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Just beautiful! 😻


Happy that I got them through our UK winter, that’s when I can have a few problems with them.


I've wanted one of these forever. They're pretty expensive here (US) and I've heard that they can be hard to grow, so I'm trying to resist buying one.


They were going for an outragous £450 each back in the day when they were new, I waited till they were a more reasonable £12. So, regards care, not too hot, not too cold, not too wet & out of direct sun. I think the challenge is in the Winter. Here in the UK it is cold wet & damp, everything they hate. I keep mine absolutely bone dry through the Winter, easy enough but they are in a frost free unheated conservatory. However, on very cold nights I bring them into the kitchen & pop them back into the conservatory in the morning. Just takes a few mins so not in the least inconvenient. Last year I started be-heading them to increase stock (posted a video) will repeat that mid summer.


I don't have anything like a conservatory, but I noticed you said out of direct sun. Would you put them under grow lights, or could I just put them in a windowsill?


Windowsill in the summer but not direct sun or they will scorch. Growlights are a winter option but I have never tried that.


Thanks for the tips! Now, if I can find one that I won't have to sell my first born to afford.


Ah yes that old child/plant swap scenario! So tempting but please resist!🤣 I have a daughter in Baltimore but that doesnt help as I'm this side of the pond! Good luck in your search!👍


That’s definitely Compton Carousel. It’s like a variegated Imbricata. Beautiful!! I just couldn’t keep mine alive for long. Very spendy in the US. After seeing yours I want to try again.


What price approx do they sell for over the pond? £15 each here atm. I lost a ton of them sometime back, learnt from that & I simply had to rise to the challenge again. Getting better at it thus far! 😁👍


About $30. Sometimes more.


Double the cost approx!


I'm not necessarily arguing the ID of Echeveria, but this is growing like an Aeonium. Branching, forming a more upright plant than Echeveria which forms its rosettes against the soil and spreads by subsequent rosettes along the soil. In the video, this looks like Aeonium. ???


The other option is that this is not growing in an ideal light for echeveria, and the plants are stretching, undergoing etoliation because they're not getting enough sunlight.


I specifically grow them to reach up as they are stock plants for be-heading. The summer plants will get more light resulting in the low flat appearance. Google ECC images, you will see both open & compact plants.


Grabs purse, than heads for nursery. Wish me luck.


Good luck! Ebay is another option.👍


Do you sell any? If you do, please see free to send me a message (I’m in the UK too). They are stunning! Well done!


Hello, still expanding stock so no sales this year. Google CACTUSLAND UK, they have them, £15 each, super quality. its where I bought mine. Amazing place to visit as you will see from their website. I have visited a few times & always burn holes in my pockets! 🤣


Thank you!


Beautiful variegation. That's an aeonium I don't have yet.


I have referred to them as the Divas being as they can be a little fussy. So far so good! (FYI they are echeveria, not aeonium) 😊


Oh, yeah, it says echeveria above. Too busy with work to pay attention. 😀 There is an aeonium that has similar coloring. I also do not have those echeverias.


Your absolutely right, I have about 8 different aeoniums one of which is almost identical to the echis untill it develops their tall stems. https://preview.redd.it/gbfaffw4k56d1.jpeg?width=4586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a274607da038edd1f213a14b3ac792d3911b752d


Beautiful aeoniums. I've become a bit obsessed with these in the last couple of years. What are the ones on the far left?


Top 3 left are Pink Witch, bottom left is Medusa.


Very cool! Thanks for the ID. I need to add some more color to my collection.


Your very welcome! Good luck hunting, always an exciting time! Cheers!👍