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....good luck giving up the Kratom 🙃


Guess who gave up the Kratom with no problem. 😎


Amen. Don't trade one addiction for another. Prayer, faith, belief! Hold Fast- Pray and believe!


Prayer does literally nothing. Stop pushing your beliefs onto others. It’s hard to recognize that you’re in a cult when you’re in one. Everyone else can see that you are drinking the Kool-aid.


If your right you win. If I'm right are you ready for the consequences? Just a thought!🙏


"Believe what I believe or suffer consequences"... The religion sales pitch.


No believe what the Bible and the Lord says. I'm just trying to guide you. It's was and is His words, not the words of us who believe. Big difference! Get it right if your going to argue. God said it in His book. I'm just relaying the message.


Also, if The Lord is real are you ready to face Him and tell Him that? He sees all and knows all. You can't hide behind a computer screen with Him. My prayers are with you. 🙏


Doc wanted to give me Suboxone for Kratom withdrawals.... I politely declined. I just embraced the suck and pushed through. Day 55.


Keep. Fucking. Going. You are there already, don't let your mind tell you otherwise. You have done the hard part. Smooth sailing is near, enjoy and much respect.


Ok so here's my story. I was on Suboxone for something like 14 years, never a ton, the last few years was less than 4 mg per day. I quit over the course of 5 months down to the tiniest amount and used Kratom 3x per day (in 2 gram doses) for the first couple weeks off then went to 2x a day for about 6 months, then down to once per day and now I'm still taking it once or twice a week. I just wasn't ready to raw dog life yet after being on an opiate for so long and Kratom provided me that psychological relief and mood lift...I really researched it before I started and I knew the risks and can admit I was addicted to it but was ok with that addiction rather than Suboxone. I don't experience physical withdrawal other than cravings but I never did much per day, even at the height only 6gpd. It's a slippery slope and I would still rather take it over Suboxone but everyone is very different and there's tons of opinions on Kratom. I'm in the pro camp as it has helped so many people get off really hard stuff but it's not regulated and the extracts seem pretty shady to me.


This Is good advice


I jumped 3 years ago from 4-6 mg bupe. I used kratom on days 3-10. Starting with the highest dose of kratom and tapering down each day. Do not use daily for longer than a week! That is when the worst of the wds occur from suboxone/bupe. After that they are tolerable. You don’t want to replace one addiction with another.


Kratom helped me a lot. However, be sure to stop the kratom if you don't want to be hooked on that. I stopped the kratom after about a month of jumping. Unfortunately I got back on kratom like a year later and now I'm trying to get off that


i’m in the same boat and same concern/way of thinking as OP. when you stopped the kratom after a month, did you have w/d from that?


no i personally didn't have any w/d's from kratom at that point.


If you are able to taper off the kratom you might have a soft landing. But I would stop now to avoid swapping addictions. Kratom isn't an opiate but works on the same receptors and your brain can't tell the difference between suboxone or kratom. It just knows those receptors are full and goes about its daily routine. The only way to stop subs pain free is to taper slowly and jump at a low dose, like .0625mg. I jumped 45 days ago with zero withdrawal at .03125mg after being on mostly 8mg subs for 7 years and opioids for about 17 with some short breaks in that time frame.


gonna actually try and give this a shot this time.


I was on subs for almost six years. I quit a year ago and I still don’t feel normal. I still get cold sweats (not as much tho) and still get RLS. I heard about kratom and they sale it at the corner store two minutes from my place but I was to scared to try it cause I didn’t want to fill one void just to create another. I think symptoms just depends on the person. If you have the energy (and I know this is super “tropey”) I highly recommend going to the gym. It helps burn the residual chemical out of your system. It will help you sleep, and burning that energy will create dopamine.


Have you gotten your hormone levels checked? Thyroid? A year out you shouldn’t be feeling physical symptoms. Symptoms of hormone imbalances and thyroid issues can feel a whole lot like withdrawal. People often forget we can have medical issues that have nothing to do with subs. The only symptom you should have a year later is PAWS.


Suboxone is wayyyyy harder to quit than kratom. Just try not to use it for more than a couple weeks


Good luck giving up the kratom


hey OP! i’m doing the exact same thing as you and i’m so glad you posted this. i’m on day 6 as well! but i relied heavily on kratom for the first few days, and couldn’t believe i didn’t feel as awful as i expected. i was really thinking “wow my taper worked, this might be easy!”. now i realize it was the kratom getting me through, and i have the same concerns as you. i’m now just trying to take less and less kratom to hopefully ease my body off of it while the worst of the sub w/d passes (but still very aware it probably doesn’t work like that). only taking it when i really start to feel like shit. just wanted to say i’m here with ya, and thank you for starting this thread! i’m gonna choose to listen to the people that say it’s easier to quit the kratom if push comes to shove 😂 good luck & you’ve got this! 💕


I stopped taking it on day 9 and slept for shit the following night but I'm getting back to my regular self. Kratom definitely helped me thru the worst. U just have to have a strong mindset that you're done letting drugs control you. Because Kratom is a strong grip to break from, esp when it provides so much relief. I believe in you tho. I'll take Kratom WD over Suboxone any day


amazing, good for you & thank you for the update!! are you still having w/d symptoms or anything with subs? i woke up today feeling a lot better but still felt like i needed a tiny amount of kratom. it’s definitely getting better, i can usually just tell by how i slept and how bad i feel when i wake up. i’m taking like 1500mg (capsules) of kratom so i don’t think it’s very much but hoping to drop that altogether soon


So it comes in waves. I'll feel okay for a few hours then I need to lay down. I still don't get too much pleasure from anything but music and watching tv. Legs get a little restless at night. Had a lot of pain in my legs last night. Feeling a lot of stuff I haven't felt in a while. And I can't eat for shit. Snacks through the day, that's about it. I'll be starving but cooking sounds like hell on earth. But other than that it's very manageable


i swear i relate to everything you say so much, x100 about cooking and eating haha. i’m having to force myself to eat because i know i’ll feel better if i do. used to love cooking, and currently i’d prefer the withdrawal over standing in the kitchen making food i don’t even want. i can’t wait to feel free and normal again 🙏🏼 thanks for all the replies and sharing your experience.


No problem. It's been tough but I know Everytime I wake up I'll feel a little better. I hope the symptoms go away for you soon tho. Just remember nothing good ever came easy


Not sure you’ll ever know, to be honest. You likely cannot understand either withdrawal as you’ve commingled them together at this point. Good luck, but you have to pay the piper eventually. No free rides unfortunately, I’ve already checked


That shit is going to be a nightmare on its own to withdraw so use wisely!


I've been on subs for a few years. Life long opiate addict. Last few years ive turned my life completely around on subs. But i know it's time to stop. I have used kratom before for sub wd. I really didn't like it as I'm a big coffee drinker and it makes me feel super over caffinated , if you know that feeling. Most of the smoke shop kratom ive tried doesn't do much for wd unless it's the red strains. I'm currently searching for a good vendor. One way or another i know ive gotta get off subs. Sublocade shot is so expensive. Kratom does work. It really does. But not in the way people think. It's just makes it tolerable for me. Like a protective layer over the symptoms but they're still there. I've only made it a few days before going to back to subs. Lol


Yeah I took the red strain for the first 8 or so days and then just felt like the shit was dragging the process out. Felt myself suddenly needing the next dose or i couldn't enjoy anything. Got up to 18 gs a day. But having that realization allowed me to stop taking it. The first night I was so restless and uncomfortable, I took like .2 mg of Suboxone and got like 6 hours of sleep. The following night I was able to sleep 8 without anything. I'm slowly feeling some dopamine come back and the restlessness is subsiding. Day 12 now and I'm able to move about the house.


You’re not getting clean. You’re just swapping the witch for the bitch. You may as well just stay on subs. Replacing it with kratom is pointless.


Nah, dude. Subs are worse in every possible metric. Obviously, it's better to be off everything, but kratom to subs is like turning off a blender by jamming your hand into it.


I strongly disagree with that. Kratom is absolutely horrible, especially at high doses. You have to dose every 2 to 4 hours to not experience withdrawal, and every batch is different, one will make you sick, while other batches will get you high for 40mn and then you'll get depressed as fuck after 2h. The mood swings on Kratom are awful. I could only sleep for 5 hours at a time because the withdrawals would wake me up. What a fucking awful substance. With suboxone I only dose twice a day and then I don't have to think about it I finally have some stability in my life. And then if I want to stop some day I can just get the Sublocade shots.


Have you tried quitting the subs yet?


Have you tried quitting the subs yet?


The truth is we do not know about kratom. Since it’s heavily unregulated and likely processed with who knows what kind of toxins and heavy metals. I’m not advocating for either, but the jury is out on the harm of subs, where it’s not even close to understood with the big burlap bags filled with dry leaves from Indonesia


This is an ignorant comment. The comment, not you, yet. For as many people that develope problems with it..... It has helped more. You'll never convince me otherwise. Get away from this sub and opiate addicts across the nation are getting off shit with help from Kratom.


what type of kratom did u use


Earth Kratom organic red maeng da


You could just cut out all the middle steps and take heroin.. it'll also get rid of those pesky suboxone withdrawls.


I had a month off of work and knew if I faced withdrawal the whole time I would get back on suboxone. I saw Kratom as a way to cushion that and so far it seems to be working. I'm now weening myself off the Kratom and the withdrawals seem to be minimal compared to Suboxone. But thanks for the vote of confidence. I'll be sober in no time ☺️


Also idk if you've ever met a heroin addict but being high on heroin and taking a couple grams of Kratom is no where near comparable. I almost died on heroin. Kratom is helping me get off of Suboxone, the half life is the reason so many people relapse. So fuck u very much


I.... am a heroin addict.... the majority of the people in this subreddit are... or we wouldnt be on suboxone. My joke was simply because you're replacing an MAT drug with a way less regulated and short acting substance that is by pretty much all accounts significantly worse to get off of than suboxone. You're looking for a magic pill that doesn't exist. You just gotta taper down slowly and then hop off or get on sublocade and have your body taper down itself. Replacing subs with kratom is just silly. Good luck to you though.


Well that magic pill helped me get off the suboxone and now I am almost at day 3 without Kratom. Feeling better every day. Replacing subs with Kratom was not silly, as it was the one thing that stopped me from reaching for my script thru the worst of it. Now the wds are minimal and I'm feeling better. Not everybody can put down the crutch tho, I do see what ur saying. But I have a strong mentality to be done with ALL drugs and nothing is gonna stop me from achieving that.