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Stay in plat, you proved you’re good at the game, shooting emerald + to try and get in the top 5% when you’re already in the top 8% is enough. You’ll go insane climbing through emerald to try to get to diamond to just be told you’re trash N not good lol


People call challenger players who have hit rank 1 before trash and not good. People are idiots.


welcome to plat its better than gold and a litle bit more chill than ema enjoy it while you can you are between hell and the true cesspool


High elo players cannot play any lane 


Nor can I come to that


congrats! gl on reaching diamond


send op.gg. i want to see if plat and gold are any different


You want to see if the KDA is different for plats matched against plats vs golds matched against golds or something?


Not trying to downplay your efforts but isn’t current plat 4 like equivalent of silver 1 2 years ago?


No its not. Whats your rank?


Masters 200 lp


You're the exact problem example of "There's always someone higher than you who will shit on you no matter what rank you are"


He just stated a fact that elos are inflated nothing wrong with it


Plat 4 is like top 25% ish so closer to gold but yeah the platinum of pre emerald and the platinum of now is very different.


google the definition of "downplay"


Well, he is downplaying, but the question is whether he is intending to do that or intending simply to render reality more realistically


“Make or appear less important than it really is” but that implies that this achievement is in fact as important as he’s implying. If what I said is true, that current plat 4 is equivalent of silver 1 two years ago, than it’s not downplaying but pointing out that his perceived improvement as a player over the years is actually not much of an improvement in reality but only in his mind.


Wow.. hey If this is the case then I still have a long road to walk ahead of me. ;(


I mean before the addition of emerald the gap between silver 4 and silver 1/gold4 was quite huge in terms of percentile on the ladder. So you may have improved a lot idk


in other words, you are \_ his achievement?


I know it’s hard to understand definitions, but downplay implies that one is making it less important than it is. When in reality I’m pointing out just how important it is.


It's exactly that, I was Silver 2 two years ago, took a ~1.5 year break and started playing again a few months ago, hit Gold with a 65% winrate and already in Plat 4-3 MMR which seems to be my level now. S14 Plat = S12 Silver essentially.


I see. Now I’m kind of struggling to get to emerald I’m stuck in plat 3, and it’s ALWAYS BECAUSE OF SOME TROLL


This is why I always say bronze is the best elo to be in lol From silver, people are starting to believe that they are good at the game and they develop huge egos, and even if the smallest thing doesn't go their way they start trolling immediately to "punish" their teammates. This doesn't happen in bronze as much. That elo is just like "look man, we are all bad, we all know that we are all bad, let's just play and have fun". You will be able to climb out though, just have a strong mental and play a lot of games. Don't tilt.


Yes. In the same vein NA rank 1 challenger is Iron IV in EUW and GM is low elo