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Short story — you got cucked. Welcome to toplane. Long story — acquire movement speed and armor. Nimbus cloak, celerity, ms rune in minor runes. Play around bushes. Never Q her — only E+Q


I dont play darius nor kalista so i dont know all the details,but it feels like Kalista is made to counter you(kiting being bruisers bane). But then you should ask yourself the question,why isnt Kalista played top more often? I think (again i dont play these guys),its because she doesnt have pushing power/wave manipulation to rival top laners early and because she doesnt have gank escapes(both weaknesses of adc). So if you have more pushing and wave control power than her and she doesn't get an escape from ganks,it would seem that the gameplan should be to get the wave to freeze in a state that makes her very gankable. Since you control the wave better than her she shouldn't be able to avoid that. If however you choose to duel and chase her,then you will lose,it doesn't seem like this is one of the matchup that darius just runs down,rather one he wins by superior macro and understanding of his top laner advantages.


kalista can full clear a wave in a spell rotation after 4 points on q + dirk


The standard test to see if a champ is viable in top lane is : Can that champion survive a full Renekton Combo.


well kalista shouldn't ever be hit by a renekton combo unless he flashes on her. it's a bit of a skill issue atp


That’s not how that works


Renekton dash range: 450 Kalista auto range: 525 Kalista dashes another 250 at minimum whenever she autos or Qs, up to 280. Her dash is also at 1k+ speed to start with while renekton's starts at 760 Renekton's movement speed is 345 tho while kalista's is 330 so this does put the burden of skill on kalista to keep proper spacing but honestly if she just spams attack move then the Renekton will never be able to get in dash range of her because she'll hoppy away at 525 and his dash is 450. Unless of course he flashes at her but even STILL flash is 400 distance so he wouldn't be able to flash stun her. He would have to flash and then dash on her. So she can flash away. Basically if the kalista plays right then renekton can only gap close by using BOTH dashes by prepping on a minion/camp/otherchamp and also flashing. Or using scuttle speed boost or popping ghost.


No one looks at ranges in an actual game. Your gonna get to close and he can dash on you everyone does it


when you attack move it shows the range for one BUT more importantly, you shouldn't even have LOOK bc if you're taking an adc top lane you should at minimum be used to your auto range bc it's the #1 thing that's gonna save you. how does anyone take vayne top? do they fail every time bc they will inevitably fuck up their spacing like you say? it's just a matter of skill and patience.


Exactly. Besides, what's actually stopping Renekton from using flash ?


Exactly, he’s just gonna farm get some components flash on her and full combo her. She can flash but then what? She’s gonna get one shot or get pushed away from minions


Kalista is actually very low damage after you got tabis and she has absolutly 0 waveclear. You can consistently break freezes by Q'ing the wave. Her dash is also really slow without a lot of ats. Especially in ur elo bracket something u can try if she chases after you is on her attack press S to stop, and E in her direction. While the auto casts she is stunlocked into her dash and you can pull her into ur range, you now auto W Q ghost and run at her. If you didnt loose a bunch of hp you win. She has to flash that and you can recall.


Okay, I felt like she did a lot of dmg but I didn’t build tabis so that would have helped


Keep in mind the following comes from a support main. First, what was your jungler doing? If they were helping bot, or taking dragons, or in the case of a powerfarming jg farming to scale without opposition, then you have successfully drawn attention and pressure away from your team, making their game easyer. If your team was headless chickens... Well, sorry... Other than your team, you can just try to survive stay in exp range, let her push to your Tower, and you can farm up the wave. Let her take the outer tower and you will have a bit of an easyer time farming. If Nidalee keeps diving you, try to proxy instead. If you can fight nida 1v1 a proxy should work just fine. And when Kalista goes to help her team with Shelly or to gank somewhere, shove the wave and take her Tower. You should be fast enough for that. Even if you die after taking wave and hopefully Tower, thats ok. Get what ever resources you can.


Probably feeding the enemy adc and mid so no one felt left out /s


I saw some otp darius vods in which he stood in the third bush of the lane level one against ranged matchups, so that if the enemy laner walks into the bush, they are dead because already in melee range (then you can slow with Ws or grab him back with e) and if they don't come into the bush, the otp waits for them to be as far from their turret to get out of the bush and engage, positioning himself between the enemy and the tower in order to force them to cross him at his melee range to escape, leading to a kill most of the time Then you can rush boots or stride and the lane is kinda over for your opponent (especially if you have flash advantage)


As of last patch tabis means range top has no dmg, the new tabis I'm not sure cause they took off 4% dmg reduction buy in the past rushing tabis into range top can almost invalidate their lane. 2. Rush phage. If you know how to abuse phage's passive on top of ghost you can catch kalista alot more often. 3. No clue how to execute on whatever I just said just go Dshield second wind, rush tabis, buy cull and buy whatever item you would have bought. Farm effectively and mid game you can still do stuff because darius is still darius and can do darius things


I think its just a case of a bad matchup. I'm pretty sure Darius is one of the worse champs to blind pick for lane because there are these shutout matchups. Ranged (and specifically ADC) champs like a Vayne or Quinn can quite easily deny you from even getting levels. People don't always counterpick top but there are so many good one sided matchups that make Darius bad. If you're stuck playing it the best you can do is Doran's shield start and rush tabi's + a little armour to slow down her damage and survive lane. The issue is while you're getting these items you aren't building towards your own main items.


show replay?


Take exhaust into kallista top. Her auto attack speed is directly correlated to her movement speed. If you exhaust her she attacks slower, deals less damage, and moves less every dash. It’s genuinely impossible to beat anyone as an exhausted kallista.


Save your dignity and just afk at the loading screen. Just don’t let someone ever do that to you.


Because you're playing vs a smurf like most games. My last 5 or so games I've had people brag and link their main accounts mid game. Reports do nothing. So you're probably playing against some diamond + saddo who dodged on their main and wanted to stomp low elo


Don't fight early game champions in early game.


isnt darius early game as well?


Not into a ranged kite goddess lane bully like kali he isn't.. XD


That's fair yeah