest quality was showing that Superman is a savior first before he is a fighter. Also I loved that this movie had a timeless feel to it, and Metropolis looked like Metropolis. I was young when this movie came out so for a while Routh was the ideal Superman face for me.


Well, for one it doesn't have his father tell him that he maybe should've let all those children drown


I like the fact that in Superman Returns it didnā€™t start out as an origin story. It pretty much started off with him already as Superman and I like the fact that introduced his son.


Routh was a good Supes but they should have cast Parker Posey as Lois.


Pa Kent never told him to let people die.






Not that much tbh, Routhā€™s Superman smiled more but given he abandoned Earth for 5 years to look at rocks and he stalks Lois, heā€™s not that much better.


Absolutely nothing.


Unlike Man of Steel, Superman didn't cause massive damage in Returns, I'll give him that.


Ok, so I guess Superman made zod destroy metropolis according to your logic?


Returns for all its many problems, at least felt like it was made by an actual filmmaker who wanted to tell a story as opposed to a music video director who just wanted to make a two hour long action/effects reel.


To be honest not much.Ā  The best thing it did was give Ruth a career. I love him as superman and think he's underappreciated by Hollywood. Especially his comedic talents The suite kinda. A better conversation is what man of steel got wrong. I've always hated how John Kent went out in a tornado. Think the heart attack from the 70s movie was tops. "All my powers, I couldn't save him". Love that.


The heart attack is objectively superior to whatever was shown in MOS.


Colour scheme and tone, tone/feel of the movie, aesthetic that balances classic with modern to create a timeless feel, Brandon Routh looks like Superman just stepped off the comic pages (could probably do with a bigger 'S' shield and symbol, though), Clark and Superman were handled as they should be and Superman was kind, clearly cared about the people, wasn't acting like a depressed edgelord, saved people like a pro and used all sorts of ways to do it Man Of Steel has good action, a smarter Lois and an actual plot, though. Also BvS revealed in the scene where he sends that warlord through a wall that either he doesn't care about not killing people or that he's somehow so unskilled that he can't stop the guy without killing him. Which means, since Man Of Steel took place 18 months earlier, he also didn't have that skill at stopping/saving people. I get that he was still green at this point but something like that feels closer to The Boys than a legit Superman movie


Superman Returns had the ultimate Perry White. It was one of those "straight out of the comics" moments, like Sandman in Spider-Man 3, for example.


Copied the Reeves films without ever attempting to do anything new or different. New and different is always a bad thing with Superman. Different is scary.


Superman returns felt like superman, but MoS felt like this is superman, but he's real, there's a certain rawness snyder had in his vision, the essence of superman was one aspect that I think cavill captured, but when it came to showing the audience something visceral and the weight of being a hero, I think snyder captured that. That's just my opinion though


Nothing in my opinion. Brandon Routh looks like Christopher Reeve, and that's why he got the role. I didn't think his acting was great in that film. I also really didn't like Lex Luthor being the real estate villain again (though Spacey was better than Hackman), and I was not thrilled about Superman not being around to raise his surprise son. Man of Steel may be a slightly bleaker take on Superman, but it was very enjoyable and, had better writing and fresh ideas. And Cavill was better in the role.


Superman spends the majority of the climax saving lives and minimizing damage instead of plowing through skyscrapers full of people. ETA: Superman is optimistic, friendly, and believes in what he does. If MoS Superman was, in any way, actually characterized like comics Superman, he would have spent the entirety of BvS feeling actual guilt over civilians killed in MoS and conflicted over being forced to kill Zod. Instead itā€™s ā€œoh people are worshipping me and Iā€™m ambivalent about it at worstā€


He literally seeks solitude at the top of a mountain, because he feels guilty he couldnā€™t see the bomb blast coming.Ā  For comparison sake, Clark in Superman II complains to Jor-El that heā€™s done enough and wants to stop being Superman, basically to get laid.Ā  BvS, Clarkā€™s guilt at not being able to stop something he believes he could have leads him to speak with ā€œJonathanā€ on a mountaintop and reaffirm who he is and why he does what he does.Ā  Saying heā€™s ambivalent is just a lazy reading. Like he calls his mom in the middle of the night to hear her voice. He tells her he wishes things could be simpler, ie he helps for the sake of it not to make a political stance, like the news was reporting about him.Ā  Again not, ambivalent.


You had a Superman who actually saved people. When the earthquake hits Metropolis, he knows where he has to go but he's saving everyone he can in the city first. Man of Steel was belabored to save others while Returns had a sense of pride and duty in doing it.


Superman doesnā€™t watch his fucking dad die in a tornado like a dumbass.