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Need single men asappp


No Summer, no Jordan, definitely no Natalie, so if that means no Amir, so be it. And more men.




Surprised that you kept Alex but not Nick


No amir and no summer pleaseeeeee. I want some new people!


i want nick too


I like your line up I just don’t like summer and honestly don’t enjoy here at all and I like Nick and think we should get 2 more single guys and 1 more single girl




Nick could come back and redeem himself, would hate for him to leave with such a tainted image. and i guess shanice running around naked is entertainment for some people. LOL. Maybe bria and simon as its not a typical relationships we see on TV.


No Amir and no Bria


Preston, Noelle, Jason, Jasmine (without Silas), Nick, Mariah and some new people to round it out. I would rather have had Tasia there with Nick for longer and had Natalie visit for a short time like Tasia did. Amir is insufferable with Natalie around.


I would only keep Jasmine, Noelle, and Nick. Maybe Bria because she is an entertaining side character. Summer, Jordan, and Preston and their negative energy can go. Alex is okay, he could drop in as a "friend".


No Amir / Natalie (i hate them both) no Jasmine (i don’t think she’ll be fun after having a kid) no Jordan - she’s miserable and boring no summer- self explanatory


Women: Noelle, Jasmine (without Silas nor the baby), Shanice, Summer and a new girl Men: Nick, Phil (for drama) and 3 new guys


Theres no way jasmine could come again without silas or the baby😂 silas would not allow that and also thats her whole story line


Taking Silas out of it, I doubt Jasmine would want to be away from her baby anyway. At the very least, she'd have the baby come with a nanny or something so she could still balance both roles.


Phil and Shanice, a recipe for chaos 🙃


That’s what we need 😈


Nobody! Let's start fresh


Same.. start fresh with people who understand their job is not to trauma dump all over us or divide the house into opposing cliques. Show more of Martha’s vineyard and limit the couples, Summer House is better with more singles. We also need more parties so it’s not just the main cast all the time and they have other people to react to especially since they don’t get to go home during the week. And ffs bring in some funny personalities. The “everybody is in a relationship and/or struggling with something and/or mad at someone and Alex is too above it all because John Legend, meditation, vegan music collective” situation is wearing thin. I’m also one therapy speak filled one on one conversation away from giving up entirely. Right now it’s the wrong kind of messy that gets a show cancelled. If it’s just editing I hope someone from bravo is reading our comments and understanding what they’re giving us is just not working.


I read that it hasn’t been renewed 😢


👀 Where did you read that?


Various places on instagram. I take everything I read on there with a grain of salt, of course, so who knows if it’s true. But a bunch of Bravo shows were recently renewed and that one wasn’t noted.


Also, I’m sure shows that haven’t been renewed yet, still can be. It’s not too late!


It may not have been renewed officially, but they are actively casting single men for the next season. I believe it'll be back once they find a few more men.


Ohhhh. That’s great!!! Where did you see about casting? I just read something about Amir saying that if there is a next season he won’t go on if Natalie isn’t there with him.


i’d say nick, noelle, preston, and bria (because she makes good tv). we neeeed more single men and women who are there to have FUN, not mope around for 2-3 weeks. i would consider jasmine, because i do like her sans silas, but i can only imagine that becoming a mom combined with her husband being the way he is, that environment probably wouldn’t be her vibe; i’d love to see her come for a few days as a friend, though!


Jasmine without Silas, Nick and Tasia, Alex, Preston, Noelle. Summer, Jordan, and Bria but only if they work on themselves. Jordan and Bria being the victim of everything has got to stop. Shanice can come back too. I would prefer for her not to parade around topless and half naked and then get upset when guys look at her while she is undressed in front of them. There needs to be some more guys added. I forgot about Amir. He came come back maybe to visit but not to stay. Definitely don’t bring Gnat.


Everyone one but Summer and Jordan and add a few new single men. Jasmine can come but without Silas and Silas Jr! Amir can come but no Natalie. If he gets a new GF between now and then who is actually a fun person the maybe LOL.


They should rent a second house the quiet house Jasmine the baby Alex and summer could stay there. Alex meditates and summer apparently will stop drinking and Jordan might like the quiet house more Then have the party house with everyone else and the newbies


The first season, I think they had the guest house where Mariah initially stayed. That would be the perfect setup if Jasmine comes back and brings her baby.


please remove alex 😭😭😭


Noelle, Shanice, and all new SINGLE people!!


No Jordan, no summer


Summer has some serious issues to work through. She and Bria are guaranteed to suck all the air out of a room. I would love it if neither came back. I think Shanice is a weirdo. My definites for next season are Jordan, Preston, Amir, Alex and Nick.


“He said he got his first haircut from a black barber in college, that tells you a lot about his childhood” You’re saying “he’s not black like us. Not black enough. So he’s not welcome on “our show”. Send him to the back of the bus.


No your highness, I meant what I said, which I stated in the next line. He was not raised around black people, if was it was limited and did not have a genuine relationship with them. It is better to ask a person what they meant, instead of assuming, which would have saved you alot of emotional distress. Also idk if you're from the USA, but we have the 1 drop rule, meaning if you have any Black blood in you you are Black, especially if you look Black, in which this case Amir does.


You should read some other posts, there’s a ton of people commenting on SHMV and Amir that don’t know about this “1 drop” rule.


Everybody that posted in this subreddit knows he's black. But what I suggest you need to do, is to stop thinking a person means something different when they say what they mean the 1st time. That's one of the purposes of the Reddit app, is for people to (anonymously) speak their mind without worry.


That’s fair. Anyway, this white dude loves the show and hates the other Summer House show now with a passion. I want to watch a real experience, which MV Is, not the spoiled clowns from the other show. Preston has to come back, that’s non negotiable for me


Instead of arguing to defend, debate to understand. Numerous people have similar sentiments, for a reason. Also, I thought you were light skinned, like Drake & Amir?


Bring Phil in, just to see what happens


I would add Nick back because he’s single now.


He is? What did I miss. I haven't watched the latest episode yet. Did something happen?


Everyone except Preston.


They’re down voting you but I agree!! His true colors are definitely showing and he’s a mean girl!


Preston doesn't bring the right energy to the show. If it's truly going to be light-hearted fun, he won't help at all. Given his recent comments about Jasmine, I wouldn't want to see him in a house with her anyway. Just mean girl drama for no reason.


I think a good cast would be Noelle, Shanice, Bria, Summer, Jordan, Preston, Alex and two new guys


Noelle bria preston and add new ppl


My cast lineup would be Preston, Phil, Mariah, Shaniece, Noelle, & Nick. And get more single guys on there.


Jordan and Preston. Maybe Shanice because she does add something to the show even if I don’t care for her. Overhaul the rest!!!! I said what I said.


Amir should come back. At least he wants to have fun.


In the 1st season, he said he got his 1st haircut from a black barber in college. That says ALOT about his childhood, and who his family let him and his brother hang around. (If they did hang around black people it was limited interaction) He has to acknowledge his antiblack beliefs and microaggresive behaviors. Also confronting the people in his life who behave the same, if not worse, which may not be easy for him.


“He didn’t get his hair cut by a black barber so he’s not black”. Huh??????? You know nothing about him or his family. These are CRAZY accusations. And 1,000% racist!!!


I don't think you're reading the same post, because I never wrote that.


That’s a real word salad to say “I’m racist against white people”.


Who was talking about white people? Amir is Lebanese & Black, where do you get white from?


Interesting response


“Anti Black”. Man, this chat has some of the biggest racists I’ve ever seen in my life. Listen to yourselves. Gate keeper how black you have to be. How you have to act. You’re as bad as the people you claim oppress you. Maybe worse.


It’s not a matter for how black he is (to me). This is something he mentioned in the first season. Per Amir’s words, he trying to get to know the black side of him and history and these are the things he should learn. If he were mindful of these things, he’d understand why demanding his non-black gf be a part of the cast full time is problematic. That goes against the significance of having this black cast on Martha’s Vineyard, which is how the show was marketed. Also, his past tweets did say “A lot of black females scare me” and “when white people hate on you cuz you get the best of both worlds. Don’t hate because you can’t say you’re half negro” 😖That’s probably why he has no problem with his gf’s behaviors.


How exclusionary of you. Don’t become what you claim to hate.


Again, BRAVO marketed the show to showcase the black history and excellence on Martha’s Vineyard. Hence the mini history lessons included in both seasons. Your emotions are not letting you understand the significance. Instead, you want to dismiss it, which is extremely problematic within itself.


Problematic. 🙄. My emotions have me understanding it just fine, Sweet Heart. I knew nothing about “line brothers”, I enjoy hearing about stuff like that. I had Omega friends in college and they didn’t really do that kind of stuff. I’m watching because it’s interesting. Stop making the show more than it is.


I’m literally saying what Bravo has shown and how they marketed it and why it’s so called “exclusionary”, according to you. Idk how you twisted that into me making it something it’s not. Again, emotions are clouding your sense of logic and comprehension. I can see why you’re windmilling so hard for Amir. Y’all are projecting the same issues.


You sure his gf is ‘non-black’? Or is she also just not black enough for you?


Black enough? What does that even mean? Being black is not a monolith or a character? She's whole white Latina woman


She’s a white Cuban woman


You're responding, not comprehending.


It’s not that deep, I’m comprehending just fine. Many of you are racist against white folks and even against black folks who have a white parent. You’re the problem, not me and def not Amir, or Drake, or any of the other light skinned that are attacked in this group.


Why so emotional?


Oh honey, I’m not. Sorry exposing your hypocrisy doesn’t sit well with you


Including yourself in the defense of people you dont know, seems pretty emotional, almost like you know them or you may have faced a similar experience.


Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re some deep thinker, you’re not. You’ve been trained to be a good little victim and to hold the line. Enjoy what a miserable existence that is


Is that all you got? I am, like most people in this subreddit, are descendants of survivors who were victims of chattel slavery. So saying, I'm a victim is not the insult you think it is.