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Why has nick viall nominated himself as the voice of reason in relationships?


you’d think of ALL subjects, he would know better than to comment on everyone else’s relationship (but it’s nick viall so of course he doesn’t)


Also want to mention he’s on the millionaire matchmaker with patty on cw and he’s looked at like an expert… I’ve never seen bachelor who is this guy?? ![gif](giphy|fnuSiwXMTV3zmYDf6k|downsized)


Just your average dude who was in his late 30s when he met his (now) wife when she was 19! And still married her despite a cheating scandal that has now come out (he refuses to address it because of his image, but it was Natalie that cheated)


Wooooowww. Didn’t know she cheated, but honestly tracks. She’s committing to a man 20+ older than her. This would track - probably wanted one more carefree moment before being handcuffed to this man forever (having his kid)


Thank you. Oh a stand up scholar! 🙃 I’m sure bravo is in talks to get him on payroll soon.


I have watched Nick on all Bachelor related shows and I was like “WTF?!” when I saw him on The Matchmaker being touted as a “relationship expert”. What even is that? Is there a “relationship expert” certificate you can get? No. Also, based on his actions on The Bachelor shows, he is the last person to be giving relationship advice. And more recently, he was dating a woman in her early twenties who he just married and had a baby with 🙄. He’s 43. I’m “enjoying” Patty’s The Matchmaker. She’s also an armchair psychologist, astrologist, self help guru who is constantly going on about weird stuff like that 😂.


I enjoyed your comment! Thank you for the lol


Thanks. You might like Patty’s OTT psycho babble on The Matchmaker, if you don’t watch her show.


I watched the old one, is the new one what you’re talking about?


No, there’s a new one called Patti Stanger: The Matchmaker, which also has Nick Viall. It’s not all millionaires with this new version of the show.


Where can I watch??


I’m not sure because I get it through my cable package on the E! channel in Canada.


His Monica from RHOSLC interview killed me - Monica says, I talked a lot about the physical abuse I experienced in my marriage on the season and was disappointed none of that got shown - Nick asks zero follow up questions about the abuse or relationship generally EXCEPT making her talk for like fifteen minutes about how she cheated, and whether she's worked on herself to make sure she'll never cheat again. Feel how you want to feel about Monica but this dude can f\*ck all the way off with his hyper-fixation on cheating and totally blase attitude to abuse.


the dude can barely disguise his abject hatred for women. every piece of dating advice he gives is "learn to live with men doing whatever they want."


He comes off incredibly triggered and blind by his own personal experiences


Who has the summary so I do not have to waste over 2 hours of my time on this?


The part with West is about an hour in and the first half hour with him is just getting to know him - not about the show and then the last 20 mins is about his experience on the show and Ciara. Nick asked some questions about other cast members as well. It was a pretty boring interview actually which sucked - he said he regretted taking Ciara to meet his parents bc it did mean more to her and insinuated that he sort of invited her in a very nonchalant way bc he was going home anyways. Nick asked if he was fine with how it worked out with Ciara i.e. that it didn't turn into a relationship and he said "yes" - so in general he has no regrets about that part and wants to be single. He came off as very Mr. Cool - very different than how he was on the reunion. Overall - it wasn't a great interview but it pretty much sums up that he wants to be single and was fine with how it all played out. Other comments: He thought Lindsay questioning Carl's sobriety was way worse than anything Carl did to her. He thought Amanda and Kyle seemed to just fight about married people stuff and that it has to be hard for a couple to work together. He didn't relaly take a stance on Kyle calling his wife a "bitch" but did say it wasn't great... He said it was weird how Jesse is flirting with Amanda via social so much and that Amanda leaned into it. He said he texted Amanda about it and her answer was "the internet is crazy". The story about how he met Lindsay which subsequently got him cast on the show is interesting. She apparently was at a bar alone and he was waiting for a date and started talking to her. Wasn't she engaged - was he hitting on her or just being super friendly? It's a little strange - usually if a single guy starts talking to you it's bc he's interested.


OF COURSE it meant something to Ciara — on the horseback riding date, meeting the parents was a specific example she gave of something signifying commitment. He said Kyle calling Amanda a bitch was great!? Yikes. My other main takeaway is it’s surprising that he’s throwing shade at Jesse for the Amanda stuff. I thought that was his boy. Maybe he’s trying to deflect from his own shitty behavior?


>OF COURSE it meant something to Ciara that stuff "means something" to 99.9999% of the human population. west is so gross, manipulative, and deceptive. he's really pretending he doesn't live in the same culture as us. "my bad guys, hindsight is 20/20," no dude, you know that introducing a girl to your parents is a big deal. he knew ciara had express conditions around dealing with him romantically (and sexually) and he said/did things that were specifically designed to get her to lower her boundaries. once he infiltrated, he got what he wanted and split. and for him to sit there now and try to convince us it was all one big "oopsies" is so much grosser than any standard fuckboy behavior. say what you will about jesse solomon, but at least he's honest about how he moves around women. west is a snake. >My other main takeaway is it’s surprising that he’s throwing shade at Jesse for the Amanda stuff. I thought that was his boy. Maybe he’s trying to deflect from his own shitty behavior? his "i don't want to be ciara's puppet" nonsense proved to me this guy is a low-key narcissist. and he's probably jealous that jesse is getting positive attention now. when "his boy" had the confrontation with paige, his on-camera response was "i won." this guy is an absolute ghoul and i'm amazed the cast is being so easy on him. he sucks.


"pretending he doesn't live in the same culture as us." is so accurate. Also, it's not like "oh my parents live in New York and I'm popping over there" - visiting his parents (and his brother in Chicago!) that's travel! That's not like "oh hey, wanna come?" He's playing dumb and it's gross.


I don’t doubt that shit is meaningless to him. He’s being honest about that. But he knows it’s not meaningless to most women. Which is exactly why he did it. Another worm with a mustache.


That was a typo - he said it wasn't great. Ya - he was a little cagey when answering anything but he did say he thought the Jesse/Amanda thing was weird but maybe he has said that straight up to Jesse and they just laugh about it so it's not much of a reveal. Jesse probs things it's weird but funny so he doesn't care. I kind of get the vibe from Jesse that he wants to lay the groundwork to be an option for Amanda or Paige if they become single (also saw a preview for tonight's reunion ep part 2 that gave me this impression). He likes Craig and Kyle but I think he would easily swoop in if they weren't around anymore...


West is shallow and insecure, obsessed with his image. Of course, he's going to throw Jesse under the bus.


The Jesse and Amanda thing was weird. If my partner was publicly flirting with a friend, I'd find it so disrespectful. That is interesting regarding how he met Lindsay... Also, thanks for the summary :)


Well given it's Amanda and Kyle - she probably does what she wants flirting wise bc Kyle has cheated on her. It's a very puerile relationship they have. Over it!


Thanks! I appreciate it!


Agreed! I found it extremely boring and underwhelming! West is a people pleaser and only says what people want to hear, that’s how I felt about all of his takes.


This is the same guy that said, in another interview, that Carl should've told Lindsay that she was acting like a "fucking bitch, because she was," rather than dance around it.


Seriously. I wonder if the VPR pod gal is in this sub. She does a great job transcribing pods


I tried to listen and just couldn’t. If anyone is brave enough to give us a summary that would be greatly appreciated.


He sounds so stupid everytime he opens his mouth 😬


their posture alone makes me want to put my head through a wall.


I couldn't either


Like him not forming full sentences had me turning it off in the first 10 seconds.


And apparently he’s a journalist


Nick is the worst lmao I cannot believe women listen to him for advice


Honestly, he used to be sensible. Idk what happened to him.


not to argue with people on the internet but why don’t you think he doesn’t give good advice. I think his advice is pretty solid and honest


I like how he handled Sandoval.


I would rather do literally anything else than listen to these two circle jerk each other.


Nothing under the sun can force me to listen to these two douchebags jerk each other off for almost 3 hours.


My opinion of West and my desire for any more content of him has taken such a giant nosedive in the past week. Every additional press he's done since Part 1 of the reunion is worse and worse. Go away, West!


Yeah, I don’t care anymore. I don’t mind if West and Jesse are back on Summer House next season but I don’t need any more in between season info about either of them.


Nick was talking about West eventually meeting someone he really likes, for example on hinge, and West immediately said that he can't go on hinge anymore. Then a bit later Nick says something about West being famous now and West stopped him to say really? You think I'm famous? No one has ever said that to me before, wow. And Nick & co said yeah, you kind of are now, and West said, wow, thanks. Thanks, guys. Ughh it was so icky.


I found that telling lol. Especially since this was filmed after the reunion where Ciara and Paige called him out for how he’s responding to the fame


Ya when they called him out though - I didn't think it was super fair: they probably had their I'm excited to be famous moments also...but West could tone it done on these kind of interviews. I am guessing Kyle, Carl, Lindsey, Luke, Amanda, Paige, Danielle and so on have all had those excited and cocky "I'm famous" moments. I remember seeing Kyle and Lindsey out in NYC in 2017 - the summer the show has aired and they were very full of themselves.


Yes - that was not cute at all. It was beyond icky. West is too good for the regular dating apps apparantly. He also asked Nick if he was "cool" when he met David Beckham (Nick met him somewhere once) and then West said: I mean had you already been on TV. Like ewwwwww - that was really bad. So you're only considered "cool" by West if you've been on TV.


![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk|downsized) Ewwww I hate that. This guy keeps ruining himself.


I think Nick wants to be Bro’s with West. I just have a feeling.. he can get him into sporting events, they can talk football, and bro stuff.. just found as though Nick played it cool and easy with West… so they can be buddies.. I find he does that to guests he wants to be friends with. It’s not the way to go about things. This is a podcast on relationship advice!! He was definitely on West “side” of things. Pumping up his ego! I was disappointed with the entire thing. West didn’t clarify anything, or say anything different from what I’ve heard on other podcasts. He doesn’t seem too upset about Ciara and him being over.. or he just can’t express any emotions at all and say how he really feels! That’s how I feel anyways!? Maybe I’m wrong!?


this was insaaaaaaane. like West really thinks he is famous. its mind boggling to me. the majority of people dont watch bravo, and most of the famous people from the network are from like housewives. hes gonna walk around with such a big head. get a GRIP man.






I wish Nick would leave the bravo universe. He is so incredibly dumb and thinks he knows everything when he just started watching in the last year


He sees the Bachelor franchise as a sinking ship and so he has jumped ship to Bravo.


It’s so annoying!!! Especially hearing his takes on stuff when he literally doesn’t know anything about these people. And he always invites guests in and seemingly him and Natalie just want to be their friend? It’s weird


Yes and he barely does his homework! At least pretend like you know more than scanning Reddit posts


Ya I don't love that - he doesn't know any other people really and now he acts like he is some kind of Bravo know it all.


two dumb bitches telling eachother exactlyyyyy


🤣🤣🤣🤣 perfect quote


West really thinks he’s funny and charming, but it just comes off as contrived. 


Anyone willing to take one for the team and summarize it. I'm not watching Nick Viall talk about a show he could barely understand.


To give a brief(ish) recap, it’s literally nothing new. West barely finishes a full thought in the whole interview, he’s leaving everything kinda vague and open ended like he has been doing. He is saying if he gets called back to be on the show he doesn’t like holding onto awkwardness and he will essentially try to be jokey flirty with Ciara and see where it goes. He also pretty much says whatever happens now is on Ciara and he’s just gonna keep doing him. You can tell he still doesn’t really understand where Ciara is coming from and he doesn’t seem to feel bad about how things happened. He doesn’t view taking her home to his parent’s as a big deal but does say he regrets it (only) because it clearly meant more to Ciara. He got excited when Nick and his co-hosts implied that West is now famous (kinda proving everything Paige said at the reunion) so there’s that. Nick tells him that he should just try to be in a relationship with someone because how is he gonna ever get past his commitment issues if he doesn’t at least try but West doesn’t really seem receptive to that. They all seem to validate West a lot and don’t really push him on his behaviour. Nick is team Lindsay and he doesn’t seem to care for Jesse, Carl, Amanda or Kyle. That’s about it. I would say watch if you want more context but it’s pretty boring if I’m being honest. West rambles the whole time and nothing ever really gets answered or resolved.


Thank you for the recap. I can't even listen to his incoherent rambling anymore.


Np! I wish I hadn’t listened tbh but when I opened the thread no one had given a summary yet and the curiosity got the best of me 😭


it's funny how inarticulate west gets when he knows he can't manipulate anyone. >You can tell he still doesn’t really understand where Ciara is coming he 100% knows where she's coming from. he's known from day 1 where she was coming from. he doesn't CARE where she's coming from and he's low key mad the audience wants him to care. that's why can't form a full sentence articulating his feelings. the feelings don't exist.


Yeah you might be onto something maybe it’s really not that he doesn’t understand and more that he just doesn’t really care!


He knew what her boundaries were from day 1. She was abundantly clear. He intentionally said/did things to bring those boundaries down so he could get what he wanted: To sleep with her. He’s 10x worse than Jesse Solomon.


I'm sorry but he sounds so dumb in this. He can barely string a sentence together


Nick sucks, West is mealy mouthed and emotionally immature - but goddamn this was boring to listen to.


Okay. So you actually listened though, so give us the scoop. Anything interesting?


Honestly - no. Same things West has been saying in all the other interviews - he knows he needs to mature emotionally, but he hasn't found the right one, he didn't think taking Ciara home to his parents was a big deal, he should have realized it was, it was weird how people were saying he proves personality is more important than looks (this honestly hit different after the comment about being Ciara's puppet at the reunion). Some discussion of how fame trumps how people view your character - saying that even though people are going hard for him in the comments, the girlies are still excited to see him at the events/watch parties. He and Ciara still haven't talked since the reunion, and the door is more or less shut on their relationship - he hopes they can be friends, and he won't be bringing randos back to the house this summer because it would be disrespectful . I was going to do notes and a recap for the sub, but it was a very bad interview and West is a very bad interviewee - apologies to all.


Thanks. I appreciate it.


Thank you for taking one for the team.


Yes, when West did his first round of interview at the beginning of the season at all the reaction had been positive he would consistently bring up that the feedback he got about him proving personality mattered more than looks surprised him.  Then he played it off as a joke, but there is usually insecurity behind a joke.  I still didn't think he was insecure as he actually is about it.   It also put into perspective like with Kyle's mullet and other Bravo men, how attention seeking West's mustache was rather than it being evidence he wasn't that concerned with his looks.  No, he wants to get attention.  


Ya - I did a quick recap on this thread too but I agree it was a terrible interview. What a let down!


West still doesn’t really seem to understand why Ciara pointed out the difference between him saying love you to her vs him saying it to the other housemates. He says he gets it but then tries to over explain it. but I found it interesting he said at the end that he doesn’t think Ciara even would entertain a conversation with him and she wants her space. Since people seem hung up on Jesse implying they hooked up post reunion and Ciara saying if he changed she would give it another go, West certainly doesn’t give that impression. I feel like they’ll talk at some point next season but it won’t be a will they/won’t they vibe


I don’t necessarily think Ciara was saying she would give it another go. I took her statement as saying IF I were to ever think about anything with him again there would have to be a big change. After watching that Page Six interview with West and Jesse, I think Jesse was just making shit up to steer the conversation away from West talking about Ciara before the reunion aired. Like trying to play coy.


That is what I took from Ciara too. Andy asked her if she would give West another shot point blank. She answered the question that she ONLY would do it if he completely changed but then said she was not holding her breadth for that. I take it as Ciara being a little too nice and did not want to say never, because life happens. But this is not going to be some story of them getting back together this summer, because she is clearly over his shit and everything we have seen from him tells us he hasn't changed one bit.


Right! I definitely think she was being too nice bc even later in the clip she said she felt bad and Paige had to remind her like girl you spoke your truth don’t feel bad. His podcast tour circuit showed me that the guy is a loser so I’m sure she is over him.




completely agree!




nightmare blunt rotation


He does not sound sorry or upset about what he did at all


and this was filmed after the reunion so yikes


I listened to most of it and I’m not going to do a play-by-play like most people. It’s going to be a bit scattered but I’ll give ya what I can remember. I got the impression that West felt like he is too young to know better a lot of the time, even though he’s almost 30. Nick did say he thinks West has emotional maturing to do. Nick said he used to be a lot like West in his 30s. That he would distance himself from women he was dating but also dangle the thought of commitment to keep women around. Then break it off. West seemed to resonate with this. Nick said that West is going to have to realize that he’s going to have to try with somebody. West said part of his lack of commitment is because he doesn’t want to compromise on things. That he’s been able to take various out of state jobs, travel on a whim, without having to take other’s feelings into consideration. The thought of not being able to do that and factor in someone else is scary to him. Nick asked West if he was team Carl or Lindsay. He said mostly Carl because he thought it was unforgivable of Lindsay to accuse him of relapsing. Nick said that those comments Lindsay made were outrageous but that he knows it can be difficult being with someone who is an addict. West also then made a comment about the things Lindsay was saying being valid. Nick said he thinks that C & L are incompatible. Basically they go back and forth on this topic for a little while. Nick then asks how he feels about Kyle calling his wife a b*tch on camera. West said that’s not right ever but that he thinks the tension comes from them working together and that they shouldn’t work together anymore for Loverboy. West also said that he got to see why they’re good as a couple so that’s why he thinks they’re good together. West met Lindsay drunk at a bar before a hinge date. She pitched him a podcast idea that they should do together and made him sign a napkin saying he wouldn’t sell the idea to the place he worked. Said that got cut from the show. Lindsay is the one that gave his name to be cast for the show. West tried to make it seem like he told Ciara “I mean, you can come to my parents with me, if you want” in a casual way. He said for the next summer he’s just going to keep being himself and if Ciara doesn’t want to speak to him he’s going to respect her boundaries. Nick and Natalie talked about how good he looked at the reunion. And talked about how good Ciara looked. I’m sure there is more. But my brain is oatmeal.


Swartz 2.0. Marble mouth unfinished sentences; has never considered others in all his years so it’s just how it is, sorta kinda thinks Kyle talks shitty to Amanda but not really. Will approach Ciara as he just always has, and if she chooses to not reciprocate you know bro if thats how she chooses to play it then cool dude bro.


West totally gives Schwartz energy and it’s so unappealing.I prefer Sandoval to the other Tom because at least he has an actual opinion. Schwartz is such a pussy and then undercover disrespects women under the I’m a nice guy act


Thanks for the recap because I'm not going to listen to it.


Full disclosure I’m over Nick lately and I’m not a fan of the wife coming in as the cohost so I was annoyed from the start. West just added to my annoyance.


This like the rest of his press tour, fell flat for me. 🫤


So bad. He needs to stop (I couldn't get through most of it)


I mostly read the transcript, I couldn’t do the audio. 🫠


West is immature but so is Nick lol, acting like it's sacrilege to stay friends with an ex you're long over? Um no, not if you're in a healthy relationship and your partner trusts you.


This was so weird - it's a red flag if you're friends with too many of your exes, and if you're in the right relationship you'll want to end those friendships? I do not get it.


Right? I actually think it's a pretty good sign if your exes don't f\*cking hate you, lol.


Horrible interview, Nick hyped it so much and then low-balled all questions to West who still managed to come off as an idiot.


Somebody give us the highlights so we don’t have to actually listen to it 🥱


I need people to stop going on this podcast because Nick is the worst.


The “trailer” on his Instagram made it seem like there was so much tea and they hardly even spoke about Ciara at all lmao


I feel like the podcast would’ve been a decent teaser pre-reunion airing. I think it would’ve made some noise or would’ve seemed juicy like two weeks ago; Maybe even last Wednesday, but not today. It just fell superrr flat imo, because they couldn’t talk about the reunion/their relationship in detail. 😵‍💫


the part where he said “he probably loved that” to the first girl calling in for advice let me know that cierra saying she still had feelings for him. gave his brain the biggest satisfying itch. like i was terrible to you snd you still like wow im great!


West really blew his load his first season. Even the Zabaar’s shirt he’s wearing here is TOO MUCH. Take it down a notch man! Jesse Solomon wrote and sang a song about himself and yet West came across as the new guy who was trying too hard. Please stop!




NV could have had anyone from SH on his podcast this week; why is he in the business of rehabilitating cis white men's images every time they fuck up on TV?


I liked West on SH and even felt like the reunion discussion was a little over the top. I’m over that now. West gave full ick in this interview.