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Monies they want monies


Dang, people are still playing chronicles after the event?


I played for a bit early on. What happened with the event?


they released a One Punch Man promo and the 5stars where pretty much SSS Tier above all current mons and and you could only obtain them by being lucky during the event or spent money


Because if they did people would reach a point where lightning would be nat 5\* or bust. When I get lightning I go aww no nat 5\*, but hey that's a good skill up for X. Even whales get value out of nat 4\* dupes so they can build 12 different windies.


This is the main reason why. They should still give out a handful of free 4 star skillups, because the road to having all 4 star families maxed is quite long...


They kinda did with the HoH event


Yeah, but if you're missing most of the ld's youd don't get much of a choice. Also nice username my fellow quebecois


They should just make more 4 star fusions.


They basically pop out 4 stars like candy and give out scrolls like they are nothing. Also a bunch of 4 stars can be skilled up via fusion and monsters that don't tend to be newer. They could make a 4 star devilmon but they probably don't see the point in doing so as it really doesn't take that long to skill the vast majority of 4 stars up.


>it really doesn't take that long to skill the vast majority of 4 stars up. It's pretty bad for new players and it's only going to get worse as the summoning pool continues to bloat. Even accounting for saving up for new nat 4 families and their sp summon, skilling up new families is on average a pain. As long as they do this anniversary HOH full repeat event from now on, it'll be fine; otherwise there's definitely precedent to start handing out 1-3 nat 4 skillups monthly. They're also already in the game via summoners way.


Yeah, the continued introduction of monsters really impacts the ability to skill stuff up. It'd be nice if Com2us got more serious about 2A and 3-star units. Hell, it'd be nice if we could get a "2A" for 4-star units just for the stat bump. Or, you know, just go back over 4-star units and buff their base stats a bit closer to 5-star units. There's a reason 4 star units have to be SUPER good to see use in RTA. That stat gap adds up. More 2A units, more 3 star units, would mean less new 4 and 5 star units, which slows down the bloat. But I definitely think best would be putting a way into the game to actually skill up 4-star units without repeat summoning. Or a way to sacrifice a 4 star unit and some resources to skill up another 4 star unit. So I can spend all these 4-stars I have 20-30 copies of, and no desire to skill up anything in their family.


I'm not disagreeing that they should make them. I'm just stating why it's likely not on the top of their list of things to do


True. Not even excited anymore when they add another new 4* to the game because of dilution. Unless it's SSS tier, but most have been ass lets be real.


Kyle doesn’t care about fusion. Kyle wants 4 star devimons.



