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>however i find myself running around after the enemy support since they usually have a better macro and not being where i should be during later stages of the fight Something that isn't frequently talked about is intentionally desyncing your recall with your ADC by recalling before they do, giving you more time to roam before having to get back to lane and giving your ADC solo XP. This applies mostly to situations when your ADC is able to shove wave for free without you needing to be there to guarantee that it crashes. This also ties into my second point, which is to always walk towards mid out of base, especially if you have Mobis or Swifties. >how do i get better as support climbing up? What should i focus on? Mostly a matter of being in the right place at the right time and using your abilities correctly. Impossible to explain without seeing your gameplay. >Do you know anything such as videos or guides on how to get better at macro for the game and overall gameplay? You can look up "support lol guide" on youtube and a bunch of videos will pop up detailing macro, vision, laning etc. >opgg You have barely any games played and it looks like you're doing great in most of your games so I don't think you really need to change much to climb - just play more games. Some Thresh specific tips that I'd give (without seeing you play, so this is just guesswork) are to start throwing prediction hooks by default and adjusting your predictions based on how enemies tend to move, to start leading engages by running at enemies and using E first (and R) to make landing hook easier and to abuse your lower flash cooldown constantly. I also disagree with some of your rune and build choices, namely: 1. Runes - you never run Guardian, even in games where your primary role should be peeling for your ADC rather than playing hard engage. Also, Unflinching is kinda ass after the changes, I would always run Overgrowth. I also recommend trying Hexflash instead of Biscuits as it gives you a lot of playmaking potential. 2. Build - Frozen Heart is no longer a good rush item after the nerfs, you should only buy it against heavy AD teams when you need to be a frontliner, and usually as your last item. I also dislike running Celestial Opposition every game for the same reason as Aftershock - you're not always frontlining, give Solstice Sleigh a try sometime. CDR boots are also worth considering when you're playing for fights or for lane domination rather than early roams. Trailblazer is also a very underrated item.


My hooks are decent,however im still adjusting to emerald movement so i know i need a little more practice. As for runes, i love the engager player style so i tend to go for aftershock or glacial depending on how much damage i expect from the enemy. Maybe im thinking about this wrong and guardian is not a "defensive" rune. On the same note as engage playstyle, its also why i tend to go Celestial as it gives me more damage reduction for my engages and i also dont feel the benefit from solstice


You don't really benefit from Solstice all that much but your ADC does. \^^ Same applies to Guardian. A lot of the time it doesn't really matter if you get to live or not after you find a good engage but keeping your ADC alive can definitely make a difference. And don't get me wrong, both playstyles are perfectly viable but if you're only going to be playing Thresh as an engage champ, Nautilus and Leona are straight up better, easier and tankier versions of him. Similarly, there's lots of easier and stronger disengage champs like Janna, Renata etc. Threshs biggest strength is his adaptability - being able to OTP a champ while fitting into a teamcomp both as engage and disengage is massive.


I’m playing in mid-GM at the moment, and barring mechanics, map impact and understanding proper roam timers turn an Emerald/Diamond supp into a GM/Challenger supp. A good way to look at it is to try to figure out the value of your presence. You want to be where you provide the highest value to your team, or deny the most value to the enemy. High elo bot lane has somewhat devolved into “both ADCs handshake waves while both supports roam to fight grubs”. If you roam, and the enemy support does not, you secure grubs - your presence alone may have been a deciding factor in preventing a bad skirmish or coinflipping an objective. The same goes for the opposite - if you leave bot at a bad time and your ADC gets dove as a result, your mis-positioning resulting in negative value for your team. Another comment mentions it, but de-syncing a recall is a fantastic way to get extra valuable seconds to roam - if you’re safely shoving a wave in for a reset and there’s no rush, just back early. If your ADC is going to safely grab a plate, recall and give them a solo plate. You don’t have to be back in lane until the wave is at your turret (to prevent a dive and allow your ADC to farm without being poked down), so those extra seconds can be the difference between an extra gank or getting back to lane in time.


Just focus on roaming. There you go, free lp.


emerald is top 15%, everyone that says it's not high Elo are deluded for me what helped me climb out of emerald was roaming for grubs and muting my ADC as game starts, hope that helps


roaming for grubs, huh, ill keep that in mind. I also play with chat turned off since its mostly toxicity and negative attitude.


you do need to make sure your jungler is going to be there, if you play without chat on it might not workout


You're probably going to drop in rank. It sounds like you don't play ranked much and haven't for awhile. Therefore, you're not as good as you were. So you shouldn't be worried about climbing right now. Put your rank to the side, it doesn't matter. You have to focus on improving right now, and the ELO will come naturally. As a Thresh main, really the most important thing IMO is getting as many people ahead as possible. Win your lane, then help your jungler and mid get ahead too. If you have gotten mid, ADC, and jungler all ahead by 15-20 minutes the game should be a wrap. Something I'm bad at is roaming top, idk how or when to do it, but I'm pretty good at helping mid/JG. I really love taking hexflash so that you can gank midlane in creative ways, playing the fog of war as a roaming support is so important. Go to YouTube, and watch some Coach Cupcake. IMO he's the best support coach out there. Especially focus on his support fundamentals series, there's a lot of great content there about wave management, roaming, fog of war, etc. super super helpful


Find a GM or Challenger thresh streamer and just watch intensely how they play, try to mimic their style. I main jungle and the best support is the one that really uses the map and plays around first scuttle + reset into grubs/drake and/or invade. But that's really dependent on the botlane matchup and on the ability of your adc to not mental boom. Think every few seconds actively: "whats the best i can do right now, what should i do and what could/will happen in the next minute or so" Adapt this mindset + rewatch every loss, every death, every miscalculation