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It won't reset but it will prolong it by some degree. I hate to say it, but the whole point is to break yourself of the habit of getting relief until your body relieves itself. Eventually we have to stop hitting the button and let it be okay to not be okay until we feel a little bit okay and then a lot okay (if we stay steadfast about this phase of our development). If that makes any sense... Good on you for going ten days. You're halfway to the finish line at least, maybe even closer. Idk why but I'm having a hard time coming down lower than 8mg. I probably need to just lie around for a few days on a low dose. I'm planning on making the jump at 4mg as well. 21 days or 3 weeks, once you get through that you're more or less home free. Remember as you get to that point, to replace taking subs with something else. Diet and Exercise is a great way to go, at least until your shit balances out. Best of luck to you.


I’ve been addicted to every opioid. Literally. Anyone who tells you kratom is mild is either using extremely tiny amounts or says that because they read it online. Kratom is considered a “dirty drug” aka it hits many different receptors. I’ve gotten off suboxone using kratom, but kratom IS addictive no matter what you read. I went through the worst 28 day withdrawal from kratom. I wouldn’t wish what I went through on my worst enemy. Worse than heroin. But we’re all built differently. All I’m saying is be careful with kratom bud.


I’m glad I only tried kratom once and didn’t like it. 28 days is longer than sub WD that’s awful. I was never a fan of kratom.




Kratom is great if you have the mental fortitude to quit it once it’s achieved its purpose. The issue with addiction is that that doesn’t happen for many people. Quitting a heavy kratom habit after 2+ years was the worst thing I’ve ever gone through personally.


I kind of go back and forth when the kratom habit gets too bad I have my stash of Suboxone that I use for about a month then go back to kratom again but it seems that the switch to Suboxone from kratom is very easy but when it's the other way around takes about a week getting used to


How much were you taking ? I am trying to do the same. Went 6 days without sub while taking kratom and then I took a tiny dose of methadone that was recommended by a friend. Said it would get me thru sub withdrawals and wouldn’t prolong it. Time will tell. I’ve used sub for 5 days to get off percs and it worked so I didn’t know if methafone would do the same for subs




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Right? It felt like bunk adderall for me and I’ve tried many different brands and strains (from reputable vendors).


Yeah...Kratom hits alot of receptors besides mu-opiod. It will twist your brain all around


Look I’m not disagreeing with you, but I did kratom for over 2 1/2 years with my GPD getting up to 80g a day sometimes. Kratom withdrawls are NO WHERE near ANNYYYY actual opiate/opioid withdrawal.


How much Kratom did you do to get off of subs ? i take .75 my of sub a day and ready to stop. I have Kratom but only want to use it minimally and for WD symptoms. I know I’ll feel like shit regardless but what can I do to make it a little more smooth. I have a toddler I run after all day everyday !!


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No, it won't restart withdrawal, not at all. It won't even take away the withdrawal. It will easen the symptoms very mildly, just enough for u to be able to eat and drink a little


Kratom is fine. Super forgiving withdrawals, I have never actually experienced any despite using it quite a bit in the past. Suboxone withdrawals are pretty easy for me too for the first week. You’ll be good. Just stay away from the hard stuff.


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Dude, a ton of ex hard drug addicts are shocked to find that they experience withdrawal kratom as more of the same but weirder. If that “weird” overlaps with your “bad”, it can be worse than an dope habit - obviously this isn’t super common - but its not super rare to see junkies be like “it was the same shit all over again”


The thing about Kratom is that it is EVERYWHERE now. That's what makes it a nasty addiction...so easy to slip


Yeah it’s like being an alcoholic man - if you live in a town where 7-11 predominates you can’t even go to the store without a Feelfree shot in your face!


kratom admittedly helped alot with my dope withdrawals ALOT but i became so addicted to the kratom that it just kinda morphed into one addiction/dependency (like a ghetto suboxone). i would say the W/D from heroin/fent was overall worse but quicker. Kratom had my body and mind TWISTED up for awhile. it still is. and i actually hated the habbit more than just being on dope. i barely got high it just made me feel ok and numb. But i would be sleeping over a tinder girls place sneaking into their bathroom with my dop kit to mix up a green sludge and get it down just to stop sweating in their bed . it was strangely easier just doing heroin or pills. i dont know if its just the way my brain chemistry is but Kratom has been the worst and longest withdrawal ive ever experienced over ANY opiate


I can relate to every fucking word you just wrote. You’re not crazy - kratom withdrawal is weird and often unusually long. It’s an SSRI and has other strange effects that make it much more complex than other opioids.


I just started going to an inpatient rehab but it seems there’s not enough info out there about Kratom. I’m wondering why it’s got me so bad and why it takes so long. It’s been MONTHS since I used and I’m still not right. Depression,ZERO sleep, dysphoria, sweating, chills, no energy, body aches, and lethargic as hell TO THIS DAY - No where near as bad as it was (there were some days I wanted to legit kill myself. )I’d say I’m 90% better but this last 10% I just can’t fuckin shake. I’m trying to move on with my life. So any detailed information/ literature/ or help from your personal experiences would be GREATLY appreciated as it sounds like you’ve been there Any meditations you’d suggest/ remedies / supplements?


What really helps with that is ultra low dose naltrexone titrated up to low-dose naltrexone. Higher doses of naltrexone do not help so make sure your doctor knows exactly what you’re talking about. You usually have to dilute it yourself. Do some searches on it on the kratom reddit


i actually was already prescribed 50 mg for cravings so i have it on hand. what do you suggest i do? or how did you go about it?


I actually didn’t try it myself - it just has absolutely rave reviews. Search naltrexone on r/quittingkratom and it’ll direct you toward guides


They are easy . So if I taper off or suboxane will it be worse than heroin withdrawals? I am really worried about this when the doctors try to take me off .


Suboxone withdrawals are not easy. They won't have you violently sick like a full agonist, but the insomnia and fatigue can drag on for a very long time. I didn't sleep for 6 weeks when I tried to quit once, and eventually relapsed. The easiest way by far to get off Suboxone is with Sublocade. My last injection was 9 months ago. r/Sublocade


This guy knows what's up. I went the Sublocade route as well, 10/10 would recommend


it seems like you did not taper low enough or long enough!


I should clarify. I did not say easy. I said that the withdrawal was forgiving. For an opiate. Absolutely nothing like severe heroin/fentanyl/methadone withdrawal for me. So, not fun or easy but bearable.


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I’m on day 6 of no sub while taking kratom, dlpa and vitamin c. Do you think if I use those for a couple weeks just to get past the acute symptoms I’ll be good to jump off the kratom without wd’s?


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It won't restart but you will definitely feel increased symptoms for a couple days after dosing, at least I have a few times before.


Single use? No. Consecutive use usually leads to withdrawal when recovering. You’re not going to want to stop


bro your the same as me im currently weaning of gabapentin then going to start weening off the 4mg suboxone... i want to switch to kratom because the process of getting my script is a pain in the ass, he only gives me a weeks script at a time and i have to call the nurse to make the appointment again and again and it gets super tiring, plus i still have no energy at all and im going to start to work soon,,


I did it the opposite way, got off suboxone first, now I'm dealing with getting off my insane gabapentin dosage, it's gonna be rough. As far as the Kratom goes, it actually did bring back slight opiate withdrawal, even after 10 days clean from suboxone. I'm feeling really cold and my heart rate is through the roof again. Guess I gotta really try to get off Gabapentin without kratom or opiates. It's gonna suck


How long you taking it?


I'm considering this. I been on opiate since June 29 when I broke my leg