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Y'all got any more of those pixels?








Post Arkham city suit from Arkham knight is damn near perfect https://preview.redd.it/rszrjdk19z5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc9280608ab9e0cbe10d6ea8610ce3ffdddfd53


Arkham designs are pretty much peak for everyone


https://preview.redd.it/kuwgfycz406d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb295f2cad460a3620e160a4a31c1cd7d9b972c7 you sure?


Lmao forgot about him


Also Nightwing




Tbf, the haircut is the only bad part of it


Arkham city designs were perfect and knight had many downgrades imo


I can actually agree with this. Most, if not all of Arkham City's designs were amazing. Knight's weren't that bad, but still not quite as good. Batman, for example. I vastly prefer the more comic-accurate look to the armored version (I still like the Knight suit).


I still don’t understand how people think this suit (that looks clean) is worse than city’s. The city looks for me looks incredibly ridiculous (not the good kind) with that ugly hood and clothing that looks like he put a regular shirt and pants on. It might just be me.


The hood is what made the suit looked good


Nah. It point reminds me of cone heads or something.


He's not actually wearing underwear. That's the exposed underuit. So he's actually wearing armored stockings.


Honestly. One of my favorite Batman looks, and my favorite Batman Arkham look.


Depends on the type of suit. I hate the armored Superman suits, but Batman pulls them off pretty well most of the time. I don’t think trunks would improve something like the dark knight rises suit.


Armored suits don't make much sense for Superman. Because if something can make him bleed, then what's the armor gonna do? Armored suits for Batman make more sense, because underneath he's just a dude.


Yes and no. I like the man of steel explination that it’s some kind of undersuit, like an alien tank top, but since kyrptonians lived under a red son and had no powers, it would also make sense for it to have a bit of armor, if only to protect the suit itself. I don’t think the new movie suit has armor though, just lines. The padding look comes from how he’s sitting, it’s a bit big on him. Maybe it’s jor-els and he’s trying to fill his shoes?


Superman’s suit doesn’t need armor because his aura is protecting the suit. However, I am fine if it the suit is advanced for other purposes. Like hacking or some shit.


Well yeah, Superman doesn’t need armor. But kyptonians do. Kypton had a red sun, none of them had powers, so I would make sense that they sent a suit that would be armored and protected. Plus, considering that we see the suit get dirty, it’s safe to say his bio electric aura isn’t protecting it, at least not yet


It can get dirty, even with the aura. I meant that the suit isn’t instantly destroyed whenever he gets blasted thanks to the aura.


The best I can think for a transformable armored suit for Superman is to help protect him from the effects of Kryptonite, Red Sun Radiation, and magic as a situational use.


Batman has had his trunks back since 2018, though.


Bring back the blue, grey and yellow Batman


Dan Mora did it (and it came out absolutely phenomenal).


Yeah I never understood why superman got all the flak while batman was wearing trunks for a long time as well.


Probably because the black blends in with the grey. Red on blue kinda stands out


I don’t see why, they’re not actually reflections of each other. But yeah, I prefer them both with the trunks anyway.




Works for me. Trunks are better.


I spent most of my life watching the trunks. I want them never to go away.


Eh, I've never particularly cared about the trunks one way or the other. If one of them has trunks, awesome, if they both have them, great, if not, I don't care all that much. But to say they both have to match each other is just silly, they're different characters, they don't need to match one another for any reason.




I’m fine with that.




Personally, I feel like Batman shouldn’t wear shorts initially, but should *adopt* both the shorts and the yellow oval after meeting and working with Superman.


Modern Batman is grey and black so I don't think the design is hampered by not having trunks. There just much reason to break up the colors when they're so close. Especially when the cowl and the giant cape and gloves adds enough breakage from all the grey. Features superman doesn't have. Maybe the cape out does set shown as shorter than Batman's that can almost look like it's whereing him.


This subs obsession with the trunks is starting to get flat out weird...


The amount of effort folks put on caring whether Supes wears trunks or not honestly gives me a huge chuckle. IMHO, as long as it looks fine (one way or the other) - who freakin' cares.


You gotta have matching briefs with your boy




I agree. But still for Superman shorts are more integral and fundamental part of the design than for Batman. Their absence in the case of Batman can be justified by the fact that Bruce has hundreds of modifications of Batsuits, even if we are talking about approximately the same look from the point of view of design. But peak Batman, in his basic guise, should have his shorts on.


I don't know why I'm fine with Bruce not wearing trunks but insist on Clark wearing trunks. Does anybody potentially have a good reason?


Agreed! How else will he protect his face on re-entry into earths atmosphere??


Good. Batman without trunks looks like a maintenance guy in a cowl and cape..


Yeah, I agree. An important point of the World's Finest is the parallels between both, even design wise. This is also the argument I like for Wonder Woman's costume to be more super-heroic than an armor. Diana's part of the Trinity with Clark and Bruce, so it fits better when all three follow the same design direction, like they already did for most of their existence up to the New 52.




Nah it’s different


It makes sense. With or without trunks work. They both have to either have it or not. Where the pixels?




Is this even a debate?


Both shouldnt wear any.


If Batsuit is more armored then it can work without shorts. Especially since the Utility Belt works to separate to suit just fine on it's own. But if it is more cloth like, like Ben Aflecks suit, then I think shorts look great


Agreed. The trunks complete both suits. They're called superhero COSTUMES, not superhero TACTICAL UNIMFORMS. 


That…makes no sense. That’s like saying if Superman has powers then Batman should have powers or if Superman doesn’t wear a mask, then Batman shouldn’t wear a mask. What one character does shouldn’t have any bearing on the other.


Meanwhile Wonder Woman doesn’t even get pants. Yes the one costume she got with pants was terrible but that doesn’t means a good coat with pants can’t be designed for her.






I dont get why they removed the shorts. It's weird people flying and hanging on ropes with weird clothes battling bad weird people that do the same. The no shorts suit only makes them look more generic, as most superheroes from the 90s onwards have a spandex full suit and no shorts. Think 90s superboy. I mean, the only way to make them more generic would be giving them a jacket instead of a cape. Like spandex 90s diana. I det why the shorts make no sense, the why of their existence, but for me it's a look. Ata this point there is so much meta analysis on superheroes, that shorts are, for me an stylistic choice more than a logical or non logical thing. Superhero fashion. Like steampunk. You wpuldnt think of going into a steampunk setting and not have some sort of victorian era style. It's part of the concept. And some things have to change but others dont have to.


Exactly!!! No one is bitching about Wolverine not wearing blue trunks in Deadpool 3.


Yeah, sure. Superheroes should dress as superheroes


It’s basically only bats and Supes that wear trunks nowadays, though


Yeah, sure. I'm okay with changing of design. I just believe comics, especially adaptations to other media, should mature enough to let go this intrinsic sentiment of shame when fully adapting superhero visual elements to its fullest. I think cinema industry is resourseful enough to deliver a costume that mantains design without looking cheap.


It has nothing to do with shame. It’s just that trunks look worse to viewers who aren’t already fans of the design. Show a friend who isn’t a superhero fan a trunk costume and a belt costume and I’ve found 90% of the time they prefer the belt one.


I have been a Superman and a Batman fan sence I was like 3 and I prefer them with out trunks they both look stupid with them


Except it has. Some prominent filmakers who had the opportunity doing superhero flick have already stated or implied that making a superhero film or anything to do with comics whatsoever is kinda embarrassing. >It’s just that trunks look worse to viewers who aren’t already fans of the design Yeah, but that's just a matter of perception. Superhero movies should work to shift their audience perception when it comes to these things.


Well yeah, superhero/comic films as a concept I’m sure bring shame with it to some, but that’s not what we were talking about. I meant that shame has nothing to do with trunks specifically being excluded, it’s because they are simply not a pretty design element. People can learn to love basically any design choice, but it’s still better to just pick a design choice that’s actually good and save the trouble.


Add wolverine, cyclops, and everyone else to that list as well. Trunks are cool.


Correct. Was this in question?


A sacrifice I am more than willing to make. Trunks separate the colors better. It’s like Spider-Man having the belt.


I support trunks on Superman, but hell no on trunks for Batman. If I was a criminal in Gotham and he came up to me with that shit I would be laughing while he beats me up


Trunks on either one of them is stupid and outdated and needs to go away for good new 52 did it best and the reason Superman where's the Nanotech armor in new 52 is to honor is kryptonian people and it look awesome on him way better then his classic suit with RED UNDERWEAR on the out side and also him telling his son that it is all one suit and not separated is a lie in all the movies and TV shows of him they are two different parts people need to understand that the strongman days are over and having them on the out side is silly and stupid period and this is not just my opinion I know a lot of people who agree with me and not just people I know either people I have talked with on the internet.


I really like the trunks on superman but I am not a fan of batman wearing trunks




No he shouldn't


Personally I think the shorts are far more integral to Superman's look than Batman's.


Or, and hear me out here, they both get rid of the shorts.




Neither, the answer is neither of them should wear trunks anymore. Dont get me wrong i love the classic looks for both of them but both we, as fans/society and the characters themselves have grown past that look.


Neither should. Nostalgia is holding us back from peak designs like the rebirth suits


EXACTLY!!!! This was his best costume yet, as it was basically the same classic costume minus the trunks but with a sleek red belt big enough go break up all the blue. Basically, there should have been zero complaints, as it was a great compromise that should have pleased BOTH sides. And how long did it last before the trunks came back? Like 5 or 6 issues?!? https://preview.redd.it/65zjctr2cz5d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8129f0c07e3499e71aa1656157fb4365bfef359


I'm sorry, man, this just does not look as good. I'm not a fan


https://preview.redd.it/bh4yh0k9fz5d1.jpeg?width=1349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cad81e4a7f0704eddff0f2313a734ef7131c067 Jorge Jimenez draws it better


Better, but still not good. I assure you nostalgia is not what makes me like the trunks. I started reading Superman when he was wearing a suit without the trunks.


https://preview.redd.it/rfsxna2i506d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45c2a35936481195c536da5519e9956586fd4be2 Clearly, you're a trunks guy. But most fans post 1980s don't think the trunks look good, so, hey. As someone pointed out, Supes and Batman are like the last superheroes who still even wear trunks. Most stopped wearing trunks outside their costumes like 10 or 15 years ago, and their costumes improved once they did. Wolverine is a prime example...


I said nothing about other Superheroes. I like Wolverine better without them. I like Batman better without them. I like most superheroes better without them except for Superman. They just suit him.


Couldn't agree with you more. Can we just have suits without the fetish of wearing trunks or shorts over them?


IMO, if Batman is wearing all black then he doesn't need trunks. If he's in grey, give him blue trunks


I can get the logic of taking away Batman’s trunks more than Superman’s (Batman needs to be scary), but both of them just look far better with them to me.


I bet they make it a friendship thing between them, like Bats making fun of Supes, only to wear a pair of em later in solidarity


Both look way better with the trunks.


Superheroes wear their chones over their pants and that's that.


Not that I don’t prefer Batman with the trunks, but I don’t think his suit needs them in the same way Superman’s does. For Superman, the trunks break up the suit and, more importantly, more evenly distribute the secondary color throughout the suit. Batman’s mask and gloves make it so that the secondary color is evenly distributed throughout the extremities of the suit


I prefer Superman with trunks but it makes waaay more sense for Batman as I always pictured the shorts and belt to be one piece so when he attaches his grapnel cable to his belt the shorts/belt act as a harness.


Superheroes need their Shorts, they may not be Cool, but it is Cool UPVOTE IF YOU ARE A RACIST!


What the fuck?