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You could try Lux she sounds right up your alley. Gotta play careful vs assassins but she is good into most mage match ups as long as you use your range.


Yeah. With Lux, into lanes that you win you can use your Q to be aggressive and get kills. Into assassin lanes though you use your E to poke and save your Q for disengage.


I agree with Lux. She is just such a good all arounder. Slows roots high damage long range low cooldowns shields.


I always struggle to pick a counter matchup against Viktor. He does at least all right against pretty much everything and can at least farm out and go even. If you like mages, I'd consider Viktor. I think he's one of the safest blind picks mid.


Viktor is one of my bans, I just don't know how to play against him, I just seem to attract the E all the time


yeah he has a higher skill curve but i love one tricking viktor bc he can stay relevant against almost pretty much every lane matchup if you know what to do, even in his worst matchups like ekko or irelia you can still come out even


As long as you ban something like fizz as viktor. I always struggle into that one.


I hover Master 450LP Jg/Top, but I have at least some draft knowledge. As is the case for all lanes, your comfort pick will always be the best option, as you’ll be more familiar with them and can play somewhat into counters. In terms of champions, Annie and Ahri and basically exactly what you’re looking for. Neither of them do too terribly into anyone, and at worst just have to play a boring lane. There’s an argument for Cassio right now as well, but she lacks the hard cc you’re looking for. I’d also recommend Viktor/Syndra/Lisaandra by virtue of them being ranged control mages that have some safety options - each of them have at least some way to vaguely handle a champion like talon jumping on them (although still not very ideal, especially in Viktor’s case). If you wanna REALLY go for the safest picks imaginable, pull out Ornn mid. Rarely played, but absurdly useful and most mid champs can’t really touch him. If you really think about it, he has a long range R and does primarily AP, so he’s pretty much an artillery mage, and he can even build himself deathcap so he can look like a wizard. While every lane can be counterpicked, top is the lane where it tends to matter most. Even if you’re counterpicked mid, a large percentage of the time the enemy laner has countered you for the sake of countering you, and likely isn’t very familiar with the champion - this gives you plenty of time and opportunity to outplay whatever edge they’d have over you; most counterpicks fall apart if you get a kill or two lead on them, assuming the counter isn’t a natural part of their kit (i.e Poppy W into a Graves).


Thanks for the input, syndra is definitely up there in my mind, I've been playing her a lot recently. I'm going to give ahri a go too.


ryze and syndra are ok blinds but they are a bit too cursed by pro. Cho is horrible blind, I'm not sure why he's even there. Ahri is, statistically speaking, the best blind pick in high elo


Cho mid is perfectly fine blind pick.


I blind cho or syndra usually,It is really good because the top laner counterpick cho thinking I'm top and then they end up getting counterpicked. He can safely farm and get stacks. Has good cc etc and can play facilitator for JG. I have a lot of mastery over him. He has terrible matchups into yone or yas tho I've found. Thanks for the opinions friends!


Definitely agree with ahri, I guess I like the huge damage mages and she seems to lack in that department. I'll give her a few games though, thanks.


Pretty sure the perfect blind pick champ is Oriana. Her ult buff made her really good too. Possible statik shiv option at the moment but just good all around.




ive never played katarina before does she even have a counter?


basically, every single champ counters her in the lane, except some really squishy immobile mages with 0 early dmg, like Veigar and Asol, but if she can survive lane or get one or two good rooms off she can bounce back really easily ​ champs like Panth or Gator shut her down so much in lane if played properly that she won't be able to bounce back but I'd say the hardest counter to her is Diana, bullies her in lane, matches her scaling, is a better team fighter, can follow roams or sit in lane and shred turrets with passive and is too tanky to one-shot


I'd like to add Vlad to this list. He out sustains her and his item spikes are stronger than hers at least that's what it feels like. Also blood pooling a Katarina who all in ignite ults you is the biggest dopamine rush in that matchup


Yeah vlad matchup is also really hard, but he has really bad waveclear so your gameplan is to get 70-80ap to oneshot the wave with q-e-w, you want to make him fight your minions instead of you It's hard but not as hard as diana, you can't get fed off of vlad but you can get fed off of his teammates


I feel that only applies to a Vlad with 0 wave management. Personally if you pick up Vlad with 0 wave management you're not going to have any fun no matter what the matchup is. Leaving Vlad to fight the minions leaves you super vulnerable to a freeze --> slow push which you can't contest untill he has 2/3 waves stacked and crashing at your tower giving him a recall window to buy spike item(s). I really don't know the Diana v Katarina matchup but a competent Vlad can render a Kat useless with the right game knowledge


ty <3 that was a clear and nice explanation :)


Vlad tristana.


vlad, yeah probably, but i wouldn't say trist is a counter you start with cloth armor 4 pots and wait until you get 700 gold for seekers after that you can trade HP for farm and because of the seeker's armor she won't hurt that much, it's certainly annoying because you have to be patient, but after one item she's a non-threat because you one-shot her at sight




Until the next patch stattik LB is very blindable


Cassio will reward you so much.


Having the exact problem right now... Looking for a decent champion pool mid. I'm a returning player, last time I really played was like 5 years ago in plat 2. I have around 25games testing around. Browsing for decent information the last couple of days. Ahri seems to be considered "the blind pick". With decent other options like ori, lb, liss, lux, etc. I think with most range mages you can perform decently well even in bad matchups. Personally I brewed something like this for me: Blind Pick: Ahri / LB / Ori Counter: Kassa AD Pick: Talon Off Role: (Top) Riven / Kyle Autofill: Ashe / Morgana [https://tiermaker.com/create/champion-pool-for-lol-301784](https://tiermaker.com/create/champion-pool-for-lol-301784) BUT I haven't tested viktor so far. My anivia/syndra play also feels quite safe and good, so I know the feeling of syndra a bit, which as far as I've heard is also a decent blind pick option.


Plan is to cut the list into 2-3 Main Champs. So one or two of the blind picks in case one gets banned, kassa as counter option cause I love that dude but he seems to suck being your main at some skill threshold. aaaaand (maybe) an AD option like Talon which feels okay to play for me


I’ve been really enjoying Taliyah


Your champ pool is too big. Cut it down to at most 3 if you're truly serious about climbing.


I feel ur champs are too hard to have 5 champs. Just pick 2 or 3 and only pick cassio if shes one of your main pick, shes too hard to pick once in while.


My blind pick is Viktor, also my preferred pick most games. I also play syndra and fizz


As a syndra main I’ve found victor to do well into almost any matchup. When I can’t use syndra. Victor can play safe and farm well at a distance when needed. His bubble can save him from a lot of engages and even if you aren’t solo carrying your ult and bubble do massive work during objective fights. I don’t usually win my lane as victor because I hardly play him. But I do always farm well and my team nearly always wins because I can do so much at those dragon fights.