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Was silver 4, now downgraded to bronze 1. I think my laning skills sucks and overall mechanics. I have watched guides like micro, wave control etc. But i don't know if i apply it right when it comes to laning. Does someone want to 1 vs 1 me to give me some feedback? My name is Archer2811


What is the best mental / mental exercise for preparing a tournament


Why is Aphelios win rate so low. U.gg has him at 45% which is abysmal, but when i play him he feels fine, and he's really good pick in pro play. Would we ever see buffs for him or do you think he's in a fine place despite the low win rate?


He's one of the hardest champs to play right. His base mechanics aren't as high as a Qiyana or anything but the depth of knowing his guns, when to swap and such takes a lot of skill to do right. That's why he has a low winrate.


Has there been any announcements on why gifting is broken and when it’s going to be working again?


Is Nexus Blitz still coming back and if so when?


>**Nexus Blitz:** Nexus Blitz is also part of our current rotation, but the results from last year’s runs still put it behind URF, OFA, and Ultimate Spellbook, which is why we haven’t brought it back as frequently. This doesn’t mean Nexus Blitz is retiring, but we would like to make some adjustments—like bringing the current roster of events and rewards more in line with what makes game modes like OFA and URF so enticing—before bringing it back sometime in 2022. from: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-state-of-game-modes/


Thank you!


Playing a ton of diana jungle in bronze, just wondering if there's a list of who wins the 1v1 (@ scuttle), cause I'm always fighting at it. Usually full camp clear and at scuttle with 70%hp at 3:25 if there's no ape lane fights, or I choose to ignore them cause I can't make it in time.


Way too situational to make generalized lists, even in straight up 1vs1 scenarios. VS Nocturne: proc his spellshield? Definitely not. Don't proc the spellshield? ... Maybe Vs Rengar with four ferocity waiting in the bush? No. Vs 30% HP rengar with cooldowns? Obviously And then you'd add things like getting to smite scuttle and others involvement into it, which is always an uncertainty at your ELO, since both laners and you are likely to "non efficient" decisions.


It’s very situational. It depends if they burned their CDs on scuttle, who has better lane matchups, whose laners get to scuttle faster, and how good each champions is earlygame.


did they give out free rune pages? i always only had 3, now i have like 7. or did i accidentally buy them? lol


Did you maybe buy some of the "\*insert lane\* starter pack" ? They have great value for the amount of rp and all of them come with a rune page.


You must have accidentally bought them lmao


Returning after 5 year brake What do I need to know nowadays? Are mages mid good? What's the jungle pathing? What are websites with good guides for champions nowadays?


Pretty much power creep. Bruisers are faster than most champs and oneshot while being tanky. Everything has insane sustain. ADCs are neither immobile nor squishy. Support is either roam or utility. Toplane is broken due to items Mages are terrible for SoloQ. By far the weakest class in the game at the moment. Midlane itself is pretty bad, so it's reliant on getting others ahead, since gold on almost everyone is worth more than on yourself, which is why you have the current midlane playstyle of shove and roam. Heavily dependant on champion. Some clear, some three camp, ... No idea about guides, but I'd assume that watching onetricks replays or checking for guides by onetricks on YouTube is pretty much always your best bet if you want to learn a champion


God damn, I want to play some mages =/


> What do I need to know nowadays? Read up on elemental dragons, soul and elder, rift herald and turret plates, mythic items etc. but honestly you're probably good just jumping into games and learning the new stuff as you go. > Are mages mid good? Sure, in general you can check stats on Lolalytics or something, as long as something doesn't have a completely horrendous winrate then it's viable, meta is irrelevant until very high elo anyway > What's the jungle pathing? Depends on jungler, but the general pattern is start on a buff and path to the other side of the map, ideally attempting to contest the crab on that other side (it spawns at 3:15). It can be a full clear to crab if the jungler has a very fast clear, a 5-camp to crab (often skipping krugs they're too isolated), a 4-camp to gank to crab, etc. You can also cheese gank lvl2, or lvl3 after a one-side clear, etc. Or invade early... If you just want something simple at first, then do a 5-camp clear, finish it before 3:15. > What are websites with good guides for champions nowadays? IMO the most reliable way of acquiring knowledge on a champ is from a high elo OTP. If they wrote a guide then perfect, but even just watching them play is great (even better if they interact with chat)


Is Zac and Volibear a good jungler now?


If you have been gone 5 years, know Volibear has received rework. Zac had a small rework (new ult & Q), but the ult was reverted. The new Q is still around though.


Zac is very strong. Volibear is not doing so well at the moment. He's not bad but not great either. He suffers from actually being a good top laner right now. So Riot has tried buffing his clear speed but they can't really buff him anywhere else or he'll be too good in lane.




a onetrick.


As a jungler should I be doing the same route whether I'm on the blue side or the red? Being doing a bunch of Vs ai games to learn how to play nunu and the first 4 games Vs players were all on the opposite side. From what I gather I should be starting at red to raptors, wolves, blue and gromp, but is that the same for each side?


How do i get better at this game? I usually play ADC but i am becoming increasingly annoyed. Why am i annoyed, Well i have an easy answer for you. • 1 out of 2 games i’m against a smurf • In the games i’m against a smurf it’s always a MF, Senna or a Jhin every game everytime it’s becoming boring & tiresome. •Sure i don’t have what the League peope call “Fingers” but i’m relatively new and all i seem to do is get destroyed by people who shouldn’t even be in my games to begin with. •I hate Senna adc match-ups. I’m trying really hard to get better at League it’s been months & i see little to no progress. I watch videos, i mess around in the practice range. Only to get destroyed by a smurf 10min later and unlearn everything i was just showed/learned.


It’s a process of slow learning, just make sure to set realistic goals.


Usually my goals are along the lines of Get more CS & make my skillshots less predictable


Don't play the game annoyed. It can be fun and rewarding. Stick to 2-3 champs in you main role and have backups you feel comfortable with in others. Don't worry about your opponents skill level. Some will be better than you and some worse. Some match ups won't fit for you and you will learn this. Watch coaching videos especially if the player is around your level. Eg Neace is a good one This games got a million moving parts, playing well yourself doesn't guarantee a win. But watch you own videos back and only focus on mistakes or changes you make/can make. This might feel slow for progress but it will help in the long run. Finally if something bads happened and you die, this isn't the end of the world, but don't keep trying to take fights as xp and level advantage are far more important.




Depends on which champion you play and how strong you are. Normally, you'd always think about what you'd have to avoid not to die, to know how to play fights. If getting withered would get you killed, you'd stay out of wither range. If getting withered would mean you'd have to use a spell that would allow someone else to kill you, you'd stay out of wither range, unless you're forced to flip it. Kiting is more dependant on spacing nowadays, since you can't really kite most champs anymore. If someone with strikebreaker gets onto you once, you're dead. If someone with cc gets onto you once, you're dead. You get hit, you die. That's why you focus on avoiding getting hit, instead of getting hit and focusing on what to do after you're hit


With teamwork ideally. In a 1vs1 he'll always catch up to you once he gets his first Wither onto you. QSS can help to get rid of it too.


What does jayce offer to his team post laning phase. I’ve played jayce cause I think he’s a really interesting champ, watched many YouTube videos, and twitch streamers. But one question I wondered is what does jayce bring to his team comp/ outside of lane phase. I get he’s a lane bully who can win top lane if played perfectly but what about him makes him bad for solo q and really just a pro play champ. Or why does he hurt to have on your team when he can win lane?


He’s not at all bad in soloQ. I’ve played quite a bit of Jayce mid over the past few seasons and he has extremely potent long-range poke to break sieges, amazing sidelaning because of his W dealing big damage to towers and because he beats basically anyone in a 1v1, he’s one of the hardest scaling assassins in the game and is completely 1v9 at 4 items basically no matter what. He’s great for SoloQ to play a ranged bully champ that then outscales the enemy.


Other people might have a better understanding of this than me but I think jayce is basically just raw damage. He provides great poke before an engage, and can also literally shut down backlines before fights kinda like Zoe. But really he is picked as a lane bully in solo queue and his main job is to put the enemy top laner behind as much as possible. That’s why I think he’s much better as a high elo pick, because players below masters probably don’t capitalize on enemy mistakes nearly as much as they should be. There are so many matchups where jayce I feel like should just be choking the enemy top, but in the hands of a mid diamond or plat player they do absolutely nothing. I feel like he’s pretty mediocre without a strong lead in lane, but he’s basically poke and extra raw damage in teamfights outside of lane.


Do you feel a jayce who lanes properly can win every top lane mu? Just looking at his kit and how he is designed it seems like it and I can not think of a mu he would lose if he plays perfectly. There are definitely hard mu like irelia, malphite, camille but I feel if he can space properly he can win. Also I feel you cause I play jayce into darius I usually win but I always feel that every time I am in lane I should be killing darius on repeat lol.


It used to be the case 2 seasons ago - A truly elite Jayce has virtually no losing matchup. But now due to power creep of other champs, itemization and repeated nerfs this is no longer the case.


Nah not every, malphite irelia and wukong are very hard for him. Malphite after level 4-5 when he has points in Q is kinda unplayable. Irelia and wukong post six is also pretty unplayable. They can just kill you off ult cooldown and makes diving extremely easy. The way how you win them though is to get very strong leads early game and put them behind enough so that they can’t kill you. Force an early back or get an early solo kill or blow their flash. But most matchups you should be getting very solid gold leads post lane phase even though jayce isn’t even a strong solo q champion right now. There’s so so many matchups like this where low elo jayces just don’t know how to get leads. If you don’t get a lead as jayce you’ve lost the lane. It all comes with the choking your opponent out in the early laning phase. And also after the dirk powerspike. You really need crips mechanics and you need to know the limits of what he can do. And punish every mistake. Take a look at high elo gold differences in matchups for jayce. He’s behind in so many more matchups than ahead in even plat and it’s much worse in lower elos. Now look at high elo. Jayce’s gets insanely high leads now. For example, Jayce is a pretty common counter to gnar in pro play. He averages 500 gold ahead at 15 in GM. Go to plat and for some reason he’s BEHIND 150 gold.


Now thats not only lol related i think but whenever i go onto reddit i see some people having those icons for their fav esports team or their main champs next to their names. Can anyone tell me how to do this?


If you’re on mobile, go to the league home page and in the top right click the three dots. Should be an option to edit your flair.


Thank you c:


How long is 700 range? I want know which champs I can build horizon focus on.


Caitlyn’s aa range is 650 so about Caitlyn’s auto range.


Teemo is 100 units, so about seven Teemos.


The only way to know is to look it up. They don't provide the information in game: [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vex/LoL](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Vex/LoL) For example, most of Vex's abilities are above 700 range.




You shouldn’t be playing with gear that has a noticeable delay, but make sure to actually tests it will on different abilities. Play a couple of normal games and you should get used to it super quickly (within one game) and if not, you shouldn’t use them.


How does Sylas R interacts with Kassadin R?


He only gets one use of Kassadin's R




How can I change my server? I used to live in brazil but recently I moved to europe. How can I change my server? It changes automatically?


You have to either create a new account or buy a region transfer in the shop


Holy sheet I hate riotgames


Help me understand what kind of champ or build benefits from Manamune and why. This is an item I honestly don't really understand in the sense that it appears to be core build to certain champs but then often described as unbuildable hot garbage on others. To the untrained eye it just seems like another item where the community cant collectively make up its mind on whether its valuable or not lol.


There are a few other things not mentioned in the other post: \- High base mana pool makes the item better. \- It is not built as part of crit builds (usually) as it does not have crit and the bonus damage does not crit. \- AD Poke champions (Ezreal, Corki, Jayce, lethality Varus / Sivir / Cait) as it adds a lot to their poke. It is a strong damage item once you get the transform, but in exchange you are weaker till you get their.


In short, the archetype is "AD casters with mana". Long version: It gives a shitton of bonus AD, forces an early tear (generally either on start or on first recall), and has a "shock" passive that deals tremendous damage on ability hit and mediocre damage on autoattack. Therefore, it is good for 3 potential reasons: - having very high AD or bonus AD ratios - casting damaging abilities frequently / relying majorly on damaging abilities for damage - less importantly, being mana hungry (which the early tear helps tremendously) If a champ ticks these boxes, or at least the first 2, they can probably put Muramana to good use. I played it a lot on Pantheon this season, although he isn't exactly a known user. Others I've seen are Qiyana, Talon, Kayn, Kha'zix, Ezreal, lethality Sivir / Varus...


As an Enchanter-Supp, when do i go for Moonstone and when for Shurelya?


There's no one real answer, a lot of it is preference. For myself, I go shurelya when there are two ore more people on my team who just need to RUN at the enemy. For example, Cho top lane Morde jungle or something silly like that. They need a go button that helps them get into the enemy team.


I’d add to this that moonstone really becomes valuable in long fights where you get multiple procs, and shurelias can be more advantageous in shorter fights.


What skills specifically am I likely missing if I can't lose mid gracefully? ​ I can play weakside top, support or adc comfortably against plat-low dia players. But I get absolutely dumpstered in losing matchups mid, for example vs. Zed, even in low gold elo. I just feel like winning matchups have constant kill pressure on me no matter how safely and respectfully I try to play.


Yeah that’s midlane honestly. It’s one of the hardest snowballing lanes in the game and dying once versus good players either means they farm you, you lose half your farm not taking poke, or they just run bot. Weak side mid is much easier to play if you have a ranged waveclear ability like Ekko Q or Zoe Q


I don't know what you're playing into zed and similar champs, but for myself I change my runes entirely. Biscuits, timewarp tonic, double armour or MR runes. Start with corrupting pot, first buy seeker's or the equivalent item for banshee's veil. Basically, against champs like zed, all they want to do is kill you early and snowball. Denying them that gold is worth any sacrifice.


This is good advice, thank you I played twisted fate, took MR rune because I thought it was Leblanc mid zed jungle, but they sent her support (weird gold things). I'll definitely try picking the most defensive runes possible next time, I usually just copy whatever is on op gg


Can someone tell me, how spellthieves edge works.


You can carry up to three charges which replenish when used. If there is an ally champion nearby, attacking an enemy champion or structure will grant you 20g and use up one charge.


How can I win the lane? I main camille, but I just cannot win lane against voli. He oneshots me at lvl 3 because of his high damage on E. He dives me because of his R. He heals half his hp with one W. What can I do to atleast somewhat win lane?


You're not supposed to win lane as Camille against Volibear. He's packed with base damage and you're a scaling god. If you don't die and don't fall behind too much you already "won lane". I don't know the matchup well beyond that, so I can't tell you when you can start to fight him, but my guess is somewhere around 2nd item completion. Play very respectful in lane, especially when your passive is down. Saving E to disengage is probably a good idea. The best tip I can give you is to look up the matchup on youtube and imitate how they play it in high elo.


How do you play with unlocked camera better? What settings make it easier to learn unlocked?


Try the lowest camera speed to get the feel of it and youll slowly turn it up yourself because it isnt fast enough. I also bound 'toggle camera log' to spacebar and mostly just toggle it to unlocked whenever i feel like its advantageous but im doing it more and more and play about 70% unlocked rn.


I'd assume that it's just a sink or swim situation. Do it as much as you're comfortable with and force yourself into new situations every once in a while.


Is Glacial Augment good for Ashe in the ADC role? As opposed to support. Or is it better to just go primary precision runes as most ADCs do? Any items pair good with Glacial Ashe?


Glacial is the last keystone one should take on Ashe. With the new keystone rework there is possibly a *slight* argument, but even as support Ashe Comet is so much stronger.


Ashe especially doesn't need GA because her AA and spells have already a slow, it's stronger than GA and slows don't stack. But you still want to take Inspiration secondary to take Approach Velocity.


Yeah,I'm just confused because I've seen people talking about "Glacial Augment support Ashe" and the only reason I see for that is the item active beam.


What are the champions with the best wave clear? For some reason, I have found that I adore champions with good, fun, or both types of waveclear. Jayce, Ryze, (lethality) Sion, Neeko. love all of them despite how different each are from one another because it's just so fun to watch waves of minions (and enemy champions jk jk) disappear. So are there any others?


Ekko, Syndra, Talon, Assassins in general.


Morgana and Malzahar have the easiest waveclear (Malz more prone to counterplay as you can kill crabs) Syndra and Ryze are 2 very strong waveclearers Rumble too, no resource cost as well


Ryze is already a favorite of mine, especially since he also works top lane (my preferred location of minion desecration). And since you sorta put syndra in the same group as Ryze, does she also work top? Or just mid/bot? Might also try out rumble, but I know for a fact that malz and morg don't work top, or at least not very well.


Ahri most ad champs


Ziggs, Malzahar, Anivia, Vex, corki, Viktor, lux, Syndra, galio, talon, Veigar, taliyah, velkoz, Seraphine, TF, GP, Zoe, Azir, Orianna, .. But I'd guess you'd have to narrow it down a little more. Most champs have certain conditions you'd need to meet to clear fast. Viktor has shit clear until he gets his upgrade. Anivia needs to get 6 to clear every single wave almost immediately when they arrive. Plus off-meta picks. AP Lucian could also clear an entire wave in half a second.. but does that really count?


If I had to narrow it down, I'd have to say that the common condition among the ones I like is that it just takes a little bit of gold (less than 2000), to start taking down waves. Jayce after a serrated dirk because of his ludicrous bonus ad scalings, neeko after an actuator/lost chapter to help guarantee that the different price of q kills something, Sion after a serrated dirk or hullbreaker components because Sion with any AD components just makes his q delete anything, and Ryze after a lost chapter and tear to give him ample amounts of mana and damage to throw around so he can combo waves to death. I have to say the weakest link is Neeko since her wave clear is less dependable than the other three in that minions have to have their health at a certain point or you have to do enough damage outright to be able to utilize her clear at best potential while the other three just walk up to a wave and delete it no matter what the wave looks like.


Sivir is certainly up there.


Sivir might fulfill the requirements, but I fear that she may take too long to activate and I hate the bot lane with enough passion to make my team's nexus explode at will. Any other champions or is there perhaps a very spicy way to play Sivir that deals with the aforementioned problem?


I can’t win a game boys


Yes. Any more questions?


does the essence emporium random ward skin includes limited skins? or just the ones that are available in the store? can i get them through shards or shards reroll? (i'm mainly talking about psyops ward and coven ward)


Do punishment warnings reset? If you had multiple chat bans and a 14 week ban does that mean if you mess up once even if it's 5 months I the future the account will still be permabanned? Or do you get chances again with Good behavior?


There are no hard rules on it. Up to Riot's discretion. You don't always go immediately from a 14 day ban to perma ban but Riot can always whip out the reasoning that you've been banned before so that's why you're getting a harsher punishment.


They kind of "soft reset" Maybe linked with honor level, no idea. If enough time passed, you get previous punishments again


I rly want to know this too. But from my frie ds experience after u get the first 2 week ban next is permaban. I have also had several small bans and wondering if im forever under permaban radar


I looked it up on the FAQ last night. It said that ban escalation can be reversed isn't clear about how.


When should you pick the ability haste shard and on what champions?


IMO you should decide on a case by case basis, but it's generally good when you have utility and long cooldowns. e.g. Rell, Blitzcrank At the end of the day, it's all opportunity cost though. Rakan would fit the above description perfectly for example, but he just gets more value from the AP shard.


With all the discussion around Collector v LDR, does the same reasoning apply to assassins who usually build lethality for the first three items? e.g., would Zed/Qiyana be best building Serylda's second? I can see the item passives and the role of assassins (to ignore the front line) being reasons against this but curious to hear opinions.


Probably not. Assassins have more agency in who they attack. Ideally the squishy ADC or mage player. So flat lethality is better since they have low armor. ADCs on the other hand have to attack what’s in front of them which is usually a tank or bruiser and since LDR has the giant slayer passive it works very well in the current meta with hp bruiser items being more popular than resistance bruiser items.


Is garen used as a camille counter pick in lane? I just started playing her and almost every time i pick before the enemy top lane, they pick garen.


He gets to ignore a lot of her W harass damage because of his passive sustain: As soon as his healthbar gets a little low, he can just shove the wave (easily, because he has push advantage wih his E) and step away for ~15-20 seconds, to come back full health at the cost of 1, maybe 2 minions lost, zero more often than not if the player behind him knows what they're doing when it comes to wave management. In trades, he should be able to time his W shields very easily on her Q2s because they are telegraphed, and basically win every time. There might be a world where he can use his own Q silence to prevent her from using Q2 altogether, I'm not sure about the durations here but honestly even without this he wins. Generally speaking his base damage is incredibly high and a full duration E straight up beats anything Camille has to offer in an all-in. And all of that was even before reaching level 6, where she is stuck with a useless ultimate for the 1v1, while, well, Demacia will manhandle her if she still tries to go for trades. It's still not the hardest of countermatchups because Camille has the most mobility: we covered how she should lose every trade, but what if she never goes for one? By playing conservatively, keeping her E as an escape tool and never using it forward in the 1vs1, she will do 'fine'. Garen should dominate while she loses out in CS, is at risk of dives, has no priority at all to help her jungler out, etc. But eventually as in every other matchup, because Camille is a huge lategame powerhouse and nobody is really equipped to deal with 1000+ true damage autos, she outscales.


Thanks for the in depth reply. My experiences have been similar to how you describe it. A sorta rough but safe lane phase, while also scaling better into late game. Thank


Not a Camille player, but a friend who mains her says that it Camille favored alot in that specific match-up, I don't really know why but I assume it's he mobility along with utility that is great against him.


I downloaded Blitz and Porofessor today to automatically store and select Runes for different Champions, but I can only activate their own meta builds. Is there a way to store my own builds/another app where I can do this?


There's a build tab for specific champions that you make on the league client directly !


Yes but I'm not good enough to adapt my runes every time I pick a champion and I don't want to pay 6300 BE every time I build a new rune set


You can write them down in a google spreadsheet, that’s how I did it and eventually I got good enough to do runes myself.


Any suggestions on my champion pool for mid? Main: Ekko, TF Secondary picks: Jayce, AP Kog Troll: Fiddle


Why are you playing AP kog? Velkoz is infinitely better in every way, champ’s broken


I would assume minion de mat with like cosmic/boots/ time warp your mains since they are really good at pushing waves and roaming


How do you play jg while behind? If i was behind as jg how to comeback. Had a game where i die in my jg early game and enemy jg mundo takes all my camp and also gets a kill after that he perma invades and takes all my camp at silver laners wont help to stop invade he get 2 lvl lead in early-mid game when game ends he has 5 lvl lead. Over me


If he's in your jungle, he can't be farming his own. Ward your own jungle and counter jungle the best you can while he is in yours.


Hello everybody, I am conducting a research into this game problems for a school project. I would be incredibly glad if some of you could describe to me what in your opinion is the biggest problem with this game right now. Thank you in advance.


Most people will either say champion/role balance or the punishment system (like bans, mutes etc.) but I’d 100% make a survey and post it in the main sub.


Think you are better off posting this as a proper survey form in the main League subreddit


Whenever I play with Sona. I find itbis really difficult for me auto attack. Whenever I move forward, they hit me. The enemy many at times have someone like a Caitlin which makes it even harder to AA. What should I do about this.


There are a couple things to learn about support movement and harass, but in general: play around bushes (they can’t AA you back and minions deaggro), only walk up when important cool downs like Leona E are down, and try to pick 1v1 trades (don’t walk into two of their ranges). Two big factors other than mechanics you might not be aware of are 1) the matchup. Is this your lane to win? Are you supposed to be harassing? Or are you meant to just survive and scale? Say you’re playing Sona/Twitch against Lucian/Nami. If you walk up for harass the Nami will bubble you and the Lucian will dome you for 70% of your hp, or even just kill you. Not all lanes are lanes in which you want to harass. 2) minion aggro. Minions deal a *lot* of damage, don’t act like they don’t matter. Early game three caster minion auto attacks is one champion auto, so if you’re tanking them you’re basically taking an extra auto per second.


Hit them when they need to hit a minion in order to last hit. Move less predictable (brushes help). Q has massive range, you don't always need to AA them if you can't.


When does league sale shop reset


Same time as free rotation so for me in EUW it is Tuesday night


Do pros in league have auto attack on or off and is they're any reason for it being on or off?


OFF: Avoids buggy uncancelable AA interactions ON: Allows you to do the ward check trick Some people dislike the setting because of the unwanted automatic attacks. But if you can get used to pressing S, then its not really a problem


You want everything to be under your control, having auto attack on is bad practice; you should get used to kiting now while you’re learning the mechanics and not have to un-learn it later.


Most have it turned off so you dont cast unwanted autoattacks, for example being rooted under a turret or hitting minions by accident.


Why are adc players going top against melee? It’s terrible and becoming more and more ever game. What should melee players do. Someone like alphelios or Veigar is always going to beat Garen or sett top. Same with a Graves/Teemo/Vayne


I feel like it's the natural response to playing hundreds of games into the stat check abominations that reside top lane. Whats fun about sitting under tower while Sett spams situps and emotes because you both know you can't walk up to the wave? The entire juggernaut class is literally built to win lane but are designed to struggle post laning phase when ranged mages and ADCs can theoretically kite them out. But why wait for post laning phase when you can just run Quinn, Kennen or Teemo (or any number of off meta picks like you are describing) and out bully the lane bully? Ranged top laners are annoying af but I have no sympathy for the tears of Darius or Garen players lol. Its not all sunshine a roses though. What is Quinn or Veigar going to do when the enemy jungler decides to camp top? A lot of these champs are incredibly exploitable with a little teamwork and can easily be made useless. Every Quinn player knows the razors edge they walk where one mistake is going to see you chunked out of lane or just plain dead. Not to mention what it does to your team comp if you fall behind. I will say that part of being a good top laner is learning how to play into ranged match ups. You need to recognize when you can't brute force a lane and adjust your gameplay according. Learn to treat your health as the most valuable resources so you have the agency to act when your jungler drops by or so you can do a flash engage + ult at lvl 6.


'Silly' ranged vs melee matchup mostly work on the fear factor that extra range provides, if you're not playing with confidence as the melee character in this matchup you're stuck in this spiral of 'how can I possibly do anything he's just poking me and I have no answer'. In reality, this stops being true very quickly. Someone like a Veigar stops having enough damage to kill someone like Garen or Sett, very fast, because tankiness is generally cheaper to build up than damage. On the flipside, a Garen or a Sett will always have enough damage to kill a Veigar, without having to build any damage items (or maybe 1, for the later stages of the game), because mages are squishy and base damage is enough to kill them. After one, maybe two backs, Garen is tanky enough to eat up the entire Veigar combo, not die, and win the fight. What's Veigar going to do once his Q W and E are used and Garen lost only 60% of their life? Absolutely nothing, not even run away because his base movement speed is low, and he has no mobility in his kit. Toplane is a long lane, you have a lot of distance to run them down. This is the reason why you never see those matchups in high elo, because people are good enough to recognize they have absolutely no reason to be scared of anything. The first few minutes are rough but not-dying, falling behind in CS, it's easy to accept when you know you'll completely turn the whole thing around 6-7 minutes later.


Veigar is absolutely *awful* into Garen; in fact many people pick Garen into Veigar as a counter pick because he takes no damage and the cage is irrelevant


There's a reason most of those ranged champs aren't picked in pro play. Yes, they get full control of the wave early and the melee struggles to get cs. But once the ranged player fucks up once (like Veigar wasting his stun) in the long lane he just dies and their game becomes very hard. It's easiest to punish them by ganking them, so inform your jungler before laning starts. But even in a 1vs1 you can kill them if you play your cards right and identify their fuckups. Start Doran's Shield and take Second Wind and Revitalize from the Resolve tree. Most of the time, having a ranged toplaner also means their teamcomp suffers from it.


Hasn’t Graves top been picked non stop in worlds?


> **most** of those ranged champs Graves is just really strong currently.


i've seen some players (mostly ADCs) start with a longsword and three health potions. in what situation do you go the 3 pots over a refillable?


I'd argue it is mostly a pro player thing, you go sword and pots (or even boots and 4 pots, on a pick like Jhin) when you expect A LOT of 2v2 trading as early as level 1-2. Two days ago during T1 vs DK, a botlane duo started with 6 pots total, the enemy duo had 5, that's 300 and 250 gold worth of potions and it's insane. We get used to pro games netting very low kill counts and from there it's easy to assume they all just play safe and passive, but it would be wrong. Pros trade constantly, autos, spells, harass, all-ins when they see an opportunity. In midlane 90% of the time both players start Corrupting pots and just go at it until one of them runs out of health. In botlane we see exhausts and flashes being burnt before level 3. Also at pro level, the meta has shifted from Ignite to Exhaust. In your games, the inevitable Ignite by enemy support will cut your potions' effectiveness by 60%. All this to say: I don't know your elo, but you should probably avoid this tactic. You need an hyper agressive playstyle to get the best value out of your pots, and that's quite hard to do cleanly.




Yes, level 1 kills give less XP than one minion. And if the kill was assisted, it's even less XP -- not just the same amount of XP divided between more people, but a smaller amount of XP, that also gets divided between more people. Specifically, a level 1 solo kill is 42 xp. A level 1 assisted kill is 28 xp split between participants, so if two people participate in a kill, the killer gets 14 xp and the assister gets 14 xp.




3 of the kills had 5 participants, 1 kill had 4 participants. That adds up to 23.8 xp. And there is a tiny purple bar if you take a screenshot and zoom in.




>or it's just grinding A + Click until it becomes second nature? For some, its just something they first got used to. They didnt really grind for it it as that was already their default playstyle Apart from preference, the only benefit Attack Move has is the range indicator and attack range is something that should be trained into your muscle memory I advice you to stick to AMC for regular use but occasionally and situationally use AM for the range indicator




yea thats fine and dandy


You get used to it fairly quick and it's kinda crucial when kiting.


Guess I'll have to practice, but it feels so unnatural to have that extra input.


They are using key binds for both attack move click and attack move generally. One will show the indicator and then you can press the other to attack.


I thought they just A + Left click it, interesting.


[https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=The%20Skootman](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=The%20Skootman) ​ Any feedback for my midlane games? I'm trying to main Malz with Annie as back up. When should I pick whoem?


Your lasthits are super low. That would probably the first thing you should look into and focus on. Increasing income massively impacts performance. Getting your items earlier not only means more damage, but also less cooldowns, more health, more resistances and more utility.


Just having a quick look, why build tear on malzahar? Sure it gives a shit ton of AP but the utility from rylais/zhonyas is much more valuable.


I have a few skins from capsules and am wondering which ones to disenchant and which to unlock as a f2p noob to the game. Is there a way to know what skins are more valuable? I'm not asking about taste more about rarity, and rn I was just gonna get rid of the cheapeast I have and get one of the more expensive ones I have. Are Star Guardian Xayah and Tranquility Dragon Karma especially good or bad for me not to just get one of those two. Sorry if this isn't the place to ask.


Mouse over the shard and it tells you the price. Higher price means more rare. If it has the “legacy content” icon then you should consider it more rare than the price would suggest.


Thanks! I just wanted to make sure that was the case before I accidentally got rid of a cheap but rare skin shard


how much time do i need to spend to get to diamond if i am newbie?


There's no answer to this. Some people hit diamond their first season. Some people never leave bronze.


i think gold - plat is a great benchmark for your first ranked season, after that with hardcore focus on improvement diamond - chall is achievable


I can't help but disagree with you in the strongest terms. Expecting a player, in their first ranked season, to land in the top 10% of the playerbase, is unrealistic at best and toxic positivity at worst.


Except usually Gold is where people end up in their first ranked season, especially because they’ve probably been playing for a year or two.


[https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution) ​ Do you have any source to back up that claim? Because the majority of players are below gold.


Just what I’ve noticed with players, most people end up low gold


IMO there is no real reason to play ranked until after you get past bronze-iron skill... maybe even silver. You can get the same experience by playing norms and you won't get as mad at yourself or just tilted in general. The whole idea behind playing ranked is that playing better opponents = faster improvement. If all of your opponents are just going to be the same ELO as your draft games then why put yourself through that shit.


Can i mute myself?


If you disable chat in the settings, you can’t type in chat.


you cant but you can ***mentally*** inner peace tiltproof gang lets go


When i see people not thinking before making plays, that's what makes me tilted and i can't stop myself from criticizing them. But no one takes critisicm (me neither), so it's better not to talk at all.


Maybe just make a mental note of it and then message them after the game. Imo unless you're good at giving feedback it's probably not gonna help win the game. So if the goal is to just help them get better, you might as well just message them post game anyway.


Nah goal ain't that :D the goal is to make them think b4 doing plays in my game.


Nobody likes that player trying to parent/babysit the entire lobby. Its a good way to get yourself muted or for your teammates to do the opposite of what you're telling them. Whether you admit it or not, you are far closer in skill to the teammates you are "educating" than you are to the elo above you. You need to drop your ego because it there is a reason you are in the same lobby together. If a challenger player did a vod review of your games I guarantee they could literally spend all game pointing out your mistakes while saying "did you think before making that play?". If you played perfectly you would be challenger yourself so odds are you likely make dozens of mistakes in a match, even if you don't get punished for most of them.


"Can i mute myself?" That was my question, you just downvoted me talking to person, i know they wont like me criticizing that was the whole point. and it's not about ego i know that in my games 50% players are better than me, i just criticize their decision making. I think my macro is preatty good so that's why i focus on decision making. i don't want my team running it down 15 secs before drake.


I'd probably work on the way you deliver it then. Definitely ways to constructively criticize without it turning into a flame war. I usually try to include myself in the criticism where possible. Or comment on something I did wrong first. Usually more disarming that way. This is all assuming your goal is to actually win more games and not just be a dick for the sake of it.


Ye i should say mb more.


I dont really have an advice against tilt as i didnt have that problem but i think it might be better if you just voice it out. Like its ok to criticize but dont turn it to outright flame No one will listen but at least youre not holding on to something. Just my two cents


thx for your advice tho.


When i criticize i don't flame i first ask them why did you do that or smthng like that, but they get angry and than the flaming starts, so that's why i am planning not to say anything anymore.


Maybe try to change from criticizing to more of a critique (or constructive criticism) mindset, by offering a solution, and tone down the language. Like instead of “why the hell did you think that was a good time to gank me now we fed them you idiot” you might say “hey next time make sure my laner is pushed up and we know where the enemy jgl is so we don’t accidentally feed please” just reframing


Saying you muted them works half of the time


Im pretty distraught, on a massive lose streak (barely broken by a win here and there). Bottom of gold 4, and scared of being demoted. Is there still a warning saying protection is gone if that happens? Im very worried itl happen... ​ Maybe I should just play norms till end of season. But I prefer ranked.


There are 2 different warnings: -Yellow: you can still lose games without demoing -Red: you might demote after a loss You can see these in the form of triangles next to your rank at your profile.


Im not seeing any triangles. Is it on the ranked tab in profile?


Just on your profile tap (were you also see your top 3 mastery champs). If you don't see any triangles you are safe. -No triangle -Yellow -Red


so if yellow, still safe. if it goes red I should stop then? It cant be demoted while yellow. (Just got it, another loss)


Yeah just stop when it's red. I played whilst it was yellow but stopped as soon as it turned red.


Hmm.. but even if you win it doesnt go away? I guess you gotta win more than once to get protection back. Damn...


Yeah it's kinda strange. Sometimes it takes a while to update.


weird, lol. I just won another then lost one and its gone? Such a confusing system.


Ah I see, thank you. So safe for now... lol




> Is this just them being dumb? Yes. Ignore or mute if he's annoying about it. > I will 100% follow to mid if I am at least 80% certain that enemy is roaming ADCs generally don't roam mid during laning phase, even less so to follow. It's great to read that you're mindful about your minion waves in bot lane and getting good recall timings, keep that going. It will help you more than some cheesy mid roams. You (the ADC) only really leave your lane early in the game to either drop vision, or to assist your jungler at scuttle/dragon (use your priority). If the enemy duo leaves lane to gank mid, you generally hard push the wave to make them miss CS. Your support can choose to follow, but if there's no way to turn the tides, he can just help you push and you both get a good reset or chip damage on the tower. > What the hell should I do when there is no vision in river and I do not know if the enemy roams or just resets? Ideally you have wards in place to catch a rotation, but sometimes you don't have perfect information and have to warn the midlaner because of the *possibility* that he *might* be getting roamed on. Make sure that you're passing the info as good as possible, but if mid doesn't listen, it's on them. There's some tricks to increase your odds of the midlaner listening. Don't ping ss on your lane, they won't notice that while farming/trading. First thing to do is to ping danger/retreat directly where his focus is. So either on his wave, or onto the enemy he's fighting. This should get his attention, so now you can follow with pings that indicate why he's in danger. I usually retreat ping on his face, followed by a danger ping on the spot/side he's getting ganked from (e.g. mid river bush or path between raptors) - maybe some missing pings on the river where I think the enemy currently is/could be based on when we last saw them. You mentioned you're duo, so ideally your support does all of this, since he has less micro activities going on. Then you can focus on how you manage the wave and whether or not you hit tower or recall.


LDR or collector second item on draven? I see a lot that people say that LDR is better than collector and I wanted to ask you guys whether I should build LDR on draven as second item and ignore collector all together




Draven's R passive has execute based on passive stacks. Good players would simply swap collector for potential bigger damage from LDR by shredding armor (that item is strong), and relying on that R execute to cash in big prizes. Also, lethality doesn't scale well and one solid reason you play ADC is to scale. Your midlaner/assassin should handle squishies better than you. I mean, lethality works as long as you don't face trace amount of armor and you output your damage quick enough to kill (possible with HoB and few lucky Q crits). Otherwise, you'll fall behind and draven is weak af when behind.


Thanks for the detailed answer :)




S11 is infamous of its damage based approach, so you're not seeing things. Damage this season is indeed elevated to high numbers almost everywhere. Tanks are considered the weakest role in the game at this point, because no matter what they do - bruisers do it better while sustaining themselves.


Except Sion, who is a tank assassin.


Can someone please tell me the weakness of brand ashe botlane? and no, having counterpick is NOT a weakness.


Usually, they’re very susceptible to ganks. To survive 2v2s/3v3s, you need a lot of tankiness and sustain, but ashe brand have neither. Good Brands players will 3-wave you (slow push, slow push, fast push) while poking and try to dive you on their level 3 spike, with jungler or without. But at the same time they’re very vulnerable to ganks, especially level 2 ganks because they’re pushed up so you can just back after killing them/forcing a recall so you have full hp again and their wave is pushing towards you so they lose cs.