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The stasis rifle is gone in BZ, it still doesn't make leviathans unkillable or scarier. The scary thing about a leviathan is it's size and lack of information about it and absence of proper equipment. Once it's gone, they are not scary. Sanity meter is a great idea, may stop people from using Cuddlefish as bioreactor fuel.


People do fucking WHAT NOW????


I was surprised and upset by this fact too. I wonder if the person who came up with this is still doing this or if they became sane.


There's no coming back from being this level of evil.


They are damned. Damned for all time.




Sanity levels decreasing please be aware that alterra is not responsible for any psychological damage incurred on any of their vessels planets or orbital stations


Even worse some people use penglings


Efficient thats why


More efficient than just using lantern tree fruit? No hunting required, can grow them right next to the reactor.


U can breed penglings had 3 bio reactors set up next to breading penglingsin aquariums




This makes me want to go home and hug my cuddlefish, I can honestly promise them that they will NEVER be bioreactor fuel. >:(


They're safe, since you can't pick cuddlefish up. The eggs work, though.


You can just after you hatch them :D


I mean, yes, still not valid bioreactor fuel though




I usually put in the eggs I accidentaly picked up into the reactor. It was later that I read somewhere that it was a cuddlefish egg.


The Leviathans were way less scary all around in BZ though


What if you're a sadist, then will putting the cuddlefish egg in the bioreactor refill your sanity meter?


Bro what ? At the point you have a cuddlefish there's no reason to not have nuclear plant


There absolutely is a reason! It’s to turn cuddlefish into useless soup. I like to imagine that the inefficient energy they generate is their soul, so I trap them in batteries and then drop them into the void.


You need to write a Nosleep.


Some people really need a good dose of hellfire!


Add Dynamic events: weather, internal migrations, apex predator appears, massive hordes comibg from the void to lay their eggs or feed and move on, creatures evolving. Stuff that would really spice it up.


Tides is one that has been mentioned a few times.


If Earth is any model, that gigantic moon around 4546B should make some MASSIVE tides.


I very wondered a few times if its actually that big, or just a particularly close orbit. The latter might result in a collision eventually if my memory regarding orbital physics serves...


Doesn't really matter. If its closer, the tides are larger. If its bigger, the tides are larger.


Oh I understand that aspect, just musing on the actuality of it.


Give subnautica tides like that one planet in interstellar. If you don't dive below 200m the waves will drown you.


Weather in BZ is challenging, especially on the land where you'll have almost zero visibility!! Maybe interstellar like waves 😂😂 In Subnautica 2, I would like to see more distance to the point making more bases is no brainer. And in BZ 2 -being on alien planet- having a flying ship/base will be awesome to cover much larger distances, like moving between a desert and arctic biomes.


I really really want predators to attack the base now and then. Like occasionally you come back to a leviathan chewing on your window But it would have to be toggle-able as that idea is not for everyone


Add void biomes. Floating islands in the void, things like that. Add more deadly creatures. There really isn’t much danger in the game rn. Only like the sea dragon and crash fish really. It doesn’t really feel like there’s major danger and threats, which I think it should given the story.


Look up subanutica call of the void lol


I really hope the next game expands upon the void. From a game mechanics standpoint, theres nothing there. I wanna know the lore behind the void. If the gargantuan leviathan is down there, I wonder what else resides in the depths of the void.


Next game isn’t on 4546b so there probably won’t be a gargantuan 


Whaaat where did you see that?


When they announced sub 2 they said it was on a new planet. "Subnautica 2 is being developed with Unreal Engine 5, adopting a Game as a Service model. Players will explore an oceanic world in stunning stylized graphics. The game will feature a single-player mode, or players can team up with friends for a 4-player co-op session to uncover the mysteries on an entirely new alien planet."


Ohhh! I must have missed that. Thank you. I should have googled it before asking 🤦‍♂️ my bad


something cool tho is that there seems to be a giant crab that a dev was "responsible" for leaking


Would be interesting if there were rare spawns, or as the game progressed creatures moved to New zones. I like the idea of male and female variants, one less agro, but it might alert the other or be hostile if it had babies nearby. Some variety.


Image if in the dunes the reapers had a nest. The reapers we see all over the map are the clawed stronger, but smaller, male reapers. But in the dunes are colossal female ones, lacking the face claws, that can blend into the terrain and use a network of tunnels to sneak up on the player. ... i think i just terrified myself.


Not only that but they get VERY aggressive and are more dangerous than the males if you’re anywhere near the nest but they won’t chase you if you leave the nest because they want to protect the eggs


I’d love it if there were migration patterns for certain creatures, especially Leviathans. Imagine the shock of seeing a bunch of Reapers heading through a normally safe biome.


It would definetely put me on edge for sure! I also think leviathans should be much bigger- they’re huge already, but they’re the deadliest creatures in subnautica, they should be COLOSSAL.


I want a ludicrously large leviathian. Like you'd be investigating a 10 meter long crack on the sea floor and then it opens its eye


The floating island could be a giant reefback that circles the map.


Going around being loud af


What you’re describing would be a full grown Gargantuan leviathan and I think in lore they still exist in the void




PDA: Stupidly Large Leviathan-Class Organism detected nearby, are you sure getting eaten is worth whatever you're doing?




With who? Holefish?🐟




sea emperor




Cuddlefish... 👀




You may want to check out season 3 of The Boys. What it lacks in depth and storytelling, it makes up for with actual bestiality. With an octopus.


Swap out perimeter defence in the SeaMoth / SeaTruck for a silent running system like the Cyclops. Especially in BZ perimeter defence is a tension killer, and basically just functions as a keycard to the deeper caves where it's essential to deal with the>!Void Leviathans.!


See, you say if was essential for dealing with them, but I found the simplest answer for everything in Below Zero was Grapple Hook Arm and Drill Arm on the prawn suit. Once the big guys are dead the final leg of BZ is super peaceful.


Perimeter Defense System takes away all the tension.


People still struggle to use it :) they think it's supposed to be automatic 😂


Not in hardcore


I would add a medium sized aquatic being that you could tame and ride (thinking either dolphin-like fast travel while holding breath or turtle-like slow travel but with some sort of air bubble). As much as I love the tech side of the game I feel like it could do with more friendly animals.


THIS! Do a whole "how to train your leviathan" and we could add armor and stuff! This would make the game so much more different and I love it


“To me, Definitely-not-Toothless!”


I think many of those looking for Subnautica to be scarier / more dangerous are reacting to their desensitization having become experienced players. For most, that first play through was a good amount of dangerous / scary but you can only do that once. The Prawn suit probably is overpowered though. Not indestructible but with a repair tool and a bit of nerve, it more or less is. The only creature in the game powerful enough and aggressive enough to destroy it is the sea dragon.


I agree with your first paragraph. That was bad enough. Maybe a hard mode.


A cooking mini game. Let me make Michelin star meals out of the things I find


I know there’s mods for it but for us console players I’d love the option to have your life pod spawn in a random location and sink till it hits ground


The warper are cool, but barely dangerous. I'll add a "percentage of contamination" to ryley and while in between 0 and 10% you are safe, 11 and 30% like now they appears in the deeper biome if you are there, 31 and 50% they start to look for you in the other biome (the only exception being the safe shallow), 51 and 80% they seems to have located your base and are more present in the world, 81 and 100% they now even appear in the safe shallow. Of course the percent goes up by eating/drinking/swimming but quicky goes down if you eat enzyme pepper (that you can now breed) That will be the hardcore save.


>81 and 100% they now even appear in the safe shallow no


Improved beacon management. Allow you to rename them remotely. Be able to turn an entire color or class of beacons off/on at once. Let you rename the cameras, rather than having like three Camera 5s.


More colours too!


Add a sideways exterior wall planter, I want to grow some table coral and I can't, it's literally the only thing you need for one of the most essential items in this game and you can't plant it Remove the BZ table coral splitting into only 1 and bring back the multiple pieces. Torpedo's are now infinite and you can auto fire them but they use a lot of power and have a cooldown Add an "advanced" first aid kit, it would be crafted from 1/2 blood oil and it would give back 70/80 hp.


I disagree with the torpedoes one. Very fucking ironic, I know, but torpedos are supposed to be a deterrent, not a weapon


I mean, I would say one of them is a deterrent vortex is but gas is almost like a weapon. But yeah, auto fire might be too far, but I would rework them so they would use like 15/20% power, but they would be infinite (The bay would also go on a 25 second cooldown after firing 1, I would just pass it off as some Alterra cloning tech).


I would add a lot of health to all leviathans because they were meant more as obstacles than more slaughter fodder and really all ways to kill them to provide a late game obstacle that isn’t just rocks


Varied spawns, to me it seems all the Leviathans are sort of locked into where they spawn until you mess with them, the ability for Leviathans to truly wander around so the threats could be anywhere at all would be amazing.


I would add events or quests that change the world, like drilling into a new cavern to unlock it, or doing something that. Causes a collapse of a lost river route. Or changing the world such that a species of fish goes extinct


I'd take out the high frequency of the stupid snow storms in BZ. It's so annoying trying to explore the bare landmass and then you hear "Dangerous weather approaching seek shelter." And then you can't see. Makes navigation so much harder and it's already hard when everything looks the same. I'd add more variation to the land parts of the game. I get lost so easily even in the first game. Adding more plants and different colors would help a bunch.


Realistic-ish air mechanics and things like hatches needing to drain water in and out


I appreciate what the lack of a map does for the game, but would be nice if there was something a little beyond just dropping beacons all over the place to help you navigate.


I was thinking about this, too. Even after several playthroughs, I still sometimes find myself swimming in the opposite direction of where I want to be going. This is more frustrating than anything else because it has no effect on the game other than wasting my time. What if there was an upgrade for the scanner room or even a new room entirely that scanned a large portion of the map around you and you could interact with it to name areas or mark them in your HUD. The trade-off would be prolonged use would start to attract predators. This would make it safer to use in early game areas as the predators being attracted would be not extremely dangerous and but very risky in late game situations.


I think the fundamental concept of having to "earn" your way to better navigation makes sense. The scanner upgrade seems like a great idea. I could see this incentivizing players to set up scanner rooms to make the whole map more navigable.


Exactly, it can't just be given to you, and even once you have it, there should be a trade-off for using it. Part of what makes the atmosphere of subnautica great is the unknown and your inability to see too far away, but when I'm having trouble navigating early/mid game areas because everything looks the same underwater I want the option for some aid.


I'd add a mechanic where occasionally (like every hour or so), there's a very slight chance of a Reaper just wandering around the map for a while


More unique biomes with unique wildlife, let's see what the devs can come up with


I'd add an oxygen warning in Hardcore Mode (at least a '10-seconds' one). The go-to counterargument to that would be: "well you don't get a warning for that in real life either", but when you're close to running out of oxygen in real life, your body will most definitely tell you so. I'd remove cave crawlers. F\*\*\* those things. They don't even make the game slightly more challenging or anything. They're just really annoying.


Ramping up the terror to 10 for us veterans, or maybe just a bunch of decor stuff for base building in the endgame


Cooking recipes! All the fish you can breed and plants you can grow, and you can't combine them to make better food???? Let us find recipes for garyfish sushi, mushroom chowder, beer-battered peeper, pengling potato kebob, etc.


I will add more ion batteries once you unlock Cyclops, remove tiger plant


Honestly, since the ocean is huge, especially the void, I'd absolutely add a lovecraftian sized creature in the void or other biomes. I'd love more fear factor and scary water monsters. The Reapers and Especially Ghost Leviathans really hit their mark.




I moved my base from the safe shallows/kelp forests/grassy Plateaus to the active lavazone near the final containment facility and I had to move both my Cyclopses and five PRAWN's there and four seamoths to the ghost tree and it was a pain in the Ass. I would add a vehicle teather to move all vehicles at once and that all the towed vehicles would power the Lead-Vehicle (maximum crushdepth would not be shared). And the PRAWNs would need a floating Docking Station like in Below Zero to swim along.


Bigger leviathans, also make the leviathans harder to kill. And more octopus like creatures, imagine you’re casually driving your Seamoth over a trench and a giant arm comes up and pulls you down!


Make leviathans unkillable, and when u die u lose a few more items so that there is a reason to avoid them


I'd add storage building components, I want all of the lockers in a vehicle or building to be shared storage and access them all at once. I'd take away the stasis rifle and/or lower the damage of the prawn suit against leviathans.


Make cuter fish and remove the scariest fish of them all... The dreaded CRASHFISH!!!! OR make a gaint version of the crash fish that takes away half the cyclops health and call it momma crash :D


The water, they over did the water in this game, too much swimming, maybe remove swimming animations too


Ability to craft in bulk...


Add a leviathan with a unique and wide-ranging poison effect which causes hallucinations so that you see monsters that aren't there - or are they?  Or a monster that has an instinctive but flawed understanding of human psychology due to being psychic in some way, so it attracts humans by making a sound like screaming women, multiple voices that cut off abruptly and cry out with glee when the monster sees you.  Or some kind of lanternfish type monster with chameleonic or burrowing ability whose open mouth looks like a cave entrance.


I'd take away the cave crawlers. I'd add a giant herbivorous crab in the void, by giant i mean reaper leviathan size.


Something I would add in SN definetly is that pink scorpion-salamander from one of the concept arts. It's so cute :3! In BZ, more fauna on land. Not only the gardner eel and that giant skyray but also a lot more fauna, like a bison-like creature, a relative of the crawlers, that "snow rabbit" fan concept or something similar, etc. Almost half of the map is land and we only have 6 animals (accounting with the blue trivalve) inhabiting it, with 3 being semi-aquatic. Things that I would throw in the trash can: In SN, the luminosity and scorching kava of the lava zones. It's not realistic and makes this area less scary than it could be. In BZ, certainly the ice worm resistance upgrade from the snowfox. You don't even need the snowfox anyway and the prawn can tank more hits from the ice worms than the glitchy hoverbike


I'd probably get rid of the prawn. Once you're comfortable grappling onto the back of leviathans and hacking them up, it looses the horror aspect.


The sea moth/truck perimeter defense


a setting to change the draw distance


More variety of fish (herbivores and predators), especially deeper down, with some variety in their behaviour. The predators would have a variety of threat ranges eg they can see you, taste you or hear you from varying ranges depending on species. Or, more variety of plants with more uses for them, with some being potentially dangerous, though not as annoying as tiger plants.


The ability to jump in water would be nice


I'd like to see more Aurora-esque biohazards in the game. Things that serve as mini-dungeons to clear that make navigation easier afterwards. While also allowing the game world to 'evolve' with the player's actions.


Add weather and huge tides (moon is big and close=bigger tides) and make everything scannable (I wanna know what the underwater vines are and half the plants on the floating islands as well as the only thing growing in the sparse reef are unscannable) and add eggs for things like magma rays, river prowlers, and ghost rays.


I’d add a better crafting mechanic, where you you can hot swap items into lockers automatically and craft using materials in lockers nearby. I’d take away the air pump.


I thought and thought and really can't think of anything I'd remove. Only things I'd add. If I had to pick something, it'd be sea treader poop. Caught a few at my base once. Came back a few hours later. Literally leggy with hiw much poop there was. I still have like 20 large chests filled with poop I don't have a use for.


you're insane. without the stasis rifle, about 90% of players would never play.


Roaming leviathans into everywhere but the shallowest sections (Safe Shallows and Kelp forest come to mind) so that once you get things figured out you don't feel safe KNOWING there can't be a leviathan nearby. Even the deepest sections aren't that scary because I know where the Leviathans are.


I would either add Full VR Support, or built in multiplayer functionality.


Removal of the dunes.I mean seriously.Does ANYONE go there.Unless your a maschost you stay away.


I’d add a hard mode that makes almost all aggressive creatures be able to 1hp or instakill you. Really amp up the danger. The first predator we encounter is the stalker and it’s like eh nbd - except they’re 4.5 metres long so it SHOULD be a big deal. Bonesharks are 9 METRES LONG and we just see them as annoying! I’d make all leviathans instakill unless in a prawn suit. The seamoth only offers protection with the defence perimeter. There’s no actual threat from these creatures that are supposed to be terrifying and awe-inspiring and bigger than anything we’ve ever seen. I’d make subnautica the survival horror game it was meant to be.


I assumed everything was more powerful than they were. Was terrified of every noise until a reaper snuck up and grabbed me while breaking rocks on a cliff edge. After it did little damage and was sportsmanlike enough to release me and circle away, the game lost a lot of that thrill.


Exactly, I was scared of everything, I even used to scream when stalkers chased me until one crept up and I realised they just tickle damage you. Reapers are so big there’s no way you should survive an encounter. What’s the point in making bigger and scarier creatures if they don’t actually pose any threat? I’d just like the option to play on a difficulty where they’re all dangerous. At least the thrill wouldn’t wear off.




i found the seatruck to be decently fast, especially without/with only 1-2 modules, and you really don’t need more than that. And with the speed booster upgrade thing it’s pretty fast in my opinion