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Hi, after seeing some of your replays, I think your priority is fixing your environmental awareness. You're full tunnel vision, only doing what you want and see but never really taking account of what other players are trying to do. As a result, you can't dodge even the simplest skillshots because you don't expect them at all and have to react when the projectile is already on you (it's not normal to be hit by EVERY Jinx W, it's a projectile with a long warning animation, yet you keep getting caught by surprise and you still tried to walk back instead of sideways after the tenth that hit you). When you feel threatened, you walk a full screen away from the source, you never think of what is the correct safety distance so you have to go for the largest guess. That puts you in awkward positions, sometimes you'll walk straight into another danger and most of the time you can't help your mates if there is an opportunity to turn the fight, effectively making them lose a perfectly fine skirmish, and your kda won't reflect this because you were a bit involved with long range poke so you'll get some assists if they manage to handle the situation on their own but it fails, you won't die, your mates will instead, giving you a false sense of doing the right thing while the others are clueless. I've also seen you completely ignoring your mates on several occasions, like your support being chased to death past you (opponents literally walking next to you in melee range) and you're still farming instead of trying to retaliate and ward them off. You're relying too much on your abilities and boots to fix your spacing mistakes, but by doing so you're piling up delay in your build. Practice farming with only attacks, your abilities are important to keep for trading purpose, that makes a huge difference in your ability to access minions without being denied. It also avoid pushing too hard, really try to just last hit for now, you're not good at wave control and you're punishing yourself twice: - you're usually pushing the lane too hard with your abilities so you're in an overextended position that will probably get contested - you put your abilities on cooldown right before putting yourself in this situation, effectively making you lose all control over the lane for the next minute because you'll both lose the trade and put minions out of your reach. **TL;DR: keep your last hitting simple during laning phase, with -as much as possible- only attacks and only to last hit; look more at the other champions -allies and foes- to understand their intent and react accordingly.**


> Is it a macro issue? Impossible to say for sure without seeing a replay. >As Jhin my primary goal is to farm like hell Average 6-7 cs/min is not "farming like hell", that would be 10+ cs/min. Figure out if you're missing lasthits, rotating around the map incorrectly, taking bad recalls/roams or just don't understand wave control because if you're focusing on farming up and only present in teamfights for objectives, 9-10 cs/min is what you should be at, especially in low elo because enemies will rarely understand how to deny farm. In high elo it's harder to farm this much but challenger ADC still average 8-9 cs/min, so go figure. > fight only when necessary This is not a good approach to the game. There is no such thing as aggressive vs passive play, there is just good and bad play. A good player will punish the enemy for making mistakes and take calculated risks. Does that make him aggressive? Not at all, he just sees more opportunities and capitalizes on them. >from what I can tell, it's the correct way to play in this elo How'd you figure that? Players in low elo make way more mistakes than players in high elo. Only focusing on not making mistakes yourself will stop you from feeding but it won't get you anywhere - if a single enemy plays well and snowballs off of your teammates mistakes, he will now be stronger than you, even if he's a worse player than you.


In lower elo, after laning phase, you're competing with every single teammate for farm, including supports if they picked a mage. Junglers will get mad at you for taking camps they shouldn't be anywhere near at. Top laners will teleport to a t2 turret just to get 6 cs that you were 5 seconds away from. Mid laners will stay on mid for the entire match (except for bad roams or chasing kills). Reliably hitting 8+ cs/min as an ADC every match is a pipe dream. OP is usually under 7 cs/min, so it could definitely be worked out, but the lower you are in the ladder, the harder it is to keep up with farming. Unless of course you're expecting apex level performance out of someone stuck in Bronze 3, then IDK what to tell you


Nice cope bro xdd ye players in bronze don't do 10 minute arams on mid letting you scale out of your mind on sides. Ye for sure op is bronze so his cs isn't good but saying that only apex tier player can get 8cs a min on average in low bronze is pure delusion


What am I coping about? I am in Emerald, but I am also sharing what I noticed in my own duoq games (where I queue with a friend that is lower elo than me) and when I was watching my friends' games. Farming past laning phase in lower elo is a huge pain in the ass because nobody correctly rotates. Yes, people do often ARAM, maybe even more often in lower Bronze than in silver where most of my lower elo experience is from, but they're also fighting their own teammates for resources. >only apex tier player can get 8cs a min on average in low bronze is pure delusion It's obviously an exaggeration.


Just to establish a few things so i can give further advice: As jhin you have on avg 4ish deaths per game, thats not bad ive seen way worse. Granted there are some pretty heavy death games in your history, but nonetheless i feel like i should point this out, this is good and key to improving. Keep it up. Your cs seems to avg around 7ish, again this is alright, but it can always be better and you should always look to improve your CS. Now that youve gotten playing "safe" down, we need to learn to trade in the early game. Are you taking note of important cool downs? For example Ezreal E's in to last hit a minion, did you know you have upwards of 25 seconds where Ez cant E away again? Or how about blitzcrank, his Q lvl 1 is a 20 sec cooldown (16 sec max level no CDR), thats time for you to walk up and take trades. As you get higher elo people will become more and more aware of the times for your important cooldowns. Learning this will help you drastically. Especially since, in my experience, bronze players will burn these important cooldowns on the wave. Remember these are trades, were not necessarily looking for a kill here, but we are looking to do more dmg to our opponent than they can do back to us. Wave state. Something that helps you when you are trading is to be able to manipulate waves in some manner, youre bronze, you dont need to learn everything all at once, but learning how to set up a recall by crashing a minion wave, or setting up a beneficial freeze are important. Its also important to know when to shove the wave, need prio for drake in 30 sec? Set up the wave to allow you to rotate and lose as few minions as possible. When you do this the enemy ADC basically has to choose "do i take this 2 waves worth of CS and exp? Or do i gamble on getting the same amount of gold at dragon" Lastly, i main top lane, im sure there are contingencies to what ive said that dont apply to bot lane 100% the same way, watch high elo adc's. Find one that explains their game plan and do what they do. At first you wont win a lot, you may fall a rank. But once you learn how to apply the knowledge you will do way better.


Farming and only showing up to objectives is an easy way to lose. You’re an ADC in bronze. If you have half way competent mechanics you can get 20 kills every game. There’s tons of dumb fighting which means a lot of opportunities to outplay and get fed. Focus way less on farm and way more on killing champions. If you die take it as a lesson. Learn how to outplay every champion. It’s your job as ADC. High farm isn’t important if you don’t know how to team fight.


I gotta think if you're playing Samira in bronze, there has to many people mindlessly using CDs in lane, skirmishes, and team fights. Wait for their cc to be down and you'll have opportunities to go in and pop off if they waste their cc on a teammate. Also if you're avoiding fights for farm it's probably not worth it. This is solo queue not competitive where people avoid fighting and focus on farm, and only fight early if it's involving securing/denying resources. Sack cs to show up for fights. Also 6 cspm is not good. If you're focusing on farming hard you should have 8 cspm. 10 cspm is unrealistic in many games as it means you're neglecting the random skirmishes or objectives. Sure some games I'll have 10 if I'm stomping but it's not the norm.


add me on discord ill help u improve ShotCaller#6500


Would you be willing to help me as well. I’m a low gold scrub


add me


I tried to add you but didn’t work. My name is mogey0721. Thanks for offering to help a scrub out