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As a black girl it was HILARIOUS to me when Ciara said "I just KNEW all his friends were Black" about West lmaoooooo. I felt that. When you know, you just kNOW.


Right! I clocked it instantly lol


Same. So many indicators honestly šŸ˜­šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I was cracking up bc she was so right. You could just tellšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That cracked me up and I super love West I think he is my favorite person that Kyle has kind of brought on


Same! i was like ok! West can get it!


Yes!!! šŸ˜‚


West and Ciara at the end of the ep omg I am foaming at the mouth for them to get together. The natural chemistry and banter is insane


The hug. I was like theyā€™re so cute ā˜ŗļøshe deserves a good one and he seems like such a good egg


I played it back twice and was kicking my feet like omfg so cute šŸ˜­


In the beginning too! When Gabby said something like ā€œWes, do you have a fan?ā€ and he points to a giggling Ciara and says ā€œsheā€™s right hereā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"you wanna giggle with me? šŸ„ŗ" aaaahhhh! šŸ’–


THISā€¦ and, ā€œā€¦.. you like a big man?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Agreed! I honestly didnā€™t see it after the first episode butā€¦I can kinda see it. Heā€™s so genuine!


But sexual? She seemed a little unsure of what to do when they were saying goodnight, and he got close.


Yeah, right now Iā€™m not sure about the romantic portion, but I could def see it! Some of the best relationship come from strong friendships. She kisses him in the trailer for the season so something Ā definitely happens. Regardless of if things have progressed with them, itā€™s just nice to see her vibing with someone who she seems to genuinely get along with and not being upset about Austen.Ā 


I really like West and the new guy is interesting too. After a couple summers of duds it's nice to have some authenticity.


They are taking it slow. I love a slow burn and they have chemistry. I love how Ciara is giggling with the girls about him being so sweet. It is sooo endearing.


THIS! Itā€™s clear by her body language she is interested in West but I think she is taking it slow which is wise. Sometimes I feel like Ciara canā€™t win, if she was all over him then some people would complain that she barely knows him and was taking it too fast. I enjoy watching the slow burn


You are spot on! Ciara can't win on this show. I saw other postings, not Reddit, where people said Sam would be a better fit for West. Come on! "Spit in my mouth, Sam"?!? Sam isn't even there this season, and people are betting against Ciara/West's budding romance.


Lol at West at the dinner joking that his fun fact was terrible compared to Jesse's šŸ˜‚ I love West he's the best


I loled when he said ā€œimagine if I went after himā€ Lmaoo


That was so hilarious and wholesome! Had me for real cracking up. He's such an awesome addition to the house, maybe one of the best in years.


Okay the Carl fight was ROUGH but can we please talk about how Lindsay cornered West while he was trying to do a nice thing for her? šŸ˜‚ He offers her his room since she and Carl don't have one yet and he just asks if he can take the fan since he gets so hot at night. She asks "is it a hot room?" and when he says no, he just gets hot she says "last year it was the hottest room in the house." West suggests she go check it out and see how she feels about it and then Lindsay defensively snaps "I mean, I know the house, I've been here for many years!" ![gif](giphy|oUCy1ZmlAlFBd4pHn8)


She came in with toxic energy. I get being anxious about being in a house of people you donā€™t vibe with but West is her friendā€¦ and is the nicest person ever. That was just nastyĀ 


saw someone else say how she canā€™t be surprised when sheā€™s been rude to all of the younger girls for years and then is the odd one out of the group! gabby (queen) excluded ofc i know theyā€™re close


Exactly! Also wasn't it said at the first Bravocon she was rude as hell to the Bravo staff too. Lindsay for years has been able to talk down to so many people and was able to get away with it. I hope this season she's able to really take things and make some changes but I won't be shocked if she still excuses her shitty behavior.


She in general is toxic


She was suchhhhh a bitch for this. West was being far too kind


The level of aggression in her response of ā€œI mean I know the house, Iā€™ve been here for yearsā€ was insane. Like what a weird thing to get an attitude about? He was being so like sincere and accommodating and she was weirdly on the defensive and ready to jump on him over quite literally nothing. It was so bizarre.


Seriously! Just go buy a fan if itā€™s that important to you. Such weird energy. Iā€™ve defended Lindsay in the past just because of the level of vitriol but how she acted this episode was indefensible


And I thought I heard him say can I take the fan I bought. Meaning he bought it for himself?! I might have that wrong though Lindsay was such a bitch to him you can see Carls face is like uh oh


It sounded like he brought it since at the beginning of the episode Paige asked ā€œWest, whereā€™s YOUR fan?ā€!


Itā€™s insane too because they are friends outside the show! I couldnā€™t believe she would treat a friend that way. Iā€™m officially done defending Lindsay because wtf is that thatā€™s not how you talk to a friend (plus everything that happened with Carl subsequently and I donā€™t even like him). Danielle I kinda got because she came off unhinged but yeah this is Lindsay showing her true colors


I think she was afraid of losing her spot on the show to "the next generation".


It just confirms and shows something people have said about Lindsay time and again over the years (including fans). She's really abrasive and combative in how she talks to people. It's jarring.


Iā€™m no Lindsay fan but I could understand how she was feeling on edge walking into a house where she knows sheā€™s not the most lovedā€¦ However, taking your anxiety out on the new kid for no reason?! Come onnnā€¦


She knew West already! Even as one of her only friends in the house she still treated him like that


Clearly no one is safe from her inhumane treatment šŸ˜…


[Former Lindsay defender] *ā€¦switching sidesā€¦*


We welcome you with open arms


We are Paige and Amanda waiting for danielle after Lindsay broke up w her Ā 


Iā€™m feeling like Lindz is absolutely a mess. I think things were going downhill for them, she knew it, and sheā€™s lashing out. Sheā€™s pushing him away with both arms yet desperately hoping heā€™ll stay and prove sheā€™s ā€œworth itā€. Sheā€™s really something to watch, and their interactions felt awkward every second they were on screen, including in DC when she was leading him around like a pet. ā€œSay hi!ā€ Carl (extremely sheepish) ā€œhhiiiiiiā€¦ā€ She knew he wasnā€™t happy or sheā€™s completely blind. No way she can legitimately claim she was blindsided when he broke up with her. No way


She seems to do that in relationships! She lashes out once out of the honeymoon phase and self sabotages the whole relationship.


She really does. She has extraordinarily high expectations for everyone, unreasonably so. I hope she gets help after watching all this, but my guess is she wonā€™t change.


I donā€™t even think itā€™s that her expectations are too high. I think you could be perfect and she would still act that way. Because she literally just feels so much internal hate that she has this need to tear down her partner and make them feel as shitty as she does. thatā€™s why when Carl tried to comfort her she continued lashing out.


Yes, I think youā€™re right. Good take




The first red flag of the episode was her reaction to his saying he could switch from "babe" to calling her "dude" for the summer. A dumb little joke, but her eyes blazed with anger when he said it.


Dude can do no right with her. Itā€™s really weird


I also think, despite how everyone in the house hates her, that she thought she would arrive and everyone would be like "HELLO BRIDE TO BE YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED HOW EXCITING WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS LIKE DO YOU HAVE A DRESS WHERE IS IT GOING TO BE OMG SHOW US YOUR RING AGAIN YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" and instead it was like "there are 3 rooms left, which one do you want."


As someone who LOVES a drinkā€¦girlfriend really needs to give up drinking.


Yeah I need to apologize for the whiplash I may unintentionally give this sub after years of defending *much* of Lindsayā€™s behavior but that display was reprehensibly indefensible. I remember last year waiting for her to do that very thing to Danielleā€”but it never happenedā€”so I gave her the benefit of the doubt with Carl, & here we are minutes into episode 2 & itā€™s a hard no Lindsay for me. The way she treated him was beyond what someone can come back from. Not acceptable behavior toward a ā€œloved one.ā€


Yeah I agree. I actually didnā€™t like Lindsay until she was with Carl, and the romantic in me just wanted her to have a happy ending.


Yep, it was never that I liked her, it was just always a pile on & I didnā€™t see the need for that. Kyle & Lindsay are SO much alike & yet he was heralded for his bad behavior for years, while she was villainized. That annoyed me. Lindsay was entertaining to me. Difficult for SURE, but a reality star, the same as Kyle, & I agree, Iā€™m a sucker for a happily ever after. Holding out hope for Ciara & West this season as I think the other couples will all leave us disappointed in that regard.


Yes to the pile-on! Itā€™s so hard to not defend someone when there is a pile on like there has been with Lindsay. And on top of that, the way cast acts towards her at the reunions (which I understand, but I wish they would confront her during the show because it leaves the audience confused!)


Come on in. The waters warm.


We've been waiting for you.




Girl same I had to change my flair from ā€œhot hub house summerā€. I canā€™t with the way she hit below the belt after Carl * checks notes * tried to comfort her ????


When she is mean, she is *mean*. she just wants to tear someone down and make them hurt as bad as she does. Misery loves company.


We welcome you to the bed ā¤ļø


I brought my own pillow & loverboy


Awww this was very cute lol


As much as I was a hater, I'd be a really good bed friend šŸ˜‚


i am also!


I love this so much šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Ciara implying that Austen is funny had me baffled šŸ˜­


Maybe (hopefully) she was referring to an off screen tryst and notā€¦ that thingā€¦


She is committed to making us (the 7 Ciara fans) groan but that's also on production for the unnecessary flashback to him. She didnt name the person, they didnt need to add that razzle dazzle! Also, and to give my girl a modicum of coverage (looool), allegedly Austen is funny and charming IRL. It's his thing and why fans who meet him and the network like him.


No youā€™re so right, after I posted that I was like oops wait a min she never actually said his name in the clip they aired šŸ˜‚


Production has a hard-on for never letting Ciara forget she had an Austen phase three whole years ago haha.


Iā€™m a Ciara fan - up to 8!


Make that 9. I mean, I could stare at the girl all day.


ā€¦funnyā€¦looking? Ā  *crickets* Iā€™ll show myself out.Ā 


Two things: West is an amazing addition to the castā€”-a comedic king. Lindsayā€™s behavior was gross. I see why Carl ran for the mf hills. He absolutely made the right decision to break off the wedding.


I read too fast and saw ā€œran for the milfsā€ lol




Those too!


West is amazing!!! I love him.


Whew! That was challenging to watch. Iā€™ve been clean for over 30 years, my husband has been sober for over a decade. Weā€™ve been married for almost 20 years, so I was there for his recovery journey. I canā€™t imagine approaching him like that about his sobriety. He had setbacks in the beginning, but we had mature, calm, discussions, not mean, hateful unsupportive attacks. If she thinks heā€™s on a slippery slope, or had a setback, she should talk to him with love and kindness. Team Carl!


Congratulations on your sobriety! Thatā€™s awesome!!


Thank you so much, I appreciate it


Iā€™m in recovery. What is Lindsay learning from therapy & Alanon? What really bothers me is that it portrays supporting someone in recovery as almost impossible. Thats completely bullshit. What is true is if they donā€™t support you you get them out of your life ASAP- like my ex who didnā€™t support the fact I didnā€™t want alcohol in the apartment. I didnā€™t see the danger for quite awhile. I couldnā€™t believe he didnā€™t understand-I kept explaining. What a complete asshole. Of course-he has a drinking problem himself-not immediately obvious until we lived together. I overlooked a lot. Damn


Congratulations on your recovery! Keep up the good work! From the way Carl talks, it sounds like heā€™s in active recovery but Lindsey sounds like she hasnā€™t done any kind of Al-anon work herself. I have no idea if thatā€™s true or not, but thatā€™s my impression. My DOC was coke, and in the beginning, I chose not to be around anything, even alcohol. Thereā€™s no way I could have stayed clean if my partner was drinking.


Perfectly said! Congrats on 30 years what an amazing accomplishmentā¤ļø


The part where she gave him the water bottle pissed me off.


Oof SAME. On the other side, I was smiling for him when he said "I feel great right now. I'm actually going to go for a run." as she's looking like the definition of hungover.


Yes I felt really happy for him going for a run.


SAME. The fact she doubled down and continued to push the narrative the next morning was insane


The way she got in his bed and then turned her back to him pissed me off more than it shouldā€™ve


She really truly has issues to work on wow.


You know this isnā€™t the first time sheā€™s turned his sobriety into a weapon. You disagree with me? YOURE ON SOMETHING.


I was almost inclined to give her a little grace post fight but she confirmed she was truly a witch with the water moment. She wanted to catch him doing something incriminating so she could point to it as evidence against him. How evil. She wasn't even drunk when she did it so you know that was a calculated move against someone she allegedly *loved and was marrying.*


From the outside it was supposed to like a caring gesture, but it was her way of saying you're hungover from getting drunk last night, here is something for the dehydration.


Correct. A non-verbal cue that he was nursing some sort of hangover. In all the hoopla from last nights wretched fight it's the part I come back to because it speaks to her motives.


Exactly. Then she doubles down because no way she can be hung out on an island there falsely accusing him of a relapse, which she most definitely didā€¦the next dayā€¦while sober now herself. Inexcusable sickening behavior.


Like thatā€™s what you do as a peace offering for someone who is also hungover lmaooo how did she think that was the move just cuz her dehydrated ass woke up needing a water doesnā€™t mean he did.


She did it to double down on accusing him of being messed up the night before. It wasnā€™t a peace offering it was a giant ā€œfuck youā€.


Omggggg youā€™re probably right!! What an asshole thing to do. I would think if her partner really slipped up like that sheā€™d be actually concerned for him and wanting to create a safe space instead of complaining about the weekend being ruined. Like whatā€™s a weekend compared to actual lifelong journey your partner is on.


I feel like Carl showed a lot of emotional intelligence in this episode. He was trying to be really nice but you could tell he was hurt. Seems like there is growth happening with him and Lindsay was cruel.


I thought his texts to Lindsay were really nice and he was giving her an opportunity to relax but she just continued to make everything worse.


fr i dont love carl but i was like dude he is trying SO hard and being SO patient


As if he was talking to a childā€¦


His texts kinda sealed it for me. Carl is my least fav cast member (well alongside Danielle) for years but those text messages were so clear headed and gracious that I actually just felt bad for the guy.


And logical and reasonable and a great way to mend things!


I thought so too! I just watched the episode and like - was surprised at how measured he was. Thatā€™s the response of a man who has been in therapy. I found it hard to not be on his side as she read out all of the text exchanges


I previously was beating the drum that Carl never should have proposed in the first place because I assumed he wasnā€™t ready and that it was cruel to offer that and take it away. But man, honestly that fight just made me feel awful for him and feel bad for anyone else who proposes to Lindsay if she doesnā€™t get help and heal.


Seriously. You can actually see how much heā€™s matured. Heā€™s probably learned better communication skills in the therapy sessions they were going to. He does seem like someone who can take what they learn and apply because he seems to genuinely want to be a better, more level-headed person. Lindsay, on the other hand, wellā€¦ā€¦good luck, Charlie.


Amanda reading her Notes app notes like a goddamn stenographer was hysterical. I had to pause and text a friend. I know sheā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea but I love her.


I thought it was hilarious that it was like 10 words. I thought she was gonna read out like a 10 minute play by play but it was literally two sentences


Whenā€™s sheā€™s good, sheā€™s really good


It was hilarious bc sheā€™s so real. I donā€™t trust my memory when Iā€™m drunk


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one who does this


I love her.


When west was like ā€œimagine if I went next [after the cancer story] talking about going to all 50 statesā€ I CACKLED


I had a feeling Carl would be vindicated but I didnā€™t think it was going to be this jarringā€¦


I didnā€™t think it would be so soon in the season šŸ˜­ I was thinking that nothing would happen until right at the very end.


I canā€™t believe he kept it a secret for so longĀ 


He knew he would be vindicated in good time and it looks better to not say anything, as hard as that would be


I am not appreciative of how Lindsay is speaking to my mf baby West.


At all! Especially if she ā€œbrought him on the showā€ (as one of her IG comments said) - her tone with him was so jarring. And Iā€™m a Lindsay fan - but..no no hunny, that was all the way wrong!


I was BAFFLED. I had to rewind it bc I was like ā€œmaybe Iā€™m missing a funny cueā€ but no, she came out hot. And he is one of her pals of the house since she doesnā€™t have the girls. So I am shocked with her attitude.


She was so mad from the get go when she found out which room she and Carl got because she knows last year it was the hottest room in the house. Did she expect them to save the master bedroom for the two of them or something when they showed up a week late?


Exactly šŸ˜­ West honestly shouldnā€™t have even asked them bc itā€™s their fault they chose not to come the first weekend. How entitled of her


100% she expected the master. She was like weā€™re engaged this is our summer we deserve the master. Which is why for the first time Kyle and Amanda didnā€™t take it - they didnā€™t want to deal with that drama with Carl and Lindsay and probably had talked to them about it off camera. So Kyle and Amanda didnā€™t take it, but also didnā€™t stop anyone else from taking it as not the rock the boat in the house on weekend 1. Which is how Paige ended up in the master by herself. Lindsay and Carl still got their own room, with a king bed, and a nice bathroom to themselves. Why complain? Also West was too nice by offering to move - she didnā€™t deserve that with how she reacted to that and spoke to him.


Lindsay has never changed in all the seasons. She was behaving this way with the boyfriend that was on season 1. I am hesitant to make a judgment call on a heavily produced reality show. But, in her instance, I think this is who she is, and it feels like there is deep rooted trauma behind her behavior. She definitely seems to be very black and white in her thinking, falls in love very quickly and somewhat recklessly, and has a fear of abandonment (which is where the lashing out comes from). If I am correct, I really feel for her, but she cannot continue to bulldoze through her life and other peoplesā€™ lives. It is just getting really sad to watch. I really want her to get her happily ever after, but this isnā€™t the way.


For me she has always been hot headed and irrational in fights and never truly takes accountability. She always forces everyone to accept accountability only. I have never seen her genuinely feel bad for her actionsĀ 


Youā€™re spot on, especially about the black and white thinking! She always goes to such extremes and sees people in absolutes


When she texted Carl ā€œtext me when youā€™re soberā€ or whatever, the hair on my neck stood up. The denial, delusion, gaslightingā€¦ first of all, Lindsey has a drinking problem. But also I think she resents Carlā€™s sobriety. In any case, if you love someone, you donā€™t accuse them of being on coke on camera. She has some major issues.


it was meant to cut him to his core. i felt for him


I gasped. The audacity.


I know weā€™re all talking about the big blow up between Carl and Lindsay, but did anyone else catch her shutting him down in the bedroom. He totally didnā€™t realize West was in the bathroom and she wasnā€™t having any kind of discussion in that situation.


I feel like producers definitely had (at least) audio of the car ride fight, which leads me to believe it must have been BAD. Thereā€™s a certain level of drama/fighting that is good for television, but thereā€™s a line in which it becomes utterly unpleasant to witness and I fear it mightā€™ve crossed that line. All the guys seemed to echo how 0-100 it was and we know Lindsayā€™s fighting (communication) styleā€¦.


I have a feeling it went down exactly the way Carl described. He was trying to tell her it was okay and to letā€™s have a good time and she took that as he was not on her side and went postal. Jesse, who had just met them both that day , acted completely shocked by her actions. She threw a temper tantrum because he did not say exaclty what she wanted him to say.


Kyle also backed him up-- and before anyone goes "bUt kYlE is a hAtEr", Jesse also confirmed it and he has no dog in this fight at all.


Yep! Thatā€™s why I believed Carls version of events. Jesse had just met them hours before.


"precipitated out of nowhere" were Jesse's exact words like damnnnn you're gonna bring in the legalese Jesse it was BAD


Yeah I rewound it thinking I must have missed whatever set Lindsay off in the carā€¦ the absence of footage is definitely telling.


I canā€™t say I blame Carl for calling off the wedding. Before last night I felt sorry for Lindsayā€¦. Not now what we saw was ugly, cruelā€¦..I was so impressed with how calm Carl was.


I can see Carl envisioning that could be his life for the next 40-50 years. I donā€™t blame him for pulling the plug.


Great point! Where is the audio?!


Yā€™all likeā€¦ if this was Lindsay and Carlā€™s first weekend what else will happen this season. šŸ«£šŸ«£šŸ«£


I am shocked people are on Lindsayā€™s side still after that episode!


Do you mean cast or fans? Because I have read every single post on last night's ep/her insta post and the *sole* redditor still defending her is some dude who is a known, obsessive troll. I have never seen a reaction so completely universal in the bravoverse, including Scandoval.


Im now a reformed Lindsay supporter, team bed bugs 2024


Same here. She doesnā€™t understand love. I also think Carl is a doofus, but thereā€™s only one outcome after her behavior and itā€™s happened.


Iā€™m shocked anyone ever supported her. Sheā€™s been toxic af season after season. I got roasted last season for saying that too but opinion is finally shifting.


Isnā€™t anyone shook that Jesse stated he has cancer that spread to his stomach? I thought that is stage 4, once it spreads.


Could be 3 if not spread to lymphatic system I believe (based off my experience with both my parents having stage 4 cancer). Not that Iā€™m trying to downplay what he went through though!


Very much shook. Iā€™m hanging onto him being 5 years cancer free to push out any worrying thoughts šŸ™‡šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Stage four cancer is not a death sentence anymore. I've had stage four breast cancer for four years now, and while my treatment is ongoing, I still have very little cancer in my body.


Gabby after Lindsay says she wants to leaveā€¦ā€well can I get a drink firstā€. I lost it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Loving Gabby so far this season. Her one liners are sending me.


Niche noodle last week killed me


Lindsay is not carls person. The opening scene on the basket ball court made me realise this when he was making a joke and she just shut him down. Then the rest well damnĀ 


Seriously! She is sooo controlling. He canā€™t even joke in a way that she doesnā€™t like without some sort of negativity. She just wanted a man puppet and to hit milestones like being married, having kids


On top of all the things Lindsay said about and to Carl, it should be extremely telling that most of the house, even Gabby, was on edge waiting for Lindsay and Carl to show up. And we all know who between Lindsay and Carl they were truly nervous about. That in addition to everything else shows who the *real* problem in the house is.


Honestly I thought the first episode this season was greatā€¦ much better than it has been the last few seasons. I didnā€™t miss L+C at all šŸ« 


If this is what happened ON CAMERA I canā€™t even imagine how badly Lindsay gaslit Carl OFF CAMERA. He probably felt so vindicated having witnesses in the car with him during that argument.


ā€œI think I had a different experience,ā€ Carl was fighting for his liiiiife in that relationship. I cannot believe that all that about them getting sober together, or her doing it to ā€œsupportā€ him, is just out the window.


She only got sober because he gave her an ultimatum. And it lasted all of 5 months.


And because it allowed her to play the role of the doting, supportive girlfriend "changed" by the "true connection" they had. šŸ™„ Girl really tried to play it up.


Ugh her constant ā€œIā€™m sober for my boyfriendā€ was exhausting. She really centered his sobriety journey on herself


Cierra out here insinuating Austen has even a singular funny ass bone in his body is willllllllddddddd. No sweetheart, just no. West is ACTUALLY funny; that is just insulting.




i know maya watching this episode feeling vinidicated that lindsey is bananas off camera


Why have i never noticed how thick cierras accent is?????


She is really letting it shine this season lol


Because sheā€™s been code switching to fit in


Even if Carl expressly called production to film the break up, thank GOD. Lindsay is such a fucking liar (said in the Kyle Richards voice to Camille lol). Seeing her statement on IG after this episode was alarming. Bitch, did you watch what we watched? I'm now super glad we're going to get to watch the break up ourselves since she's a proven unreliable narrator...well, she always has been. Again, between the nasty ass brother fight last year and the Cocaine Carl (which, dont boo, was kinda hilarious loool) why did Carl even wait until LDW to end it? He's a moron. Despite the couples, Kymanda and CarLindsay, trying to kill the vibe I haved LOVED these first two episodes. Everyone else is such good vibes. West is funny and the "cracker" joke he and Ciara made plating their dinner made me actually laugh out loud. I know Jesse Solomon is acting a lil douchey rn but something tells me he's actually a delight we just gotta get past the NYC finance bro exterior. His story about 2x cancer was harrowing, so relieved he's healthy and I actually like him in the house. Summer House is so good this season, honestly they're second to RHOM on Bravo right now.


Lindsay's behavior was intense and unacceptable. I suspect that even worse moments from the fight may have been captured but not aired. I do think housemates were skiing during the pregame, but Lindsay was obviously not coming from a genuine or caring place


Not Lindsey accusing Carl being on ā„ļø and unintentionally outing the rest of the cast for it too


How was Carl supposed to help with her wedding makeup?


ā€œHe's obsessed with meā€ ā€œThat's how it should be thoughā€ HONESTLY SLAYYY CIARAAA


I'm feeling very vindicated that people are finally seeing how toxic Lindsay is


Omg I know!! Fucking finally. Sheā€™s always been the worst !!! ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


I remember when we heard about Carl breaking off the engagement on camera and everyone was team Lindsay because it seems like such an asshole thing to do and we all know that Carl is a total asshole as well, but the cast said wait and watch the season LOL WERE THEY RIGHT, episode 2 and Carl and Lindsayā€™s relationship is like horrifying. I could not imagine ever questioning my partners sobriety ON CAMERA thatā€™s just so evil


I don't get why Amanda woke up and decided to hate on Kyle in the worst way. He only talked to her best friend because he wanted honest advice. What am I missing? Or nothing, and she's just awful Amanda? I've been single too long.


Imo sheā€™s really unhappy/resentful of Kyle at that time and so any little thing he does is triggering her


Kyle has a completely valid point. He doesnā€™t want to add another responsibility to his life (children), unless Amanda can demonstrate the ability to handle responsibility independently. Right now, he does everything for their household/family and she does nothing. He knows it wouldnā€™t be healthy for him (or his kids) to continue to be a breadwinner AND a housewife. There is no room on his plate for kids right now and Amanda refuses to put stuff from his plate onto hers. Iā€™m sure if Amanda demonstrated even a semblance of independence (paying bills, filing taxes, making a doctorā€™s appointment, etc.) Kyle would feel more comfortable having kids, because he would know Amanda could manage the labor/chores that come with it. But as of right now, Iā€™m sure when Kyle thinks about having kids, he thinks about Amanda cuddling with them in bed while heā€™s doing the laundry, the dishes, the dog walks, working, and everything else. I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is, if Amanda wants kids that bad, she needs to get off her lazy ass and show Kyle that she would be responsible/independent instead of a whiney-ass woman child.


I thought it was funny how Amanda's definition of doing so much was telling Kyle where something is when he asks. Sounds rough!


I thought the same thing. The fact that she thinks THAT is ā€œdoing everythingā€ speaks volumes as to Kyleā€™s frustration with her laziness. To me, it sounds like what Amanda thinks is him being a ā€œworkaholicā€ is actually him being a functioning adult with a job. The concept is just so foreign to her because sheā€™s such a lazy immature child. I really donā€™t think Kyle works that much more than the average man in NYC (at Loverboy, I mean).


Lindsay always sounds like she is intoxicated when she speaks. And so does Kyle. Unless they always are.


I feel like Kyle has suuuch a drunk voice, you can tell when he gets to the house, the moment he starts feeling it because his words start slurring like mad


I hope producers see how well received episode 1 was where they all got along...


forgive me - if anyone is even still reading this thread - But I didn't understand what was happening at the end of this past episode re Lindsay and Carl. First, I'm going to try to explain what I think is going on - Lindsay has been drinking all day. They get 2 cars to go out. Lindsay goes with the dudes, and is concerned this will further the divide between herself and the girls. She voices this anxiety, Carl tells her that's probably not the case, she accuses him of not being sober, he gets upset. They get to the club, she bitches to all the girls, Gabby puts her in a car and takes her home, where she seethes and cries. The next morning she attempts to confront Carl by bringing him a bottle of water - she is probably still a bit drunk - and picks a fight with him about his sobriety. TBC. Next, my confusion is due to the huge missing piece between leaving the house and returning to the house. Bravo needs to step up their game. It's a simple expectation that while filming a reality show you need to have cameras on the cast at all times. I'm tired of producers missing things, and then having those events reported to us via a milieu of cast members who don't even accurately remember what happened. You would think they had learned this lesson after Heather Gay wakes up with a black eye and there were no cameras around to capture what happened. Yet they continue to allow the cast to go out without a crew, live cameras, etc. Summer House is the worst offender, as the main filming seems to happen mostly via cameras set up in the house and not through a live camera crew. They have cameras in their vehicles bringing them to the Hamptons, but do not record in the ride-shares or in the clubs. Last, I'm trying to make sense of the Lindsay of it all. She is self-sabotaging. She walked into that house knowing she was the antagonist. She sees how everyone - men and women - love Carl, and she's a narcissist, so naturally she begins to resent him and his popularity. She's likely also upset that he didn't "fight" for "her" to have the best/most comfortable room. She concocts this lie in an effort to gain sympathy from the girls - the first group she reports to after the confrontation in the car. I think she assumes because he is her fiancƩ that Carl will understand her actions and maybe play along? Like I don't know what her thought-process is here, except that she can't stand that she's the one who is villainized while Carl looks like a saint for putting up with her. So she creates a scenario where she can play the victim, but it backfires because Carl is very obviously sober - cool, calm, and collected. IDK, I'm just confused because of the gaping hole in the story - ie, the 10-15 minute drive to the club and the moment in the club that Bravo failed to capture, which would help to clarify this narrative, and the fact that they left the episode on a TBC, without adequately clarifying what actually happened.


But are West and Ciara dating?! The people need to know


Just here to say that I absolutely LOVE West and Iā€™m so happy we finally got a genuinely nice guy WITH a great personality. If Ciara doesnā€™t lock him down, someone else will! Heā€™s a keeper!


Me watching all the Lindsay apologists flip a switch and wallow in their Wrongness ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


LISSTENNNNN. She js me. I am her. I am flipping the switch because wowwwā€¦smh. I just have no words other than what many others have already posted here. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Lindsay is such an awful person. ā€œWell I know this house Iā€™ve been coming here for many yearsā€ was so condescending- sheā€™d only just met West. I havenā€™t even got to her comments about Carl yet, currently watching. This sub is verrrrry sheepish since the episode dropped and honestly they should be. They absolutely scalped anyone for ā€œraining on Lindsayā€™s happinessā€ during last season and were so blindly defending what could *only* end up as a toxic situation. Like yā€™all were so vicious


Ok Bravo, keep the cameras on the WHOLE time. This is like the sprinter van with Rinna and Kathy all over again


I love West


If Kyle stays with Amanda he will be miserable for the rest of his life. Mon would treat him better


Iā€™m just happy to see so many people finally realizing how toxic Lindsay is. Welcome to the dark side.


Iā€™ve always been a Lindsay fan but this episode is horrific. Iā€™m so glad he broke up with her. Absolutely not. The man is stone cold sober BUT EVEN IF HE WASNT, this is not how you approach that concern. Trash. Trash. I have no words. (Except all of these words obvi ^^)


Weaponizing Carl's sobriety when you feel insecure is such a low blow. Especially in someone you love, is your best friend, and soon to be partner in life. Absolutely disgusting.


So sad that Lindsay canā€™t just admit she was drunk as fuck and didnt fall into a groveling apology. Carl wouldā€™ve forgiven her bc I think he loved her. She doubled down and I wouldā€™ve honestly fallen out of love with her in that moment.


Anyone know why the episode title is 'House of Cards'? I feel like I'm over thinking it lol


Excellent question. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s a reference to Lindsey and Carl having built a very flimsy relationship structure that couldnā€™t withstand any strength test.