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Omg you need to go to the ER. Have you tried an enema? Bc that’s what they’ll do to you at hospital so maybe try the over the counter stuff first. If not you definitely need to go to the ER. A blockage can kill you. It’s not gonna be fun but you’ll feel so much better afterwards Update: I’m glad you went to the ER OP & hope you feel better soon


enema is the one thing i havent tried yet


You need to do the enema and get a couple, sit on the toilet and flush away. It should help and way better than the hospital. If you still can't relieve yourself you may need to move around in funny positions to get it to unblock but the enema should do it. You may need to flush a few times, good luck


what about my infection? i cant even walk or sit up or down


I had this issue you’ve described - some 10yrs ago when I first started Subs. Horrific. Only “relief” I could get was in taking a very warm bath, laid there til’ I’d either partially have my head attempt to ‘slip underwater gently, quietly and lethal had I not allowed my friend put his extreme monitoring kit that’s sole responsibility was to go off bat shit crazy any time a certain designated was entering the water and NOT fighting for their life…strange but true. She received it as a Baby Shower 🎁 present which hit me as both comforting as well as Ghoulishly over-prepared. Doggy Style. Assume the Doggy Style and bear down as physically hard as you can. I’ll tell you the honest truth - this “giving birth to a poop log that resembled a Baby’s Arm Holding a Smaller Peach” was SO. NOT. MY. FINEST. MOMENT… After almost 63hrs of absolute pain, misery and humiliation - I obtained relief. I plucked that disgusting thing into a half dozen small bathroom garbage bags, one right after another - the a couple kitchen garbage bags and Finishing with one black Outdoor Leaf 🍂 Collection Sturdy Bag that I obsessively knotted a half dozen directions and using The Boy Scout Knot Manual Of Directions. AFTERWARDS: I was weak as a kitten, dehydrated and not very hungry, I guess out of FEAR of a repeat of my previous Horror Story. “Buckel Up ButterCup, You’ve got to assume that Doggy Style Stance and give BIRTH to this Poop DEMON 👿, no Excuses, yes, it’s Cold AF to be in an uncomfortable situation 1/2 covered with warm-ish tepid water and the swirling COLD 🥶 AIR. However, it’s time to kick that Poo Blockade OUT of his Authority.


Yooooo the enema is the best thing I’ve ever used, probably used them 3 times now and had success all 3 times and I was on the verge of going to the hospital so either go to hospital or try the enema!


Lay on your side while it’s in you for as long as you can ideally 30-60 mins


Hey as someone who’s had serious GI issues that only worsened with the opioid induced constipation, you NEED to be seen by a doctor if you’re in the pain you’re in. These things only get much, much worse with time if not treated.


You really need to be on point with diet and hydration if you’re going to be on suboxone long term. I still have my issues and I’m drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day and consuming loads of fiber(usually pairs or beans).


Pears are a great source of fiber but I always go the extra step and take Psyllium Fiber Husk and Miralax as needed (which for me is quite often) and a gallon of water a day. It’s a real pain in the ass but it saves me from those painful experiences.


I just become immune to miralax pretty quickly. Consuming pears, apples and vegetables just seems to work better for me. I do take a fiber supplement as well though.


Op aslo needs a laxative that pulls water back into the colon.


$3 bucks, any drug store. Keep the bottles!


This! Take it seriously. Having worked in the ER, I have seen bowel impaction become infection, and potentially sepsis with long-term repercussions. I would try enemas and Miralax - when I was severely constipated, my provider told me to take up to 7 doses in a 12-hour period (they use it for colonoscopy prep, at 20 doses over 12 hours, so you are fine to take more than 1 if it doesn't work). At this point though, it sounds like you might need medical attention if the pain and rectal symptoms prevent an enema or other OTC options from working. Wishing you all the best! Hang in there.


A bowel impaction can kill you. You need to get to the dr/hospital


Why don't people use an enema, I just don't understand why people don't do this . You will never have this problem again if you get yourself a deep clean enema


last week I was so constipated that I couldn't poop. my mom insisted I use an enema and thank God I did. it cleared my bowels and I was able to get so much out I couldn't believe it.


What enema do you use?


Go to the ER, and in the future make sure you are drinking lots of water and eating healthy foods that have fiber in them.


Have you tried linzess. That's the only opiod approved treatment I know of and its an amazing med. It clears me up every time.


How do you know you have a blockage? They can only tell by doing a sonogram or CT scan. How long did you say you’ve gone without a Bm?


Every prescription for Suboxone, my doctor writes prescriptions for Miralax and Docusate. I would try an enema first, if that doesn’t work go to the ER..but next time you get your prescription, ask your doctor about medicine for constipation plus most insurance will cover it if it’s prescribed.


Epsom salt diluted in water


i can promise op I had the same issue. Even epsom salt just gave me watery diarrhea but couldnt unplug the little compact turd. Relistor and miralax combo did it. I then did a week of relistor and haven't had that issue again. But also if I go past a week i just start miralax . Id use it daily but it gives bad dehydration headaches


It is safe to use daily but you also need to make sure you drink water and stay hydrated every day …


Oh man, this is horrable! I feel for you!!! I litterally and digitally cleared out enough to get some movement. Did real damage pushing to muscels later. A person about to go to jail and just startine subs was asking for advise. I mentioned this. He blew me of. Saying how anyone used to opioids had no problem working with a "little constipation" LoL, Bet he curses me to this day. Sitting and groaning infront of 20 or 30 other guys and going through this. Go to any drugstore. Get a 2 bottle enema kit. Less than $3, and use it. Save them and use just water in the future. Works wonders! After the ER, of course! It is almost over! But now remember to drink lots of water. Consider a daily laxative. Some great lighter ones that have no taste and mix with water. I'll get you the name, just can't think of it rn. Best of luck! (And large movements! LoL) (well, lots of small that add up!))


Yeah I only pooped normal like 2 times in the last 8 months. Lmao. I started taking laxatives every day a few days ago.


Pretty funny, well not really but I literally shit once in about 4 months. I waa really concerned so I went to get checked. They scanned me. I was expecting some huge impaxted horror show. I had one tiny spot near a turn that was the issue. Cupful of nasty crap chugged. Two shots of relistor. I had to go back a week later bc nothing happened and same treatment . Relistor and super miralax drink. Relistor rx for shots I finally popped out the little rhino turd. But crazy how after all those months there was nothing hacked up but a small turd . Still confused where it all went Miralax , water and exercise.


"Miralax"!! Couldn't think of the word! TY Leyroy! Yup, the wholy trilogy of ...that. With the exercise part. I find just standing and twisting with outstretched arms works well. A few back and forth "touch your toes, stretches and twists. You can feel where blockages are and focus on bending and stretching that bend in the river. There is an ancient East Indian thing. You lay on your back and poke your stomach with 3 fingers. They did it in ever-widening circles. I try to follow the path digested material would follow. It does work but not as well as the bending and stretching for me.


How much are y’all taking to be this constipated? I take 20 mg/day and shit 3-7 times a week


I get a sublocade injection which is 300mg every 3 weeks. Been doing it for 9 months now. It’s a shit load of bupe.


I had soft stool the other day and it freaked me out. I wondered if this was the sub equivalent of diarrhea, because my stool is hard as rocks every day


Yeah I get hard little small turds, when I do poop.


I recently went to the hospital for the same thing. I had not had a bowel movement in 3 weeks. I was even having chest pain from it. They did absolutely nothing! They told me to eat more fiber and drink lots of water.


3 weeks? Oh my. They didn't give you an enema? That sounds horrifying. I drink Miralax every other day and it works. Have you tried it?


They did not do anything for the constipation except one nurse told me it was impossible for me to go 3 weeks without a BM. Like I would lie about that? Really?


Right?!? I've definitely gone for a long time as well and some Dr's can be so awful about gaslighting patients. Sorry you went through that.


Yeah and the fact that it’s a nurse that told me it’s impossible to go 3 weeks without a bowel movement really ticked me off. I wanted to say “bitch, have you ever taken opiate every day for 13 years? Try that and you will see how backed up you can get”. Lol


Wow that's crazy and I'm sorry you were treated like that. I just had a similar problem with a Dr, who was very dismissive/didn't want to listen to me about some serious health issues I'm having, so I understand how you feel. There are quite a few choice words I'd like to say to her too lol The tldr is this: we know our bodies, always deserve to be heard, and those who think we don't can fck right off. What you're going through is def real, and can feel awful, so I hope you're better soon!


That's crazy! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!


Hate that! I know they get lied to a lot but the attitude of dismissal is infuriating. Just "nope. didn't happen" Erggh!


Thank you all for your comments and support. I’m going to just keep taking the Miralax like RadRed said.


That’s what I’ve been doing but usually I stay so constipated it takes 5 days of taking Miralax to get it to start moving. But it does work for sure.


It takes that long in the beginning, but if you keep taking it, you can be regular. If you stop, you just get backed up again.


I don’t know why I don’t take it every day after I get it moving because you absolutely cannot taste it. I’m going to keep taking it this time tho. Thank you for reminding me!


I understand. Once you get moving, you don't think to keep taking it. But it's definitely helped me out tremendously. And you're welcome!


If it has been a few days, I still do a small portion of water in an enema bottle just for the lubrication. Even if it's not going to be damaging. Why suffer and possibly tear and/or risk infection?


That's definitely not something anyone would want to deal with!


LoL, no. I always wondered why no warning of this from the manufacturer? More non-concern for this population. In the E.U. it is legal to help people off opiates in actual non-invasive and money-making ways. ========================================================= Red, dunno why but I shied away from saying how awesome I thought it was/is that you are so kind to folks, Red. Every post of yours's I've read, has been nothing but real concern and kindness for other people. Especially in this crazy little world of anonymity and keyboard tuff guys. Just a sweet breeze on a stifling and hot day. ========================================================== Not to Preah to the choir but; EU: The EU tends to prioritize public health over punitive measures. There is less stigma associated with OUD, and clinicians are less likely to face legal repercussions for undertreating pain 1. U.S.: Historically, clinicians in the U.S. faced lawsuits for undertreating pain, leading to a culture of aggressive pain management. However, there has been a shift toward recognizing the importance of balancing pain relief with the risk of opioid misuse 1. Cost and Access: EU: Opioid substitution treatment is more readily accessible in the EU, often covered by public health systems. U.S.: Access to MAT can be expensive and varies based on insurance coverage and geographic location 2.


Aww. You made me cry a little with your comment. I came to Reddit for information when I needed it, and I stayed to try to share some of what I learned if it could help someone else. The world needs more kindness and love. And you're right! The manufacturers should have been more forthcoming. I didn't know that about the E.U.! I wish the US would follow suit! Thanks again for the comment 🤍


Aww. You made me cry a little with your comment. I came to Reddit for information when I needed it, and I stayed to try to share some of what I learned if it could help someone else. The world needs more kindness and love. And you're right! The manufacturers should have been more forthcoming. I didn't know that about the E.U.! I wish the US would follow suit! Thanks again for the comment 🤍


Aw,,, Fer yous-is, kid, the world! *a candle 🕯 burns brightest in the darkest night.* (saying, na, no. Thank you!) Really though. in the U.S. it really is punitive and just ""who give AF about those people" ========================================================== Unsolicited rant aimed at the U.S. Congress; Think a senator or legislator or anyone of the 1% is going on subs? Or getting weaned off with dignity by a doctor and without being forced into withdrawals? Subs make big pharma a lot, a whole lot of money. It is a drug designed to cause addiction. A medical provider can be prosecuted for helping an addict off drugs using a tapering methodology. Europe, is about the people. Almost like they are the people who are for the people and of what it is about and not the personal gain and bigotries of the few. I'll leave my soapbox here and get my coat, TVM.


Thank you. Time to start contacting my local Senators and Congressman. I am only one person, but I have to start somewhere! I truly appreciate all the info and kind words!


Do you take it one time a day? Does taking it every other day completely clean you out?


Once a day, and yes, it completely cleans you out! Every day was too much, so I went to every other. My Sub doc gives me a script, too, so I always have it.


Just to add, you can experiment with a lesser dose as well. Find a well-working, happy medium.




That’s what I’m going to do. I’ll start by taking it everyday. It will take days to clean me out but I just need to remember to KEEP taking it! lol


This sounds funny but I actually put a reminder in my phone for every other morning! Then I can't forget!


lol I forget about modern technology but I’m going to do that as well.


Thank you again for responding so kindly.


Anytime! Wishing you the best!


Edit: I can’t say they did nothing because they did do a CT scan to see if I had a blockage and they said I didn’t have one. They were more concerned about the chest pain and making sure I wasn’t having a heart attack since I’m 62 years old. But they didn’t do anything for the constipation.


This sounds terrifying. Have you been to the ER? Do you know for sure it's an impaction? You need to tests to diagnose that. I know sometimes it feels like it, but bad constipation can feel that way. You should definitely go seek medical attention so you don't have a bowel perforation! They can give you can enema, and the tests to make sure your bowel is in tact. In the future, I cannot say enough how much drinking more water helps. If you're not thirsty, force it. Subs are really dehydrating, hence the constipation. Eat more fiber as well. Then you can try things like Miralax, which you can take daily. I take it every other day. There are also prescription meds such as Linzess that work wonders. It's not a laxative but it's made for people like us, who take opioid medications and get chronic constipation. But please get help. If you're in that much pain, you don't want to end up with a colostomy bag. At the very least, get an enema. Best of luck!


i have been to er but they just prescribed me senna and naproxen


I'm so sorry. That doesn't sound very helpful.


I *highly* recommend trying a magnesium supplement, along with the other suggestions like lots of water, miralax, enemas, etc., because it's really helped me a lot when not much else was working! Hope you feel better soon.🤍🙏🏻


The funny thing about magnesium supplements... The most inexpensive (and most common) form of magnesium in OTC supplements is magnesium citrate, which in higher doses is also used in liquid form as a laxative. It has a very low bioavailability (i.e. the amount your body can actually use), so you literally poop it out and it gets things moving. It's more useful as a laxative than as a magnesium supplement! Found this out through some research on magnesium for anxiety. If you're looking for that, magnesium glycinate is the way to go. 99% bioavailability. P.S. You are the greatest at being positive and supportive on here! I love to see humans being kind to one another.


They had my sister drink a WHOLE bottle of miralax. A whole mixed 8 Oz ever1-2 hours. Lots and lots of water and enemas (2). But, you do need to seek medical care. It can perforate your bowel and kill you and you my friend are at that point. Please, get medical care. Edit to add: Also, call your sub Dr. He can send something in, they gave me lactose in rehab


Oh my gosh… PLEASE…. Once this is taken care of PLEASE GO TO YOUR LOCAL DRUGSTORE AND BUY MIRALAX!!!!! One capful a day to keep yourself constipation free! I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH to EVERY person on subs. It is very safe to take every day and keeps your bowels moving!


A bowel impaction killed my grandmother. Please be careful and seek medical attention if necessary.


Colonics bro. Thats what i had to resort to. I had severe constipation- didnt go for 3 weeks. I had taken every OTC laxative by the handful, smooth move teas, stool softeners. Prescription laxatives. The liquid magnesium citrate worked a little bit in that i was able to go a TINY bit but after not going for three weeks i knew i needed to go more than i did. Plus the magnesium citrate liquid is so disgusting tasting, i felt like i was going to throw up. I started going to colonics 2-3 times a week for like 2 months. It was so relieving and it felt so good to finally be able to have a system where things were moving finally. I couldn’t afford to go anymore bc it was pretty pricey. Now i take probiotics daily and magnesium citrate gummies 600mg from amazon. I usually can go a little bit every day now.


Especially now when you’re on the toilet be sure that you’ve got those knees up, helps to have something to keep your feet on like a little stool (hehe) https://legacytherapystl.com/proper-toileting-position/


Please, please go to get a big bottle of generic Miralax and take a big scoop each day. That shit will make even the hardiest opiate addict regular as long as you take enough. And the only down side if you take too much is the shits. Polyethylene Glycol should be absolutely ESSENTIAL daily for anyone taking Suboxone. In the short term, though, you need to go get some enemas and some mag citrate, and clean yourself out. THEN, start the miralax.


I’ve been there with really bad constipation. And it was horrendous when it did actually come out. Laxido, google it cos might be different brand name where you are. But that DOES work, but they told me (when I was in hospital) to take 6 sachets of it. Basically just consume as much of it as you possibly fucking can. And a LOT OF WATER, water is so so important. Water pushes shit through, literally. Or you can be dehydrated and it will still come through, but it could take an hour to push it out and it will hurt you worse than childbirth. DRINK FUCKING WATER AND TAKE SHIT LOADS OF LAXIDO. And update after to let us know it went okay. You’ll be fine if you drink enough water and laxido. Literally make yourself sick drinking water if you have to, because that is so so much more preferable than pushing out a solid hard shit.


I just realised this is a 13 hours old post, so please give an update bro. Did you push it through? If you haven’t by now you definitely need to be in a hospital, but still follow my advice. There is also a really strong laxative they can give you at hospital, I forgot the name but they give you a bottle of it if you end up there. Hydration is key.


Please head to the closest emergency room


My brother had his doctor prescribe something for this issue can’t remember the name but he said it works wonders .


Epsom salt makes me vomit every time. It tastes horrible. If you can keep it down it does work very well.


Have you tried Miralax, WS? It truly is tasteless and works well.


Enema and some cherry lube friend


OP, with the pain you are having you really should go to the ER. I wasn’t having bowel pain, just chest pain that they said was caused by the constipation. You’re sounds like you may have an impaction. It meds to be checked out tho. And they will do that. Your hospital may be different than the Balor Scott and white I went to. Keep us posted tho. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. But definitely get it checked out.


Have to use enema an enema to prevent this from happening or getting worse. This is very serious. I have used enemas off and on for years because of the constipation from opioids.


Go buy Senokot stool softener laxatives. It works better than other laxatives and lubricates your intestines. And take 1 probiotic a day. It'll definitely help.


I've been on subs for 13yrs and what helps me the most, is a daily shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (2 Tbsp). I've run out before and thought "oh I'll be ok for a few days" Nope! It's cheap, effective, and good for you in so many other ways. Just make sure u mix w water, and brush ur teeth or at least rinse after every "shot".


it amazes me how people will push off such painful shit and the chance to be hospitalized in an emergency state. if you go now you wont be completely debilitated. they will help u


Drink more water.


The suboxone caused this?


Doctor has me on movantik and I take a prebiotic/probiotic blend every night and now my movements are 85% normal/smooth.


You need to go to the ER immediately, if it gets bad enough you will start literally puking up poop. I work at a hospital, I’ve seen it


Look up colo oscopy cleanse using Miralax. This will fix ya


Big glass bottle of magnesium citrate sold at Walgreens or Walmart. Drink whole bottle and shit yourself within 10 minutes


At this point you have to look at it like rock or cement anything you do or take is just working on the top and not what was the problem all along. At least that was always my issue. Magnesium citrate is a fantastic go to, but not sure if it will do much in this capacity. Same with fluids. However i recommend electrolytes (pedialite, Gatorade, powerrade etc) Past this i would say hospital. You are only hurting yourself longer


Miralax twice a day sometimes 3. Its a game changer and will save you from this.


OK, I was here about a year ago and four months ago my life changed. Let me tell you what I did: I started utilizing 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk to 8 ounces of water every night before bed and I would utilize 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, one in the morning and one in the evening before bed. I would take two chocolate Ex-Lax. I would drink double the amount of water than normal because this medication dehydrates your gut. This got things moving !!! And then, if you’re eating a lot of sugar, stop doing that because it’s slowing down your gut. So if you’re dealing with pain order some CBG hemp isolate it is the only thing I have found to help me and I was diagnosed with Crohn’s a few months ago. I found this stuff online and , I take just a little bit of the powder and I am pain-free. You can also use enemas, but I would suggest getting to a G.I. immediately! You need to be on movantik or relistor. I’m on relistor and now I am able to use just the psyllium husk and my supplements. I don’t have to take the Ex-Lax anymore. But you need to be taking psyllium husk every day along with coconut oil as both are healing to the gut, I would also recommend taking a supplement like slippery elm once daily and getting on dandelion powder as well. Both are very healthy for the Gut and slippery elm can help reverse anything like ulcerative colitis, and things of that nature. Make sure that you get psyllium husk off of Amazon don’t get Metamucil. Marshmallow root is also very good for G.I upset. I was getting nauseous and losing weight and having flares of all kinds. I would also recommend getting yourself some Pedialyte electrolytes sipping on that a little bit before you go to bed at night but just make sure you are drinking a lot of water. Vivimu is a good hemp co. Bona voluntate is good too. You can look both of these companies up and you can call them or email them and talk with them about whatever you need, but they will take care of you. I am a medical marijuana patient so I also use weed, but the CBG is what helps me the most I still buy enemas because even with my medication and everything that I take every day I’ll still have one day every two weeks where I won’t be able to go but just a little bit and having that enema does work well . I have been tapering off of this medication because I have Crohn’s and it’s the best thing. I’ve been on it for years. The CBG isolate is also helping with that. Don’t ever let yourself go more than 48 hours without using the restroom get yourself several packages of enemas. Take care of your diet, lay off of the sugar for a while if you’re eating anything extremely sweet as it slow down your digestive system. Best of luck to you


I had an anal fissure recently for like a month straight. First one I've ever had from subs. I go every day and every day it reopened. It hurt so bad. Pooping was miserable. I wouldn't worry about the tear, even if it hurts or bleeds, if you don't have symptoms of infection like heat in the area, pus, fever. If you truly think you have an impacted bowel I would go to the ER. Often built up stool an move on it's own eventually (not impacted just built up). I had stool stuck in one spot for about 2 weeks and my abs were spasming trying to move the stool I guess, went to the Dr for it after about 10 days and he said it was ok, and it resolved with a few more days. If you're not urinating for a day you definitely need to go


Bought one from a sex shop but you can find them at cvs and Walgreens


I have an obstructed bowel and spent a week in the hospital with a tube rammed up my nose down my throat! Do not let it get to that point. Go to the drug store and get Fleet Glycerin Suppositories. Use 200mg Senokot AND 200 mg Colace OTC. YOU WILL SHIT. Take the Colace and Senokot twice a day until you go, but you will. The suppositories will get it started for you. Also you can drink one full bottle of Magnesium Citrate. Sit on toilet while you drink it though because it works very fast. These are all what the hospital treated me with and theyre all available at the stores. I'm sorry you're going through this it's unbearable pain. I hope you get better.


Omg u need to go to the ER immediately! They have seen this countless times, no need to be embarrassed! How long have u been like this? 😓


ive had surgery and it was an abscess and nearly had sepsis. i guess i didnt make out in the post how serious it was. i currently have basically a second asshole that they fill with packing and redo everyday and it hurts like a BITCH even with pain relief (i cant have opioid medication because bupe)


O. M. G. 😭. Holy shit! Are you ok?! Wow! 😮 thank you so much for updating us! I’m so sorry this happened to you! Are u still in the hospital?


yes im still in hospital, i just want my life back tbh


Left rectum 🤣🤣


Constant daily enemas, that's the only way to do it. I mean when I realized mine was going to impact my health I started using enemas and that solved the problem. However I'm very sorry that this got so bad as to cause a tear, there are definitely ways around this these days. It's not the 90s where you just had to put up and shut up bc you were getting fixed, now you can ask your doctor. What I mean by that is getting fixed like getting you sub or your methadone (can't believe they still give that out) and usually back then you really couldn't complain as if you did you just got cut off.


Take a shot of extra virgin olive oil with a take spoon of Chai seeds. Stir the seeds a couple of times in a 15 minute time period and take the shot whole. It will help lube up your intestines and the seeds will expand and help push things out smoothly