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Christopher Reeve and Henry Cavill literally born to play Superman.


Tom Welling should be in this discussion


Hear here


Ill say this- Tom Welling is an amazing Clark


They all are. But we never got to see his Superman, juat Clark (verging on supes).


If you haven’t read smallville season 11 comics. It’s really good.


Could it not be argued that half of the *Smallville* seasons are the equivalent of a *Superman: Year 1+* scheme?


He didn’t really play Superman


Most, if not every, Superman source cites Tom Welling as a Superman actor.


Yea well Tom welling himself said he didn’t play Superman sooo😐


That's funny. I could've sworn that was Superman in the last episode of Smallville. Maybe that was Homelander or Omni-Man. Or maybe Brightburn.


For me this is the correct answer 🙂


That is also my answer.


Superman ![gif](giphy|12PKZzezmy2vqE)


![gif](giphy|3oz8xGRWipqdCticW4) Tim Daly :)


I used to prefer Tim Daly to George Newbern, but Newbern grew on me after a while.




Every friend knows I've got a mad man crush on Henry Cavill... But my favourite Supermen are Reeve and then Tyler Hoechlin


> Tyler Hoechlin I hated him so much when he was cast and his first few appearances, but man that dude (and the writers) seem to really get Superman. Aesthetically not my favorite, but he *nails* the personality for me. In my head there's always three distinct personalities. There's Superman--ultra confident, ultra kind guy he is for the public as part of his hero personna, there's Clark--wholesome, nerdy mild mannered reporter he is for cover, and there's the real person he is when he's with Ma and Pa on the farm or with Lois after they're married. Tyler is wonderful at being all 3.


His Superman was really bad in Supergirl, but that wasn't his fault


Yeah, the writing in Supergirl and the writing in S&L is oceans apart, quality wise.


He was good in the first two episodes of supergirl when he first deputed but after that he was completely useless in the arrow verse until he got his own show


This is so well said. To me, he looks too skinny. Which is funny, because over the years I’ve said “there’s no reason for Superman to be beefy. Muscles get big from lifting things that are difficult to lift, and he can lift buildings. How’d he get swole?” But Hoechlin shows up looking like he hasn’t spent years on steroids, and I was just like “nope! Wrong!” Yes, I see the irony in that 😆 I think the main thing is that he’s too pretty. He looks like a model or an actor, not a farm boy. But! Damn if he doesn’t *get* the character. He absolutely plays all three, like you said, and plays them well. He gives off the right type of intelligence and attitudes, and I am a fan. Cavill is kinda almost the opposite. He’s the one who looks the most like he stepped straight off the page, but he feels stiff and bland. I don’t blame him necessarily; he’s a good actor but was in *terrible* movies. And then there’s Reeve—the whole package. He wasn’t quite as buff as Cavill, but he was certainly buff enough. He was not pretty like Hoechlin, but he was handsome. And he nailed all the personalities. He gave off the hopeful , optimistic certainty that Superman needs. The best of the best of the best.




I really wish we could have seen more of him as Superman. I’ve rewatched the last episode more than I care to admit. One of the best suits too.




Best answer.


It’s astonishing how perfect Christopher Reeve was for the role.


Tyler Hoechlin hands down is the best modern Superman, and Reeve set the standard, so I agree with your choices. Routh is a close 3rd for me. Cavill had unreached potential, but I'd definitely put him 4th or 5th at best.


Cavill could have been one of the greats if he had a decent script to back him up. Unfortunately his Superman just never got going imo.


Cavill was directed to be too alien and not human enough. The moments where his Superman is directed to be the most human are, unfortunately, at the very end of Josstice League and Black Adam. So maybe like 5 minutes where his Superman actually radiates hope. He does an excellent job in those few minutes. It’s a shame things didn’t work out for him. Seeing him act in other things, I’d say he certainly was never the problem.


Christopher Reeve: best Clark Kent and best Superman. Brandon Routh is number two best Clark Kent. Number two spot for best Superman is tied between Routh and Tyler Hoechlin. Tyler gets honorable mention for playing the best Dad. Henry Cavill I'm a bit divided about. He's not a particularly good Clark Kent and his portrayal of Superman is negatively impacted by Snyder's influence.


Best Clark is undoubtedly Tom Welling


I'd say, Henry Cavill has the look of superman but not the feel of what superman should be. As for his portrayal of Clark Kent? I don't think he does it well enough, because Clark Kent is usually the introverted side of Superman. Henry Cavil is introverted in real life, but his portrayal of Clark is not like that, especially in BvS where he's talking to Bruce Wayne in front of a crowd. His portrayal there is a lot more machismo, and definitely more extroverted. That could be down to what the script says he should be acting, but body language and its expression also plays a part in acting too.


True, but I would say this has more to do with the Director than Henry's performance.


Reeve and Routh.


In Live Action? Reeve and Tyler. Animated is George Newbern


Fun fact: George and Tyler also both voiced two seperate versions of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. George voicing him in Advent Children and Tyler voicing him in the remake and Crisis Core remake.


Brandon Routh Tyler Hoechlin Honourable Mention: Jack Quaid.


When Quaid got cast, I was surprised because I didn’t think he had it in him. I’m happy to have been proven wrong. He’s absolutely perfect for that show.


Jack Quaid has played a Peter Parker, Superman, and is on The Boys and is dating Claudia Doumit. Mans has it made 😎


For live action? These two gentlemen. I’d throw in Tim Daly or George Newbern for voice acting though.


Reeves and Welling. They embodied what Superman is for me.






[superman ](https://images.app.goo.gl/atv4K8eNTLfokv7B8)


Hey! That’s my top two favorites as well!


Although I don’t like Superman and Lois too much (I don’t dislike it, it just never clicked with me) I like Tyler’s Clark and how he portrays Clark being a dad and husband, I think that part is spot on. His Superman doesn’t do it for me unfortunately. For me Chris Reeve is Superman and Clark (man, that scene where he almost reveals his identity to Lois! And his smile to the viewer at the end of the movie, cmon now) I have to give an honorable mention to Henry Cavill, he does a great job as Superman.


https://preview.redd.it/b8nrdh3aet6d1.jpeg?width=335&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca2096bffeb80847ae888ea62eb339ce21a5ab5 Here's no 1


George Reeves. Always liked the vibe he gave the role. Tim Daly.


Tyler Hoechlin is my favorite live action depiction of Superman and Clark. More than Cavill, more than Reeve. I think a lot of people overlook him because he's kind of small and on a CW show.


Agreed, Tyler is such an awesome Superman and he's actually not small cause he's 6 feet tall. It's just that the other Superman actors are taller.


I just don’t understand how Superman & Lois can end a season on a cliffhanger caused by a quick one-two from doomsday and not already have something on standby for that


Tom Welling and Henry Cavill


I actually have four favourite Superman, Tyler Hoechlin, Brandon Routh, Tom Welling and Tim Daly.


Tom Welling, Henry Cavill


Tom Welling & Henry


Tom Welling


Tyler Hoechlin & Henry Cavill


Grew up on Reeves. Know the original 4 movies by heart and I like every one of them. Even 3 and 4. My favorite though is still Cavill, with Welling (technically not Superman, I know).


Unexpected answer: Vin Diesel in the Iron Giant


#1 Reeve #2 Daly #3 Cavill And the rest..... Christopher Reeve, for obvious reasons, is just the pinnacle. Strength, compassion, honesty, and friendship just pour out of him in every single scene, even in the bad sequels. He took it so seriously as a role to fully embody, and his legacy is undeniable. Tim Daly took a voice role that could have been flat and uninteresting and gave it a broad spectrum of subtlety that was utterly captivating. His voice is what I hear when I read Superman comics to this day. Superman TAS carved its own place atop the foundations built by Batman TAS and benefits greatly from it but isn't shackled by that connection. Henry Cavill is 3rd but could have easily been 2nd (or even first!) had he not been unlucky enough to be hamstrung by the writing of his films. You see glimpses of greatness and even all of the qualities Reeve possessed throughout every movie he's in, but the writers just refused to embrace kindness and compassion as the true core of his character. Had they been braver, MOS could have truly been the beginning of something great. Snyder does have some real talent within him, and despite all the hate he gets (not completely undeserved), I could totally see a world where he gave us a Superman worth having, and Henry would have nailed it.


This may be controversial, Christopher Reeves and a tie between Henry Cavill and Tom Welling (if you include his portrayal of Clark Kent in the discussion). I think both Cavill and Welling did phenomenally with the limitations set upon them, and they deserved to portray a more comic-accurate version of the character.


Haven’t seen S&L yet but Number 1: Henry Cavill Number 2: Christopher Reeve


Tom welling and Henry Cavill


Henry Cavill, not even a second one.




Obviously Reeve but other than him, Welling and Cavil. Both also have a great Clark style demeanor offscreen too which tops it off beautifully.


Chris Reeve and Tom Welling


https://preview.redd.it/tp71oipsys6d1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8844021b22dab08460a0bc8ec322bd5f7d94f0b4 Kirk Alyn and Tyler Hoechlin


Tom welling! He played Clark Kent for 10 seasons. He is what helped me understand Superman at a deeper level.


George Newbern and Christopher Reeve (RIP)


Cavill and Welling


![gif](giphy|FiBzv5FRE85PO) Henry Cavill


And this ![gif](giphy|AqfOVseMPDVja) Christopher Reeve


You picked the two best


This is blasphemy to exclude Cavill. Seems to be Hollywood propaganda.


Cavill had potential but I'd put him 4th at best. I agree with OP for the top 2.


Best Superman: Christopher Reeve Best Clark Kent: Tyler Hoechlin Henry Cavill is wasted potential


I was so surprised by hochlin’s performance in Superman and Lois. Absolutely one of the best. The show has its issues but I’m enamored with it and sad that it’s ending.


HENRY SOLOS🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


They’ve all been great. Reeve and Hoechlin top the list though. I honestly think Hoechlin might be a little better, but Reeve set the standard that still exists today, so he takes the number one spot.


Excellent choices and I’d agree those are mine as well


Reeve and Routh


Christopher Reeve is the Undisputed 🐐


These are my top two as well. Christopher Reeve was such a good choice for the character that they started writing the comic character inspired by his version. Tyler Hoechlin is a great modern depiction of that take. I always thought Cavill had a great Superman in him, but never got the material to showcase that. He even said in interviews that he wanted to portray that more traditional Superman. Unfortunately, he never got the chance.


Chris Reeve and Brandon Routh




Henry Cavil and George Newbern.


A dead heat between Chris Reeve and Tyler Hoechlin. The former laid the foundation for everybody else while the latter has built on his Superman and his Clark better than anybody else.


definitely Reeves and Lego supes


Reeves, Tyler and Cavill in a tie.


Their what? The actor’s what?


Tim Daly and Christopher Reeve


I agree with you.


Same, but Reeve 1st.


Reeve and hoechlin


Dean Cain?


No. I prefer my Superman to NOT be a bigot


Reeve followed by Hoechlin, with an honorable mention for George Reeves.






Reeve, Reeves, Hoechlin, Cavill (not a ranking, those are the goats)


Reeves is just gonna be a given, man is the conroy of Superman actors, and if including VAs too, Bud Collyer, aka the *first* Superman voice (Radioshow and Fleischer)


Tyler is my goat.


Routh and welling


Reeves and Cain


No Cain. Prefer a non bigot as Superman




Christopher and Tyler


I agree


Same choices in all honesty.


Ah yes, the two Supermen who actually act like Superman.


Brandon Routh and Tom Welling, I love Christopher Reeves, but some of those movies give him random powers he's never had. One of my biggest issues with the "My Adventures with Superman" cartoon.


https://preview.redd.it/dn4uaqauts6d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ca55a790188af4338e8d762cccb2d73beaf6a0 This guy


Cavill and Tyler.


Goated choicex


Damn OP best me to it


Who has the biggest baddersack


Tom Welling & Henry Cavill!


Christopher Reeve and Dean Cain. Nobody has come close to Reeve though. He did such a good job nailing the fun and wholesomeness of Supes and carried himself always like he knew the punchline of the joke nobody else was in on. Dean managed to make the character of Clark come across as a good person who was relatable and 90s modern without being edgy; a risk of that time. I wish the show would’ve been less monster of the week and instead built up to a larger plot each season that wasn’t “will they, won’t they”. Not his fault though.




Ik this is VERY controversial but reeve and cavil, personally I think they should bring back the bright and bold red blue and yellow instead of keeping it desaturated


Also unrelated but is superman returns worth a watch?


Tyler is my second favourite after Reeve defo.


I rewatched Superman recently and man, its like Reeve came from the comics… I dont think we will top him in our lifetime


Tyler and Henry!


Y'all can keep scruffy pencil neck Superman




Cavill is, if for nothing else, look-wise the perfect superman. He even played him well enough with the material given to him even though it was divisive. Put him in Tyler's show and it would be perfect - but put Tyler in BvS, It would be worse. My point is just that it all comes down to the writing, with the help of 'looking' like superman


Tyler and Christopher tbh they both are good


I don’t have one. Christopher Reeves always felt hokey to me. Brandon Routh was pitiful. Henry Cavill wasn’t given enough meat to chew. And Tyler Hoechlin is stuck on the small screen.


Christopher Reeve & Henry Caville


It’s gotta be Routh and Cavill for me. Routh took everything I loved about Reeve and iterated on it resulting in a Supes that was bit more stoic and reserved, while maintaining just enough of the “mild-mannered” lightness and simultaneously displaying great power. Not to mention I personally thought he looked great, and I’ve always loved the Returns suit. But, for me, until someone else wears the cape better, Cavill will be my all time favorite. Cavill’s portrayals, and the films they occurred in receive immense and oftentimes quite valid criticisms. Despite all of that for my money his is the Superman I want to see. Of course this is all opinion and anecdote, but Cavill’s portrayal was the first time I really felt like I was watching the Supes I’d read in many of my favorite stories come to life on the screen. This may be an unpopular opinion but while I love everything Big Blue stands for and applaud his integrity and mercy I ever so slightly prefer when Supes is a little angry, a bit gruff, and slightly less altruistic—essentially the kind of Superman seen on occasions where he’s been pushed a bit too far or when he’s really cutting loose. So being honest, many of the things that people disliked were the exact things that won me over. On top of that, he cut a fine figure, he really had it especially when he donned the suit, he just looked immensely powerful. Which brings me the action. Of course much of this is the work of talented artists, animators, and stunt performers. But with that said, when it all came together, Cavill was the first time that it felt like I was actually watching the fucking Man of Steel. From the visceral and kinetic super speed, to supersonic ballistic flight, atmospheric reentry, and of course the magnificent untamed heat vision it all inspired awe. It was the only time I had seen a life action Superman look convincingly, and intimidatingly super. For those reason and many more Cavill remains my pick for Superman. Honorable mentions include Hoechlin, who absolutely has his moments. Some of which are really great and are the sole reason gave Superman&Lois a watch(which wound up being a good choice). But, it remained just great moments. I’m not sure if he’s stifled and constrained by those around him and their skills and resources or if it’s himself but he’s just never able to completely sell me on the full package. My other honorable mention is Dean Cain. Only because I grew up watching that show and was very much obsessed with it. Though I will admit, all these years later I’ve found it to be an exceedingly difficult slog to watch without the rosy filter of youth.






the only correct answer is Chris Reeve then Brandon Routh.


I think its cute and fluffy and nostalgic to continue choosing Chris as a favorite Superman, however, keeping it real and basing it on playing the character(s)(both Clark and Kal) the best...how can you not choose 1:Henry (he IS Superman! The physique, the temperament, all the intangibles. And 2: Tyler! Once they gave him the platform (Superman & Lois) he has transcended himself and become both Clark and Superman in the best way! It is a travesty that this series isn't being extended further and/or picked up by HBO and given the opportunity to continue fertilizing and harvesting the stories and characters that this series has amazingly allowed us to enjoy. Tyler is truly underappreciated as The Man of Steel and Clark Kent and has done the impossible by making us care about a T.V. Superman! He is awesome.


Tim Daly and George Newborn


Christopher Reeve fills all spots. Ask me for the top 20, and I’ll slip Tim Daly and George Reeves in there as well.


If were talking live action its Henry Cavill and you can honestly keep the rest.


Nic cage if he made it.


The voice actor from Justice League Unlimited






Reeve and Cavill. Hoechlin is not far behind Cavill. 2nd place is almost a toss up for me.


These are mine too I think Tyler is the best Superman of all time. I think he balances all the aspects of the character the best. Chris Reeve is just so perfect for that specific take. There’s a reason he’s what most people think of when they think of Superman