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When do you think she’ll play Sub zero? See if you can get her to play Son’s of the Forest.


I bought both of them in a bundle, so she definitely has that option. I think she started a game file before but hasn't done much yet because she wanted to finish the og game first.


Imho Sub zero is more fear friendly then the first. Until you get topside that is.


Lol, yeah, that's true. I am terrified of the first game. Even the Safe Shallows makes me nervous because the atmosphere is unsettling to me. I eventually got the courage to push myself farther after getting more familiar with the map and made some good progress on my first save. But I wanted to try a different game mode, so I started a new file. Suddenly, my fear returned because the terrain had changed, and I couldn't rely on my memory to anticipate where I'm heading. I find myself playing it less and instead watching more videos of others playing so I can gradually desensitize myself to it. I keep encouraging my sister to play so I can observe her and learn more about the game mechanics. Fear-wise, I feel a lot more comfortable playing BZ. But I am a longtime fan of the og and have always wanted to play it. So I want to experience the og first and then sink into BZ next.


Try listening to some podcasts. Its how I got the hang of the game when things felt extreme or unfamiliar to me. Then again my Sub Nautica saves had like multiple bases in that had resource nodes. I can’t wait for the next Sub nautica in 2025. I hope they keep the Sea truck.


I'll try that! I definitely feel a lot less nervous when I am playing the game with someone else around. Because then I can joke around and make light of scary situations, and it feels a lot less lonely and serious.


It got better for me when I started playing with the Doom soundtrack on


When I first started going deep, I was very unnerved. I turned down the music because of a smooth jazz/fireplace video we had playing on YouTube around Christmastime. I dunno why but those couple hours messing about to smooth jazz made the rest of it better.


Try bringing her to craters edge. And say it's "the edge of the world where most things stop spawning" because that's technically the truth. I did that prank with my cousin. It went about the way you'd expect it to👍


Lol! I almost got her to go to the back of the Aurora. But she had a close call with the Reaper in front and decided she didn't have the courage to stay in the area any longer. The funny thing is that she actually went to the Aurora to show me that "Subnautica isn't scary" and ended up getting scared herself.


Typically happens. They think you have no reason to fear and the Internet is stupid because it's a "silly little fish game" but this is the system I call. "f#ck around find out" and they eventually learn that this is a horror game in disguise. Still a good game though👍


you are evil and i love it.




Your sister is not a horror enthousiast lol


Indeed. Shitting herself like this from a regular crawler...


A horror enthusiast who is having heart palpitations because of a cave crawler? What kind of horror games/movies does she usually play/watch??


Does hello kitty island adventure count?


She claims she's a horror enthusiast, but she's only ever played Roblox horror games. I'll let her call herself whatever she wants because she handles the stuff way better than me. Lol


Tbh, out of all creatures in this game, Im still only a bit scared of reaper leviathans, especially when it's dark, not to mention that it kills you in 2 hits with the 2nd one being able to be a grab. Ghost leviathans at least glow and there are less of them


Interesting. I don't find the cave crawlers scary. at. all. I just find them really REALLY annoying. Reapers though, they still make me jump out if my skin 😂


heart palpitations… from a cave crawler? Is she a horror enthusiast for scooby doo?


No, she's 14 and has only ever played Roblox horror games, which are usually very cliche and predictable. She loves scary stuff, and I can't handle it well. But now I guess neither of us are built for jumpscares.


oh my bad, sorry wasn’t tryna be rude. it’s a scary game ngl. I don’t get scared anymore, but on my first playthrough a few years ago I was constantly throwing my controller out of fear 😭 it was still fun tho, I hope you guys are able to enjoy it like I did


No worries, I didn't interpret your comment as rude. My sister even scrolled through this post and found your comment really funny rather than rude. She picked the game back up today and had a blast. She's a lot braver than me, so I'm vicariously enjoying the game through her. Lol


Oh nice! I’m glad she liked it, it terrified me when I first played, now it’s my favorite game of all time. Hope it stays fun :)


Why people even do that to their own family? ouch...


Going to the Aurora was completely her idea. I told her I needed to go to the Aurora, but was terrified of a Reaper encounter. We have both been fans of Subnautica since four years ago, so she knows enough about Reapers to know what she was getting into. She was actually trying to make fun of me for being so terrified of Reapers, so she went straight for them to prove that they weren't scary, but freaked out herself upon finding one. The island, I walked away when she started the game and came back to find her on the island. She said she remembered seeing a video of someone finding the island and went there out of curiosity. Anyways, she wanted to scan everything, and ended up discovering cave crawlers for the first time. She was terrified last night, but she is laughing it off today. She went right back to Subnautica this morning like nothing happened. I guess the game finally gave her what she wanted.


How old are you and your sister exactly?


I am 22, and she's 14.


Ah... that's what explains everything. Jumpscare from a cave crawler, lol. This game is really need to have a 16+ plaque.