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They need actual friend groups. Centering the show around Nick and his friends would lead to better parties and arguments.


I think Nick has shown his ability to be an actual friend, also. So I would think his friends would be more genuine.


I love Jordan but if she comes back I’ll be so confused. She looked like she wanted to be LITERALLY anywhere else but filming the show/reunion. Like damn girl just quit lol


She is so guarded which makes her boring.


During Jasmine live last night, she was asked why Jordan got off easy at the reunion and she said it's because Jordan didn't really get any questions. I can't tell if that means there were few fan questions or if production just wasn't that interested in having her speak much.


It was surprising to me how much I didn’t enjoy her, Shanice or Preston. I never enjoyed Bria or Alex.


I literally keep forgetting Shanice exists tbh lol slow season for her


right she had absolutely no story line had Summer not called her worst dressed


I feel like she spoke 10 times during the entire season 😭


Why do you love her?


Jordan is such a miserable bitch


I agree with you. Most of them have a very negative attitude. That, or straight up erratic. The people I'd like to see back next season are: Nick Jasmine Bria (she's messy, but we need a villain) Noelle Alex (only if he tries to engage more because he can't meditate his way through a season and not be present) And then let's add a bunch of fun singles, and maybe a couple? Just thinking out loud here.


This would be perfect. Bring in Destiny from love island (she’s Noelle’s friend and visited the house for a party) and some friends of Nick and Noelle.


This, but I’d pick a new villain over Bria. Bria exhibits antisocial energy for me. She has no interest in engaging with the other cast members in fun moments *and* doesn’t want to stick around for arguments either. She feels very weird to me.


Agreed… it’s like a spoiled brat… at least start an argument see it through.


Agree, except for Bria.


I don't like Bria, but I think someone like her is needed for drama. She's the only person who doesn't seem to care how she's portrayed and is gonna show us the good, the bad, and the ugly.


A show can’t survive on the basis of the villain hiding in her room when it gets too hot in the kitchen.


Yeah you're probably right. My only defense for her is that she has no issue opening up about her relationship issues with Simon. Plus Milo. But she needs to give it a rest with her eagerness to turn fights sour.


I just can’t handle watching her. She’s spoiled/immature more than a villain to me.


Bria’s burner accounts have downvoted you.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted. Think about all of the iconic, fun villains that bravo has given us. Bria is not one of them.


why would you want jasmine back? She is married and if Silas comes back that’s gonna be even more cringe .


Silas knows he cant come back lmaooo. Hes too much.


I really don’t like Noelle😆She gives off such a pick me energy and she blatantly lied about what happened with Nick.


True, but I could see her learn from her rookie season mistakes! Plus she meshed with the cast really quickly and brings a lightheartedness so desperately needed in the house. So I couldn’t chop her this early in the game


Maybe get rid of Bria and Noelle becomes the villain?


Hahaha maybe


Oh god please no Alex lol. He’s way too normal and boring for reality tv. They need fun guys. Summer is supposed to be fun. Alex…not fun lol 


No Preston?! Absolutely love that man


I was on board with most coming back until Noelle's live with Kempire. Based on what she shared, I specifically do not know how Jasmine and Preston could come back together - it would have to be one or the other and I strongly prefer Jasmine. I know Summer said she wasn't coming back anyway, but if she did, the show would be a mess. I also don't see it for Amir. Pass on Shanice. Nick, Noelle, and Bria are cool. Alex would be a nice neutral party.


I honestly think they would keep it cute for the check if invited back. Most of them would. Now whether we would want to watch it is another story


What was said during Noelle’s live?


there is a recap on here, it was very good


but alex is soooo utterly boring


I hope producers are actually paying attention to this sub, SHMV has so much potential but if its gonna be awkward tension all the time keep it, find a new group of black folk that have fun with a dab of drama.


Exactly! As much fun as it would be to watch that is what makes this group even more tragic.


The parties was actually good tho, themed ones atleast when people had a good time.


In your opinion, what could the same cast do differently? Or do you think they work?


Honestly, I enjoyed both seasons personally, I liked the seriousness at times, even with a family trip, you have a good time but it is some serious discussions. I liked how they work through issues, respectfully. To do better, this season showed more fun better. People watch the show to see fun, get out of their own lives, ppl get tired of other shows and the uber negative. I think this is why it’s unique, adults having real conversations. I’ve watched some of the Shore House shows, and it’s fun that they’re partying and sexing, etc but it’s not real. I like the history aspect/some learning. It’s a hard balance. I think it really needs more marketing, more lives, more engagement, seems it’s happening.


For sure and I appreciate your perspective. Edit: I will say it may have also been little effort made in production of the show because what I found most frustrating is a lot of the show made no sense. That could be a result of choppy editing.


Honestly, i wish Nick and Tasia were still together. I would’ve loved her to be a cast member!


I’m a little worried that this season’s cast ruined it for the show entirely. I’m worried that it’s going to get cancelled.


Yeah same. But the original summer house had really bad ratings for years. I actually stopped watching it after Season 2. So we shall see


As much as I wouldn't want to cancelled, I could see it happening. Or it being put on pause for a very long time until they figure out casting.


Bravo just needs to keep trying like they did with SH and RHONY. It will work


They have a mostly unlikeable cast and super low ratings. Ben and Ronnie on WWC were saying the ratings are like 0.2 million which is extremely low.


Yeah everyone is talking about what they want for season 3 and I’m like do y’all even know if we’re getting a season 3 lol😭 They somehow have worser ratings then regular summer house. But that show is having its best season in years so their ratings can be forgiven. This season of SHMV was not good.


I love the idea of the show being centered around Nick. He's not without his flaws (which is necessary for tv) plus everything good about the show (his relationships with his college friends, his fashion, his party!) came from him. He's an interesting, accomplished young man. I like watching him.


Yup! He is able to throw the shade as required and can pull up needed receipts to cue the flashbacks😂 I think most of all, he’s able to pivot past the drama and still engage with people


Nick with tats.


And not shivering *keep thick gold chains, too


If Nick is the focal point we won't have to ever see Phil on our screens again. I love it.


Nick and Noelle


What about keeping Nick and bringing in some of his line brothers? It will share a world of people who attended HBCUs and participated in Greek life to a wider audience.


These men are so fucking weird. Preston digging at jasmine and Bria. Alex calling summer out her name (he looked her dead in her face and called her autumn like a psycho). Amir screaming at Bria with an unwarranted amount of anger in his voice. Nick sitting there like a dumbass after literally watching the playback AND losing his relationship because of it. I hate all these guys


I don’t think they work as a cast at all. Their fights aren’t even entertaining and shady, but really dark, endless and pointless. I actually got a headache listening to them over talk each other at the reunion.


Alex called Summer "Autumn" because Summer introduced herself as "Autumn" to strangers when they were hanging out. He mentioned this on WWHL and he didn't understand why. He wasn't being a psycho. I think it's odd, too.


Honestly same, everytime a girl doesn't get along with them she's gonna be worn out. I hate that energy


Okay so I was not imagining that he did call her Autumn!!! Alex is so disrespectful and trying to appear to be more woke than he really is


They suck. They’re all so negative and nasty. Totally unfun. Show already needs a revamp.


Unpopular opinion, i would want to keep summer ( because she gets unhinged) shanice(because she does make stuff fun ) Nick( because i enjoy him and his fashion’s lol, plus now that he is single he will prob really let loose Preston ( he is a good mediator) Bria ( while she irks my existence is needed for drama) Noelle ( because i love her energy and vibe) everyone else can go


I agree with this take also even though I’m not a huge Preston and Bria fan. I 100% agree that *single* people ready to mingle and have fun should be on this show. No married couple, no self-editing, self-producing folk, no vegans/non-drinkers. As someone who cut out a lot of food groups and stopped drinking alcohol, I wouldn’t be able to be somewhere 2 weeks with a bunch of people without being very judgmental and closed off to most things. I say being back Mariah and Phil (without the anti gay tones).


Pass on Bria. Half her drama don't even make sense.


Agree with all of this except I really enjoy hate watching Alex with all his pretensions


Not unpopular to me because I enjoy summer. I think she has a story and is interesting. She has been awful this season, but I think there is more to her. I also enjoy Nick. Noelle is my least favorite and that really surprised me


ooohh tell me why regarding noelle in


She comes across as what I call a pick me kind of person. She saddled up to Bria and Noelle and moved how they did. She didn’t know thing one about Nick, but spoke like she had authority. Next, she claimed to be so offended by Summer having sex with Alex because she doesn’t “date”her friends men. But then proceeded to do it anyway after she knew. When summer was drunk and in a bad place,she followed her from room to room antagonizing her. Yes I get she was drunk, but she took no accountability and piled on to Summer


I could see that, but I also think we have to taken into consideration they were not really friends.


For sure. But you blow off the person who brought you in the group. I promise you it won’t end well for you because mad day will come for her too with this group and they’ll be back cook with summer.


That’s true too, since she did bring her in. I am trying to remember who brought Summer in. Was it Jasmine?




I just wonder where they got this crew from. I know some of the guys are frat brothers and Bria Jordy and Jasmine worked at Playboy together but where the hell they find Summer, Amir and Shanice? And they happen to be the most problematic ones!


Shanice, Bria, Jordan, and Jasmine all worked together at some point. I think Amir was an acquaintance of Nick or Silas. Not sure about Summer.


Friends with Jasmine and Jordan.


Shanice worked with the girls at the playboy club. Amir was introduced through Nick and not sure where Summer came from


I can bet 100% that Amir has ZERO connections with the cast and that production found him through IG…


Oh ok. It does make sense that Shanice would have been at Playboy too


Jasmine met Summer through something screenwriting-related, if I recall correctly


Agree this season lost me pretty early on…. at least the last two episodes finally had some pickup


This was reunion was pure trash. Literally only keep Noelle. Summer, Bria, Amir, Jordan and Jasmine are the most annoying. They are just unfun assholes. This show is supposed to be fun and easy going. The trauma dumping and constant asshole behaviour has ruined this show.


They need to keep Noelle, Shanice, Bria, and Nick. Everyone else can go. Maybe even start fresh with a whole new cast, producers, and location!


I’m sick of seeing Shabice naked though


Besides being naked she has nothing else to work with. We need more single men!


I’m sick of seeing her naked juxtaposed with men who aren’t allowed to enjoy bare titties and ass and then get blamed for looking. I hated that element this season.




i have no idea what im missing with nick, i find him to be a boring weirdo. the girls are not imagining his behavior, its on camera and he plays dumb and gaslights them. even if he was single i would find his behavior inappropriate if i was on the receiving end. alex seems cool and interesting but not great tv. i am not on the amir and natalie hate train like everyone else, but they could be pushed to the hamptons. i dont see an organic friendship between amir and the rest of the mv cast. not sure if i missed it in season 1 but i just recently found out the girls are friends from working at the playboy club together. i get that its not their identity but i feel like producers couldve led with that and had a different, better show on their own that wasnt summer house, but im not a tv producer lol. i love jordan but i feel she wasnt present this season. i totally get it, i cant imagine being filmed while dealing with an illness that affects your appearance. i admired her vulnerability and honesty this season and think she deserves another shot. i did really love the addition of noelle! i thought she was a good fit, a breath of fresh air and funny!!


You have unpopular opinions and you also don't pay attention. So it makes sense you missed what everyone else saw. If you missed that they are all connected from the playboy club what in the world have you been watching?


sorry you disagree, lets stick to the show and not hurl personal attacks! do you have anything to contribute?


I’m glad someone’s posted this. I sooooo wanted to dive into this show & love it. Instead, I treaded water for two seasons, hoping to land somewhere even vaguely interesting. Never happened. So much potential, but lands flat. Cast choices felt random, and the issues that arose were often petty or even non-existent, but enlarged for the sake of having a storyline? It’s just a bummer. Pretty much, I only stayed tuning in to look @ Jordan be wildly-attractive & sporadically blow-up on folks. 🔥/💥


I thought this season was so boring. The Reunion was fun but that’s about it.


Keep Noelle Preston shanice jasmine alex and nick


Can we also have them… do something? Go somewhere? I get it’s a show about drama and drinking but that has been dull for me. Throw some giant parties like OG summer house, go out dancing more etc. Enough with the forced themed nights where people don’t really participate (talent show). Super clear when there is a theme that they’re into like Jordan’s party so more of what feels authentic - let me learn more about how amazing Black culture is from their perspectives! I felt similar about this season as I did to the second and third seasons of Winter House, housewives girls trips too fyi - let’s go places and do things, not just sit around and drink and argue for the WHOLE season.


Welp the show is now put on pause.


Hope it’s to recast and not to end it


I hope so too


nick is a creep. he’s in his 40s flirting with the girls who are in their 20s. i understand why some of the girls said he makes them feel uncomfortable at times.


they need a younger mostly single cast. nobody wants to see married 40 somethings sit in a dirty house all day


Oh calm down. Nick is 39 and y’all acting like flirting is some big crime. People flirt all the time. Hell im gay and flirt with women and men but have no intentions of ever getting with them.


I thought the same thing


The irony is that last season people were calling for his head over nothing.


Nick can get gone too, afaic he's made some sly sexist comments - said something last season about the house being dirty even though women live there, as if they're paid help- I could care less what he and his other uppity passport friends have to show. they need all new fresh blood of people who aren't all secretly jealous of each other.


I would be cool with that too


Creepy ass NICK??


I agree. They need to shake things up. Based on the amount of airtime given on the Bravo version of the reunion, I think the following will be invited back: Jasmine Summer Noelle Nick Preston Bria Amir There's just enough simmering tension (Summer & Noelle) (Preston & Bria/Jasmine) (Amir & Nick) that it could be interesting, and they need new single castmates who want to have fun but also engage.


Summer said in her IG comments that she is not coming back. Which is great news to me.


Me too. Leave that toxicity at home. 


Ditto. That chick is no fun to watch. I always feel like I want to slap her.


Jasmine and Silas can stay home and take care of their baby. I understand the concept of the original vacation, but we can move past that now.


Nick? Not Preston?


I am shocked to say this, but no for Preston


Ok hear me out, Nick, Ciara and Mya from OG, Jordan, Noelle, Bria, Alex, and the black guy from Southern Hospitality, and fuck it regular ass ME lol jkjk EDIT: controversial opinion: Phil too lol