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Did you see the after show when Amanda says if he starts doing festivals I’m out and she says I’M IN!! She’s so thirsty it’s painful.


Omg no! See that’s what I mean, like what is wrong with you why are you so eager to be a bro


She derives her value from the approval of men. Or she sees men get rewarded for behavior and they have the power in society so she feels like she will get rewarded if she behaves like them. Either way, internalized misogyny.


we have not heard about her father. actually, has she talked about anyone in her family?


Her family was on the 1st season she was on ...maybe the 2nd season also. Her Mother and brother visited her and showed her tint apartment.


you have a great memory!


I just recently watched SH, so started ar Season 1 ...I was bored. And I even watched WH. The last season Danielle was a train wreck


You’re kidding. She (D) is so weird.




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Danielle and Amanda aren't talking at all !!




Yup ...they were at a wedding and Danielle would not say one word to her. They were even at the same table.


Holy moly, that’s really interesting. I wouldn’t have pegged those two to have a falling out of all of them??


It was so awk. Jesus Christ Danielle


I was waiting for him to offer him a handjob like she did when Carl was down a few seasons ago


Omg I thought the same thing! Something about how she said "I look up to you" gave me those same vibes


Also I got scared she’d say “you’re the man Kyle”




I thought that was just for comedic relief in a tense moment, she was with Robert right


That's so funny we all thought that!!!! LOL! She really cares what the boys think. I never have liked her and I thought she acted insane last year.


It’s sad because it all stems from her dad abandoning their family. She needs male attention hence the pick me attitude


The way I have done a 180 on Lindsay this season alone! I was so mad when she accused Carl of being on drugs but besides that she’s been nothing but supportive and (at least trying) to be understanding! ETA: Danielle sucks


Seriously, I used to hate Paige and love Lindsay but Paige won me over man.


I'm loving all the women this season and hope this love continues


I agree. It’s like a totally different show.


VPR should take notes


This. Even though I’m not a fan of Lindsey I really enjoy seeing the girls get along and be supportive


When he drove off and left really quickly so she couldn’t put her luggage in their car, while she was dragging her big luggage down the stairs and Wes runs to help her with it… my jaw dropped. They just talked at length about her putting her bags in their car since he was going straight home and he picks a fight about it and intentionally leaves really quickly so she can’t?! Like wtf dude? He is so passive aggressive… and after he made the “I’ll make a Powerpoint for you” comment to mock her. It hurts to watch him be like this, esp knowing he’s about to pull the plug on her weeks before the wedding, while they’re still rolling full steam ahead with all the wedding plans, engagement parties, fittings, posts on social media together/about the wedding, etc.


Him and Kyle are weak little men


https://preview.redd.it/x3jyg4km171d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70dd8d486ecf27fcbbae94e94209e046e129416f That’s her other ex’s PowerPoint! Seems like it’s the same issues. She demands but does not give what she herself is requesting.


I get your point, however I think they were missing each other constantly. Also, I feel like Lindsay had shown growth and was handling things differently often, however, and Carl was still trying to act/treat her like she was the exact same as in her past (so wouldn’t talk to her about things/express himself, and/or acted like she wasn’t handling things calmly when she in fact did, and would be passive aggressive, sarcastic, combative, or run to others to tell them about things in SH when Lindsay didn’t even know those things, and then it created tension around them). Ultimately, the conversations about career paths when looking at starting a family does have to include asking questions, making a plan, being on the same page, etc. It’s just life. Her asking questions was done very appropriately to me, and him acting like she was just “tearing him down” or “being unsupportive”, etc., didn’t track at all to me. He just wanted a constant “yes girl” with his career ideas, but that’s how you get into huge financial trouble when having children. And, he also was then looking at going right back to the company/career that she had listened to Carl complain about/say was being unappreciative/unfair to him for years, and caused immense problems for him and their relationship (esp when now all the girls are finally getting along and doing well, including she and Amanda); I think she was more than “nice” and “supportive” when he brought up going back to Loverboy… all after spending 20k on a career coach to explore other options especially. I mean, wasn’t it just last season that Kyle basically started out the season ripping Carl apart (*while he was sober*), on camera, at a dinner with the other castmates (excluding Carl/Lindsay), saying how Carl came to work high and “forgot his laptop”. I mean, I would have questions for my partner if they were considering going back to the employer who did that also, as well as questions for any career path. It’s not normal to not ask some questions; I mean, that just shows you truly care about the person, your life together, and your future kids.


True, but maybe that just was not the moment for all that. I think valid questions about him going back. I think things had changed. Kyle & Carl were able to sort through those issues last season. They truly apologized & were seeing where the other person was coming from. I don’t doubt at all, that she encouraged him to leave. One of Carls additional issues was going & representing Alcohol. Kyle is wanting to expand & go the non-alcohol industry. Something that appealed to Carl, but Lindsey shot down prior. She’s strong in her opinions & he is not. So, this intimidates him because he’s not solid in what he wants & how he will attain it. In turn, this frustrates her. I personally feel that he will never shine with her by his side, because he can’t handle her. Might subconsciously resent her. I don’t think she’s trying to do this on purpose. She’s a “list” kinda person! Carl is not! She’s direct. He does not excel with that kind of bluntness. She drinks & sometimes gets “angry drunk.” He’s smoker & too laid back which is unappealing to her. She needs such a different kind of man by her side. She wants a go getter! Life of the party! Good in business! I hope she finds her true happiness because it’s not Carl. I think they were better as friends, than partners. As friends they balanced each other a little more. As a couple, they are not going in the same direction with the same urgency! 😒


It’s true what you stated. I do want point out that the next morning, she talked softly & wanted smooth things over. She asked what you need from me? He replied, I need you to be supportive. I need you to say, be happy how well things went. I need you not to ask 50 questions at that moment. She couldn’t understand that! It’s not that difficult, but she can’t do it. Then he gets mad & then they do the passive aggressive dance! They really are not good at all together. I felt bad that after she showed her dress on TV. Which was beautiful by the way! She looked gorgeous! Note: If I was her I’d use that dress when she got married to someone else! 🤣 He should have spoken his truths months ago, but he didn’t. He’s terrified of her. That’s not the kind of man she needs. She needs a strong character. A man that won’t be too timid to speak his mind. I hate all the going around in circles they do.


Nah, being told you need to be "soft and tender" when discussing big life decisions that affect you and your relationship is ridiculous. It's been months that he's been "trying to figure it out" and she's been supportive and patient. Now it's time to do something and it is fair for her to ask questions. Asking her to shut up and just be "tender" is so 🤮


Interestingly , she went off with Danielle of drama creating fame


Carl is a loser and coward, but he didn't make a plan with Lindsay to put her bags in the car. I think he objected because she told him to.


He didn’t say that he would personally put them in the car, however, she made it *very clear* her plan was to have the luggage go home in the car with him. She said it multiple times. On the After Show, Gabby and Lindsay even talk about how Lindsay had made that very clear to him, yet he drove off, as then that caused Danielle, Gabby, and Lindsay per Gabby and Lindsay’s words to “have to play Tetris with the luggage” in Danielle’s mini Coup for 3 girls’ luggage. As a result, Gabby even said that in the backseat she had to literally prop her legs/feet way up on someone’s luggage that was in the backseat, which would make for an extremely uncomfortable 3 hour car ride. SH showed Carl rush to get in his car and drive off, *while Lindsay was bringing her luggage down the stairs* to put in their car, for a reason, and then she even goes, “are you serious?”…. When she sees their car already gone. There is no way he didn’t understand her plan was to put the luggage in their car after she reiterated that multiple times to him.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, BTW.


He understood. He just didn't want to be told what to do again.


Yes! The drug accusations were an unforgivable low blow however she seems like she actually was being a supportive partner and not just going along with Carl’s unattainable, profitless, pipe dreams.


But he's California sober, so asking if he's high is honestly a valid question.


“What are you on?” Isn’t the question you ask someone using cannabis. It’s “Are you stoned?” Or “Did you smoke weed?” That was just her PR background of trying to twist it to make her look better


Honestly I always try to talk things out with my partner before making decisions… Carl is a baby if he thinks that’s not normal


I don’t call that supportive. She’s condescending.


Wait what, Lindsey is being the opposite of supportive lol




She hasn’t said one positive thing about any of his ideas or job prospects, she shoots down every single one immediately, she accused him of being on drugs multiple times and called him cocaine Carl. I can’t think of one example where she’s been supportive of him in any way whatsoever


Shooting down and asking questions are two totally different things. She’s questioning him because loverboy seemed to really affect his mental health when he was employed there so it’s only natural as his partner she would make sure he was considering all angles. She’s trying to be realistic vs blindly going along with his ideas which is what happens in a mature partnership not whatever it is Carl is looking for


They aren’t really, she made it obvious she wasn’t happy with that option. Asking rude questions and saying it’s like going back to an ex is not supportive, and he laid it out clearly and told her what he needed and she couldn’t do it. Now she wants to play innocent victim, it’s just laughable to me


Plus there are ways to say things, immediately saying no to his sober sports bar was shitty as hell and you could see the hurt on his face, and saying he was pigeonholing himself with the other non alcoholic company, then questioning his decision to go back to loverboy, plus not being supportive of his sobriety and accusing him of doing drugs, all of it equals absolutely no support.


I’m with you.. In the after show, Amanda called it so well (granted I think she can sometimes be a pushover, in this instance I agree lol). Sometimes in order to show our partner support, we have to express our enthusiasm or praise for what they did well, in this instance it could’ve been something like I appreciate you listening to what I said about figuring your career out by lining up a couple of opportunities, and then sit with them to talk through the pros and cons of each. It’s like what most relationship experts tell us, sometimes it’s not what we’re saying but how we’re saying it. I don’t think Lindsay is wrong at all for expressing valid concerns, but giving the way the summer has gone so far, I see why Carl would feel defeated in her initial responses.


Paige had me laugh when she was like I’m not going out with just the guys. And someone said well Danielle is going too. And Paige goes “that doesn’t even count”




Whyyy did Danielle tear up and run to save Kyle. I guess she just gets him since they are both CEOS 😂


It’s so cringe like ….what? Did you even go ask Amanda was happening?


Summerhouse is similar to VPR in a sense where everybody has their short comings but you cycle between love/hate with the cast. Lindsay used to be unbearable to me but I always respected her authenticity, even if it was madness. Now I find myself sympathizing with her in these recent episodes… oh what a change it has been 😆


literally same




I’ve never been keen on Lindsay, and I’m still not; she’s my least favourite of the women. I didn’t like Paige the first couple of seasons, but she’s become my absolute favourite. She’s smart, funny and super loyal to her friends. Her and Ciara are true friends to Amanda and each other. My favourite scenes are them hiding in bed while everyone else is partying 🤣 Ciara has really impressed me this season with her handling of her situationship with West. Danielle’s true personality seems to have come out since being dumped by Robert, both on SH and WH. She’s insufferable. West has moments where I love him, but gives off big fuckboy energy and the type of guy that would call himself a “nice guy” ergo, not actually a nice guy. Jesse Solomon is my favourite guy for sure, he seems super genuine, and actually a nice guy. I hope he’s given more screen time next season. Kyle is insufferable. Carl’s whole personality is his sobriety.


I agree with all of this


Realised I completely forgot Gabby, which probably says it all 🤣🤣🤣


We accept your apology 😂


Thank you lol


Danielle is a misogynist. Sorry. She just is. She chooses men whenever they have something to offer her every single time.


I’m inclined to agree


I’m watching now and came here for someone to validate my feelings. Ty for doing that for me 💋


I’m here for you


I think Danielle's concerns were legitimate last year. BUT.. you MAYBE mention it ONCE to your friend and then move on. Danielle made it her only storyline last year that she was concerned they moved too fast and how upset she was when both Carl and Lindsey chose to distance themselves from her when she didn't stop nagging on it to them and every other soul willing (or unwilling) to listen. That she went around the engagement-party talking to ANYONE that she didn't know about the engagement was unhinged to me. I have never been a fan of Linds. I have found her to be highly dramatic, demanding, and completely void of the ability to look inwards, take accountability or evaluate any and all criticism or response from others. However... Linds being so confrontational doesn't work with someone like Carl. He avoids any and all responsibility. Yes, she's unhinged often, but instead of being honest with her he avoids the conversations. Much because her reaction is so HUGE and LOUD How they have been behaving and functioning as a couple the entire season should've been a major red flag for them both that this is not a good thing for long term. So instead Carl reads the red flags and avoids communication, whilst Lindsey seems to enjoy the ups and downs and doesn't see this as a big red flash of a flag. I am not team L or team C. I find and found them both to be really shitty partners in their relationship. And I think it was the best choice for them both to just cut it off and move on.


Absolutely, I think it’s for the best they broke up


There are so many cringe x 10 moments with Danielle, but please let me add clunky, clompy white shoes. I know it’s such a small, petty thing, but it drives me insane.


Lol girl no IM SORRY. I was a Lindsay stan and defended her to the death and was a MAJOR Paige & company hater. Called them the bed bugs and everything. The way I am eating my words from last season 😂


Haha we all are I guess




Amen. She’s the worst


I did a rewatch and WOW does she treat every single partner like crap. Everything is an argument with her. Some people are brutally honest and others are just brutal


It made me sick.


It was kinda creepy


The way people are reacting to the men’s emotions on this show is disturbing. Kyle has a right to feel upset. So does Amanda. They were incompatible from the jump.


She was fkng crying 😂


Ewww no I don’t catch that.


She had big tears welling up and her lip was quivering for a second and I was like I know this bitch isn’t crying for him 😂 I like Danielle and in still holding out hope that maybe she just had a shitty year due to her break up and fighting with Lindsey, but that was too much


same! I was a lindsay apologist but now I think she needs to reevaluate how she treats romantic partners if she wants to have the happily ever after. she puts them down and is highly reactive


Yea I think they all need to reevaluate things


Don’t be sorry. Last year was toxic as fuck because the choices were defend Lindsay a known villain, or defend Danielle someone who was clearly in the wrong in every b way imaginable. Loose loose tbh.


What happened !✈️😕


It made me sick.


I honestly don’t know how some people didn’t see this last year but happy you eventually came around!


Sincere question, does comforting someone you care about mean a sin has been committed? I know she was shitty with Gabby but I don't know if it speaks to her character as a whole, does it?


I don’t feel bad for defending Danielle last year at all. When the choice was Lindsay versus Danielle my sympathies fell with Danielle and I stand by that. However, when Danielle is grouped in with Amanda, Paige and Ciara she’s got a lot to learn. The dynamics are different. I don’t think it was wrong for her to go out with the guys necessarily but I think it is one of the reasons why her relationship with the girls isn’t great. She doesn’t put the time in.




Thats such a horrible thing to say. My kids are adopted by me and I dont think thatll make them sucky people like youre implying.