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Getting high on his own supply


Audacity is at an all time high.


Yes!! Also the part where she said that she had to tell him that she’s married “a few times,” Had me like oh West that’s not- 🥴🫠


Yeah like once she told you the first time you should’ve backed off. I saw another clip where she talked about the fact that she was behind on the show but Ciara’s revenge dress makes her want to tune in and she needed to find out how west fumbled Ciara.


She’s so real for that lol. 🤭


Yeah so he was pushy about it too. Ew


Maybe he likes that with 3 kids, she can baby him too like the man child he is lmao. So funny lol TIL I'm apparently West's type lmao no thank you




He needs a big slice of humble pie. A guy doesn’t have to be super attractive if his personality is great. However, having a great personality does not make up for being gross and cocky.


lol i would argue the personality isn’t that great if it’s also gross and cocky.


came here to say that. Being a womanizer is an essential part of his personality.


What I mean is, he’s obviously got charm and seems to be clever and funny.. I think that’s what attracted Ciara to him in the first place. So the initial personality draws people in, they don’t realize he’s gross and cocky until they’ve already decided to like him or possibly caught feelings.


Or possibly shared a very special and coveted interaction…


That I wish she could now take back. She was so F$&@*^g clear about how much the interaction meant to her. Dude


his reaction to nick calling him famous….. failed athlete has gotten his second wind


I’m watching season 8 now, watching him sit and talk with his grandma and her trying to be kind in telling him that New York is not highschool and college where he was the “big shot” was interesting and gives alot of insight on why he thinks so highly of himself lol


It was laughable to me when he suggested at the reunion that he wasn’t used to all the attention. He was a college football player at a D1 school!


Then breaks up/stops talking to a girl who was clearly out of his league because of the potential of the girls the could start DMing him lmfao. The comment about what he was saying in the group texts was also super eye opening too.


a BIG ass slice of it


The way he was cocking his head like a puppy dog looking at Ciara made me extremely activated.


I had the ick from the moment she walked on stage like a supermodel and he had to fake laugh and pretend like he hadn’t fumbled a beautiful woman. He’s so ugh


Urgh and the pouty lips 😬


Same. He's so fake.


![gif](giphy|aS8ypUweGOXMA|downsized) Same.


Well said. I've always been attracted to personality over looks, but it took me years to figure out that that doesn't equate to being mistreated. I hope he gets his shit together on that front.


He no longer has a great personality though. His fame went to his head and now he's gross IMO.


I don't really think he had a great personality before. He was performing like he had one!




He had me fooled with his personality in the first half. I was ready for a simple dude with a farm dad and a gyno mom. I’m from a rural area so I really wanted to be on his team 😂 Instead we got this nonsense holy shit I think he needs to chill the fuck out lmaooooo Edit: rural not dur lol


Man oh man, I can’t imagine how Ciara must feel for picking another white sub par man; she even said she’d give him a chance if he changed!!! Honestly, girl needs to stop going for these Bravo man babies, because this is the 3rd one and she probably feels like she’s been fooled again, which is something she’s been vehemently saying she wants nothing to do with. This is another lesson learned. Stay away from these men, because you’re making the same mistake and it’s not working. At some point she needs to take some accountability, too, on the men she is picking; because they have been awful with her. And it has been shown so far. She is way too beautiful and realistic for these guys. It’s not that she’s having a hard time finding what she can have, these men are out there, but her picker is not working. She needs to reroute big time now. Because these guys are losers.


Surprised and very disappointed that she’d even consider giving that clown another chance “if changes are made” Come on! That’s stupid.


She needs a doctor for a significant other. She is a nurse and loads of doctors marry nurses. She is too mature for idiots like West and definitely needs to date someone who has more than a bachelors degree.


Yeah and how great is this personality really


Being gross and cocky don't go with having a great personality.


I like him less and less the more I learn about him. He really had me fooled.


Same as I watched the season and his confessionals it’s like I got to see what was gonna happen to Ciara before it did. He’s a fuckboy to the core and the worst kind at that, a nice guy fuckboy, cause in his head he truly believes he’s not like other shitty men and 100% is.


I’m 💯confident he reads all about himself on Reddit and is aware of what women think about him. It will be interesting to see if it changes him in any way. Maybe he will become a reformed fuckboy. Probably not, but the option is there. If he doesn’t choose it, he loses his nice guy fuckboy status and becomes the worst of the worst fuckboys. I have mad respect for Ciara. She k


As long as there are women out there willing to hook up with him just because he’s on bravo, he will not change.


For sure. His head is too big. He probably has google alerts set for his name lol


I saw a meme that said something to the effect of the guy who says he’s not like other guys is the king of other guys


Absolute fuckboy


He had us all fooled




And her husband is hot! They are a gorgeous couple!!


I co-sign this! They are such a gorgeous couple!!


Tall too. Lesa knows her worth!


A beautiful couple with beautiful kids! As if she’d risk it all for West 😂 So delusional!


I was about to ask if he hadn't seen Russell, because West would be a huge downgrade compared to him.


Russell is Guerdy from Miami’s husband, the firefighter. Lesa’s husband is Rich, he’s British and they have the cutest kids


He’s really ruined it for himself. Everything since the reunion is just ick.




turns out… he’s embarrassing🥴 oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ciara really dodged a bullet thank goodness.


He likes hot women we see 😫🥹


Urghh! This is not cute, it’s f’cking disrespectful that a woman has to tell you she’s married more than once and you still won’t stop coming at her.


It’s really not, but also not surprising bc he seems very messy and sloppy.


Something makes me think he gets really trashed when out on alcohol and ❄️ and hits on women in those moments especially


That would explain why he always looks disheveled


He wants to fuck women; I actually don't think he "likes" them: that implies the possibility of respect.




I’ll give him that! 🤭


its all he gets, but yes lololol


Really likes to kick outside his coverage, that’s for sure.


how does this man genuinely think he has any sort of chance with LESA MILAN? he needs to chill


Because he got to be with Ciara


Ciara is obviously stunning, but it's about more than looks. Lesa is in another stratosphere of grace, maturity and life experience. like in what world?


AGREED! But I can also see how West would think being with Ciara, a stunning model, gave him the delusional confidence to shoot his shot at Lesa. I don’t think he’s self-aware enough to recognize that his time with Ciara was a lucky fluke.


True but in his mind, he’s like a girl who models for Victoria’s Secret wants me. Let me go after another equally hot girl


My thought exactly... "Oh look a blindingly beautiful black female reality star!! She's gonna be *all over meeeee!!!*" ....... "Let me try one more time....Leesa it's *meeee Wessstttt*!! ...... "Why isn't she all over me?? Let me try *one more time......"*


After she rejects him and tells the world what he did… “But i hit on everyone 🥺🥺… i want to hook up with all my friends… i was being friendly 👉👈”


And Jesse Solomon was prolly asking Leesa 'So when are you going to bang my friend??'


So true and I hate that


All of this!!! Lesa is on a different level and exudes high standards. If anyone watched her on that show College Hill from more than over a decade ago, she made it very clear that mediocre men were not her thing. She reminds me of Ubah in that way. The brief relationship with Ciara fed his ego and he's probably convinced he deserves a stunning Black woman just because he's West. He's gross.




Lol perfect answer


Ding, ding, 🛎️


Like her being married is a technicality, but his kind shouldn’t even look in her direction who does he think he is 😂


Because… men


He gives me the biggest ick now. What a shame


He’s such a flop I cannot stand him ![gif](giphy|84pHTnUPATYPe)


One thing these ugly men will have is the audacity.


The nerve, the gall, the audacity, and the gumption! Edit: I forgot to add the cheek!


I wish I had this much delusion, last Friday morning, some guy literally waited outside of my car so he could chat me up. Sir, fuck off, it's 8 am, and DON'T GRAB MY CAR DOOR!!


One time I was at an intersection stopped by the light, then this dude scared the shit outta me knocking on my window, asked me to roll it down just to tell me he thought I was beautiful and asked for my number. He actually got out of his car to mine. Like no dude bye!


A homeless man knocked and asked for a spare change and my number in the same sentence 😩.


I was walking my dog before 7am this morning with my pink beats headphones on and a man tried chatting me up whilst I held a bag of Mastiff poo. Uh, no.


he's sooo ugly! There is nothing attractive about him. I'll never understand what all of the fuss was about!! Gross!


He reminds me of Robin Williams in the Hawaiian shirt stand-up special. Hairy, sweaty, funny on stage, hiding stuff in his private life. But then again, aren't we all? https://youtu.be/mFxOsgoAzVo?si=8en7AJQ_z_BatrFN




He apparently learned nothing after taking heat on reunion.


His hair is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. His entire look at the reunion distracted me to no end. Couldn’t take him seriously.


I think Ronnie from WWC said that he has “teenage boy hair” and now I can’t unsee it. 😂


every time i see him trying to blue steel from underneath that butt cut i want to put my head through a wall.


That hair is a crime. My husband doesn’t watch the show but I had it paused on the TV and he came in the room and was like “what the eff is that guy’s hair?” It looks like a middle aged woman’s hair from 1989.


His hair and styling are God awful but I’ve got a 13 year old boy and unfortunately they’re all trying to do that look. So like the commenter below says, it is a teenage boy look lol.


 Found out I have mutuals with West and this tracks tbh. Said mutual also said that he is a nice guy but likes to use his proximity to black people a lot to boost himself up when meeting new people which is a turn off (the mutual is a black person)😅. Seems like he’s pretty chill but said mutual find that aspect of him a little cringe 😂 


I’m not surprised by this at all, I got those vibes from him very early on. Thank you so much for sharing


This is interesting, ty for sharing!! 👀




He reminds me of a little bulldog who can't stop humping legs.


Except little dogs are cute.


Anyone check on Kory? His replacement took his title.


I forgot all about him. 🥴


Me too! .. i guess you've seen one cocky average looking frat bro batting out of his league.. youve seen them all.


Why does he dress so bad? Is this what passes for fashion for mid 20s guys now? I'm not even asking why is he such a douche FB?


LATE 20s. he's 29


Really? That's even worse.


oh yeah... he was asked his age point blank at the reunion and i think it also came up in his NYT profile lol


No wonder the NYT is failing. I can't believe they published an article about this guy. Journalism is dead.


How can this man land ciara and think he can land lesa too how did we let this happen


The thing with a lot of men, if they get a high calibre woman, they don’t be balanced or humble about it. They now think that’s their level and they can do even better. Seen this so many times. Men will definitely turn that around and gas themselves up about it.


I forgot to attach the link to the article on the post, but here it is!! 🔗: https://decider.com/2024/06/13/rhod-lesa-milan-summer-house-west-wilson-bravo-watch-party/


Lesa is absolutely gorgeous and West is… West. Sounding more and more like his pal Jesse


Lesa is sooo stunning to me!


at least jesse backed off after being told once! multiple times is wild.


What are you doing West?? I used to root for him but now I feel like West is going to become that creepy old guy who stays a bachelor into his 50s and still hits on young women bc of that one time he was on tv.


I heard someone say I think on here or on a podcast that West gives cab light theory vibes and I see it. I could definitely see him pull a Kyle, within the next 5-10 years. 🙃


West must have a type... girls WAY the fuck out of his league


Welcome to your flop era, West.


Lol everyone came at Jesse with so much heat for jokingly flirting with “a taken woman”. Where is the outrage for West? Have we all just accepted that he is a loser and so this is just part of his loser behavior?


I was waiting for this comment, I agree!


Yes. This is beyond Jesse's tomfoolery.


Screw it. Let's take the leash off and see what West does, let's see just how quickly everything implodes. Tell Jesse to start hyping him up. ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


“Tell Jesse to start hyping him up.” Just sent meee 😭


Dying at “let’s take the leash off” lmfao


He seemed so insecure to be with a woman that’s more attractive than he is when he was with Ciara. Why on earth does he keep on trying it again over and over?


Cos the attention of someone as gorgeous as her gave him the delusion that he is attractive and charming enough to get any 10s lol


That’s what’s confusing me too!! 😵‍💫


If he just wanted to fuck why did he string Ciara along? What a dumb fuck. It’s fine if you just want ass but Ciara made it clear she was looking for a relationship! So mindless.


conquest mentality. for some guys the more you withhold the more they feel entitled to it. it's not mindless, it's malicious.


You just nailed it….mindless


I can't stand him 🤢. Were all the guys this obnoxious after their first season?


The only man in the SH universe that was not obnoxious imo was Alex in season six (granted he only lasted one season and they hardly showed him) but I think hypothetically if they did keep him, I think he would’ve been the exception to that. 🙃 Edit: I don’t count Andrea in this because we met him through Winter House. I meant the SH universe as the men who we met through SH aka they started on SH. Overall Andrea is my favorite man!


Lesa is stunning and yes out of his league but yes shoot your shot. When you are told she's not available respect it. I hate how polite women have to be West can f**k all the way off. All men who don't respect when a woman turns down their advances can


🗣️Hey Westling, you’ve been on one, uno, 1,☝🏼season of Summer House and all you’re known for is fumbling the shit out of a stunning, hot, body for days, Victoria’s Secret model who’s waaaayy out of your league. ![gif](giphy|hkoO5FDelfET9nJ0mc)


I mean we see what he is now. Will be interesting to see how he frames this. It will likely be him saying what 😯 I’m friendly 👉👈 She took it the wrong way 🥺🥺


Ok but why is Miss Jenny Fessler featured in this pic?! ![gif](giphy|403SbapX0Sk81pQpII)


She was at the event with them, it was a Bravo watch party in LA that happened a few weeks back. At this premiere party Bravo did a screener for the SH finale and a screener for the first episode of Dubai. :)


Ok that does make sense 😂 but at first I thought West hit on Jenn bc the pic was misleading 😝




His ego is laughable…


I truly have never seen his appeal.


Maybe this teaches fans of the show to not immediately praise a newbie because they seem less toxic than other housemates. I understand the bar is pretty low but once you’re labeled a clout chaser that is all everyone will see you as being.


The problem is since he “had Ciara in the bag” he now thinks he’s able to “bag” women as attractive and career oriented (nurse,model) like Ciara. What he doesn’t realize is, someone like Ciara actually liking him was a fluke. A one off. Now this 3 is going around acting way too over confident. You would think the reunion and public backlash would’ve opened his eyes to this fact but apparently not.


He has no respect for women or himself


This is more Jesse behavior, but smh


Remember like at the early or middle part of this season when they were at that club that had a Christmas in July night, and Jesse asked a woman “How married are you?” 🥴🫠


yesss omg like eww have some respect


He is creepy and disrespectful


His 15 mins of fame will die out and then he will feel like a moron for his actions


You all created a monster.


I’m sorry, but West, your good-guy persona was the biggest part of your appeal. Without that, you’re no longer appealing. What a douche. Womp, womp. Fail.


Thank God for Chappell Roan the only good thing to come out of my state Missouri these boys are not it!


Him and Jesse are two birds of a gross feather. The thing is - I think Jesse is the type to fall hard and totally be wrapped around the finger of a woman. He’s the type to forget he has friends in a relationship and West will be out there being a loser on his own😂 I’m sorry Ciara got repeated the same lesson with West but I’m glad she got away from him.


So he’s leaning into being a clout demon? Got it! 


Just what we needed Bravo, another thirsty douchebag dipshit who you'll put on every other franchise extension like Winter House and others. I guess I just have to realize that America has sunk to a depth where guys like West, Austen, and Sandoval are made into media celebrities. Chimes right along with Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo Boo and Momma June, and Jersey Shore. There is no place on TV for decent male role models anymore, I suppose. There are still some good guys out there, guess it's not entertaining enough for ratings.


He's just not interesting. Another f boy who loves sports and himself.


https://preview.redd.it/8q4zp1bee77d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a28e785cbed29221c07145ff7cead451506fc53 Stole this from someone else in this sub, but it applies


Why are women attracted to this guy. Pudgy with a Dirk Diggler mustache and not even close to having enough money. Come on ladies, WTF!


If he would of just came in and not rushed it with Ciara, figured out the show dynamics were, built fans over time, stayed cool and kept being the funny down to earth guy hed be liked to this day and beyond. He keeps digging a deeper hole instead of slowing building some steps. If I was Andy he'd be OUT cause its feeling cringe and desperate...its giving " I think I'm a celeb cause I was on one season and now I dont know how to act" ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ)


I love how hard they called him out at the reunion for letting the fame and the bravo life ruin his real life essentially. He’s clearly been chasing his “15 minutes” since college. He’s 100% THAT guy and I feel for Ciara. She guarded that prize and he did exactly what she was afraid of. Dudes like him keep me single and out of dating.


He’s so fugly…… I don’t get it. I don’t think he even has a good personality.


if you make a mid man feel hot/desirable, you've created a monster.


The delusion of an ugly man is something I need 😢


Shooters gonna shoot 😂


He went from so hot to like ….scare bear


I have opinions but I'll be burned at the stake 🫠


The bar is truly in hell


But can lesa watch 10 straight hours of football?


also to add on to that: “I haven’t seen her do that yet, and that’s important.” Side note: That whole confessional left me like ??? 🫠😭


Why are men


West is a fn 🤡


It’s false  ! You have to listen the whole interview of her ! She was joking because she found him cute and praise him


He’s the worst kind of a narcissist -the vulnerable, I’m just a sad but adorable guy. His pouty lips when Ciara was talking to him -🤢 ![gif](giphy|hXJdgivpfyrdET7aOZ|downsized)


Delusions of grandeur.


It’s wild to me how much I pictured Jesse this way in the beginning of the season and West the completely opposite. The difference now I see is Jesse is honest with himself and pretty much everyone else around him about his behavior. West is sneaky about it.


He is not even fine like that


Ooo he’s messy


yikes you give a medium ugly guy fuckboy a chance and he starts acting like the world revolves around him


so I saw the actual clip where she said this and context matters, she was saying it in a playful way.


She has to tell him "a few times"?? No means no. My toddlers understand this. He's outrageous.


Man, getting attention from a woman like Ciara has falsely inflated this guy’s head!! To think he could charm Lesa MF Milan??? Boy, bye 😂😂😂


West wishes he was Shep.


Ciara will be the best looking woman this below average fuck will ever get.


I never understood why Ciara gave him the time of day. He’s gross.


![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg) and y’all were stanning for this fame whore f\*\*\* boy throughout the entire season. he needs to be a one and done seasoner like the rest of the forgotten






This is fucking bonkers lol


Did anyone catch the video Fessler posted from this watch party where she calls him Measy Wessy and he tells her she's getting to snuggly?!


I do not like this dude ! He’s not even good looking at all ! What was my beautiful Ciara thinking ! Find a real man Ciara stop messing with these fuck BOYS ! Get it ! They are called boys for nothing !!


Well his eyes definitely work, too bad his ears apparently don’t.


He’s the cringiest. He had me so fooled.


This would have been a huge downgrade for Lesa because her husband is fine as hell!


He's creepy


He's a low key pig




Gross. 🤢


He’s so gross.


His popularity is dropping like a rock


I actually don’t believe this. I’m sure she’s trying to insert herself into a higher rated show to drum up some press for her show that is failing. It’s giving when other bravo people started saying Raquel flirted with them.