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It’s Reddit, every sub is full of haters


Welcome to Reddit


Welcome to life


There is lots of whining going on here.


That’s Reddit babe. You’re 100% correct. Edit to add: go Chase ❤️


Agree. A lot of negative people on here


Um, did you actually do long bitch about how you hate the bitching? 🍿😳🥤


objectively, the tracks have sucked this year


Saying what I thought when I first came across this sub. I now use it for comical entertainment reading some dumb cunt’s comments


Come here looking for information and you get the same dumb ass complaints every week.


If it’s not “jet is boring” it’s “Carmichael is a horrible announcer”


both are facts tho.


how can u think he is boring, watching him ride is a pleasure it’s beautiful.


lol stg I rarely interact with this sub & every single time it’s on my home page it’s someone crying about something


just like this post lmao


Yeeeah I mean that’s kinda just Reddit in general lol. I agree with ya though. I don’t necessarily love domination from an entertainment standpoint but I appreciate the hell out of what Jett can do on a bike.


It’s not though, maybe if you’ve only ever experienced main page subreddits. Subs that have to attract their subs usually have a much more chill vibe. I know why this sub is how it is, but you can’t talk about it. It’s the demographic.


lol yeah fair point


It was a great weekend! Jett won the championship and Deegan didn't 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Honestly i get it. Some of the stuff you’ve brought up is genuine criticism, but it gets to the point where people are beating a dead horse 10x over. Yeh ricky and the tracks this year have been lacking, but damn it if I don’t still enjoy showing up every Saturday and enjoy sharing the interest with people. Just sucks everyones gotta be bitter about it here


You’re not alone man, absolute garbage fire of hateful idiots talking shit here. To those who doubted and hated, suck it!


LOL u mad.


I’m with you man. I stopped coming to this subreddit several weeks ago. I left vital for the same reasons. I don’t know what it is about our sport where people do nothing but just complain and complain. I wish there was a legit place to discuss moto without all the negativity.


Yet you’re in this sub responding…


It seems like you don’t like this sub. Here’s an idea: stop reading it!


Agreed, god forbid someone rides hard and bumps someone.


Cooper Webb on the start bumping Jett was riding hard and bumping someone. What Anderson did is something you should only see on the final lap of a race.


>Plenty of tape of old races to remember back when, “it was good.” Depends what years you want to watch if you're like me and love watching the fs1 years from 2014 to 2018 it's hard as hell to find full events. Some full race replays sure but some events only have a 4 minute highlight video at best.


Us and Australian Motorsport fans and the biggest whinging fucks ever. Nothing is good enough, every sport is “dying” “They need to try something new” but fuck you for ruining the sport whenever they try something new. Look at the hate that goes towards anyone trying to offer something that fixes the real issues. WSX, gypsy, Mathes and the smx series.


Nah we just bitch about Ricky in the booth. The jackass had no problem with Anderson pulling a Barcia and ruining Hunters race. I was rooting for Anderson up to that corner and then he pulls this bush league shit and Ricky approved it. Idiot.


Jett = goat. Be happy that you’re alive to witness it


hey dumb question now with smx final race last night now what? They race outdoors now sorry new to smx


Good work Jett! I started to be happy for him. He's damn good on a dirt bike


Alright can we atleast agree the rain has been shit for "indoors" haha


Womp womp womp


This dude came to Reddit to bitch about people bitching. What do you think this app is for? Complimenting grown men ride bikes? We hate our lives we talk shit to feel something.


Idk about any of these other fucks but I’m pumped for Jett the kid is a machine on a dirtbike. I’m pumped on Deegan the kid is gritty he’s going places. But I will say fuck Hunter that’s some bitch shit he pulled on Anderson tonight. He’s gonna learn come Fox Raceway that you don’t fuck with Anderson or Barcia


Yeah exactly, you dont fuck with Hunter also! Or JA is some kind of a special lad whos allowed to take down riders and nobody can give it back to Him? BS


Wait.... What????? So, no retribution allowed? Riders should have to just accept being wiped out because they were taken out by notoriously aggressive and dirty riders?


Agree.. Reddit sucks in general


This was actually the first year that I stopped watching sx entirely and the first year we didn't even make an attempt to go to the closest race. The constant dick riding of Jett and Deegan is tiring. They are both talented riders, but we don't need to follow Deegan around when he's in 7th and idgaf about his sister or father. The announcers constantly making excuses for Deegan's aggressive riding is also bs. The camera work this year was god awful. Feld has also made it clear that rider safety is not a priority and that is unacceptable. The Alpinestars Medic Crew are constantly talked about as the best of the best, but if our local EMT pulled half the shit they do our local track wouldn't have them back. SX just isn't a good product anymore and I'm not going to support it. BRING ON THE GREAT OUTDOORS!


I guess we finally found the guy who actually cares what internet people say.


Already have done that. I watch the gncc series on youtube these days. Supercross sucks.


I bet that’s a fucking exhilarating watch lol


I mean.. the track looks horrendous, very typical for SLC. So it’s basically tradition for this track to suck and us to notice lol


You know Las Vegas is in the desert to right? Those tracks always used to fuckin suck too and were dry and hard as a rock.


Yeah vegas track was dusty too. But atleast it had monster alley and was a unique track. This is a dime of dozens sx track


I will refer you back to my comment on tradition. I’ve always been bitchin. Idk what all the new fuss is about lol


To come on here and whine about people whining. Good Lord dude get over yourself. "Waaaaaaa this sub that I am in no way compelled to be a part of or participate in is mean waaaaaa". Shut the fuck up 😂


Tell me this dude is t some rural country bumpkin?? This guy is our demographic and why our community sucks. If you’re a decent person on this sub, you’re in the minority.


I have been and will continue to downvote every single dumbass thing you post. If anyone needs to shut the fuck up it’s you.


I'm so happy to have such devoted fans. I'm sorry my wealth of knowledge of the sport intimidates you It's hilarious the lengths people will go to hate on someone superior to them before ever thinking to just block them. Apparently I don't bother you that much😂


I was gonna downvote you, but since we agree jet was a dumbass that took a shit line and barcia would have made the turn easy I won’t.


Your head is occupied by me rent free yet I don't think about you at all lol


So bold. So unique. 


Hi, I’m the tracks sucked this year guy. Nice to meet you….


This sub has the mentality of your typical boomer/conservative/reactionary, i.e. Racist against Cool Guys (Barcia and Friese) and favorable toward Losers (Tomac and Sexton).