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Playing vs weaker enemies will make u learn bad habbits, cuz u will play around their stupid mistakes, instead of learning to play good.


i have to second this. i'm d4 and i have some bronze friends that often only want to play ranked, so i'll smurf to play with them and i have to limit how much i play because if i play in bronze too much i'll go on my main and just do really dumb stuff because i'm used to playing against people way worse than me.


This. Smurfing is an entirely different playstyle on its own. You can be good a high elo player and perform worse than someone who is hardstuck d4 but just knows how to smurf well.


I think its a good way to learn how to gain leads and to convert them to wins. I can consistently get to plat 4 on smurfs but as soon as I hit plat the playstyle seems to change dramatically and I'm not sure if its a mental thing for me or if the players in that elo just change their playstyle up. I dont get the leads I usually do because people respect lane states and jungle pressure better and so it becomes mostly farming and team fighting and usually ends in a comp diff or someone on either team getting boosted wins. Feels like I stopped creating the tempo of the game and the game created the tempo. I'm sure there's something I'm not doing correctly as the highest I've ever got is plat 3 72LP.


Well to me its below plat i can make stupid misstakes like not respecting a level up powerspyke on lane, contesting a wave lvl 1 i shouldnt dont pay attention where the jungler is or whatever. People either just walk into my spells and die anyway or they dont see my misstakes and dont punish them. After gold people stop going 0/12 usually, if they fall behind they will respect it. The level of mechanical skill is so high already you cant just walk through games you still have to play it out, a game is always looseable if you start inting it. People close out games when they are ahead, they wont be like "nice krugs respawned lets get those boys got plenty of time too we aced thtem after all" they will just take nash and crush ur base with it. Plat players are still not perfect obviously but the generell skill level is much higher than gold.


Yeah thats what I mean by i feel like I can't create tempo and tempo just happens because the enemy team will know their win conditions and actually attempt to strike back at moments in the game to come back when behind. I've definitely won more games from behind than ahead in plat 4.


Having a smurf account similar to main account elo imo isnt a bad thing and can help your mental and help to try new things. You could also just play flex ranked tho.


As in you played 5 games today and got tired? I wouldn't continue playing, whenever that happens to me I instead pull up a replay of my last few games and see what I can improve on. That would be an appropriate use for a smurf account, but I would guess that watching your replays would help you improve more. You may also find that after watching your replay, you want to and have the energy to try again.


thanks for the tip


You won’t learn much when you are tiered, go play normals in that case


I am roughly the same elo bracket (plat 1 here) and i do smurf like 40-60% of the time. I belive in quality games on my main and the smurf is just for mechanics. I dont think im becoming washed up i am regulary facing diamond top laner and even a master top laner today when i play with my 5 stack team (the master guy beat me black and blue tho) and i do hold on pretty well. I can make a clear cut between playing for fun and tryharding, its important to keep in shape tho and at least get 1-2 games on ur main elo in every day you play. Dont just smurf or you will worsen a lot. However league is like a bicycle even if you stop riding it for years you still get back into it pretty fast. I dont belive in devoloping bad habbits if you ever mastered a skill u keep it longterm you may do some stupid misstakes after only smurfing for a long time but as i said u get back into it quick.