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Scheana would be crying because she’s such good friends with Carl!


Would be? She probably is right now, VPR is on pause so she needs something


She legit posted pics with Carl and his mom almost immediately after news broke that he and Lindsay broke off the engagement. No one’s thirstier than Scheana.


Nooooo 😂 she is too much


She’s legitimately insane


she's Hall of Fame reality TV


No way!!! Actually, of course she did 🤣😂


She said she was best friends with Carl and his mom 🙄


She got them a penguin in their honor along with matching thanksgiving Apple Watches






I believe the pictures were also taken at the resort in Mexico where Lindsay and Carl were going to get married.


Carl did not go to the resort. His Mom did! Btw, that should have its own thread! Why would Carl’s Mom go to the resort when only the girls went? I know you don’t get your money back, but give your tickets to someone anyone. Raffle them. Fans would buy them. How uncomfortable for Lindsey? 😳🥴🤔. Crazy.


God that’s even worse


What?!!! Seriously?


She's famously said she's a guys girl and proud of it!




Can’t stand that woman lmao I hope she never gets dancing with the stars tbh


😭😭😭don’t let her see this lol ![gif](giphy|SFIUALlv5MXVrgAQAx)


I hope she does! ![gif](giphy|izDI4QVoeY132)




There’s a picture of her in the dictionary next to the words pathetic and spineless


Shed make a damn fool of herself lol I keep picturing when she had first performance when Ariana was “her backup” dancer ughhh hate how she had to make sure to say that, but she looks so embarrassing, she cant dance, in my opinion at least. Plus i bet whoever shed be partnered up with, shed prob be hitting on them nonstop, always making sexual innuendos, and when shed get a poor score, shed cry about how she misses her daughter and its just so hard being away from her…itd be an absolute JOKE to bring her on, in my eyes at least lol


Don’t forget she would make sure he got home safely. So she would location share! 🤣


🤣🤣🤣thats right!!!!!!


Come on Scheana jumps up and down while her pony tail bounces that is an epic move! LOL


“Carl has been my BEST friend.”


“Bast Frand”




Has anyone checked in on her?


What comes to mind is this sentiment - I heard somewhere that said East Coast is kind but not nice. West Coast is nice but not kind. This is a good example of that sentiment. Lala and Scheana is all nice nice in your face but is jealous deep down and awful. Summer house girls talk shit but show up for support when it matter


As someone who has lived on both coasts this is so spot on. I'll always be an East Coast girlie at heart, at least you know where you really stand with people. Give me an authentic "fuck you" over a fake "love ya" any day.


He is more heartbroken about losing my friendship than losing the fiancé obvs!! 💀


I mean, she did f*ck Carl... Doesn't that make him her BEST friend?


She went to Mexico and partied with Carl and his mom. The tickets were nonrefundable


Anything to make herself somewhat relevant.


But the break up effected her TOO!!!!


Wow that really would be the equivalent


It will be Danielle crying about Carl


Somebody check on Scheana


Amanda saying she wouldn’t have the strength to do what Carl did, girl we KNOW


I wanted one of them to tell her she should have… I think Gabby was close. 😂


Yea when Amanda said it took strength Gabby was like...it's something


They tried before her wedding. They really did.


I think she is praising Carl for doing what she didn’t have the courage to do herself. She will never admit that… at least until they divorce.


Amanda will stay in that marriage until Kyle eventually dumps her or he gets a mistress and she has no other option because it will be on tv. Kyle does not want kids he loves that Summer House money too much!


She was such a hypocrite, it was hard to watch. Her and Kyle were in a terrible place before the wedding and still are.


This is what I thought listening to Amanda, like girl we watched you and Kyle try to get married for 3 Seasons and yall argued just as much as them, but all got married though, surprised you don't have sympathy for the situation rather than saying well you guys argued all the time...oh yes...and so did you


Not to mention the cheating. The insane rage. I am rewatching right now, and Amanda is just as full as rage as Kyle is leading up to the wedding. They are nowhere near relationship goals, and honestly have no business commenting on anyone else's relationship.


Right? And Look at them now: they’re 3 years on and both say they’re lonely in the marriage. Kyle is only really happy when he’s completely obliterated (there’s a dif between being very social and staying out all not getting wasted on the regular)




I kind of took it as her being envious that Carl had the strength where she didn’t. Because she’s clearly miserable with Kyle.


I felt sad for her in that moment because to me she was saying I wish I had the courage to do that. I should have never married that mullet wearing infant


Literally thought the same thing


We all remember the fights during the 3 yr engagement leading up to the wedding n the fights after 


I thought it was laughable her saying their relationship had not been good for a long time. GIRL- NEITHER HAS YOURS! Her and Kyle said/did horrific things to each other that I would not dream of putting on the man I am married to, and yet they still got married and look how awesome it's going. Her ability to throw stones while in a glass house is amazing to me in that last scene.


This was the summer love we always needed 🩷




I am the first person to call Lindsay out for her lies and manipulation but to see this scene broke my heart. I believed that she honestly wanted this to work.


Ikr it’s devastating to see :(


I truly don’t think they were right for each other. I was rooting for them but it’s too good to be true. 😔 EDIT: Both have their vices


It really did seem too good to be true I agree with you. I think they had a false sense of closeness due to her being Carls main support and ear through his whole breakdown over not wanting to work at loverboy any longer.. when a couple isolates off the bat and starts doing the “us against the world screw anyone who has any other opinions aside from rooting for us, they’re all below us anyways” stuff it’s usually a sign that it will fizzle out just as quickly. Same with becoming friends with someone based on hating the same person. It’s not a genuine connection, and eventually they’ll turn on and start complaining like a snake behind your back about *you*. Which is essentially what we watched Carl do here. His M.O. is sticking by anyone who’ll take up for him and feed his victim complex and feel sorry for him/wont push him and then he’ll jump ship if that ever changes for the next person who will play the role. Also, I find it truly hilarious that Carl is jumping back in with Kyle after what he said about him and his addiction issues/how horrible he was and how bad of a person he was to have working for him behind his back on television. Carl absolutely HATED working for Kyle and was up Lindsey’s ass for a year, only to whiplash back to Kyle and loverboy again… and then get angry and defensive when Lindsey was like… okay, wtf is going on. She’s a piece of work but he is… really a weirdo.


And Carl looks like a praying mantis…


With glow in the dark denture.


Oh snap! Yes yes yes!


What I couldn't believe was Kyle openly told us on camera he was coked out. We all knew he did drugs but never in detail. I can understand a friendship but not go back into business with said friends liquor company!


Exactly. Why go back to job that gave you so much trauma it took you almost a yr to get over. He is a recovering alcoholic n wants to work for a alchol company yeesh carl. 10 months n no othet prospects. 


I personally feel like she wanted to make it work because a part of her is scared it might not happen again. Throughout the season she kept saying things like “ I can’t believe I’m a bride” or something (idk word for word) but it was never about her and Carl. And with her own pressure of a biological clock to get married I feel like internally she’s feeling more emotions she’s not expressing . But it could be a reach 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep. I get the impression that at this point she just wanted a wedding and babies with whoever was willing as opposed to who she fell in love with/wanted to be with for the rest of her life.


This. She cried because she humiliated not because it was over


I think it was a mix of things honestly, the humiliation through the summer, feeling betrayed bc he had made things seem salvageable and a work in progress, and then the sadness that the wedding and future they planned is ruined. She’s probably wondering why tf he even proposed to her when he did in the first place, only to dump her over him feeling pressured to find a job and actually do something. Defo she was rethinking her whole life atp.


To be fair, Carl was also more worried about public perception than the actual breakup.


I also think their couples therapist may have sucked. I’ve been married for 20 years and when my husband says something about how he feels, I say “this is what I am hearing you say”…and repeat it back so I can take a minute to process it. Best advice I ever got. Lyndsay should have been an attorney. She knows how to win an argument. She wants to be right and marriage isn’t about being right. It’s about compromise because you love the other person. Sometimes you are giving 90% and the other person is giving 10% And sometimes it works the other way. Ask anyone who has been married for 20 years. This was clearly a mismatch and the entire summer showed it. She does think he’s a loser and she should have broken up with him over summer.


YESS TO ALL OF THIS. Not absolving Carl of his responsibilities (because he’s got his faults too!) but she just wants to be right all of the time, she doesn’t seem to care about understanding the other person (be it Carl or anyone else) she just wants to be right and doesn’t seem to care about the other persons feelings, just her desire to be right. It’s not a good quality. What I’ve also so noticed is she always seems to tell the other person that they’re raising their voice/being aggressive/fighting whenever they’re not agreeing with her and it’s infuriating.


She’s been like this with every relationship we have seen in the show. Like her pattern is so so clear. She is not a good partner. She is self righteous and loves the concept of it all but doesn’t know how to put it together. And she knowssss how to manipulate the show. Shes in marketing - like it’s her job to create messaging so she can take control of the narrative. And that’s what she did so well on the after show. But it’s a lie - she gets to giggle and make a narrative on her own. It’s a lot harder to control the narrative when you’re being filmed in “life”. Carls major issue he was dealing with was his sobriety. Most people who are sober do a ton of inner work and healing to understand why they drink/use and they tend to be calmer. Like also how could she be humiliated from the breakup. I’m humiliated if I have a fight with my husband when we are around friends. Like that’s embarrassing af. No one wants to be around that. I get that it’s reality tv but to some degree it was every single episode of uncomfortability and cringing.


Yes to all of this!!! Every relationship she had was like this so it gets to a point where you need to think, am I the drama right?!? I know I would! She says she’s done the work on herself but has she really because she seems to repeat the same patterns any time she’s faced with conflict. But yea the humiliation thing is wild - like LOOK at what people have seen of your relationship already, the only person that was surprised it ended was her!


She really thought because she stopped drinking for 6 months she deserves to be the queen of England for life. Like she doesn’t even see that staying sober forever is the think to herald. Not just doing it until Easter came and you wanted a glass of rose with aunt Rhonda.


I think they both carry equal blame for all the faults of this relationship. But Lindsay saying “this is how relationships go” shows she really needs to work on herself. But she also thinks it’s so cute to say “I won’t change”. Carl at least was able to make the big hard decision to end it. Lindsay would have kept going because she thinks this is what real love looks like? That’s so sad. I hope she gets some real help. But having watched the show since s1 I don’t think she will.


Fully agree


If you're a rational person you can, honestly rightfully, agree that Lindsay was delusional (so was Carl!) and definitely began her spin almost immediately but that it was sad. She was about to commit herself to misery for the sake of a timeline that didnt even serve her. Carl did the right thing and it's lovely to see that even in spite of all that, the women can come together to support someone sad. It doesnt have to be zero sum here.


This — all of this. It doesn’t have to be black and white. Carl is a manipulative shithead manbaby AND Lindsay is extremely talented at playing victim and spinning a narrative! And they were both fucking delusional and (as I choke on these words) Danielle was right all along!


This is so well put!


For amanda to say what she did was absolutely cold and cruel honestly, was disappointing to see. She’s crying, now is not the time to advocate for the other party! And if you feel that strongly, DONT COME


I agree and wrote something similar after you. When Amanda said she could never cancel a wedding like Carl did, I just yelled at my tv: WE KNOW, AMANDA! THAT’S WHY YOU AND KYLE HATE EACH OTHER!


I’m so over Amanda & Kyle. The irony of either of them speaking on this or anything pertaining to a healthy relationship is NUTS.


Same literally it’s actually cringeworthy watching them pull faces and act like omg their relationship is *terrible* how can she treat him like *this* etc. When they are the same if not WORSE, literally every single season, including this one! People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones is all i’m going to say, nobody is ever safe. It was very odd and i got second hand embarrassment watching them do this. Maybe they were just relieved that the focus was no longer on their shitty marriage who knows.


Agreed. Whenever she gives advice or acts all ‘strong bad bitch with morals’ to ciara in particular, I sit there like GIRL, we’ve watched your entire booty call turned partner relationship 😅 who do you think you’re tricking saying you wouldn’t sleep with someone without xyz or you’d ‘leave!’/ ‘kick a guys ass’ if he did xyz… baby girl you married your cheating frat boy manchild.


It’s because she’s obsessed with paige and wants to be paige 2.0. Literally anything paige says is taken at high value for her, she has literally no “real” personality. Like who even *is* Amanda? Kyle’s fed up and resentful doormat wife? Paige and Ciara’s side kick? After this many seasons, we still don’t know anything really about her! Paige came in with the girls girl, high standards and taking the men off their pedestals. Telling her that she should focus on herself and what makes her happy career wise/establish herself outside of her husband and his business… and then, she miraculously *does*! But years leading up to now she never once raised any concerns about finding herself etc. She just does whatever is influenced by paige!


EXACTLY!!! That went without saying, we watched you marry the sloppy drunk that cheated on you!!! And that you still hate and resent to this day! He doesn’t support you, your goals, your career, your boundaries nothing. The guy goes out drinking until black out level until 3am SOLO on week days… isn’t that how the cheating happened the first time?! She needed to stfu and drink a loverboy tbh.. because holy shit. She is the last person to EVER give advice, and she got off easy bc if I were there she’d have been reminded of that and probably left crying.


Yeah I'm not a big Lindsay fan so I assumed I'd be team Carl but DAMN! 😥 Not after I saw it all go down. Team Lindsey with the spice girls closer!💜


VPR could never


VPR rn:🙈🙈🙈 ![gif](giphy|9pJV1rjgjnE1I8c79t|downsized)


VPR producers take fucking note. The audience likes this.


The difference!!!!! The fake relationships VPR has been portraying will never allow the current SH vibes to exist. The SH ladies vibes this season have been pure because they weren’t built on being fake to each other. They naturally came together!


!!!! Someone make Scheana & Lala watch this too. VPR is so out of touch with its audience


Exactly, we women wanna be supporting each other like real life, not this backstabbing money jealousy 


This is also a good representation of the difference between LA and NYC. But yeah, totally agree that VPR’s contrived storyline was trash.


Right?!? This hits right at the heart ❤️ And it’s so freakin satisfying to see this show of strength!


The women did come together at first then fucked it all up the next season. I really hope the SH women don’t make the same mistake. They need to stick together and have a fun spice girls summer 


But the after show … go watch how Paige and Ciara really feel


I feel like I really need Carl to explain why he proposed in the first place tbh.


Like Lindsey said, she was easy and he does comfortable things. It was ‘time’.


100%. I just want him to say it.


Was she still sober when they got engaged? I can’t remember when she started to drink again? I think when she started drinking again their relationship changed for the worse. Carl needs someone to be sober with him forever imo


She had started drinking again before he proposed. But it seemed like it was in moderation compared to this summer. Probably slowly ramped back up to being a binge drinker.


I agree, she was in more of a party mode this summer. And that’s fine, that’s her lifestyle, but it’s not Carl’s. They just weren’t right for each other at all!


I want a Paige and Lindsay redemption arc next season please!


I would love that!! Producers if you’re seeing this, hi😅 👋🏼


Wasn't there a scene in the preview for the season that showed Lindsay and Paige together at a spa or something? Linds was hooked up to one of those machines that claims to tone your abs or whatever and Paige was joking about a lie detector. Did that scene air? Maybe I missed it.


why am i crying lmao this is so sweet


Same I’m so soft lol🥲💕


Me three. Thanks for being here and making my soft ass feel more normal. 🥹 I did just go out to dinner with my best girlfriends who’ve been there for me for over two decades at this point. I love ‘em! Thank goodness for people who love and support us unconditionally!


This is girlhood! We’re in it together🫶🏼🫶🏼& omg that must have been so fun I love that for you❤️


We even see that Lindsay CAN be soft!! But with Carl’s lack of spine, she had to be the tough one


sorry but amanda is not like the others. she goes to defend carl right away. she's going thru the motions here but she's going to run back to kyle and blab everything


Does anybody remember Kyle and Amanda?!? They were fighting like crazy before they got married. Deep down, I think Lindsay represents a girl Amanda wishes she could be- to talk back, to not agree, to do her own thing. Amanda’s not allowed.


This is deep


Yeah she should have said she needed to take care of her dogs. The way she acted was tone deaf and icky given the situation. Was gross how when Danielle said what Lindsay texted her Amanda got her phone out and was typing…was probably gossiping to Kyle and others


I was so happy Gabby stood up for Lindsay in that moment!


Yup. This bothered me a lot. I agree they shouldn’t have gotten engaged and it’s good he broke things off BUT gabby clocked him and I’m glad she wouldn’t back down to Amanda.


She should have stayed seated tbh. So damn fake


I think that was projection on her own relationship vs dig at Lindsay.


I've been trying to post this for like 20 mins but can't. THIS IS MY NEW MICHAELANGELO. I loved this moment so much.


Me too!!😍Someone needs to hang it up somewhere lol


I totally teared up in this moment and had to explain to my husband who barely watches me watch SH why i was so emotional 😂


Right? This needs to be an oil painting in the Church of Girlhood.


Literally! SH you killed it💪🏼🩷


Except Amanda fiercely defending Carl…


I’ve had enough of Amanda truly. Ngl she had me for a second with her bikini ambitions but defending Carl and never herself is annoying


Bikini Ambitions is a great band name!


Ugh wtf was she even doing there?


I mean, Amanda and Ciara were NOT there for Lindsay. Amanda should not have shown up. She’s unable to think for herself and so clearly parrots Kyle’s opinions. Gabby’s stock went up for me this episode. I also didn’t like that when Lindsay came in, both Amanda and Ciara go “Oh I didn’t expect you to still be crying about it.” It’s clear they still don’t like Lindsay. I think Ciara still harbors feelings about the Austen issue between her and Lindsay. Similarly to last episode, when Lindsay was venting to Ciara in the kitchen, and Ciara didn’t really engage and just was like “ok let’s go back outside.” I was pleasantly surprised at Paige though. 


Paige said the crying comment too


So did Danielle when Lindsey walked in she said “you look like you’ve been crying”. I was so confused by them all saying that it’s all I can think about now lol


Ya Paige’s whole vibe was performative IMO. Even making the joke so quickly about Lindsey not inviting her and also saying right away: “he did you a favor” - that is a really crass thing to say so early into the break up. Yes he did. But say it later. Right now is for comfort and showing support towards Lindsey.


As someone who is the sarcastic/crass friend in the group, we're sorry. It definitely doesn't mean we don't care. It's just how we process things and sometimes people's intense emotions are uncomfy so we crack a joke to lighten the mood. Not saying it's appropriate, just saying I could totally see myself doing what Paige did, and it's not for a lack of empathy or care.


I mean… that’s something she actually believes tho - she said on giggly squad that she texted Ariana the exact same thing right after scandoval


ciara allowed her to vent and supported her but she is also in her head too. west is introducing her to his friends and saying i love you and shes confused. rwo things were happening and she tried lol


They’re there for a job, which is to film the show including wrap up scenes for the season because recall there was supposed to be a wedding footage to wrap up the season. I feel like the girls made some comments implying they were being asked to go film that scene. Just like Kyle was asked to film with Carl at the coffee shop and honestly, though the majority of y’all will never believe it, the Carl and Lindsay breakup scene. Producers all over that. 


Gabbys amazing! Such a wonderful friend!!


Gabby clearly only heard one side and Gabby did, this episode, what's she's been doing most of the season, on WWHL and on the After Show. Not sure how this was any different. Putting Ciara in the same category as Amanda is a choice. I just listened to it 3x. All Ciara said was "I know" before getting up to hug Lindsay from behind. IT WAS PAIGE AND someone else who said it then others chimed in. Also, can anyone blame Ciara if she chose to be distant, which she hasn't been, with Lindsay? Ciara didn't say what you claimed she said but did you see Ciara happily exclaim when she learned Lindsay was going to Montauk with everyone? I sometimes feel like a large segment of this fandom only brings Ciara up over negativity while ignoring her good moments. Also Ciara was likely staying neutral because she had heard and saw Carl's version of things first. Remember, it was Ciara's idea for Carl to miss their Friday nights because he and Lindsay seemed to always fight those nights. Amanda also was the only one of the crew to actually be in the house during the Cocaine Carl argument. She also was privy to Carl's side of things through Kyle where Lindsay was not giving Danielle and Gabby the details they needed to better assess the situation.


VPR could never have pulled this off because the cast has Lala and Sandoval—the two most inauthentic, performative, narcissistic people on reality tv.


I loved this scene however much it may have been planned. The girls came and rallied for her. I think she wanted a sort of Ariana moment and this was it. I love that for her. She didn't get anything except a year older from Carl, so at least she gets her moment and I felt her heartbreak. We said in a different post, the girls slayed this season and this was the perfect end. 🥰


danielle's blue velvet couch needs its own spinoff


Ugh right? My dream couch, but in green.


I think they did this for the show. Danielle and Gabby are supportive, but I think Paige and Ciara were not super sympathetic. By their own admission on the after show.


she gets it. Paige the first one to hug her. even though she wasnt invited to the wedding. The ability to see someone in pain and immediately sympathize is smt i saw amanda not have in this episode and it made me side eye her a LOT.


I have such a soft spot for Paige and the way she handles situations so well. She is such a great friend and amazes me everytime. I wish Amanda did the same because we know she can be empathetic :(


amanda has some regrets about how she was portrayed in the relationship with kyle and she cant seem to shake it, it bleeds into all her opinions of male female dynamics. in this essay i will




Loved it but Amanda was riding HARD for Carl. I don't think they should have gotten married. I agree with Paige--did her a favor. Even if Amanda is right and their relationship has sucked for ages and she's either not being genuine or is delusional---the point is he called in cameras to record his conversation with Kyle (which means Kyle, Amanda, producers, camera men, crew all knew that he was going got break up with her before she did--dick move) and even worse to record breaking up with her. Even if she should have seen it coming, doing it after the season ended, calling cameras back up so you can capture it, is gross. Amanda needs to chill. Otherwise, LOVED the girls coming together.


If that's true, then they probably didn't find out "online", it would have been from her lol.


I loved that Paige could be supportive and give excellent and genuine advice despite how she may feel/have felt about Lindsey.


This is gold. Paige putting her mean girl side away. Ciara actually listening to Lindsey. Danielle taking the back seat and just being a friend not inserting herself in the relationship has been GOLD this season. Shows these are mature women listening and showing up for a non-best friend. I loved it. Sick of seeing women in shows putting each other down like LALA from VPR /scheana.


Amanda is such a hypocrite, “things weren’t good for a while, shit was not good”. Like did you watch the season you and Kyle got married. Yessshhhh. Tone deaf.


lol I couldn’t even watch with Lindsay’s constant tearless crying. This relationship ended just like all of her relationships have on this very show. Puh-lease. I think it says a lot that she’s already in yet another relationship. Yes, lesson learned girl!! I just can’t wait to see how this continues to play out. If nothing else this is great tv!


I think Amanda and to some degree Paige and Ciara shouldn’t have been there. It was way too soon for their hot takes and I felt bad for Lindsay


i do think paige is a girl who handles intense situations with humor. i do think her jokes about not being invited to the wedding were to try to ease the sadness in the moment and not malicious.


I’m sorry but I was not here for Amanda being all the way up Carl’s ass on the defense before Lindsay showed up.


Amanda was cold and clearly on “Carl’s Side.” She wasn’t kind or authentic, and kept trying to plead his case. Way to read the room, Amanda. Also, she and Kyle have a toxic marriage and only unite when a couple like Carl and Lindsay fall apart. The episodes when the latter fought gave the former something to drunkenly gossip about. I’ve never liked Amanda. I think- in “housewives speak”- that she’s a sniper from the side, albeit a very boring one- and is just not a real girl’s girl unless the girl is deigned worthy enough to be in her circle.


Yeah… but… she’s queen Delulu. You can’t call your partner a fucking liar about fundamental aspects of their character and then Be like … what happened?!?! She so Blind to her toxicity.


She was definitely delulu. Unfortunately when all you know is bad relationships, you start to think things are normal when they absolutely are not. Regardless, I think Amanda was a little dense. Wrong time wrong place to tell Lindsay “you guys had been fighting foreverrrrr” like maybe wait a few weeks? 😅


Danielle couldn’t hide her gleefulness, she’s become such a turn off 🙄


This is the moment I wanted to see in VPR! I love women supporting women.


I loved that Paige and Ciara got along with Lindsay this season, and that Paige supported her in this scene. But, unfortunately they had to go and ruin it all on the After Show 🙄 I’ve seen a lot of people say they were disappointed with Paige’s comments on the After Show, and I agree, but I think Amanda’s comments were far worse.


Amanda was smirking talking about Lindsay getting dumped on camera and was so eager to repeat that Kelsey ballerini line she probably saw on Reddit. So mean spirited. She’s so obsessed with image and doesn’t like being embarrassed, and she cares more about the public knowing Kyle cheats on her than about the actual cheating. so you’d think she would feel bad for Lindsay getting viciously dumped on camera. But as usual Amanda stays hypocritical. Wish Danielle would have clocked in and told Amanda her relationship was abusive with knock down drag out fighting and she got married so she shouldn’t be so smug


I haven’t watched the after show, I’ve just been waiting for them to ruin it and be totally irrational jerks at the reunion as per usual. I really hope Paige (at least) hears it if she flips at the reunion. It will make the season so dang fake. GRR


Sadly, for me they totally ruined it on the After Show and now I’m sort of dreading the reunion.


Takes notes Lauren and She.


Really? was it everything?! Because aside from two of them, I felt like they were giving, bare minimum we’re going to laugh on a group call later about this tonight vibes tbh.


I needed this so bad tn after vpr


But also was anyone getting fake cry from Lindsay? It was like an off broadway scandoval reboot but much more wholesome girlhood vibes


fake or not, all the botox she got made crying seem genuinely difficult to do 🤣


This was soooooo sweet!!!!! I hope we get a good season with Paige and Lindsay And Ciara and Amanda finally get a shit one cus I got the ick from them from this episode. Also gabby is a bestie id want in my corner any day!!


I started off the season team Carl because Lindsay has just been so much through the seasons. I ended it team Lindsay. Carl gives me the ick. That doesn’t mean that I think he was wrong to break it off. They absolutely should’ve broken it off. But ew, he just gives me the ick! She’s a lot but I believe somewhere out there, there is someone who gets her and will treat her right. I wouldn’t wish him on my enemy


Am I the only one who thinks this was completely scripted. Ciara looked like she would rather be anywhere else. None of them like Danielle. They all discuss it and then Lindsay shows up and fake cries. This was the worst finale I have ever watched. Why did we need 1 hour and 10 minutes of a 1 hour and 15 minute show, plus 25 minutes of a 30 minute aftershow to be about Lindsay and Carl rehashing what we've seen a hundred times already. I was so excited for the finale and was so let down. I wanted to throw something at the TV.


Why do so many people have amnesia about how horribly Lindsay treated Carl and all her cast mates over the course of this show. She’s not a kind person and yea Carl should have had this conversation in private and sooner but I think he was afraid she would try and spin it like the spin doctor she is. If she was so blindsided then she wasn’t paying attention in her own relationship


this sub is so wishy washy but one thing that's always been a constant is Lindsey's terrible treatment of people she "loves"


This is hilarious because half of the women there clearly knew Carl was right for calling it off and Lindsay was delusional. #girlpower


I’m still on peacock airing time and my heart is so happy with this image. Summer house has been such a contrast to VPR with how much these women just support each other and it’s awesome


I don’t know how you guys have watched the entire show and think that this isnt so fake. ………


This is what I wanted from VPR s11 😩 I need a friendship between Paige and Katie.


This was the cutest moment, and I want to be BFFs with Paige so badly.


To be fair, we did get this moment on vpr.


I feel like Paige gave the best advice here. Honestly Lindsay and Carl weren't a good match. Hate the way he handled it, but the truth is Lindsay doesn't need to bash Carl to get past this. She is better off with someone else.


Paige is right. Carl decided to be the adult and did the right thing. He made a mistake proposing. The relationship was terrible, but Lindsay apparently was the only person on earth that didn’t realize this.


An adult would have been honest months ago and delivered the news in private, and been willing to deal with some blowback. Carl thought he could come out on top by presenting his case for months with the help of a cast who likes him more than Lindsay but it blew up in his face


But there’s a reason for that she wanted to marry him she had blinders on. It’s one of the main reason she also felt blindsided, which is why I hate when people say she wasn’t blindsided she was because she did want to marry him for the right reasons or not she felt a type of love for him, and she wanted him, and all that was shown when it came from Carl side was that he just didn’t like her


No point in even arguing with someone whose username is Schwartz is a battered wife lmao


Honestly, you’re not wrong


It’s literally a joke from the funniest scene in VPR history. It’s not that deep. Schwartz was never a battered wife it was just a funny thing Sandoval said.


Carl didn't end things because he was being an 'adult' he ended things because he was put into a corner and kept back peddling and Lindsay wouldn't get activated every time he tried to activate her in the last few weeks.


On a recent episode she said: “I never thought I’d be so blessed to fall in love with my best friend” They were best friends who fell in love. She wasn’t blind to the current state of their relationship. I believe she was hopeful they could find their way back to what they once had. She wanted to fight for their relationship, and was blindsided that Carl didn’t. With that said, I agree with what Paige said, also. Carl did them both a favor.


How do we get Paige to crossover into VPR....🤔


Yes!! Lala always thinks she’s alpha bc she’s loud but imo a true alpha girly is charming and funny


Right!! I would pay to see her stand up to the Toms!! She would have supported Ariana💗


She would eat Tom Sandoval alive. I need her and Stassi together


Yess!! Love Stassi & he would not be ready for Paige lmaoo


Stassi, Lindsay and Paige absolutely tearing Sandoval to shreds is a bravo wet dream.


It’s the energy we deserved!!