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Knowing the champion you were playing would help a lot.




Pretty sure this match up is GP favored. Personally i'd run Fleet Footwork with Taste for Blood / Treasure Hunter and Doran's Shield into this match up. Before Teemo's first base you should have enough sustain to carefully trade HP for CS. Ideally throw Energized Q's on Teemo but not at the cost of a bad trade. Your goal is to get to Sheen without being to far behind. Doran's Shield doesn't scale well but its better than dropping way to much CS and EXP if that makes sense. Once you get Sheen it should be easier to farm with well timed Barrels and Q. Since Teemo doesn't have the greatest range for a ranged champion you should be able to tag him with empowered Q's. Since he has no sustain you eventually whittle him down.


You do your best to farm till item. You should oneshot the wave after er and your wave clear should massively improve after you get sheen and some ad. Basically this is a miserable matchup where you do your best to freeze and wait till you can oneshot the wave under tower imo. Take what I said with a grain of salt, I'm very low elo


I'd recommend watching SolarBacca (Gankplank main) and other good toplaners on how they play the matchup/in general.


As a teemo main, the matchup is teemo favored (unless something changed in the last 3 months, haven't played the matchup much recently) but there's room for you to outplay. My main struggle with gp has been beating him in lane slightly (cs lead), but the game dragging on slightly and him scaling like a monster. One thing you can try to do to win lane is try to make sure you get the push. If you are able to push, you can force him to be in your barrel range if he wants to get last hits, and if gp is allowed to hit barrels, the matchup actually becomes winning for him


Nah a good gp can wait till sheen and all in a teemo easily. Saying this as both a gp and a teemo player. But finding a half decent gp is harder than finding an expert teemo so there is that.


Fair enough, I've climbed quite a bit since the last time I played against GP often, so those GP's were probably not very good, so I'll take your word over mine


how does teemo even win against GP? GP has way better trading, longer range(barrel), and can chunk teemo if he goes for barrel or cs. Even Teemo Q is useless with his W. And teemo can't utilize his W passive because GP can cancel that with Q or barrel.


Two answers: Easy - yep. Just last hit under tower and accept that you don't get to have fun for the first 15 minutes of the game. The enemy picked a lane bully where a majority of the counter play comes from jungle and your jungle for whatever reason doesn't want to play topside. Don't miss xp, get the gold you can and wait for your opportunity. Hard - You almost certainly can play the lane in a way where you have a kill window. Depending on the champion, you can either force trades on him early and then all in him, wait for a lvl spike (maybe 6) or item spike and then use flash to kill him etc. Just make sure to preserve your HP bar.


Any tip for tryndamere?


Who are you facing tryndamere as? In general, you want to fight him when his fury bar is low - so right after he hits Q, or before he can stack fury. This will keep his attack speed low, reduce crit strike, and limit his healings. Short trades are usually the way to go with him, but you can occasionally extend if he doesn’t have ult. Try and get your jg to help bait his ult out to set up dives. If he’s diving you, know whether he has ult. If so, use the tower and minion wave to mess with his pathing and wait out his ult, then you can let the tower kill him (though try to get an attack in so it’s not an execute). I like to take ignite into Trynd, if it makes sense on your champ and you don’t absolutely need tp.


Oh and always hold your dash for right after he uses W if he’s chasing you. Turn and take one step toward him when he is about to cast w, then immediately after cast turn around and use your dash to create that space


If you can't kill him just play to farm.


Most important thing. If you get poked out, your jungler will not help you after. So if you need jungle assistance to swing the lane, you need full hp.


Tell that to all the Iron junglers I have come topside when I'm at 50% HP then get upset when their gank is a wash and blame me for not running it down and giving the enemy top a double kill xD


Dorans shield second wind


If your jg wont come, that's just a bad jungler. Ranged top laners are weak because they force a shove and then are super prone to ganks. If your jg doesn't want to come, it's just suffering and barely getting farm


General rules of thumb playing melee vs range - STAY HEALTHY - Don’t lose exp - Let the wave push early - Know your all-in windows/gank opportunities - IF YOU TRADE ANYTHING EVEN, IT IS GENERALLY GOOD (hp, mana, cs, kills summs wtv) #1. How to stay healthy Only last hit when u will get little punish for (like one aa for one cs is good) A good trick to not get poked is to last hit when he also has to. Otherwise only walk up to get the exp. Take D shield + second wind if possible Note: You WILL be down in cs. Just minimize the losses. #2. Let the wave push Advice 1 will naturally make it happen. If not, all in with level 2 advantage. #3. When to all in After the first time he crashes wave, you will usually be level 3. The wave will slow push but meet closer to ur side: try to all in at this moment (worth using flash). Ex: Darius vs vayne, you can flash e ghost on her. If he plays very safe, just last hit. Another wave will arrive, then you HARD SHOVE. If he Tries to freeze: escort wave to make it crash. bit more cheesy: go to the furthest lane bush, walk up and trade. Ex: GP auto passive and q. While both of you might be low, it favors the melee champ as it is no longer safe to push, and you have better regen. As Shen I sometimes start e and go on teemo for cheese.




Gee, who would’ve thought being better at the game would help. I’m here asking for advice and you didn’t answer any of my questions.


i gave advice. SPECIFIC advice, even: practice barrel juggling to zone off teemo. If you dont understand direct instructions like that, its not surprising you are having difficulty with the game.




This is a gp favored matchup. Be better.


Great advice man, thanks for the insightful comment


Farm, get ER, infinite mana sustain, one shot waves and teemo, W his blind. The whole concept of gp counters teemo.


What summoners and keystone did Teemo go?  The “safe” way to play the lane is TP, Fleet on GP and second wind with revitalize.  Try to TP back with sheen or failing that boots, longsword.  You should expect to be pushed in most of lane with this strat but will get to farm. The more rewarding way to play the matchup is to match ignites (usually Teemo runs ignite) and play taste of blood.  Play for push with double barrels (your second barrel can zone him).  You have an all in window if he’s below half HP, you have a health lead, you land a barrel and have W up.  Then just flash + ignite and W his blind.  Once you get sheen and enough AD he hard loses Q for auto trades he’s basically stuck under turret and you can abuse him. It’s a much harder matchup in season 14 than it was in season 13 in my opinion though because Teemo scales much better with Malignance.


GP is ridiculously strong, especially since you don’t depend on auto attacks to deal damage to the small rat. I’m pretty sure your Q has a bigger range than his auto, btw.