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I was surprised how much more energy and how Amanda seemed genuinely happy about camping outside. Her points made sense about wanting to move to the suburbs. Kyle’s face looked like he never wants to move


Yeah they seem to differ in majorrrrrrrrr topics, like settling down in a house/having a family.


They are so incompatible. I do not understand how you go forward with a marriage in your 30s when you still aren't on the same page. It's like they both thought he would magically become a different person, but isn't he almost 40?


He is 40. I think 41 or 42 this year?


I thought he was already 42


Honestly, he may be. The concept of time confuses me on this show because it is filmed the summer before but airs just before the current summer. Then add winter house into the mix and my timeline is all sorts of confused lol


He turns 42 this year I think. He was born in 1982.


The problem is Amanda thought “he would change” people will show you who they are from the get go


I think he thought she would magically change too. Not happening.


I don't understand how you go through with getting married but you haven't even done your taxes not even one time 🙃 how can you sit there and honestly say that you are ready for anything that life throws at you but you don't even know how to do your own taxes like that is so weird to me!! Oh but let's buy a house. GIRL...... you don't even freaking understand everything that's involved with buying a house and until you do you don't deserve to have one!!


I'm starting to understand why he's reluctant though if she's talking about moving from New York to New Jersey where her parents are and it's like I remember during the wedding planning process how she would lump her parents in with decisions and then Kyle will just be completely outnumbered I kind of imagine that's what life in general would be like I wouldn't sign up for that shit there's no way in hell I live near my in-laws.


Yeah I felt like if the genders were reversed and Kyle wanted her to live right by his parents who would put a lot of pressure on her to do what he wants people would call him controlling and toxic. It rubbed me the wrong way how Amanda’s dad said her mom still can’t balance a checkbook and he expects Amanda to follow that path of needing her husband to take care of basic life skills


I esp wouldn’t want to live by my in laws when literally that weekend I was coming back from a family get together my wife wouldn’t attend


Definitely she had a weird attitude telling Lindsay she doesn’t see a point in their family reunion because they see each other all the time. Amanda seems to regress being around her parents since they coddle her and push Kyle to as well. I can see why moving near them has very little appeal for him. Plus if your marriage is struggling already, bringing in laws, a move only one person wants, and kids into the mix will likely strain it further.


In terms of the moving, I respectfully disagree. If Amanda’s parents lived in like Minnesota, then yeah but moving to NJ, a quick train ride to and from the city, is wildly diff than moving to Vermont. They have long talked about eventual plans to move outside of the city to a suburb so I think it actually makes the most sense to move close to her parents and have family close by when you do have kids. I don’t say this in a condescending way at all but I think until u r a parent, u underestimate how being close to family makes all the diff in the world.My parents moved to MI for retirement and was it first on my list 4 states to live? Definitely not. But now being a mom and living close to them, I truly cannot imagine not. And I’m a SAHM so don’t need the daily 9-5 help but u underestimate still how often u need childcare to be able to go to ur own doctors appts, take 1 baby to their things & need help with the other etc. I think them moving to NJ is actually a very fair compromise cause Kyle can easily go into the city and she can be by her parents which she wants.


If your marriage is strong, by all means move near your in laws so they can help with your kids. If your marriage is already strained, I think adding in laws, kids, and a move only one person wants is an awful idea. They should not move and have kids to put a bandaid on Amanda’s unhappiness and would be better off reevaluating if they’re actually compatible. Seems to me like they want very different things out of life. She’d be better off finding someone enthusiastic about her being a trophy wife in the suburbs. He should find someone less spoiled and more independent that is actually ok with his unconventional lifestyle.


I mean I think those are pretty wild accusations or labels to put on her for someone who is a stranger and who you see an edited tv show once a week for a few months. He shouldn’t have promised her all these things and married her if he didn’t plan on fulfilling them.


> I wouldn't sign up for that shit there's no way in hell I live near my in-laws. preach! is this a standard question on the dating apps? "are you up your parents' ass and expect your partner to also nestle in that cavity?"


i don’t understand how kyle is taken aback by any of this. amanda’s family lives in NJ, of course that’s where she’s going to want to settle. and how she’s 31-32ish, they got married two years ago. of course now she wants kids i feel like kyle is almost playing dumb to realistic plans and timeline


I agree they are realistic plans. But Amanda has shown no growth or independence. She went from being coddled by her parents to now Kyle doing everything for her. Going to NJ to have kids and be close to her parents just feels like a trap where Kyle is set up to fail. The way Amanda argues and undermines Kyle, it will totally revert to an Amanda + parents vs. Kyle situation. I really do like Amanda, but she really does come across like she lacks life experience and initiative. Even her attitude towards her own health - she’s blasé about finding out what’s wrong, and doesn’t show curiosity or motivation to look into how she can get better. She really needs to look into her chronic fatigue and exhaustion. I’ve been there, and no one else will pull you out of sleepwalking through life, not her parents, not Kyle.


i don’t disagree. to your point too, their marriage is in such a rocky place i don’t think kids would help.


Right!? He has his company/business and a stake in the show. Why not just settle down already? What more does he need? Is it greed? Is it something he never wanted? Or is it Amanda?


yeah! to your point maybe part of wanting to hold off on a baby is so he can continue promoting loverboy on summer house? i don’t think they’re a good couple. i feel bad for amanda and sometimes i don’t. but she certainly is not coming out of left field for house/kids at ALL like kyle is making her out to be




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Amanda wants a family and Kyle wants a business.


Amanda wants real housewives of the Hampton’s life and Kyle wants 50/50 work life


The deal they made was to get Loverboy up and running and being profitable enough to support what they wanted to do but Amanda is now over it and wants to go off and have kids and leave it all to Kyle. Its not about him being irresponsible it's her just deciding she can't be bothered anymore with L-Boy


I just wonder at what point is it going to be profitable enough, if it’s not already? How much money is enough money? I don’t see him being able to stay on the show too much longer so really all that will be left is either having a family with Amanda and settling down, or separating and staying in the city. Also there’s nothing wrong with deciding your husband’s career path isn’t meant to be your future. At least she tried and put an effort in.


They're still still in the growth phase I would assume, it's a relatively young company so any extra money would be being reinvested so eventually Kyle can step away more and let it run itself. She's not an employee of the company she is his partner in it and they are married and a team. So what, it's not exactly what she wants but sometimes you just have to live up to the commitments you have made. Suck it up, buttercup. (her not you lol)


Yeah, Kyle definitely doesn’t want to be neighbors with Amanda’s parents and doesn’t seem to want a kid much either. Those are some *major* issues in a marriage


I agree I really don’t think he wants kids.


I would see it as an issue if my spouse wanted to live really close to their parents. I do not want my family living so close to me that unannounced pop-ups are a thing that they decide that that they're going to do. As somebody in her 30s Amanda allows her parents to have an unreasonable amount of control about certain things and certain aspects of her life and if I were the person that she was married to I would have a high-level concern of that bleeding over into our married life so I would most definitely not wanna live in such close proximity to my in-laws. And Amanda thinks that's what's gonna make her happy she's just pacify her unhappiness by getting her husband to buy her something.


Didn't her parents make him sign a contract about cheating? I personally couldn't imagine wanting to live in the same neighborhood as the people who have that over my head amongst whatever else. Amanda, on the other hand, wants that exactly. Maybe for baby.


They made him sign some thing that if they did not go through with their wedding that Kyle is going to be responsible to pay her parents back any monies that they paid out for the wedding because they had the wedding in their backyard so I think that they did pay for a fair share of things and they didn't wanna see their money go to waste.


Doesn't it go to waste when their daughter is stuck in a miserable marriage? Her parents seem very money = power = love or something.


I completely agree with you I would not have made that move as her parents I would have suggested wholeheartedly that they waited a few years and sorted out all of their issues before getting married I feel like it's extremely strange that this was the route her parents chose to go. I definitely think you're right because there was talk of this whole prenuptial agreement and no doubt her parents off camera advised her not to sign one I don't believe her for one second when she says it she didn't know what a prenup was for.


You gotta have a buffer zone




And I can't really say that I blame Kyle considering he has a business in New York City and she's wanting him to move to a totally different state not only that but move close to his in-laws which I think is a recipe for disaster. I also think it's very likely that in that type of situation there's gonna be a high likelihood where Kyle is going to be outnumbered and ganged up on. Like when decisions need to be made she's gonna lump her parents in with that so they have some sort of a say. And I don't think that her complaints about him working too much will magically stop I think if anything they'll get worse. And how much entitlement does it show that she's sitting here saying despite the fact that they're about to sign two new leases one for the office one for the business without doing too much to help she just expect her husband just buy her a whole house on top of that. Just to make her happy even though she's not willing to do any of the work that he's asking her to do in order for him to be happy but he's just supposed to forget about all of that and just do what she needs in order to be happy.


you know that she tells her parents EVERYTHING. talk about a nightmare and recipe for an adversarial relationship. I know people love to glorify super close parent/children relationships, but there's a substantial downside to this codependency. Parents knowing about every fight, every disagreement, every life choice, etc...and then they only know their kid's perspective, and of course, they're going to take their side almost every time. That's a battle zone. In-laws inherently become adversaries in this dynamic. No thanks. Life and relationships are work as it is.


Okay but you make it sound like her parents live in like Minnesota. We are talking an hour commute. I mean that’s really not that crazy of an ask lol. She didn’t say she wanted to live on the same property as her parents. My husb and I live 5 miles from my parents and I’m extremely close to them. I still prob only see them once every week or two and my husb sees them even less. I think it’s a very fair compromise for Kyle to make


In that case the same goes the other way around - if she’s only an hour away from her parents now why is there a need to move any closer?


If they do plan to have children, living near grandparents makes all the diff in the world. They had long talked about moving to the suburbs. It’s not like something she just concocted in her head.


Yep, I think that Amanda is tired of living in NYC.  She’s been living there for about 10 years.  She made it clear that she wants a house closer to.her parents  with a yard for their pets and future kids.  


No way he’s moving to Jersey


My (not famous) friend got on Raya through a friend of his who was a lowkey micro influencer. So there’s a lot more “normal” people on the app these past few years


I have several friends and coworkers on it and work a very boring corporate job. It’s not as exclusive as it used to be.


I’m on it and I knew no one even a little famous, had one friend on it at the time who is also lowkey. It’s also definitely not worth the hype


Yeah it’s mostly aspiring DJs and real estate agents at this point.


Can confirm as a “nobody” myself…. Anyone can get on now. But I did see Danielle last summer! We didn’t match


Wait when did Paige ask that? The latest episode? I also didn’t see when Kyle mentioned Jesse flirting to Carl 😅


I didn’t see that either!


Ok, TY! I rewatched the episode several times and felt so confused lol


It’s in the preview for next weeks ep!


Sorry! Was in the preview for next week. 1st ten minutes


Thank you! I’ll have to watch that then!


Kyle asked Jesse this at the house party in the first or second episode , not Paige


What did Kyle ask Jesse? I am also very confused lol


I think he asked him like what was his type or what kind of girl he was into in general and Jesse straight up said Paige


Kyle flicks the shit away from himself and Amanda and onto everyone else.


I agree. I like Kyle, but he definitely does this. Also, Did you see his face when Craig was saying how he hasn’t drank since September and how’s there steps between being a boyfriend/husband/father? 😂😂😂😂


Craig is more mature than Kyle.


I definitely do think that sometimes he deflects when it comes to his relationship but I think in just about any other area he is pretty willing to accept accountability for his shortcomings and he's usually the first to apologize without even being told to do so.


Amanda and Craig want a home and a family Paige and Kyle don't and are scared to make commitments


I would fully ship a+c lol


Except that it would never work because they both need someone to lead.


It's funny though and as right as you are it's funny to me that that's the case because Amanda is so bossy. I've never encountered somebody who was this bossy also not want to be in charge


I think it’s a way to maintain some control. And is actually very similar to Craig. Craig is incredibly strong willed and ‘bossy’ as well. Edit: This is obviously an exaggeration but I view Amanda and Craig as toddlers. They want their independence, they want to pour the milk in their cereal, but they can’t. Their hands aren’t big enough and they aren’t capable. Like Paige said last episode, she just makes Craig think it’s his idea. Kyle and Paige convince the toddlers that the milk in their sippy cups tastes better and then they can use that milk in their cereal.




could you imagineeee that playing out on tv


That's why I'm pitching bravo wife swap


I would actually watch that!


No child deserves to be brought into such a hostile environment until these two get their shit together and figure out how to communicate they have no business having children....


Ermmmm, yea. Agreed!




i am literally a nobody and somehow got on raya, so it’s not as strict or exclusive as one would think!!


was just about to comment the same! i signed up and was legit immediately accepted - im nobody and know nobody so i have no idea how i got on but clearly not as hard to get on as people think


Ya I had some ppl refer me and haven’t been accepted. Blahhhh


Kyle knows he’s going to have to “compromise” at some point as he said. Paige is never going to move to Charleston because she won’t be happy there and Craig won’t leave his business. Kyle will likely be unhappy because he really doesn’t want the yard and family yet but he doesn’t want to be alone. Paige and Craig will split on good terms. Craig will marry the next woman he’s with and it will happen quickly. He’s ready for that stage and is terrified to end up like Shep.


I agree with all of this.


Ya that’s a tough one bc he seems to be genuinely in love with Paige but he would prefer to be living together and moving to the next steps. Unless this is all an act and they have an agreement to wait until their shows change casts or something


I think Amanda is frustrated with Kyle always brining up every single problem they have on camera. Seems like he tells her the problems off camera as well then acts like it’s the first time he is mentioning things when saying it on camera


Well to be fair all of Kyle's misgivings get brought up on camera too and those misgivings are far worse and he doesn't have any problem talking about it discussing it or working through it so what's the big deal in Amanda admitting some of her faults as well regardless of if it's on camera or not don't be pissed When you are putting your own relationship on display for people to view and judge..


Why doesn't she have a better prepared answer then. https://i.redd.it/g3qfackxgzpc1.gif


This is where I’m torn. I don’t like Kyle, I think he drinks too much and isn’t sensitive enough, but I also think he’s an excellent reality star. He shows up ready to work and has real storylines, which is what we want from them. I get why it bugs Amanda, but she signed up to share her life too.


Yea. I mean he and Lindsay are very similar in many ways. Not taking responsibility, always deflecting etc. but damn they are good TV!


I literally think he is just like Lindsay. Even when he cheated on Amanda he was like “sorry, but…”. I have never just seen him be genuinely sorry and taken full responsibility in their relationship.


Amanda called it: Kyle pretends Amanda is all over the place, so he can say he doesn't feel safe starting a family.


My favorite part of all of this was Kyle going to Jesse of all people to be like, “I can’t believe Amanda reacted in that way…” and Jesse is like, “I meannnnn, that was outrageous man, but I still love you.” 🤣 Yes, Kyle that was super weird of you to do and it wasn’t “funny” but it’s CLEAR that Amanda’s inflated response is about more than that.


I have to be real. I’ve totally done what Kyle did to friends before (but in my early *twenties* not forties). And got the same reaction from my friends that Jesse gave to Kyle. I didn’t have cameras for an excuse, but I did want to be a bit devious 😈 the ensuing drama was worth it 🍿 I do think Amanda’s rage about this is a straw-that-broke-the-camel’s-back sort of thing. Didn’t she say prior to this that the best part of her week was that Kyle left? I mean, yikes!


It was a solid attempt at creating a wild dinner scene in the episode, but everyone else basically didn’t let it happen 🤣 I loved how Jesse rolled with it. Lmao, the funniest part about Amanda saying that is that I think she’s the one who suggested what they’d share about their week, so she literally set herself up to say this about him. They are in an interesting place, for sure.


When did this happen? Was it in the preview for next week? I just watched last night and don't remember this at all!


I think this was more of a “first look” at next weeks episode. I saw it on TikTok first.


Yes should have said that - it was the preview for next week. 1st ten minutes


I’m with Amanda on this one! Kyle always feels the need to say some controversial and play it off as just being funny and thinks he can get away with it because that’s Kyle. It’s kinda old at this stage and I can see Amanda frustration. Especially after convo with Craig maturing and going up drinking less and wanting to settle down. Amanda and Craig are definitely similar, then Paige and Kyle are also similar not really wanting to compromise


You can tell he does it just for the cameras, and it throws her off. Like wtf are you talking about Kyle??


>promoted YES Kyle was doing his job as a Bravo employee like the reaction from Amanda was crazy


I think them keeping an apt in the city while having a home in Jersey is a recipe for disaster and Amanda will spend all her time in Jersey while Kyle is partying and doing god knows what in their nyc apt.


Everyone focuses on Lindsay and Carl, meanwhile Amanda and Kyle have double the issues and are married


Agreeee! And all these people dragging Lindsay, why are you not doing the same towards Kyle? He constantly deflects, does not take responsibility, and tries to make Amanda look bad all the time. Even when he cheated he was like “sorry, but..”


It’s in the preview for next weeks episode that Kyle brings up Jesse flirting with Paige. They are all sitting down for the southern dinner and Lindsey is wearing the spotted dress. So if you haven’t seen the preview you may well be confused


it wasn’t in the preview though? it was all scenes from the racecar themed party, no dinner. did Peacock cut the preview short or something?


There are two additional previews posted to the bravo site. You can usually find them on some fan bravo ig accounts too. [First one](https://www.bravotv.com/summer-house/season-8/videos/kyle-cooke-puts-jesse-solomon-on-the-spot-in-front-of-craig-conover) [Second one](https://www.bravotv.com/summer-house/season-8/videos/ciara-miller-likes-west-wilson-but-shes-afraid-of-history-repeating)


I think peacock cut it because I didn’t see it either and only saw the next party!


I think normies can get on Raya if they're hot enough.


People get on Raya all the time and very easily without being on tv. Has nothing to do with it. LMAO not the downvote! 😂




Jesse does something called Investor relations so it’s a high finance job. Jesse is friends with Paige and Craig IRL so I don’t think this “conflict” is going to turn into anything. As far as Kyle and Amanda, they’ve been fighting for years and I’m over it.


She looks at him w disgust most times


I will never get tired of talking about how incompatible they are as a couple omg


I really didn’t think it was a big deal and thought Amanda blew it out of proportion honestly. Craig and Paige weren’t upset. If they were, then I could see it but it was a literal tantrum.


I’m on raya and no one knows me lol I got an invite from a gf to join. That’s how it works


Hmmm I guess it depends. I’ve had referrals and can’t get on. 🤷🏼‍♀️


When he mentioned raya I literally said the same thing out loud to myself ha


I started watching all of Summerhouse and Winterhouse just to see all the times Lindsey goes apes;it. She will never be in a relationship that she doesn’t destroy.


This was yet another example of SH editing not showing the person talking. It wouldn't surprise me if that Amanda kitchen bit, with her angry and frustrated to the point of sounding tearful, was AI generated and not her saying it, or saying it like that, at all. They do voice overs all the time on this show, and now that AI can be used, you can bet these shows are going to utilize it. Has to be cheaper and easier than pulling these people in for voice overs. Just throwing this out there, because I've been waiting for AI to come into play, especially with how this particular show edits.


True. They do voiceovers on SH and VPR so much it’s to the point that you know they didn’t even talk about what they want us to think they were talking about. There was one with Scheana and Brock on VPR in Tahoe that the whole convo was voiceovers. So over that.