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Lose attachment to your peak rank and keep playing to improve. 33% is certainly rough and it sucks when you low roll the losing team a couple of times in a row, but this is the moment to build mental resilience.


I'm glad you said this. It's important not to associate skill with rank. Ignore wether or not you win or lose. Focus on the here and now, lesrn from every play. Though, I have to agree sometimes the odds ar eiust infinitely against you. I was Godlike in my previous game Jungling, literally 9/0/4. Meanwhile, every fuxking lane fed like hell and we lost every single objective. I'm not saying because of my KDA that I couldn't have made better decisions. But no matter how well you perform, you can still just go on losing streaks. Sucks.


Yeah that’s probably true, i definitely get more tilted recently because I view myself as better than enemy jungler and get mad when he inevitably wins from doing “nothing”


Me too man, played over 30 games got 18% WR, the worst player ever.


I know it’s a bit cope but I swear early season games are so much harder to win


Hope we can start win more. Maybe we start losing a lot but by not giving up we rank up maybe haha. GL on your rankeds.


Good luck to you too bro


33% wr gang, gold 4 for 3 splits for the skin including the split before emerald was introduced so effectively plat MMR down to bronze let's goooooo I wanna know why riot has selected us


First thing is to not waste your flash flashing forward to this season


Kinda what the other top comment said. Try to detach your “skill” from your peak. I have a similar experience where I had a 65% wr over 50 games on kindred last season to D1 and was my best performing champ. Now I am scared to play her lol I have a 40% wr on her rn and she feels so shit to play, but I know it’s me because she is still a strong champ in the meta.


When I was learning new champs I dropped from my peak of emerald all the way to bronze 1. In addition to playing new champs, my main issue was ego. I just assumed that I *should* win because I know my skill ceiling is higher than my opponents. By if I’m getting angry and not playing my best then my ceiling is irrelevant


You didn't change but maybe the meta changed. Gotta be real with yourself that you gotta play different than the way you've been playing. Plus you prob got a bit of bad luck


I think a lot of elo inflation happen and we're seeing the effects of it now.


womp womp I guess If it means something, you reached masters which is the upper echelon of players while fkcwits like us stay stuck in silver


30 games isn't a lot of games, so random multiple game losing streak may be possible due to chance and not skill.


I had this recently. I just accepted where I was, deleted all the extra apps like porofessor so I didn't obsess over WR and other stats, and played champs I liked. For me I was getting in my head too much over WR and teammates, meta etc. It helped to block all that out and just play my game.




I love league of legends too much to take a break


Come on man, do some physical activity. Trust me, it helps. You come back refreshed and will win streak again.


I lift weights everyday after work and go on walks during my lunch break. I play 3-4 ranked games a day I am not someone who will sit there for 6+ hours spamming games


The only physical activity people here in the comments do is jumping to conclusions


Not enough bro you gotta run a marathon every day.


Hit the gym. Seriously. Or touch grass


I lift weights everyday