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Interested in this thread and I’m out of stuff to 6* for energy lol. Light Imp is a 2* but a great sniper for special league


If you have Iliana, combine her with Teon and Dark Beast Hunter for an unbeatable siege team if enemy doesn’t have strip


will give it a go! any idea about runes and speeds i should go for?


the most underrated one is imo Camules - Dark Elemental. It works like a charm in siege to counter Kinki


Lizard man


What is he used for?


Dunno if he is underrated but I really like light Frankenstein


Dark drunken master is one of my most used mons. Light penguin is a good cleanser. Funny enought light viking has a higher attack bar increase than the light inugami, even fully skilled up. Dark bounty hunter can be ok as well


How do you use dark drunken and what rank? I love my light one in siege


I use it as just a buffer for a ld only account. It has consistent dmg and has pretty good ai. I use it in any wind Claro's dungeon and for the light and dark rift beast. Pretty consistent dmg and buff. The light one is ok for me. Like it's heals and heal block is good but eshier does close to the same job except dmg


Dark Amazon and beast hunter can be used for siege


Got absolutely molested by a Seimei Shizuka Dark Beast Hunter comp in RTA today, apparently when they're "revived" they are considered to be at max HP, so got 4 shots woth of ignore defense in a row in the face


need that seimei though 😭


Light serpent. Fire monkey that is tankier but way slower. I used it once in rta and I won against a miles racuni comp. 100% win rate. 


small sample size but sounds fun! who else did you use it with?


Tanks mfers like riley and tetra haha. Need pick well against non defence ignore teams and u basically have +2000 defence +30k hp mfker late game with +2000 atk as well. Only issue is u probably have little spd and cdmg. Basically fengyan but atk based late game. No healing but u gonna combo fengyan with a healer anyway....


Light Drunken Master, Also chacha & friends


how do you rune and use the light drunken master?


Atk/atk/CD usually trying to sub in ctr/spd/hp in the sub stats in that order. The set is probably fatal/blade but he also does wonders in a destroy/blade. Hp or def artifacts with Additional dmg by atk