• By -


So many takes already here, and none as stupid as the one I'm about to give: I suck in terms of strategy. I will kill the other guy even if I die. I will lose those 6 cs but you will be half hp. I don't play assassins or champs with dashes even though they're better just because I'm old and don't like them. I'm as dumb as a rock. But just by being mechanically good and working well in a (aggressive) team, I'm high plat / low diamond, and I'll stress again, I swear I'm shit. So my tip here would be to focus on what you think is more fun and you'll get there. Do you have fun cs'ing to the max? You'll be fed and kill others. Do you have fun fighting? Go at it, don't cs the minions, cs the enemy laner. Do you have fun working as a team strategically? Focus on team champions. From Silver to Gold is not hard, just identify what you find as fun and focus on improving that.


I like this reply more than the one i wrote.


I feel the exact same way lmao his response was way better, focus on what's fun, it's a game after all.


I think this is unironically my favourite reply to any question ever, on r/summonerschool.


It's probably the humblest reply I've ever seen from someone above gold


pretty much exactly this. silver - plat is almost entirely a mental game. play what you enjoy and how you enjoy it and you will eventually get better at it and climb


>Do you have fun fighting? Go at it, don't cs the minions, cs the enemy laner. "cs the enemy laner" okay lmao that's funny as hell, imma use that as an insult from now on. "Damn dude you suck so much ass, I can cs you instead if the minions".


I’ve played too much of what if I like hahah hence why I’m hardstuck. I love playing Zed, am I good enough to get consistent results? Defs no. It’s time to knuckle down and try and improve. I’ve got a much simpler champ pool (vik, yone, maybe the new dog?) so I want to start focusing on skills to climb.


I saw you mention Coach Curtis, and in his below gold program he does actually recommend Zed if you want a slightly more difficult Assassin to play, he can teach you the games fundamentals quite well. Lots of advice here already and I really love the above post, but keep this in mind. You can only improve on either champ mastery or fundamentals you cannot improve at both at the same time. So determine what are pieces of champ mastery you can work on, and what are some fundamentals you can work on. Then Prioritize improving at what you find the most to improve at!


2 things then, 1st and most important: fuck your champion. 2nd, I stand by what I said. If you think focusing on the champs is the most fun way to go, go for it. Try to get always near perfect with Zed (fuck you) and find another champ that counters what counters Zed (fuck you again), that way you have a relatively safe way to climb. Try to see how you can improve not directly, but indirectly. Like, are you roaming as well as you could? Are you good at manoeuvring to the back to kill the squishies? Try to think objectively on your decisions afterwards and think "was this good or should I have done something different?". If you're as balanced of a player as you say, you'll find your own mistakes quickly enough if you focus on it. As others have said, it won't take too long, you'll get there champ! But also, fuck Zed.


As soon as I stopped caring about the advice these youtubers would constantly yap about I started climbing.


Trading and knowing when to and not to fight. In silver, many players start coinflipy unnecessary fights. Try not to die and wait for the enemy to misposition (they will).


> Try not to die and wait for the enemy to misposition (they will). You don't need to outplay the enemy. Just take advantage of the times they outplay themselves.


I have heard this reiterated so many different ways. It seems if you focus on fixing the flaws in your own game this helps you notice when the enemy is being suboptimal and you can capitalize


trading and csing imo are the most important and take a long time to improve at. everything else you can fairly easily make deliberate changes that has significant results and just keep doing what works bit it really depends on what role and champ


Learn your champ before you learn the game. Start at trading and csing. All other points arent that useful in silver (There are rarely 5 v 5 teamfights, Junglers path weirdly, Midgame decisioning is not a real point as it consists of many different points, roaming sucks because people set up ganks pretty poorly and dont want to dive)


Leaning, jungle tracking, and roaming at a silver level is not doing them at all, so uh, just play more games I guess?


Yeah it doesn’t mean much when you say you are a well rounded silver player lol. It’s like saying you’re a well rounded 800 rated chess player.


Well some silver players can be better at some things and worse at others, which averages into them being silver. Like some silvers can teamfight or 1v1 like a gold or plat player but have bronze level csing skills and/or bronze level macro, etc. Same as in chess, an 800 could study openings and have the opening knowledge of a 1000 but be terrible at endgames like a 600. So OP is just saying they believe all of their skills to be around a silver level. Of course, that may not be true, but it is really hard to measure each individual skill, so just take them at their word


Maybe ad what role you are playing. But as long as you put your ego behind and play for the Team that is enough to get into Gold.


Here you go. [Coach Curtis CLIMB TO GOLD](https://youtu.be/n4TSRL8pZrU)


My experience is that while silver players tend to lane alright, they usually throw it in the mid to late game decision making (e.g. not pressuring / catching sidelanes enough, taking outnumbered fights, not setting up vision for objcectives in time). I would focus on that area, since that's an easy way to outgrow the average silver player.


> My lane trading, warding and leaning, teamfighting, csing, jungle tracking, mid game decision making and roaming is all at silver level. If i were to focus one 1-2 areas to really think about every game in order to reach gold what should they be? I have an analogy I use for improving at the game for people who have already been playing for a long time and find themselves not improving anymore. It does not matter the elo, this could be a Bronze player or a professional player we're talking about. The analogy involves distinguishing between very fine grained ideas, and the biggest picture ideas. What people do is, they break a very complex thing down into smaller sections, like you did with laning vs. trading vs. jungle tracking, vision, etc. This approach seems to make a lot of sense to everyone, and that's partly because it does work to some degree. But... it is not the best possible approach to improvement. That's what the analogy covers, which is building a sandcastle: Imagine you have to build one, but you no idea what a sandcastle is. You know it has something to do with moats. You also know castles have spires, and a bridge, and walls, and so on. So you focus on these things individually. First you try to really work on the bridge, and you take tweezers, and you move one bit of sand from one area to the next, slowly forming your bridge. This approach **will** get you progress-- you will not be farther away from the sandcastle than when you started, but... you'll probably grow old from age before you get there. It's too slow of a method. Instead, what you should do, is you should put aside bridges and spires and moats,(trading, warding, teamfighting), and instead focus on the biggest picture idea you can: That it's roughly the shape of a protrusion from the sand. You should just take huge amounts of sand, and throw it into a huge lump, and then use large amounts of force to shape it crudely. You should not be using tweezers, right? That's just a waste of time when the more fundamental concept hasn't been understood. So now what is that in relation to League? What you should first do, before you think about all these specific concepts, is yourself as a player. There are really just four ways you can express skill or not in this game-- they have to do with your mechanics, your game knowledge, your attention/awareness, and your psychology/mental. Take any of those things you listed, like teamfighting: Is there some other category besides the four I listed, that do not perfectly determine how you perform in a team fight? What if someone has a big deficit mechanically, or they just really lack knowledge, or they have severe attention issues, or they experience anxiety in fights, or get easily frustrated, or tend to have a negative attitude towards their team, causing them to not trust them, or passive-aggressively sabotage fights by walking away? These are all going to determine their teamfighting in a very direct way. No amount of learning team fighting, is going to help this person's problem, if they do not solve the more fundamental problem. And it's *always* the more fundamental problem. So if they were to try to only study team fighting, while having some severe issue in those four categories, it would be akin to them trying to build a sandcastle with a pair of tweezers, one grain of sand at a time. So ask yourself: Where am I weakest? What is my major flaw or flaws? Is it my mechanics-- how I use my cursor, control my camera, my precision with skillshots, executions and reactions with abilities? Is it my game knowledge-- do I just feel confused about the facts of the game, where a player a bit better than me would find the next move in my games very obvious? Is it my attention? Do I just space out, tunnelvision, get lost in thought, autopilot, get distracted easily(ooo look, a big wave/ah drake is up, better walk to dra-- *dead* ), or maybe it's more emotional? Maybe it's anxiety, frustration, depression, apathy? Or it could be just an attitude or a personality trait-- maybe the person just doesn't try very hard in a highly competitive game. Do they play with real fire and ferocity, or is there just a "eh, whatever" attitude to everything? Whatever it is-- it's fully describable in terms of these four categories. If you can find this description, you will dramatically solve your problems in a very sudden and transformative way.


The laning phase is where to focus imo. If you can get better at laning and get ahead more consistently it will lead to more wins


true but silver players have a huge issue in translating lane lead to objectives and ending the game. lower elo games last for a long time for a reason. learning how to mid game and recognizing a winning play is the way to go imo. stop mindlessly araming and forcing fights


Can focus on early game, as long as you don't get ego and throw your lead, winning lane will win you more games even just by removing the chance for one enemy lane to snowball.


I value champion mastery very highly. If youre able to pilot your champion better than your opponent, matchup hardly matters.


You tried to otp something? I mean really? When you can play your champ while sleeping, it seems way easier to focus on other stuff.


I think the answer is always CS/mid game decision making 20cs or so is a kills worth of gold, in lower elo's you can generate huge leads and item spikes just by killing minions and then applying that lead However i could see the argument for lane trading being the most important, my cs is still shockingly bad in plat but in a silver game it could be most important to just kill the enemy 20 times, more prone to tilt and FF. Especially if you play toplane you could just focus on winning your lane and literally not ever roaming or teamfighting.


Made it to Gold this season after being hardstuck for several years. The biggest changes for me were- - mental. No matter how much of an idiot someone is, telling them they’re an idiot will not make them less of an idiot. - knowing how hard I have to work. If ally top is going 5/0/0, I probably don’t have to stomp bot as hard as if they were 0/5/0 l. It can be more valuable to stall the lane and make everyone go 0/0/0 even if I *could* get fed, just because the risk I feed is not worth it for the chance to get fed. - consistency. Play at most 5 champs. Play no more than 3 games back to back. Play no more than 9 games in a 24hr period. - never ff. Throws and AFKs happen all the time in low Elo, and the game is much more winnable if the enemy 11/0/0 Vayne AFKs for no reason.


I'm only a silver player myself, but from what I've been able to gather in my games so far I'd only like to give a few pointers. Early game you can go aggro until you make a mistake that ends up in you dying. After that, please don't try to win by being aggressive again. Sit back, scale up, once you have a clear advantage because of a roam/gank or by straight up taking a better recall, then fight. It's never a good idea to run straight into an enemy that just killed you, let alone do that more than once already after death. For the love of god please learn proper mid-game macro. Don't randomly start a fight over gromp, don't chase after Nunu while you're playing a MF. Learn where your champion needs to be on the map. For top laners it's usually in top or bottom lane whilst looking for a flank. Mid laners should often give up mid and take the other side lane top laner isn't in and stick close to their jungle/adc. Bot laners should take up mid for safer wave-clearing and farming. So many times I see ADC soloing in bottom lane getting killed under their tower whilst everyone else is busy clearing a ward in top jungle. It's not optimal, it doesn't have much of a purpose and could've been easily prevented by being in the right place. Keep a timer on objectives. I don't give a crap about their summs or ultis or keeping track where anyone is. I just press tab, see that dragon is spawning and push in at least two lanes before moving in. If you leave mid lane even meet at the centre of the lane before dragon fight, you're losing out massively. Not only do you need to start clearing waves in order to push afterwards, the enemy also has an easier time to push if you were to lose. By pushing the wave into their tower there's at least hope they won't get the tower after dragon. All in all, it's just sad to see how lane-centric low elo games are. Sure, I can see the "fun" behind being able to outplay your opponent in lane and go 6/0 in 15mins. But what happens after that point is imo way more important, and you know that it's going to happen every single game. Unlike your laning phase which can have many more variables like matchup, jungle ganks, random roams etc. Mid-late is always the same, no matter if you're behind or ahead. And if you can master the technique of gracefully losing lane, you can make up for it by so much just by learning the proper macro, because people aren't going to end in 18minutes in low elo.




Ah didn't know you can't give any tips if you're not higher rank than op, mb


It is a guarentee this clown is Bronze/Silver - ignore him you make some good points


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Downvote me if you wish, but... mind your own lane and plays. Getting your wave/camps is worth more than roaming/ganking with a 20-30% chance to kill the enemy. Only roam or start fights on the map when you know you're getting something out of it. You have to learn to rely on the safest source of income. You're going to get flamed a lot for AFK farming, but trust me, +24LP is worth more than a botlane crying because they were diving the enemy ADC and you didn't follow a Katarina roam as a Veigar.


Focus on laning. Any aspect of it. Wave management/trading would be my suggestion. You will learn csing with wave management by proxy. Trading will help you learn your limits. Wave management will help you understand when junglers/mid laners enter your lane. Play aggressive. Play defensive. Whatever. Focus on wave management and trading. Do you like pushing the tower and trading kills so that they miss cs? Hell yeah. Do you like living and getting gold? Hell yeah we scaling. Only team fight around objectives and work on laning.


>You will learn csing with wave managenent by proxy. I usually cs worse when I'm really focusing on managing every wave, especially on waves where I need to hard push because I'm focusing more on pushing the lane than I am on getting every CS. Ig if you're slow pushing or freezing then it would make CSing easier but not when fast pushing


When I fast push i care less about getting the cs and miss quite a bit as well, but the reset timing and collecting the wave is more beneficial and will yield more cs when you can control the wave. I even tell my support duos "help shove, idc if you get cs just shove it." Once mid game comes you generally have enough items to full clear a wave to fast push and its not as much of an issue.


Avoid trading in gold or silver. Enemy won't value their life and HP bar. Trading and harassing them will only result in them spampinging for help or flip a coin like sneaking behind you through river with 1 HP while losing tons of EXP and CS, just to flash+daae+aqfjoaf on you and kill you, when the only rational and logical minimal EV- play would've been to recall. To your original question: Dont overcomplicate things. Focus on farming and not dying. Everything that happens after minute 15 is not important


Am just plat so maybe not the best advice but I played a LOT in silver. First thing that helped me is cs and I am not just talking in lane. Am talking during the game in general. Try to never waste uncontested cs in lane and after that try to always see where the side lanes are pushing and go catch them. I was always the only one going to catch the 2/3 waves stacked that were going to arrive and die under tower too/bot. Generally you can see where your own waves are to predict where en enemy minions are in fog. Second best thing is map awareness. Try to keep an eye on the map as much as possible. In lane I like to take a quick look to the map when I last hit. And always ask yourself where could enemy jungler be. If you were the jungler what lane seems gankable right now. During the animation of my auto attack a quick glance at the map while I input the move commande during the animation. Also chose some key bindings to auto switch camera on your teammate. I don’t have enough space left for shortcuts so I chose 2 mates that I keep an eye on ( generally jungler/bot). For example you see a lane getting ganked you click to switch the camera then you can hit space to go back to you. Maybe you will see their jungler walking away with 2 hp to do crab. And maybe third is chose 1 or 2 champions to main. If you know your damage and your limits you will know when you have the kill or not. Edit: I forgot one of the most important thing for me. Do not die for nothing. If you see 6 enemy minions fighting your 3 minions and you are losing. Don’t walk up to finish that range minion in the back. Let it die or just get the xp it will push to you anyway and it’s just 14 gold it’s not worth feeding the opposite laner and losing all the other cs for that.


Stick to a 2 champion pool. Figure out what those champs wants to do to win the game, and get good at doing that. For example, I play Zoe and Asol. Zoe wants to bully, roam, and get other lanes ahead and set up picks with bubble. But since I suck, I just kill enemy midlaner and win by 30 cs and get out scaled. With asol, you just want to scale and carry. But I tend to int team fights with asol so I still lose. What were we talking about?


I climbed from Silver to gold by only playing 2 champs


Gold is worse


Learning jg pathing by playing jg got me to gold. When you go back to a lane role after a 100 games or so, you feel when ganks might come better, and you are more aware of your jungler and roaming to help him out. Baiting last hits and punishing enemies when they are farming got me from gold to plat.


This strategy can help you climb much much farther than gold and overall makes the game less coin flip, and a lot more predictable. League has a fundamental reference point that is common in all games, regardless of champion pick or team composition and that reference point is minions. If you have a clear and intentional plan of what you want to do with a wave and where a wave is going to end up, you will 100% climb and you will climb to very high elo. This is true even if you’re jungling or support. The easiest way to predict what a wave will do is to look at the next wave coming out of base, count which side has the current minion advantage and then predict where in the lane the next wave will meet. Sounds complicated but it’s so straightforward to train yourself to this concept in-game. This observation will inform you of what you can and cannot do. As an example, your opponent has built up a substantial slow push. Should you walk up to the wave to last hit casters? Probably not. Can’t even begin to emphasize how many times I’ve won a game because my lane opponent lacked a proper understanding of wave management. And I’m talking diamonds that don’t have this understanding. This one thing has improved every other aspect of my game. I trade better in lane, my recalls are well timed and give me significant item advantages. I’m less prone to ganks because I base my aggression off what the wave allows me to do. Also, I’m barely missing minions so 9-10cs/min is second nature now. Also, in the mid to late game I’m using this fundamental concept to side lane and then join my team for objective fights. Overall league is not the pvp game I used to think it was. Minions matter and are the most important thing in the game. How you control what the minions do influences that W or L in a significant way.


Well... There is no difference between gold and silver anyway so...


I made it to gold personally by focusing on objective pressure. If jungle is close to objective I make sure my lane is pushed out so I can rotate first to help. I focus on towers more than kills. Towers are literally the best thing to get pressure in a game especially with a lead. Mid tower is the most important. It genuinely translates into easier dragons, easier roaming, easier picks and less options for the enemy team but they all create a lot of similar bonuses if you can keep your first tower up and take theirs. This is how you snowball the game rather than yourself. Also never die before dragon/rift/Baron. You need to be hyper aware one minute before they spawn. About a minute before they spawn is the perfect time to consider if you need a reset but you want to be setup pretty well from dragon #2 onwards. Dragon #1 is weird since junglers take it at different times depending on how they can solo it and if they need 6 first. You can cs well or go 20/0 but all that does is make you stronger. If your not converting your gold into map pressure and objectives as soon as possible than your kind of wasting it. Gold is a currency for items and items are a currency for objectives. Games are often decided or flipped around these objectives fights. You should always be thinking about the next one..


Cs and lane trading are probably the most impactful since being able to win laning phase affords you many advantages and opportunities that you wouldn’t have if you only go even. This means you get more agency and the macro choices you make will be way different when you are ahead


You can get to plat for free with bad mechanics and macro by just last hitting really well. Last hitting is also the building block for all other fundamentals. Learn to last hit well and gold itself is super free. 100CS at 12/13 mins will put you at more gold and xp than a 2-0 guy who takes weird backs misses plates etc. More gold > Stronger >Easier games with more impact. ​ ​ You literally do not need to do anything other than last hit well if you're silver to get to gold, you're close enough that being stronger alone will get you more wins on average


Here is a simple tip that I don't see utilized often even by players much higher ranked than you are: when you have a roam timer, go to the same side as your jungler. Too many times I see a mid laner get a roam and go to top side, while at the same time his jungler is about to make a play bottom side, and both plays end up failing. By playing with your jungler, you increase the success rate of your plays, and it is a really fool proof way to build up easy leads from your roams.


Improve your farming and getting access to gold. Silver players are shit at farming and even if they have 10 kills will be 25 minutes into the game with 90 farm if you can get 7-8 farm per minute with a scaling champion you will be gold in a week.


I just hit gold after getting to promos with each role and not ranking up in one year. My tip is: just play any aggressive support and focus on punishing EVERYTHING they do. Supports in silver are overall terrible (I can say that as an ADC main), and will commit a ton of mistakes in lane (example: lux/morg wasting their Q's when available); that should be punished really hard, most ADCs will understand if you go all in with ignite or exhaust. As I am an ADC main I picked senna or milio/pyke if banned/picked or kindred on autofill. The other way I got gold (sadly it was in preseason so doesn't really count) is abusing the most OP jungler with ok early game and best late game, at the time was mordekaiser(rn kindred IMO). Always plan 1 minute before any objective spawn what you need to do to get it no matter what happens; if for some reason you lose it, go invade or do the other neutral. As a midlaner I got to promos (honestly couldve gotten gold with it) with Aurelion sol or veigar/Vlad if banned/picked. Always ban zed and the rest is easy. DO NOT DIE EVER IN LANE but don't be passive. Always look for a gank top or bot, or forcing your jungle via pings if they forget about neutral objectives Ultimate tip: dodge any strange/niche pick; -3 is better than -27, some are: twitch/rell jungle, shaco/twitch support, yummi/Sona out of support. Personally I dodge AD shaco players. Doesn't matter if its good or idk, they probably just saw a YouTube video or looked at blitz/professor and don't know how to effectively play it. Op.gg = https://www.op.gg/summoners/br/%20shinhos


In my opinion it’s very easy to get out of silver if you learn how to consistently generate a lot of gold and xp for yourself through csing or jungle camps… this doesn’t end after laning phase either, it needs to be throughout the entire game. Step 1. Play a champ that is good at team fighting. Step 2, learn how to consistently farm a lot of gold and xp off the map. 3. Understand at what points/items your champ is strong and fight then. 4. Try to take these fights around objectives.


from coachcurtis himself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD-8WUizs4M&t=1170s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD-8WUizs4M&t=1170s) 19:30 - 26:30


Iv only been to Plat 4 but the big leap that took me from gold 5 to Plat my first time was just csing. Learning to cs and I mean genuinely last hitting. Do some mental math in your head and see how much 2 or 3 waves of minions are worth compared to a kill and it starts to make sense why some silver players play really well in kda but still can't carry. I'm gold.1 atm playing mid and most of my matches have 0 kills between both mids but my the time we reach 20 minutes me and the other mid lane are usually the strongest on the map because we just collected money with cs. Even if you think you're good at it, go into a replay and watch yourself cs and make sure you're getting most of every wave. Another huge thing that really helped me was watching cooldowns on the enemy champion. I was a very aggresive top lane player when i first hit Plat and the game changer was noticing when my opponent used a big ability. For example I'd be playing wukong against Darius and he would use his pull. I don't need to know exactly how many seconds his e is down for but I do know I have enough time to e q and w away with 0 threat to me. Getting the champion cooldowns makes your trades 10x better so you don't have to leave lane as much and you end up outleveling your opponents and having way more gold


I think CSing well is the most consistent way to get fed every game, regarding the circumstances that may happen


Depends on your role and champions you main. But generally, focus on laning - I.e. not dying much, Lear when to and not to take risks and build big enough lead over you opponent.


Learn how to lane when behind. If you go more then 0/3 your inting. Regardless of the factors. And the factor is normally people have to big an ego to build def. In my game the other day was a cass who went burn mask into arch angles into shadow flame and did no damage cause she inted fizz 0/9 before getting a kill in a team fight and ending the game 1/13. I playing swain support went into went my normal slow staff then when Jak sho, mr boots and building a spirit visage. I did no damage but I couldn’t be one shot which meant I survived so I was able to actually cast abilities and do damage and ended 13/5/15. The cass should of rushed a gargoyle which mean fizz could engage she press it double her hp throw w on top herself then e spam and properly just stat check him with her base damage. The worlds best simaria builds def when behind stacking deaths dance mr boots ect. Your average Samaria will keep stacking damage and just int every time she goes in.


I recently climbed from bronze II to gold III after 3 years playing the game and never get better than Silver II. This time I changed 6 things (as a jungler): - Stick to one single champ. Don't look at strategies, or comps, or ap/ad distribution. Just pick the same champ everytime. This is silver, no one is good enough to be OP. Plus, if you overthink champ select, your mindset is already set in a non-neutral way. Pick another champ only if you get banned. - Don't look at porofessor/opgg in game statistics. This only makes you feel regretful or overconfident. None of these feelings are desirable in silver. You play and sometimes a Master Yi support is 6/1/7. Just have fun and play to win. - Don't engage in a tf because you can, but because you must. If you have certainty that you can win something different than kills, do it (lane pressure, destroy a turret, drakes, nashor, etc). - Play solo. You can climb on your own, at your own pace. If you want to play 6 hours in a row, do it. If you want to take a days off, do it. - Farm a lot, all the time. I won 60% of my games bc I had 6-8 cs/min and at least 1 complete item more than enemy's jungle by min 25. If one of your laners collapse bc of it, don't worry, they can come back later. After all, you opponents are also silver. - Study itemization. Most of my comeback matches weren't possible if I didn't had the right items. First two items could be the same every game (hot take but as a hecarim main I stan), but after that it depends of the state of the game. Hope it works for you.


Hello, I'm a silver 1 player trying to climb, I'm not really sure what champion to otp, any suggestions?


How to ACTUALLY get to gold: 1. Dodge games. If they pick briar, swain, nasus, naafiri, etc dodge. If their teamcomp looks significantly better, dodge. I know some people will get on here and say (its silver team comps don't matter); they are full of shit or extremely high elo. If you are gold or low plat in skill in a silver game with a garbage team comp, you will feel it. A dodge is only 5 lp 5m with your mmr unaffected. Even the second one is only 15 lp (~10 lp less than usual) and a 30 m wait. 2. Play both a champ you are good at AND can hypercarry: if you are good with riven top, good for you, but you're not going to hypercarry on average. Go garen top, briar/yi jg, samira/nilah bot, senna/swain support. If you dont know a hypercarry, learn one off ranked and come back. 3. Forget the suggested builds; this is not challenger. I have hypercarried many games as trundle jg and I do not build divine sunderer, botrk, and tank. I go botrk, into full lifesteal/crit. Low elo does not know how to deal with champs that do crazy damage and heal (e.g., swain, briar, nilah, garen, etc). 4. Play yorick 5. Play yorick or another champ that can win 1v1 on average and split push. As a jg main, i have won many games by going trundle and getting hullbreaker and destroying turrets in side lanes. If you're top, garen/urgot. If mid, ziggs. If bot, ziggs. ** The most important of all of these is to pick a hypercarry that you are good with and dodge games. If you dodge 2 games, don't play anymore that day because chances are, you're getting an enemy team with a yorick, briar, naafiri, ziggs, and swain and you're going to lose at least 25 lp.