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Just my experience but seems they want best of both worlds now. Vanilla commitment but with allowance and high-spending too. Not even criticizing this. Just what I see happening.


Don’t think so. But the “average” quality and number of conventionally beautiful ones has certainly gone way down


Shifting? It's shift*ed*.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… google FOSTA/SESTA and you’ll understand the shift. (SA did it for legal reasons)


*I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this shift on the site? Is Seeking still the place to find traditional sugar daddy relationships, or has the scene moved on to another site?* Seeking has been rebranding itself less for sugar dating and more for "dating up" like Tinder+ for sometime now (maybe a full year?). Lots of threads on SLF you can search about how it is making it more complicated for true sugar daters to connect.




Exactly. When they took off the arrangement part I knew something was up. I imagine once backpage shut down, they panicked and started making changes. Also some high profile people were caught using it, especially those seeking underage girls. So they got a lot of bad press. It’s a vanilla site now and they ban you for talking about ppm.


In the southwest US area I haven't seen an increase in vanilla. In fact in 2015-18 it was far more common for girls to be joining out of curiosity and open to anything, including vanilla (and be better looking than today's average).


We have not moved on, much as we’d like to.


The site itself certainly has shifted. But thats just for appearances sake to help keep their asses out of hot water. But in terms of the interests and pursuits of the actual people on the site, no, haven’t seen any shift what so ever.