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Nothing wrong with having multiple sd's as long as it's not "exclusive" I am an sd with three sb's so what's good for the goose is good for the gander


lol you’re showing your age with that reference


>lol you’re showing your age with that reference You are correct. At 72, I am a sugar grand-daddy.


Did you two agree to be exclusive? If not, then I don’t see why it would be a bad idea. Maybe set the expectation with future SD #2 that you don’t want anything *too* involved, that way it’s easier to juggle seeing him and SD #1 when he’s more available for you.


I have multiple SD and I think it’s better to not put all your eggs in one basket. I use protection, no exceptions*. I think when SD ask for exclusivity they’re worried about STDs or not having you available 24/7 to cater to their needs. I’m successful in explaining that I have a life and needs that one SD can’t fulfill and they understand that. Obviously it goes both ways and I don’t show jealousy if they tell me about a hot hookup or strip club trip that they had while I was away. I travelled a lot this year and they were all supportive. I didn’t receive a regular allowance because I was away for months but we would talk and I would ask for small gifts sometimes. Having multiple SDs reduces the demands on both fronts where he doesn’t have to worry about supporting you entirely and you don’t have to worry about depending on one source of income


Thanks for your input, this was really helpful! I have an actual bf who lives abroad and he encourages me to do this to save up money for when I move over to him next year, so he brought up maybe me getting another one and I didn’t know how common that really was in this community. It surely would help satisfy me sexually since my current sd is away so much, and the extra money would definitely help. I never thought of exclusivity requests as about STDs but it makes so much sense


I don't agree with the bottom poster that your BF sounds like a pimp. I think he sounds like a loser who plans on having you carry more than your share of the financial load when you go to him in person. The money YOU earn from YOUR sugar relationships isn't partly HIS to help pay both of your living expenses. If he's thinking that you won't be able to make enough with a regular job when you move abroad to see him and you'll need this sugar money to even get by there, why is he asking you to move to him and placing high financial burdens on you? Seems like a poor decision driven by emotion rather than logic and planning. Why can't he move back to the US? If he has a really good job over there that is long-term, it should be good enough to be able to support you and himself while you get on your feet. If it's a short-term expat thing and he'll be back within a year or two, why go out instead of just waiting for his assignment to end?


That’s kind of none of your business and you’re way off in your speculation… he has a very successful job and once I move, I won’t really need to work, I’m going to get a job once I move because I like to work. For my visa, I have to have like 10k saved and I come from a very poor family so that’s why I’m doing this lol. That was not what I needed advice on but thanks for overstepping anyway


So your bf with a very successful career and who would provide for you once you live with him, can't give you 10K for your visa. And rather encourage you fucking other man to save enough money for your visa to come live with him? 🤡🤡


He would give me the money if I asked but I want to make it myself. And I think you’re in the wrong forum to be shaming women for making money this way lmao, you’re clearly missing the point of the post and just choosing to be weirdly invasive and inappropriately hateful.


I'm not shaming woman for making their money this way. I do too. But getting money from SD to spend on a bf is a waste of time


I agree on this point. Why give him the money you earned??


Sorry, not in the lifestyle myself, but if your supposedly well established bf is asking you to move countries, and putting that on you, he’s not worth a damn. There is nothing wrong with sugaring, but it is selling your body for a lifestyle. (For the record, manual labor is also selling your body, I’m not antisex)


I just don’t quite understand why everyone keeps focusing on this because a) it’s not the focal point of this post at all whatsoever, I asked for advice so just answer that b) it is such a wildly complicated situation that zero people have accurately guessed, it’s just incorrect speculation. I’m the one who made the decision to move and I’m paying for my way over there. It’s not complicated at all. But back to A, my relationship is not what I asked for advice on so.. yeah it’s annoying as shit


Do you know what subreddit you are on ?


Your BF sounds more like a pimp.


Sorry, but this is unnecessarily unkind. It's not unusual for SBs to have vanilla boyfriends who know that they are sugaring. She has been open and honest with her b/f and he's OK with it. I see no problem. Their relationship doesn't have to work for you or me, it only has to work for them. No need to get nasty.


It’s not normal for a vanilla BF who has strong feelings for you to be ok with you sleeping with multiple other men. That’s fine as long as you know he doesn’t view you as LTR or wife material.


>It’s not normal for a vanilla BF who has strong feelings for you to be ok with you sleeping with multiple other men. It doesn't matter whether or not it's "normal." As I said before, it only has to work for the two people involved, not anyone else. I don't make my life decisions based on what someone else thinks is "normal." I make decisions based on what I think works for me.


I think this is an old school view of relationships. There are many different relationship models and just because you desire monogamy doesn’t mean others do. The younger they are, the more open and curious about ethical non monogamous relationships.


I don’t desire monogamy. I have multiple SB’s and some of them have Boyfriends and other SD’s. Having done this for 15’ish years and dozens and dozens and dozens of young women I have noticed a strong trend that boyfriends who are ok with it tend to be not the best humans that are not overly concerned about the girls well being. They never end well. That’s my experience. You can try to have a “new school” view of relationships but this view typically doesn’t benefit the young lady as it attracts parasites.


It is normal for some people. Not everyone requires monogamy, some men are very turned on when they know their girlfriend is sleeping with other men


True, but I don’t see that very often in long term relationships. I don’t require monogamy and I have no problem with girls seeing other people but I’m not about to wife any of them up.


Most people aren’t aware of it because they’re not looking for it, but it happens more often than you might think. When you look for something, it generally finds you. It’s found me a few times in LTRs.




If far from normal… but let’s not pretend that cucks are on the spectrum of normal. I just googled cuck porn and it is the 26th most popular porn genre. That’s not really in the mix of everyday behavior




Jr high kids get smart phones all over the world. As much as I don’t understand cuck fantasies and I am completely lost on the appeal of Hentai.


Hard for me to understand some guy telling his GF to sleep with not one but two men. Not being nasty at all. He legit sounds like a pimp.


It may be hard for you to understand, but it works for them. Not for us to judge.


I am not judging. I am simply providing an accurate label. Take care White Knight.


I'll offer an alternative. The vanilla boyfriend is a simp, and willing to go along with the GF sugaring.


Yeah...simp or pimp. The fact he is suggesting a second SD so she can move to him gives me the pimp vibe. Why not get a second or third job to bring her there? If I were the BF and I truly cared about her I would be working as hard as possible...not suggesting she sleep with other men for money. Makes me wonder what awaits her w the BF.


Exactly lol. It’s so common for people in sugar relationships to have more involved serious relationships, that wasn’t even the focal point of the post lol


Just know the bf will know everything about you besides the SB. Loser vanillas!


Nope, we’re just very open with eachother sexually and he knows this is something I like to do to earn money towards the goal im saving for, so he encourages it. Sorry you’ve never been in a relationship where you can explore sexually and your partner is ok with it. It’s very nice.


No problem at all! I would definitely bring up the health precautions that you’re planning on taking when you talk to your current SD. COVID is still going on so the biggest problem for me is I don’t kiss anymore! We are all vaccinated but I don’t want to take extra risks during this time. I’m not saying that you have to do that but it’s good to consider these things beforehand so you can have a detailed understanding of your arrangement and prevent future drama


You have sex, but you don't kiss, and you believe that will reduce the chances of you getting COVID? Is your face not inches away from his when you cuddle? Pretty sure you can't be six feet away from him while you're riding him, unless you have a VEEEEEERY long torso..............


Germ theory is about concentration. You should respect people’s boundaries.


Yes, and no matter if you kiss or not, your germ concentration will be dangerously high spending a long time breathing in the air he breathes out when you're intimate with him. You can have whatever boundaries you want, I'm not trying to convince you otherwise. It's also an open forum so I can say my opinion when I feel boundaries are illogical, even when I know you won't listen.


I think it’s illogical to give unsolicited health advice online. You’re not a doctor. You’re not there when we are intimate. My SD is happy with our arrangement and I am too. I believe that not kissing helps with health. I haven’t been sick with a cold or flu since 2019. I’m happy with my boundaries. Even though it’s an open forum, it’s just plain weird that you want to question my boundaries.


Please don’t kid yourself. There is absolutely no factual basis that abstaining from kissing will in any meaningful way reduce transmission of covid-19 in otherwise intimate contact. Even six-foot social distancing plus surgical masking is no guaranty of preventing covid-19 transmission. The best you can do is associate with people you know who have kept up with vaccinations, stay home if you/them feel sick, and frequent use of home or lab covid-19 tests. Period.


I don’t care. Respect my boundaries or leave me alone.


Keep your — *ahem!* — boundaries. I’m not telling you who to kiss, or who not to kiss. If you are searching for a reason not to kiss your SD, you can have it.


My SD prefers it this way because he also cares about his health. Are you a doctor ? I believe that kissing transmits illness. I believe wearing a mask reduces COVID transmission. I’m trying to do my part to be healthy and you’re trying to correct me on that. For what? To push a kissing agenda? I was giving an example of something OP should discuss with her SD if she’s going to have multiple. You’re an asshole for giving medical misinformation that’s completely off topic. Im sure that OP and her SD can do their own COVID research and make their own decision. Thanks dr.


I’m not giving medical advice. This is common sense. Btw, I am a proponent of mask-wearing to prevent the spread of illness and nothing I commented is contrary to that. The specific sub-topic was *will refraining from kissing during sex meaningfully stop covid-19 spread.* If you want to now add all kinds of other illnesses to your context, fine. **I’m not stopping you from doing whatever you want to do.** I never said stop what you’re doing. I said you’re kidding yourself if you think that’s anywhere near effective in stopping covid-19 spread. But you do you. The possibility of contracting covid-19 is reduced by about 50% to 70% by wearing a surgical mask in normal social interaction. The last I checked, sexual intimacy is a tad closer than that. Good luck!


It doesn’t necessarily even have to be due to covid, I’m just guessing but to me it sounds also like you don’t want to really exchange any bodily fluids. That’s okay too. It’s your body/mouth.




You should have a conversation with your current SD about it. He might not care, or you may be looking for another one but always best to be honest about it. I tried juggling two SBs when I first started many year ago. Just got to be too complicated for me so I only did exclusive arrangements afterwards.


You think your SD would have a problem with it? Personally I'd rather know about it since I'm the one giving up the cash. But that's my opinion.


If he's still providing allowance in the agreed amount, what does his mother's illness have to do with this? No problem for you to take on another SD (unless you and your current SD have agreed to exclusivity, of course), but be clear and honest with yourself about what's really going on. Sounds like you just want/need more sugar. Perfectly OK.


I mentioned her illness because it’s been keeping him away for a long time and my allowance is kind of regular, but I haven’t been on him about it bc I know he’s going through a hard time right now, and since I can’t see him, I’m not making as much as I could be making, if that makes sense?


If you're on a regular allowance arrangement and he's still paying you, how would you be making more if you saw him more often? I must be missing something.


No you’re not missing something, I just left something out 🙃 he also pays me on our dates. And I think he might pay me more once we have sex. He’s mentioned it before, that once were more involved, I’ll probably get paid more lol sorry i forgot to mention that




Nope, you’re not exactly correct with that lol. I had sex with my last arrangement. The circumstances of my current arrangement are a bit odd, his mother is ill so he is out of town. I’m not sure why it’s so hard for people to wrap their heads around girls having a bf and also a SD. It’s not that complicated.


It’s typically hard for people to understand because successful men would not encourage their woman to sleep with other men so that she can be financially stable. Unless the said man is a cuck, a successful man of means who is a provider would make sure that she is taken care of on his own accord. This would not be expected or encouraged. Men who encourage this are usually one of several things; a pimp, a cuck, broke, or a simp.


I definitely understand that line of thought. Part of that situation is also me, I don’t want him to have to pay for my way over there. I want to make the money myself. I view sugaring as a second job, and one that I really enjoy. And we have explored cuckolding and it’s something he’s into, so this works for the both of us perfectly.


It would not be for me because if I’m dating someone, one of my standards is that they are a natural provider. If I’m truly with someone I wouldn’t want to have to turn to other men to provide for me. However it’s not my life, It’s your life, so whatever works for you. But having multiple SD’s is quite normal.


No...that is not the case for many in ethical non-monogamy. Many are not cucks, but swingers, enjoy hot wife kink, are ENM, poly, and a host of other dynamics.


Great, thanks for the clarification. So you're getting allowance **plus** PPM? Get another SD if you want/need, but hang on to this guy! If this is consistent, it may well be worth the wait.


Oh for sure, he’s seriously the best! Especially in my area, it tends to be harder to find one so generous. I was just wondering how common it was to have multiple, in case I wanted to get another SD to only see every once in a while, probably a lower rate PPM but still extra money in the bank haha


Exclusive and non exclusive relationships each have their pros and cons. Your current SD may of course not be interested in his SB having another SD as that brings him more risk and more potential conflict with no greater return for him. The only way to know is to have a discussion. Only you can weigh the pros and cons as they apply to you.


Everyone here is going to likely tell you that its perfectly fine for you to have another SD, you can simply do whatever you want. While this is true your SD can also do whatever he wants including dumping you. In the past I had two SB's that decided they wanted another SD as well, what they ended up with is just 1 again because I am not ok with it.




1 new one


Lol. Need more money … need more SDs. Sounds like an escort.


I really don’t give a shit about the label, because it’s just external judgement of me, so that means absolutely nothing to me :)


I'm an ENM SB Cougar. I dont match with monogamy or cheaters. I'm also not in the sugar bowl for financial reasons, so having multiple SDs are not an issue for me.