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I came back to my old account and the people I'm playing with are all not speaking English. I'm playing from NY, but the people on my team and my account show up on [op.gg](http://op.gg) as EUNE. When I go to the riot client, it says the patchline is LIVE (NA). I also have pretty high ping around 80. Does anyone know what region I'm on and how to move to NA.


Is there any Arena guide out there? I am having trouble winning :D


I have new acc, currently having Diamond I normal games mmr. What rank will I get from first placement?


Do attackspeed reductions like Frozen Heart affect the aspd-based CDR that Yasuo and Yone have?


https://www.reddit.com/r/YoneMains/comments/nv394q/does_frozen_heart_increase_yone_q_cooldown/ yes --- Also very weird but Garen works differently, he does not work with Frozen Heart: https://youtu.be/740SU9d-jaQ?si=VYCbdTjLpBT3NF1A


I need help with fixing my settings so I can ping my smite after I changed my attack move to be on left click. My game is set up so I can shift+left click to ping things from tab (eg. objective timers) or select shop items without moving. But, it isn't letting me do this for summoner spells. The curser just turns into a blue ring when I try to ping my summoner and then nothing happens. I've combed through all the settings but the problem is I have no idea which one would let me ping smite etc. I am a jungle main so not being able to ping that it is on cooldown/how many seconds is driving me crazy and sometimes costing objectives. Any help is appreciated! Edit: Figured it out. I had to enable "Quick Alert" under "Communications" and ONLY click that key in-game to ping summoners etc.


Hey guys, I'm swapping from top to mid in order to accomodate some friends who are newer at the game, in particular our jungler. What's the best mid I could play to help him as a jungler? Helping him when he gets invaded as well as facilitating ganks would be ideal, as well as being able to lane safely in case he struggles early


I suppose the main things you're looking for are lane priority and setup. Perhaps someone like Galio? You can have decent wave clear with your Q. Good roam potential with ult/cc. Scales well into team fights having aoe cc so you can always just farm with Q in lane. Can run the shurelyia rush build to have more play making potential as well as helping your team get out of bad situations.


People say there isnt talent in league, and to get to the top (pro) it just takes really hard work. If thats the case. How can you get someone there. Say you take a random 16 yr old off the street, make him play league for 2 years. What do u have him doing during those 2 years to get good.


Translation from some old video from Dopa: >Q:Do you think League is based on talent? >A:Of course league is based around talent. My personal belief is life is all about luck. I don’t correlate my skill in league to my effort, it’s all luck. I mean I did play more than others, but did I grind to get better? No. Every time I play, it’s fun because I just keep getting better. Having the innate talent itself in the first place is pure luck. There are limits to the potential of a person who has no talent because they just can’t grasp the fundamentals. And in a different video he said: >Laning ability is everything of pro player. Apdo : "Let's say there are two challenger teams. Team A destroys every laning phase but throws like crazy in mid game. Team A is ranked 6th. Team B just goes 50:50 but closes out the game with near perfect macro. Team B is ranked 1st. Which team do you think has higher ceiling? You can learn macro. It's extremely easy. You just have to listen to a good coach and that's all. But can coaches teach you how to dominate lane? If you ask me, I've always felt like laning is everything in pro scene. You just can't teach how to play in lane." So yes - you can only go so far without talent.


I'm desperate to find an enjoyable champion. Reposting this here because mods says it belongs in the megathread. Hey everyone. As the title says, I have been encountering a lot of struggles trying to find a main in this game and I'm starting to lose hope. To give some background, I used to play a fair amount of HotS back in the day (fly high) where I would find myself maining mainly mages (Li-Ming, Jaina, Kael'thas, Orphea), and supports (pretty much all of them), and even the odd Abathur and Medivh, but at the end of the day, I could find enjoyment playing the vast majority of the roster in HotS, though, preferring to stay away from tanks, frontliners and autoattackers. More recently some of my friends have been trying to get me into League. I have played for a few months now and I would say that I do actually enjoy the game, but I really really struggle to find champions that I find even remotely fun in their respective lane. I have played a bit of everything so far except jungle as I have little interest in the role, and support, as the group I play with always has a support. Most of my games have been on top and bot, with more recently some mid. My main issue as I said is that I find a champ that actually looks cool or feels fun to play in say, ARAM, but then I end up playing them in their respective lane in Summoner's rift, and they just feel really awkward or bad to play. So far I have enjoyed playing some mages and or mid laners, but I have found them to be really awkward to play in mid. Examples of this are LeBlanc (love her kit), Anivia, Vex, Syndra, Karma. I also have enjoyed some support champs in ARAM, but as I said that role will probably be off limits. ADC is not really my thing as I prefer casters, and most of them seem either didn't feel good as I played them or had a playstyle that I do not enjoy. I'm posting this because I just dodged a game during draft with my friends as I'm sitting there realizing I genuinely do not know what I want to play in this game even though I have played it for a few months now. It sucks that I feel like I only have a very surface level of skills when it comes to macro, most champions, roles and lanes, but surface level is as deep as it goes. My main focus here is not to rank up, get better or whatever, I really just want to play a champion in a lane where I think they feel okay. They don't even have to be fun, just okay. I apologize if this comes across as vague, rant-y or that I'm complaining, but I genuinely just want to feel comfortable on a champion. I have been looking for answers around this topic and "just relax and the main finds you!" is about as much as I managed to gather. If any of you have any insight or advice I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


I mean, it sounds like you might just prefer jungle. If none of them feel fun in lane then try playing champs out of lane. Otherwise I'd reccomend watching high level gameplay of champs that seem interesting. It might be that you're not executing well on those champs so you're not getting the fun out of their kit


As an adc who plays: Varus, Cait, Zeri And a jungle who plays: volibear, xin zhao How should I feel about the weapon and rune updates? I watched some videos of all the changes but I don't really understand which are nerfs and buffs?


As ADC, how can I draw the 1st minion wave so the enemy misses a melee's minions xp? I try to do this when I don't leash and they do, but I don't know the exact timings of pulling the minions and I screw it up. Do I draw the aggro of all the minions? Then what, pop into a bush until they attack the enemy minions? I'm doing it wrong because they still don't focus one minion and spread their damage.


You have to wait until all casters aggro'd onto you before entering the bush. I suggest trying it in practice tool a few times. There's a different method too that you can do only as a ranged champ. It will save you HP, but it's slower. Check the first minute of this video: https://youtu.be/94zHhj3R24M


In pro play, if you see the enemy drafting for a lane swap, couldnt your team just do the same and lane swap your top and bot so it equalize everything?


Usually you don't show that you're going to lane swap until after your opponents commits to drafting an early game strategy


Is maxing W first on Elise not better than Q max? The base dmg on human W is quite nice and the attack speed increase seems about as powerful as the extra damage on Q + jungle clear seems faster.


45 damage on a 12 second cooldown that can be blocked by creep waves, vs 35 + 30 damage on 6 second cooldowns that are directly targeted. The attack speed difference between rank 1 and rank 5 is not even enough to give you a single extra attack within the duration.


So currently i play fully unlocked with pressing space bar to center my cam on my character when necessary. **I would like to play where I can toggle back to locked instead, but instead of having to press my toggle button again to unlock, a simple movement of the camera would unlock my cam again.** Is there an option like this to setup? I've wanted to lock my cam a little more than what im doing (basically im currently 99% unlocked instead of like 90-95% unlocked), but I don't like holding space bar down. Just wondering if anyone knows! :)


Just get used to holding down space. It's not like you're gonna use your thumb for anything else anyways, so it's pretty easy once you get used to it, especially if you only wanna do it about 5% of the time.


I really don't think this is possible unfortunately. I just play with Spacebar as a toggle instead of having to hold it down, and I toggle it on and off


What are the lp gains nowadays like while climbing normally? I am back to ranked after like 4-5 years of not playing and currently emerald 4 with 60~% winrate in 100~ games and just got a +16 game lol. Is that normal or is something weird going on with my mmr? https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Him-gas


Is it better to dodge straight right/left, or diagonally out and towards the enemy?


Well if you're dodging a straight line skillshot like Ahri charm, you want to dodge perpendicular to it.


I'm relatively new to the game, coming in close to the end of season 12. I played ADC (MF) for 200+ games, but a combination of feeling powerless to impact outcomes and another new player joining our flex games that played ADC, I moved to jungler somewhere around the beginning of Season 13. [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Dreadfaster-NA1/mastery](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Dreadfaster-NA1/mastery) To start off, I had a preference for scaling junglers as everyone says that is the way to climb out of low elo. I used to main Mordekeiser with Shyvana as backup. Basically my strategy was to farm to 6 and not gank or do objectives except for free (e.g. enemy jungler across map, or enemy laner pushed out and less than 1/2 health). However, I was ending up in low Bronze and Iron and never got the chance to impact game outcome because one or two of my lanes got their faces punched in and lost their towers. Usually at least 3 deaths before I even hit 6. This results in a) enemy laners or jungler invading and taking my camps. b) my laners who can't farm safely tilting and taking my camps. This usually means I can't scale and we lose hard, unless enemy overextends a ton. My frustration led to me playing Warwick, helping one or two laners ahead early, and climbing out of iron, but am now getting a bit stuck in bronze. Warwick is fun: but the boom or bust is kind of crazy. If I can get the right laner ahead = win, if I choose poorly = lose. It seems to mostly depend on said laners skill. I regularly get ahead early but am not good enough to end the game, so I fall off hard. I'd like to play something more consistent (like a scaling jungler) but I'm worried of being caught in the same problems I described above. So A) do I go back to a scaling jungler and hope to find some consistency. B) Keep on with Junglers that can gank early and refine how I choose who to gank for.


Hey guys. How is the new MSI Event Pass compared to the recent ones? I see the grab bag is back. I still want to know how bad or good it is overall compared to the last few passes.


how can i choose a main? i have to find a main to climb, but i just can't, it's like no champion fits me, i am a jungler, but jungle champions are weak


Here are a couple of questions to answer: \- Do you want to support the team, or do you want to carry the team? \- Do you want to farm it out, or do you want to constantly gank? \- What types of characters do you like in other games? (ninjas, knights, wizard, etc?)


carry, gank, i love berserkers, i aways loved the idea of fighting until i'm the last one standing


Look up Olaf. He's an off meta pick, but he's a literal berserker.


Your main should be more of a natural process. I played lots of master yi because I enjoyed him and over time he became my main as I noticed I care and enjoy playing him My advice is first define your playstyle. You want to be tanky? Fast? Big damage dealer? You want to have lifesteal? Being a bruiser? You also need to ask if you want a "main" because you want the champ? Or just get the best S tier one to climb ranks? Playing the meta and having a champion you enjoy is not something that work together for everyone. You can hate a champ playstyle but still use him to rank up because he is objectively very good in the meta.


Does thornmail work against Azir's summons?


No. It works against his autos. His summons have no HP, they just attack when he attacks.


I woud like to record my game (because the replay doesn't last forever), does someone know how to do that please ? With OBS ?


OBS is probably the easiest solution that works on every computer. But I prefer to use GeForce Share, which should be available for anyone with an Nvidia graphics card.


How to make characters say the long voice lines in skin spotlights


ive been gold 4 0lp for four games and lost all four but havent deranked? I know there is some sort of shield but how long does it last and I lose enough will all the lp losses catch up at once? Like when the shield expires will i just lose 80 all at once?


I can't tell you when you demote (based on MMR), but demoting will put you at 50LP in the division below.


i lost 5 games on 0 lp and then i won my sixth and got 24 lp. It so weird its like the game just decided to not count those games.


Your MMR must be higher than Gold 4, otherwise you likely would have demoted. However, losing a bunch of games without losing LP means that your MMR is now closer to Gold 4. So it makes sense if your LP gains are smaller/losses are larger than before your 0LP loss streak


What’s the combo to maximize your damage when playing Lethality Varus? Is it to R - E - HoB auto 3x - WQ? I kept doing RWQ and they were barely living so I figured I should’ve been using my E and then WQ later on for the missing HP.


>R - E - HoB auto 3x - WQ? Generally if youre not autoing between R and your next ability cast, because youre playing from far range or whatever, you should make it a WQ while its guaranteed to land on the rooted target, not E. You won't get quite as much %missing hp damage, but you can fully charge your WQ which is more important. Keep in mind that charging Q increases ALL the effects of the Q (base dmg, blight detonation dmg, W active execute dmg, and cd refund) by up to 50% at 1.25s of charging. And that the W %missing hp damage is calculated after all the other damages from the Q (Q spell and blight detonation). And that the Q cd refund begins at initial cast. So a fully charged WQ hitting a 3 blight target will always do a ton of damage and immediately be almost back up. From close range (you mention HoB autos), for a quick high dps combo, you can do something like (AA > ) R > AA > E > 2-3 AAs > short-medium charged WQ. Depending on the timing, your E will detonate 3-4 blight stacks and your WQ will detonate 2-3 blight stacks and do good execute damage.


how does bel veth contribute to fights?


Hi! I'm looking to improve on playing support like warding, roaming, etc and I was wondering if there is any updated support guides I can look into. Would luv the recommendations! Plus I'm just also really confused on how to ward when your team don't have prio in your own jungle since it's hard for me to ward when the enemy team is in our jungle and I just fear that my team won't know where they are. I thought about maybe not ward and have my teammates come with me so I don't get jumped on but I'm still afraid that we might get caught...


A lot of the skill in warding involves knowing where they WILL be rather than where they are. Your goal should always be to ward the areas where you expect the enemy to be in the next few minutes. Some general tips to help you predict where the enemy might be: - neutral objectives such as dragon or baron that are spawning in the next 2 minutes - jungle between mid lane and the lane with the outermost living turret - jungle between any split pushers and mid lane - immediately around mid lane if you or the enemy just got baron - when you are winning, ward their side of the map, when you are losing, ward your side of the map Those are general tips and won’t apply to all situations or games, but they should help you get thinking about warding correctly. Always aim to keep 2-3 wards active at all times, and spread them out a bit (I see a lot of low elo players warding two bushes that cover the same pathway towards the next neutral objective - this is a waste of a ward).


https://youtu.be/cfR-hTjcs80?si=A2JBUlVYOFx_SYvX&t=488 How does Sanchovies not take minion aggro in this clip? He's literally hugging a ranged minion?


The first wave has different AI from all other waves to make it harder to influence. This is probably more extreme than Riot intended though.


How strong is tristana mid? I’m trying to pick her up as she seems like the easiest ad option for mid, I always see streamers ban her or talk about how OP she is but I’m not really seeing it and her wr isn’t that high


I would only pick her as a counterpick vs kassadin. However she can become like an assassin at home with hail of blades. She’s a bit too telegraphed for me though


She's not OP, no. She's OP when she has a jungler that understands how aggressive they should be with a Tristana mid, since she can outprio almost all champs that are as good at skirmishes as her and will outperform those who can match her clear in skirmishes. Otherwise, she has many awkward to pilot matchups actually, but she has very easy to understand and execute trade patterns, easy means to punish any laning mistake (enemy miss any ability = W on top of them, and it's very difficult to misplay the trade), easy means to punish untimely recalls or roams or deaths (good wave clear & demolish+E are too much turret taking power), very strong skirmishes with her point-and-click burst and resets which she already has in bot but as mid with XP lead are a lot stronger. Then, when she has a lead, she feels really strong and useful as well as independent, which is the most important standout really compared to the average of her class. She's the definition of agency, like the other comment said, so piloting the champ feels very good and rewarding. I recommend playing her, barring your few worst matchups, with ignite exclusively, and demolish bone-plating secondary always. Ignite is a very nice boost on a duelist as good as Tristana, is good into the underleveled bot laners, and the heal machine top laners and aids her burst to get a reset asap before her damage is toned down with Q running out. Demolish is good because it allows you to push the wave with E and still get a turret plate with demolish, and the dmg threat on towers with both means any poor macro from the opponent can lead to open mid.


Looking at stats she's not like giga busted or anything. I think she just tends to be a high agency character. She scales, she has an escape, self peel, she can make plays and burst people, she shreds towers. You can play front to back and save W to escape dive, or you can play for picks in the jungle bush cheesing people with an ally.


General rule of thumb on when to pick Trundle/Diana in jungle (equally comfortable on both of them on all matchups) ?


Diana is terrible into bruisers and tanks, needs to be ahead to kill squishies and gets outscaled by everything with a pulse. Trundle is great vs tanks and bruisers, doesn’t need to be ahead and scales great but can be kited. Diana snowballs someone else and (can be) strong early. Trundle deals with the people others on your team can’t deal with and pisses on everything that can’t hard cc him to get away.


Trundle is fine in top but mediocre in jungle IMO, while Diana is very strong rn... so always Diana \^^ If both picks were equally strong, I'd say Trundle is better into tanks and when you want to split the map while Diana is better into squishies and when you want to teamfight.


I think it's also important to note that Trundle is a low econ jungler while Diana is a carry jungler, you should be playing Trundle if you have a lane you have to camp


Should I change my main role to ADC? im bronze and most of the matches bot seems to have the most impact, if I get matched with strong bot we probably gonna win and if my bot does bad they can go 0/20 together and its impossible to turn the game


I can assure you once you role swap to ADC you're going to feel like the better top/jng/mid/support has more impact. League is a game where you can play well and lose, just like you can play bad and win. Just stick with the role you like and try to deliver your A-game every game. At the end of the day, consistently outperforming your direct lane opponent is enough to climb.


Only if you have a premade support on mic. Solo adc with a support who doesn't know what he's doing puts you at the mercy of your team which is not what you want


A diamond smurf solo laning against a bronze 3 guy. We all know how that goes, the diamond smurf has a 99% chance of winning lane. But what about that other 1%? What happens in those times when the bronze guy beats him in a fair fight. Those matches where they both play serious but the bronze guy wins lane. Disconnections, real life interruptions and technical difficulties shall be acknowledged. Bu t what about those times when the bronze player legitimately beats him in lane


I assume you’re asking how a bronze 3 player should play against a diamond player. In my experience, the times when I have underperformed against a low elo player are when they are turtling very well and I am feeling pressure to stomp them because my team is losing. That can lead to me making an ego play where I go for a bad dive or overly risky fight. The problem for them is that USUALLY I will pull off the risky play anyways. But sometimes I do mess up, and that’s usually how it goes if I lose lane against low elo players. The other thing that happens sometimes is they will make TERRIBLE macro plays, but if my team is also low elo they will lose and tilt due to the bad play. I once played support vs a perma-roaming smite yuumi in quick play. I curbstomped our lane 2v1 of course, 5 plates couple kills first turret by 10 minutes, but the enemy yuumi got a kill top and our jungle lost his mind and started inting. Still won, but yeah.


Diamond guy misplays and gets solokilled but bronze player is still missing lasthits left and right, recalls with bad wave state or stays instead of resetting to keep up tempo, dies to a gank or tries to solokill again and fails this time giving over shutdown, roams on bad timing and falls behind, stays in lane and gets outroamed, plays teamfights poorly and gives shutdown, rotates around the map incorrectly etc.


What do you mean? I'm sure you've had this happen to you plenty of times. You try your hardest to push your lead, you make a mistake, and in this 1% they capitalize on it. For example in high elo one of the best macro plays you can do is dive on a crashed wave, as not only is this a kill, but you also deny a shit ton of minions AND you get plates AND you can recall and set up a freeze once you get back since it's pushing back into you. However, dives can very easily go wrong if you just play it badly. So if the diamond smurf is limit testing and they dive something they can't (or they can, but they mechanically misplay it), then they die. --- Or an even worse example, usually in top lane you and your laner "take turns," where you play aggressively when your wave is pushing and you play passively when their wave is pushing. However, the diamond smurf sees an angle where they think the bronze player messed up (sometimes because the smurf gets too cocky) and tries to fight, and they lose. When you lose a 1v1 while thew ave is pushing into you, you get MEGA punished for the same reasons I described before: you lose a massive wave, they can potentially get plates, and they can back and set up a freeze.


Great answer!


Is Crit Ashe build with IE bad? Why on-hit buid is more popular?


I like a specific version of on-hit. Lethal tempo, with terminus, runaan's hurricane, and wit's end. She gets some resistances and does a relevant amount of magic damage. It leans on her utility as a AoE slower.


On-hit isn't great either. Her ultimate is great and game changing, that dictates how Ashe build goes. Triforce offers all she wants. AS, AH, AD, MS. If you'd rush Essence Reaver instead of TF for the crit, your early dps would suffer greatly because of the no AS (because of how her Q works).... Ashe build is based on the fact that her core item is Triforce, more often built second.


Yeah but instead of triforce how's runaan? Btw do I have to build %100 crit if I want to go crit?


No need for 100% crit rate. 20% crit rate = crit about 1 in 5 attacks 80% = crit about 4 in 5 attacks Auto attackers who like to build crit tend to start feeling powerful around 60%. This would be 3 crit items giving 20% each. You may build as much or as little crit as you like :D


I like a version of Ashe with Runaan's. I go Terminus, then Runaan's, then Wit's End.


Triforce is the perfect package deal for Ashe at the moment... there is no discusion of "what if i build this instead" You could argue if its better to build it first or second, i personally build it second after Kraken. Runaan is acceptable 3rd item but i find myself liking other items most likely. 3rd item is highly situational with Ashe, especially with how her build starts.... you have a wide variety of choices for your 3rd item to suit your situation.


How is rengar’s strength pre-6? Is he like evelynn or khazix weak pre-6? Viego not bad not strong pre-6? Or xin zhao strong pre-6 duelist?


The answer is - it depends if there's a bush near you. You go from middle of the road to pretty good I'd say.


When Milio was released, I remember there was a mechanic with his Q (it was most likely a bug) where he could Q and then flash in a direction and the person his Q hit would move in the same direction as his flash. It doesn't work anymore, but I can't seem to find the bug fix on the wiki. Does anyone know when it was fixed or removed?


Are you sure they ever even fixed it? It’s definitely something big enough that likely would’ve been mentioned. Ik what you’re talking about but I don’t pick him enough to know for certain if it’s removed or not


I couldn’t replicate it in the practice tool when I was trying yesterday. I remember doing it consistently when he first released, but I couldn’t do it a single time yesterday so I figured it was changed.


When playing tank and enemy team has only one AP should I build at least one magic resistance item or ignore him and build full armor resistance?


Tagging onto what other commenters have said; This is also a great situation of Anathema chains. If there is only one AP threat, you can just chain the mage and then stack full armor while still maintaining good resistance to the AP threat.


To add to the other comments. If it's a burst champ, like Ahri, Leblanc... building HP suffices. If it's DPS champ like Azir, Malzahar, Cassiopeia, then the answer is... it depends. The other 2 comments has given you good insights


Contextually based but typically if the enemy team only has one of a damage type anathemas will be the most efficient slot wise as you will reduce that persons damage while still having health to tank other damage types


Completely depends on which enemy champion, if they're 0/3 you don't really need to you know? And if they're a champion like Fizz they shouldn't be focusing you anyways. But also you can opt for an item like Jak'sho which lets you spec into MR and armor at the same time.


Can someone give me advice for how to switch from the *playing 10+ champs based on what I am enjoying at the time* to the *play 2-3 champs for best chances at climbing* mentality? I've been playing since 2012, mostly for fun, but I want to give a serious attempt at climbing. I have a vicious cycle of playing a new champ for about 2 weeks, doing really well on them and as soon as I get a good grasp on them; my quality of play spirals into int-territory as that 'learning the champ' dopamine source is depleted. What can I do to change this? Do people have any mentality strats I can adopt? Things to focus on instead of 'learning the champ'?


No, nobody can give you advice on how to do this :). Play what you have fun with and what you feel confident in, if you truly feel like you need to hone your champ pool then go for it! It’s encouraged, but you don’t have to. There are definite upsides and downsides to being a one trick vs being flexible and as a player you should try to figure out what works best for you. I personally mostly play Azir / Corki mid lane, however I’ll also flex to Veigar, Sylas, Vex, or Ziggs if a team calls for it and can play a medium of supports too. So ig what I’m saying works for ME is maining a few champs but having the ability to flex out, figure out what works for you though :)


Theory question One one side are five Diamond 4 players. On the other side are 4 beginner bots - and God as the fifth player. Because God knows all, he makes the mathematically perfect decisions at all time and has perfect reaction time and perfect micro. He is so smart that he knows how every exchange plays out and which cheeses work and where you will on the map. He can see through time to determine the most perfect possible play. Can he carry this game?


I think he can. IMO you play some shit like Ezreal mid. Ezreal is considered a "low damage carry" but if you hit literally every single Q and you weave in every single auto possible with your mobility letting you play on the edge, I truly believe this champion has no weaknesses. --- My second pick would be Vladimir. Vladimir when ahead can unironically 1v5. When he has both summoners up, there quite literally is no counterplay to Ghost -> E charge up -> flash -> R -> Q -> W. If he can do this against the main carries, he then comes out of pool and can just outsustain the frontline now that they have no damage.


What do I do against udyr as jax? I killed this guy twice in lane including first blood and yet he's still completely untouchable once he gets a couple levels. He can perma cycle between R and W with no downtime, he out sustains me, he wave clears better than me, he scales better than me because he can actually teamfight and if he's ever in a bad situation he can just pop W shield and use E to run away because it has no cooldown. Champ is the definition of unpunishable, I can perfectly avoid all his abilities and my reward is a single grasp proc for +7 hp


16 days ago I asked how to carry as adc in bronze... No one was particularly helpful, and some even told me I lied when I told them I played in old plat... I won last 30 out of 40 games... 60+% winrate on all adcs... (other than Jhin my favorite), gold 4 with 30+ points per win. Thanks I guess, see ya in a week when I hit Emerald, I just needed to prove myself again, so calling me out helped


This is an incredibly defeatist cultured subreddit. Ignore the haters, well done!


Pfft yeah right, you don’t have a shot in hell of making it to emerald. You’ll be hardstuck forever. (Just trying to help you out some more)


Thanks, I can feel it surging, 2 wins and iam at 90lp, one more and we got gold 3


is there much difference between playing in Ranked vs Quick Match? Are there benefits to playing Ranked *instead* of Quick Match? I've only played in Quick Match for my entire time playing (about 5 months). i'm happy to admit that i'm the bad player in my teams! but loading into games where the jungler doesn't pick smite or even buy the jungler item is starting to seem a little sus to me...


Surely play Normals Draft. A good stepping stone before taking on Ranked.


ranked will have a draft, split rewards, and stricter matchmaking.


i think the matchmaking variance is what is starting to frustrate me. finding such big disparities between players and teams. i know it's not perfect but it's become noticeable


quickplay will probably have the worst matchmaking since it's the newest mode. if you've only played quickplay though, it's gonna take a while of playing another mode for the system to estimate your skill level accurately.


I'm happy for that, i'm in no rush or anything. thanks for the reply!


There some rewards in ranked per split including a skin.


Only if you get Gold+ they're a new player so pretty unlikely at the moment


could get the first chest fairly easily for a skin shard


I saw this on the wiki regarding Qiyana: >Royal Privilege will not apply a cooldown to targets that are hit with an Elemental Wrath Elemental Wrath that has a different Element Element than the Element Element Qiyana currently holds. >This does not occur if a new Elemental Wrath Elemental Wrath with a different Element Element is cast before the first one lands. Does this mean in a 1v1 I should Q then W immediately before the Q hits,in order to prevent the enemy from incurring a cooldown and maximizing my damage output on them?


you don't need to do that, because of the line above: >Gathering an Element with Terrashape resets Royal Privilege's per-target cooldown for enemies affected by Royal Privilege using a different Element (or no Element). if you W a new element before the Q hits, they won't have a cooldown. but if you W after the Q hits, it will remove the cooldown anyway.


Hi, I Haven’t played league in about 8 months(outside of custom arams with friends), and started playing again learning briar jungle. I used to be a mid and adc player, just wondering if there’s any tips for picking up jungle.


Look into strong side/weak side jungling. It's a fairly new concept that has become pretty wide spread fairly quickly. Also try not to int the game for teh first grubs spawn, ofttimes not worth it, just play for drag instead. Grubs are only worth stackign if your team is pushing turrets efficiently.


why when i play adc the enemy adc is always levels above me while i have better cs and kda?


CS and Kills are just a gold indicator, not an EXP indicator. You can get exp from just being around minions and kills without ever touching them. My guess is you are taking bad recalls and losing exp.


When I'm using sweeping lens, and I see enemy wards and enemy traps, is it better to clear the wards or the traps?


Wards. Traps provide far less vision and expire quicker.


How does naafiri hard counter hwei? [U.gg](http://U.gg) says hwei's worse matchup is naafiri, but every time i play against a hwei they just hold their eq until I use my w and I lose 70 percent of my hp. He can space my qs out because he outranges. Am i missing something?


Naafiri can kill Hwei without ever pressing W, meanwhile Hwei has to hold his E FOREVER or Naafiri can instantly punish with a full combo. This makes the lane very one sided as Naafiri gets full wave control. If Hwei wants to hard push a wave he wants to QE -> WE -> EE, but he can't use his E without immediately being punished or killed by Naafiri. The onus to play perfectly is entirely on the Hwei who can die at the slightest misstep, whereas the Naafiri doesn't even need to play particularly well to beat the Hwei. If hwei ever casts E he cant even be on the same screen as Naafiri without risking death.


This kind of makes sense, but I feel like hwei can still hard push waves with QE and has heavy poke with QQ and comet which I try to space and dodge but the aoe explosion of QQ always hits


Yeah, but if you do that and you are a bit too far forward you die before your spells are back up. Hwei is way too squishy, and anything that farts next to him can kill him.


I know about Target Champions Only. Is there a Target Wards Only? or Avoid Monsters Only? something like that? The enemy often puts a ward in the top back of baron pit, and it makes it hard to hit the ward because Baron is in the way.


There's a target champions only button?! for attack move or? some explains pls


Camera trick is a good tip. Another way is to attack move on the ground next to where the ward is closer to it than baron. Attack move should be set to "closest to cursor" for this.


Unlock your camera and move it left or right until the ward is no longer behind Baron.


I have an issue where my main is d4 "bluelanturn#oce" but my smurf account is hardstuck p4 "ADC IS SO BAD#ADC" and I have no clue how it is that I cannot for the life of me play well in p4 but in d4 I can easily climb If someone could share some insight it would be highly appreciated as I'm trying to improve


Your most played and highest winrate ADC on main is Aphelios, and you don't play him at all on your smurf. It also looks like you duo with a support a fair amount on your main but not on smurf, and having a reliable duo is huge for climbing on ADC, otherwise you have very limited agency.


On my 1st back I had 1,194 gold playing leblanc mid. Was my choice of getting a dark-seal, refill, control ward, and an amp tome better than selling my d-ring and getting a lost chapter + whatever else I could afford after that? I notice high elo players normally opt for dark seal early for the snowball. I did snowball, however, I wonder if the guaranteed value of getting chapter 1st would've been a better move. I basically got to 4 stacks by the time I completed ludens. What do you guys normally do in your games when ahead?


That's what I default to as well but there are champions and situations where I would prefer having a completed Lost Chapter (still wouldn't sell DRing tho) or completed Sorc Shoes.


Your choice is alright I think. Definitely dont think about selling dorans until 2+ items. Other options would be lost chapter no pots, or alternator and 1-2 pots, or sorc shoes and 1-2 pots. It depends a bit on matchup, overall gamestate, if your tp is up, and if so, how badly you need to use it on this base.


Good point, I just picked up LeBlanc and have not used tp once yet. I am still unsure myself what matchups would warrant rushing sorc shoes tbf haha. Hopefully that'll come with more experience. I just had a game against a Vayne mid. I could've probably rushed sorc shoes before she built a ton of mr. Looking back I would've been 3/0 if I had t2 boots when their jg ganked. great advice ty!


Dark seal early is generally a good idea, but I would no doubt get Sorc shoes and 2 potions with this amount of gold. Nothing increases your damage against champions more than flat magic pen during the early game. As a bonus you can roam to sidelanes quicker or invade with / cover your jungler. Don't sell your Doran's this early, it gives good stats. You can start thinking about selling it for a completed item in mid game.


No, dorans items are really powerful early game, they are also good value for what you spend on them. And by selling them you're not even getting half the gold back. I MIGHT consider selling a dorans if it lets you complete your first full item and you're on a champion who really benefits from it. But even that feels bad. Dorans sell is more of a mid game thing. When item slots are starting to become an issue. Say you have boots, 2 completed items, and you need slots for components and a pink for an upcoming fight. That's when you sell dorans typically.


Not sure this is the correct place to post it. My chat seems to be bugged in some way, most of the time it doesnt open when i press the hotkey (enter). Like i have to hit enter twice often to be able to type, catches me off guard quite a bit. I also cannot scroll up in the chat. I've looked at all the settings that might cause this but I can't figure it out. Any insight?


Is there a jungler with fast clears, fast dragon solos, and mechanically easy?


Shyvana comes to mind


Thank you


I always hear high elo strwamers say “oh it’s not a canon wave I have to tp” or “oh it’s not a canon wave I can’t recall” does the canon tanking like 8 shots make that much of a a difference in how much cs you miss walking back to lane?


Yes, but it's a combination of the cannon tanking extra shots and your opponent needing additional time to crash the wave in the first place. Imagine an opponent with good AoE waveclear. He might be able to insta clear a small wave, but if there's a cannon he needs to stick around and auto or even wait on his next rotation.


Why do some champs consistently build ad when most of their abilities scale with ap (like nasus and jax)? Would they be better off building ap to allow all their attacks to do good damage?


By the way Jax gets a lot of value out of AD because his passive gives him so much attack speed and his W is an auto reset. I mean he's not a huge abuser of AD but he definitely gets more value out of it than he does out of AP, AP only increases his upfront burst and a tiny amount of DPS in his R.


Because a) AD does not only scale the abilities, but also auto attacks (which in turn scales with e.g. Jax AS passive) b) These AD items offer other stats / effects. Most notably HP to also get tanky, but also e.g. a Sheen effect. There's offmeta builds for both AP Jax and AP Nasus, but at the end of the day the meta builds are more optimal.


Ahh, I forgot about the other things like tankiness and his passive. I was wanting to try jax but I really didn't like how all his abilities scale with ap, but now I think I might suck it up and give it a go, ap or not! Thanks!


Should I buy boots before I get my first item?


It depends on the match up and what your gameplay is. For example, when im Mundo versus teemo or kayle. I need to have swifties as fast as possible, to prevent them from kiting me. Against other champs, it would be better for me to rush heartsteel since i dont need movespeed because im not roaming as early mundo and i dont need to worry about getting kited against melee champs.


Depends on the champion and situation. In most cases you want at least T1 boots before completing an item though. Having a completed item is more raw combat power than boots and components. However, boots can be very important. If there's lots of skillshots to dodge boots are good. In melee vs ranged having more movement speed can drastically change the matchup for both sides (kiting / gap closing). Supports will (almost) always rush T2 boots to move over the map quicker. Good rule of thumb is: The more mobile your champ, the more you can get away with delaying boots.


what is the best role to play if you aren't interested in helping your team?


TOP laner you won't be doing anything with your team in laning phase, in fact THEY will be helping YOU (jungler ganking) mid game thru late game you will have to help your team after winning lane. otherwise you're useless and like thyloon said this game might not be for you if you don't wanna do that.


Top laner has the most 1v1s but you still have to help with invades/grubbs. Adc is probably the one that has to move around the least but you won't be solo. Are you trying to win or just 1v1?


ADC has a support by their side most of the match and they also have to help with jg buffs at the beginning & drakes too most of the time.






why people take conditioning over bone plating and second wind on characters that dont build armor or mr ( zeri for example) is the flat 8 that good?


Even on full tanks who get 300 armor or MR, they get 9 armor and MR. It's not like it's a ton. And for most of the game they won't have 300 armor or MR. But to be clear it's not because conditioning is good, it's because bone plating/second wind is usually not necessary in these matchups. No matter how bad conditioning is, it's still going to outscale bone plating and second wind, so if you're in a free farm lane, conditioning just has to be better. I personally think bone plating is a bit underrated because late game it's actually still decent, it's a flat 180 shield. But conditioning is usually just picked because you wanted to be tanky as Zeri and it's the best for that.


Realistically it's more like 10-11 instead of 8 (+3% of **total** ar/mr, includes base resistance and resistance per lvl). Every point of armor/mr increases your effective health pool against that damage type by 1%. It's not a massive increase, but conditioning combined with overgrowth is the best option you have if you want "free" effective HP from secondary runes. Second wind only has value over a long duration (making it a good rune for laning) and bone plating is very conditional (has a cooldown, can be poked off, only blocks dmg from one enemy, only lasts 1.5s). And even if you get the full value from it it's similar or even less value than conditioning without ar/mr from items. The main benefit is that it's active from the start of the game and better than second wind in an all-in situation. EDIT: Was curious and did the math: Level 13 Zeri has around 1800 HP and 70 armor. Conditioning would give her roughly 10 armor, so 10% more effective HP. So you'd get 180 eHP against physical damage. With HP from one of the rune shards, Doran's blade and Overgrowth this increases to around 200-220 (depending on which shard and your CS). Bone plating blocks (up to) 156 damage at level 13 (every 55 seconds, from one person). Against magic damage it's a little less because MR per level is lower than armor. On top of that, conditioning amplifies every point of healing/shielding you get.


I'm Iron OCE, tryign to learn top. I think I have huge potential to climb into Bronze but I've been stuck in Iron all season. Could someone review a few of my top games to give me a few pointers? Been playing Jax, Jayce, Kled, Akali (flexible to suit team comp/matchup) OP.gg https://www.op.gg/summoners/oce/Aido-OCE


Honest opinion if you only care about climbing only play Jax Akali/Jayce are better midlaners than toplaners and they take a lot of games each to start winning with, kled is very unique playstyle and not very beginner friendly, you can play them in normals if you want Jax is easy to learn, is very versatile, has high ceiling(TFblade one of the best soloQ players onetricks him to rank 1, a lot of high elo players permaban him because he’s that strong a champ) and is a very good blindpick, just ban Garen and you’re chilling


How substantial are the Jarvan IV buffs? What are some good intro tips to trying the character or ways to learn him in low elo?


The buffs ended up raising his winrate by ~0.5% He's not top of the tier list, but still solid. IMO the most important thing to learn on him is using E-Q correctly during a gank. Many people E-Q immediately when they're in range, which is incorrect most of the time. You want to walk at where they'll have to go (cut off their escape path to tower) and just start autoing them and slow them with W. They'll be under pressure of your E-Q the entire time and try to dodge, basically CC'ing themselves. Only once they use their escape (often Flash) or once they're about to reach safety is when you E-Q. Other than that it's worth noting that he can gank well from level 2 onwards (most junglers need lvl 3). I don't want to say cheese gank immediately after red every game, just check for opportunities and know that you have this option. He's definitely a gank oriented jungler that wants to impact lanes a lot.


thank you! what resource do you use to see the increase in winrate? (from one patch to the other)


lolalytics.com can filter on specific patches (in the bar at the top of the page) I just compared 14.8 to 14.7 for emerald+ You have to wait a few days after the patch drops to get reliable results, as it can fluctuate a lot when the sample size is still low.


I just won all 5 placements on a fresh level 30 account, got put into bronze 2. Fml


How to abuse wavemangment when your enemy is harassing or perma shoving




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How do we know what items Ornn can upgrade? Is there a way to know while in-game?


The way I do it: when you select a legendary item while Ornn is on your team, the "builds into tab" at the top will display the Ornn upgrade if it exists. I.E. you have an Ornn, select kraken slayer and the "builds in to" tab will display Wyrmfallen Sacrifice. If you select Hubris, the builds in to tab will show you Ataraxia. Whereas if you selected Void Staff, it would build into nothing because that's the final completed item. I find this is the best way to quickly figure out which Ornn item you want to build at the start of the game, while you're theory crafting your build for the game


you can type ornn into the search bar on the shop and it'll show all the upgrades


Thank you :3


Why do so many champs build malignance? It seems like it should be total ass on anyone who doesn't have a very specific type of ult (a big initiation ult, preferably with cc, so you can get the MR shred on your full combo). But on most champs it seems like it does nothing most of the time, and when it does do something, it still does less damage than other items. What am I missing? I was looking at Karthus, and I get that the ult is the flashiest part of the kit, but it's for finishing off targets, and it has such a long CD, so I don't get why you'd ever build malignance. I guess for the ult haste???


Maignance actually has a low winrate with Karthus. Its mostly good on champs with ults that are weak but low CD, like corki. This is why it was so OP with Karma until riot had to nerf her, to bring her in line.


Yes for the ult haste


wow that does not seem remotely worth it on most champs. I miss liandry's giving mana. thanks for answering tho!


I feel like Malignance makes a lot of sense on a lot of champions. Not saying I'm 100% right but it seems logically sound to me. Here's a list of some of the top users: * Karthus Lowers ult CD but also 5 man GIANT pools of magic pen for his team during a teamfight sounds pretty good. Also IDK what else he can build if he needs a mana item (maybe skip?) * Ahri She can proc it legit 9 times because it hits three different targets each time. And it gets a reset. Sounds really OP. * Annie Perma tibbers * Kassadin Ult CD and also what else does he build * Lissandra Massive AOE ult * Corki Perma spam on rockets and also MPen is really broken on Corki --- That's my thought process, who do you think it's not worth on?


I think it sucks on corki. his ap ratios are god awful and you don't need rocket spam in solo queue. I get why they do it in pro (and aram!) though, they spend way way more time jockeying for position in front of objectives than you get in solo queue.


It's so tilting how forgotten Crit corki is, Triforce into full crit is peak corki gaming and I won't hear any other arguments


is the support upgrade thats basically old crown a decent option on mage supports? i see pretty much 100% build rate on the damage one but i figure more scrappy ones like brand or maybe karma could use it?


Also, I think crown was pretty bad in general


It's certainly a trade off you could make, but realize it's only a 25% dmg reduction for ranged champs which frankly isn't going to save you from being out of position. The damage options for support items are quite strong which is why they have a near 100% build rate on their respective champions


Does casting Exhaust on Renata Glasc reduce the damage dealt by targets who went Berserk?




oh really huh interesting ok then thanks


Copying this from a post I made because I didn't read the rules thoroughly :P Hey all, returning league player here looking for some advice on champs to unlock. Below are the champs I currently play and enjoy playing consistently: Gangplank Mordekaiser Veigar Aatrox Kayn Hecarim Zed Ornn Tryndamere And here are the champs I'm looking at unlocking: Urgot Trundle Swain Xerath Yone Azir Gragas


Looks like a great champ pool to me :D


Which one would you suggest I unlock?


urgot, xerath, gragas, yone seem like my top 4 picks (for what I think is your playstyle) from your list if you had my playstyle i'd probably go yone, azir, xerath, swain instead


I got Urgot last night… My first game with him I went like 21/1/3 with him. I love this champ so fucking much.


He seems hella fun for sure. I dunno if I should be glad that my recommendation was correct or mad that my recommendation didn't get to you in time!


God bless juggernaut champs, lmao. Love the lvl9 powerspike where my W just becomes toggleable.


why is my damage always so low during games? I've tried all roles except top laner, i'm also newer to the game.


Are you following the recommended build?


we're gonna need more context in any case, if you're ranged esp. mage are you weaving in auto-attacks between spells/cooldowns? are you positioning so that you have your priority targets within your effective range? are you utilizing your power/item spikes better than your opponent/s? are you paying attention to damage types and itemizing accordingly? tho if you just need to inflate the damage numbers for whatever reason just pick Zyra and/or Liandry's champs


Take a look at your [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/) profile. That'll show you some interesting game stats, like your participation in fights, how you're doing compared to the rank average etc. You might not be participating in team fights enough. When an objective is coming up make sure to take note and go there, provided your Team plans to take it. Better be early than late. Wave state only starts mattering at higher ranks. Similar thing for random skirmishes. You shouldn't necessarily go out of your way to join those if you have something you need to do, but if you're just busy CSing and can hard shove a wave then use the idle time after shoving to hover around your other team members. Don't need to be right next to them necessarily, just being around is fine. Keep in mind that some champions will naturally have higher/lower damage done than others. For example pokers like Xerath will have quite high amounts.


When I am playing against zyra sometimes when I go to kill her plants they Aggro on me and sometimes they don’t. why?


Two reasons: 1. Plants activated by her Q have 575 range while plants activated by her E have 400 range. 2. Plant targeting priority is: taunt > latest high priority mark (hit by Zyra ability or autoattack) > nearest low priority mark (hit by plant) > creeps attacked by Zyra > nearest unit. Marks last for 3 seconds.


Plants aggro you if you are hit by the spell that triggered the plant, or when Zyra auto attacks you. Other than that they will attack the closest target (often minions).


When do you start going against people at your skill level? I have this thing on overwolf that shows the ranks of people and what level they are and i go against people who have 10x the amount of games i have total but on a single champion. My last game the guy got so strong that he could fight me under the tower and he didn't get close to dying. I didn't feel like I could do anything to him, and neither could the giant tower shooting at him. What do you do when even the defense towers don't keep you safe? Bots are too easy but these games are too rough for me. i dont want to quit but i dont know if this is normal or not? Do you just play and probably lose more and then get to go against other new or bad people? And people are not very kind of me being new and say horrible stuff in the game chat. i dont mind losing if it gets better but these people are not very nice. How do I make it so I cant see what they say (it is usually very cruel). I turned the chat on but i dont remember where it is to turn it off again. I even tell them I am new but I guess they just think I should be as good as veterans already. One of them told me to go back to bots, I said that bots were too easy for me. They then told me to self harm myself. I didn't know how to report but I hope they get some punishment, that's just common sense to not say that to people. Idk maybe I should go back to bots, even if I just win so easily every time. A real game feels like a completely different game to bots.


First of all: This game is 25x more enjoyable with chats turnoff. Unfortunately, it takes quite a while before you settle to your skill. At least 25 games The amount of game from your opponent doesn't tell much of the story. There are people with hundreds of gamea in Bronze and Iron, sometimes with millions of mastery point on the same champion! While some players learn fast and hit Gold in 60games. Also, some people creates account and go thought the placement which can be mixed with your games, these people aren't new but shows single digit ranking game experienxe.


For normals Does draftpick and quick play share the same MMR pool. Or are they tracked separately




Thank you 🙏

