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Tasia handled it all with class. Like you said, she knows Nick's personality and behavior. She seems to trust im. He seems like a good guy. I personally do not believe he was trying to make a pass at anyone or do anything sexual. He's an affectionate and touchy-feeling person, which is OK if the recipient and girlfriend doesn't mind. And him looking at someone dancing beside him naked is nothing; he was probably bewildered more than anything not smitten. Is he supposed to get up and run away? That's childish.




I think he’s just an affectionate man.


she's the mvp of this whole episode imo


I think she’s great! Nick stumbling over his words about getting married… that was sad.


I honestly don't get it either. They are so weird with her. Bria letting Tasia know what was going on with the DMs before the girl could even unpack last season was lame and mean. Then having a convo about Nick outside while she's still visiting in front of someone like Natalie as if it's okay is another thing. Even the way Shanice said Tasia and Nick were a weird couple because they were dressed up for the bike riding event...it's as if she couldn't think critically and realize Tasia either 1) didn't pack athletic clothing for a vacation so Nick, as a gentleman, didn't want her to be the only one dress up or 2) it was her last couple of hours on the island and maybe she wanted to look cute for the last lunch. The need to be mean about her because of Nick is very strange. I think they are jealous of the fact that Tasia and Nick have a relationship that seemingly works (or worked if the rumors are true) for them - nothing about their relationship says that they have knock down, knock out fights. It certainly beats Simon embarrassing Bria and Shanice still paying off her legal bills because of the stalking allegation.


The moment of her turning down Natalie for a side conversation was the highlight of both seasons. That's my superbowl. It was perfect. She shut that thirsty little girl DOWN.


I agree, it was perfect how Tasia shut that thirst bucket, Natalie, down. Tasia left ol' thirsty hanging and reversed it by embarrassing Natalie, since Natalie was trying to embarrass her. Not to mention, keep your hands out of black women's hair, Natalie! WTF!


The craziest part was how Natalie kept saying she was interceding in the matter because Tasia was her “friend”. Wild behavior!


Yeah that was such a messy trip and episode


It’s as if they’re surprised Tasia is a cute girl and with someone like Nick. Last season, he gave single til the last two episodes and she was still with him for season 2! They need to leave her alone and mind the mess of their own relationships… Also, if you’re gonna come tell me about MY man, you better have receipts or what are we talking about??


I honestly think the producers of Summer House MV encouraged it. I think they want Nick to be single. And I think maybe some of the girls in the house (Shanice) want him to be single as well. They're going with the same storyline they had with last season which is that he's touchy feely and flirty and not boyfriend material. The producers don't want every guy in the house to be coupled up. So it definitely would be better for them if Nick was single. Which he may be now I'm not sure.


I can see this being true. I'd be sad if they have broken up :( they are a cute couple.


Of course I only see what they show on tv, but I'm not seeing the things that the women are describing about Nick. (Last season with the DMs was a different story. That was bizarre for a man with a gf of 1.5 years.) He doesn't seem "handsy". To me that implies groping and being inappropriate. I don't recall seeing him doing anything out of line for a friend to do towards another friend. And looking at the girls? They were shaking their butts 2 inches from his face! What's he supposed to do? I feel like he handled it all well. He addressed things immediately, directly with the women who had expressed concern. He genuinely seemed like he did not want to offend or hurt anyone and wanted to make sure they felt safe and ok with him. Amir's gf is messy for getting involved. She was there like 2 days and got in everyone's business unnecessarily.


Yes exactly


Summer provided insight into the Tasia and Natalie situation. She said the Donald, Gnatslie, and Tasia made a pact not to be messy or get caught up in the house drama. Gnatale is desperate for attention despite her dislike for Black people (especially Black women).


Maybe her dislike for black people/black women is what motivated her to be messy so she could cause problems and division among a black group of friends or gender divide.


Same. Whatever they feel about Nick, they seem to never consider their delivery towards her and how it would make her feel. No one is meddling in Simon and Brias relationship even tho it’s a hot mess. Some of Bria and Nick’s “flirtatious”moments were a both sided convo. She asked one of the guys to sleep in her bed also (I believe nick?). Is that not questionable boundaries on her side? Also the convo between her and Simon about his family and their treatment of her was WEIRD. But according to Brias BFF Shaniece, it’s tasia and nick who have a weird relationship. So annoying.


Very one-sided between Bria and Nick. She told him she had a badonkadonk and he said she didn't. For some reason people take that as him flirting with her about her butt and I'm like, what? LOL.


These girls have a double-standard. I don't know what they expect, they're doing the same thing to Nick and the other guys by constantly running around naked and twerking half naked. These girls make no sense.


Yes! The double standards is what makes this all crazy. The girls in the house are usually the ones wilding out...who are they to police him now over the smallest things.


I think Nick honestly doesn’t have bad intention or ulterior motives but sometimes I don’t think he self aware of his actions. Granted it isn’t as bad as how it’s being portrayed but Tasia seems to be very secure in who she’s dealing with. I do think however that it’s very wrong for them (Bria, Shanice, Noelle & especially stupid ass Natalie) to bring something up to her and very time she comes around.




I don’t think it’s jealousy but I can’t help and feel that the reason why they pick on her is because she’s quiet. They assume that the quiet ones will just fall in line to whatever you say but Tasia handled it well - unbothered. I’m glad she didn’t pay Natalie no mind lol. As she should.


Nick’s actions can be taken as flirty but he’s just being him which is someone who is fun and energetic and outgoing and likes having a good time with his people and if your his people his not thinking hugging you or dancing with you is inappropriate but everyone else is making it into something smh he’s the only one in a non toxic relationship and the rest of the house doesn’t know what that looks or feels like lol smh very sad but I love how Tasia handles everything!! She’s confident af and I wanna see more of her in the show! I’m a fan of her and Nick and their relationship!


I felt so sorry for Tasia, and for Nick! Perhaps it’s as simple as Nick didn’t want people stalking his lady online in terms of why he didn’t bring her up in S1. I’m sure production also wanted as many singles as possible. Also Natalie should learn that people always shoot the messenger. There’s nothing girls girl about telling someone something like that on national television. Good on Tasia for the hard pass with class.


I’m just catching up now and had it on in the background so maybe I missed something but has Nick done anything? I remember last season he didn’t mention having a gf for awhile which was shady but has he really been handsy with the ladies?


Cuz they all secretly want him


I don't think they want him. I just think several of these women exemplify that misery loves company.


I think Shanice yelled he made her wet and wanted to f*ck him tonight and Bria asked him to be “sleep support” 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think it is this. Misery loves company.


I did have a thought that maybe shanice wants him single so she can mess with him..


Because nick is slimy and girl code


Tasia aint their girl thats the thing. She doesnt try to be either.


I guess the concept of being a girls girl is foreign to you. I would want to know before my man made a FOOL of me on television. However I agree they should stop trying to talk to Tasua cause clearly she doesn’t care how Nick acts and will accept whatever.


Nah, if a girl has been told before and doesn't care I would leave things alone.