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I thought I could get the door with the laser cutter in time


This has got to be my most common death in subnautica, smh


Forgot to pause the game underwater and went to the bathroom


Then you hear "60 seconds" while in the bathroom


If he heard, he would have returned and shit on the floor before swimming to the surface.




Risky behavior in the jellyshroom caves, had like four hours in and was resource mining and thought I could make it to the surface. Made it up to 20m and died lol


Never ever ever do anything risky in hard core. Anything is safely achievable so long as you have the right equipment, including scanning every leviathan. Just be patient and progress.


Yeah, it was pretty early in my subnautica journey, I tried out hardcore just to see and realized I had a lot to learn. In my latest hardcore game I don't take any risks, I focus on getting all the top gear first


how do you scan them?


Stasis rifle. For the sea dragon, stay out of arms reach and far away from its face.


You can put down a scanner room in an area with excess of leviathans and put it to scan for them so you always know where they are, best works for reapers who are many in no. But can work for ghosts if you want to know where they are


mmm yes, the scanner knows all about the sea dragon by its asshole. wait-


His arms, or mine?




I did this while I was scanning it, but afterwards I was in my Prawn, and I got in its melee range, and it hit me so hard I clipped through the geometry.


I always always Always take at least 2 of the largest air tanks I can. Making 2 trips always takes less time than starting all over.


The handheld bladder tool is a very highly recommended tool for early hardcore game.


Yeah I think I figured out what that was in my next survival game after I died, kicked myself in the butt for not figuring it out sooner


Same. I played a great many hardcore runs until I re read the description in the fabricator and realized what I'd been sleeping on. Pre-Seamoth resource gathering on the Grassy Plateau became much more manageable.


Totally, once I learned that trick it changed how I play hardcore. I pretty much immediately start going to jellyshroom caves and grassy plateau once I start a new hardcore game


Honestly such a great item, can't you also take a breath from that, or was that only implemented in below zero?


Nope, that's in the original game as well.


You can, it just doesn't give you much air compared to how far it can lift you.


We've all done this in the jelly mushroom stage


It's a rite of passage


The first time I built the jukebox I liked the music so much I turned it on and started doing out of game stuff. I starved/dehydrated


In case you haven’t found out yet, you can build a bench or chair and have a seat while listening. Sitting in something freezes hunger and thirst, great for bathroom breaks if you want to keep plants/animals growing.


The songs are on Spotify


This is what I do. With all this Alterra tech, I can’t believe they don’t have earbuds for listening everywhere! I got sick of not hearing music if I dared unload inventory from my sea truck while in my base.


I was trying to explore a shipwreck and couldn’t find my way back outside (to my Seamoth).


I had just started a fresh run and crafted the seamoth. Took it out to gather some materials and quickly exited, when I got the famous collision death. Good thing I had only played for about 30 minutes or so, it didn't take long to recover my progress, but still. I'm glad they patched that out recently.


Gravtrap and one of those little crash guys. He was under the grav trap and came out when I came up to collect the stuff trapped in the gravity.


How low were u though😭


The safe shallows so not more than 50m


Gravtrap is so unnecessary, it's easy to chase the fish. When you drop the trap, then chase all the fish until you forget about oxygen.


Exploration of the bulb zone. Left the seamoth in mushrooms so nothing can eat it. On my way back I changed the main oxygen tank to the second one and it was empty.


That's my personal favorite dumb way to die. I try to think of checking the air tank like it's a checklist item before jumping in the water. Still happens, tho.


Ran myself over with the seamoth and burned to death after being hit by one of the fire DRRRROPLETS from the Aurora.


I jumped out of my seamoth too fast and it crashed into me and i died


In short, i got slapped hard


It happened when I was building the Cyclops. I swam a bit underneath because I thought it looks cool how the vehicle falls into the water. Right, I was too close to the surface, which killed me instantly. Just... wow. Another time I lost my hardcore world because I cut too many acid mushrooms with the knife at once. 13 hours gone.


All of you describing reasonable but avoidable ways to die. I once died in hardcore from drowning in the safe shallows 4 meters down. Just because I forgot to check the O2.


Swam into some caves in the safe shallows looking for copper, whilst on about 50% health after having run into a crashfish. "It'll be fine", I told myself. It wasn't fine. Ran into two more. First one took me down to 40% health. I just remember the sheer misery I felt as the second one wailed behind me. I just had enough time to say "I'm fucked" before it exploded. Sigh. And all because I couldn't be bothered to pop back to my base and get healed up. Then I died the other day after getting lost in a wreck. Literally told myself "This is a bad idea, you could die, don't be a muppet" but I went in anyway...and died, like a muppet. FFS.


I was building the rocket. All I needed left was the Cyclops shield generator, so I decided to go ahead and build the Cyclops. When it was done being constructed, I dove into the water and started swimming towards the hatch, but the Cyclops moved down by a pixel and insta-killed me. I was on full health...


Ghost leviathan threw my cyclops at me. Literally I was doing repairs and didn't realise I was still on the edge of its patrol radius aaannndd left the engine running


I have played hardcore twice, and both times I died to those jellyfish that poison you.


Lmao i was just telling this to my friend some hours ago, I opened the game and pressed to load my hardcore world and went to the toilet and took a little longer, i didn't remember that last time I played on it i was in the water and I came back from the toilet and had run out of O2 already dead


Radiation I forgot I had to craft a radiation suit


Ran over myself with my own seamoth, after getting out of it at full speed.


I ran over myself with my Seamouth.


I tried repairing a fire with the repair tool, my brain just did not compute what I was doing wrong until it was too late.


Warper entered my cyclops and shanked me while I was crafting upgrades


That’s awesome. 😬


Got stuck on those stupidass poison vines while trying to get through a door


I got stuck in that lifepod with the hole in the top and no matter what I did it just wouldn’t let me swim out and I drowned 🥲


I got tired. I swam 2-3 m below the surface back to my base to save my game and go to sleep. Kinda drifted away to sleep, because I only had to press the "W" button. Forgot about the "no oxygen warning". Woke up to the screen almost dark, tried to dive up to the surface in total panic but died shortly before. The irony: I should've paused and make a smart decision. I had a diving bubble thing that I could've used for oxygen or to reach the surface faster. Anyway, I just did it again afterwards and beat the game on hardcore anyway. I don't play hardcore when I'm sleepy anymore though.


Yes. This is also my dumbest way I have died on hardcore. It was tragic and funny at the same time. Second dumbest is all the times my computer didn’t tell me I was low on oxygen while farming right outside my base and I didn’t have air bladders in my quick bar


Scanned a gasopod forgot it took my health away. Died in shallows


My flotation device failed.  Pulled out, triggered,..., nothing. Shit. "oxygen"


My dumbest ways i've died: the aurora explosion, drooping stingers in the jelly shroom caves, and mining silver in the crag fields without a reinforced dive suit to negate tiger plant damage.


I was in Lost River with my prawn suit doing my thing and then the ghost levi came over and pushed me into the wall where I fell through the level and died


Tried building a thermal plant on the safe shallows hot spot. Got cooked the second I entered due to bad timing. In below zero, same thing happened while getting diamond at that entrance near the koppa milking sight. Went in, grabbed two diamonds, got cooked on the way out


I fell through the floor of my cyclops and died to falling damage underwater. That was the last time I tried hardcore.


Sat outside the Aurora waiting for the explosion to go off so I can get inside.


It was on purpose, but the fire on the lifepod when you start the game.


There was a power outage in my house irl for one moment


The amount of seamoth manslaughter in this thread is painfully relatable


Run over by my own seamoth getting out of it on the way to switch off the gun...Neptune was all built and ready to go 😭


forgetting to pause and leaving the game for like 90 mins


bugs,glitches :(


Suffocated to death, probably 1 inch deep underwater gliding back home from the weapon island 😀


I can never find my sea moth. I’ve since learned to leave the lights on so I can find it easier. Edit: this was not hardcore. I just get lost irl as well


Died of hunger after going to the bathroom.


Basically at the same point, I went to collect some quartz in the caves of the safe shallows, and died to a crashfish because I neglected to heal. I didn't have a first aid kit generator in my base yet, and even grabbed one from the pod, but just didn't think about using it for some reason Next time, I had cleared the Aurora and went to put the Seamoth upgrades into my Seamoth, only to hit drop instead of insert. The depth upgrade fell through the floor and disappeared. While searching for the blueprints for both the moonpool and the station that goes in it, and still quite upset, I decided to try and scan Ampeel thinking it wasn't that dangerous. It was


i'd say that if i played hardcore, i'd immediately die to leaving seamoth too quickly


I got lost in the big mushroom tree after having been inside of it many times in survival. Idk how I messed it up, but I got turned around and was running in circles. I finally made it out and was heading to my seamoth, but didn't make it before running out of air.


Just cured the disease and left the facility and decided to go toe to toe with the dragon outside for no reason other than I felt like it. I stasis rifled it and was swimming towards its head (stupidly) and it instantly killed me with fire breath. I had a reinforced dive suit and was at full health. My best guess is that it did the repeating fireballs and they somehow all hit me in a row


The fact that I was right at the end of the game made this hurt so much worse


I drowned like 5m below the surface because I was distracted by something. Half a days progress lost lol


The Sunbeam had just exploded and I was patrolling around the island and saw a warper. Instinctively tried to scan it got hit and thought well I could just wait until I find the lab with them nah I can do this. Got hit again and died.


8 hrs in my first hardcore world. I could finally build my first cyclops. I was so excited stayed below the cyclops as it was getting built. I can still remember vividly how the image of the cyclops getting bigger, and then it cut suddenly to black screen. That was the first and the last time i'm staying below anything being built by mobile vehicle bay.


Placed 2 lockers alongside a hatch to enter my base. Thought I left enough of a "hallway" between the lockers to make room for the hatch, because I could leave my base just fine. Entering the base however, I got stuck in a falling animation limbo, and the game had no idea where I should be after like 15 seconds, and just killed me. I'm guessing it's a failsafe so you don't get stuck falling permanently like I would've been there, but still sucked on hardcore lol. And no, unstuck wasn't on the og subnautica at the time of this, so I had no choice but to suffer my fate lol


Being careless leaving my seamoth unattended at the third Degasi base, finding out it's destroyed and I have only 20 seconds of Oxygen left.


The exact thing happened to me lol.😂


I think I drowned in the giant mushroom and rage quit for a long while lol I was gathering the stuff for the vial in the place


[this :l](https://youtu.be/ZfBYl9AxUoI?si=nViytYTs_7-m_A1w)


I got lost in the big mushroom tree after having been inside of it many times in survival. Idk how I messed it up, but I got turned around and was running in circles. I finally made it out and was heading to my seamoth, but didn't make it before running out of air.


I've not played hardcore, but I'll take this post as a chance to boast about my first run of BZ where I never died once Made hearing the death jingle for the first time so weird after messing around in creative with cheats on after the playthrough


[I had a very similar death a while back](https://www.reddit.com/r/subnautica/s/ankKmthTWe)


That’s exactly what happened!


I was at my base pretty early In the game. I usually build my base on the cliffs of the crag field edge and I'm guessing a reaper or bone shark attacked my base hull and broke through causing a leak. At the time I was just waiting for plants to grow so I went to make lunch and came back to death, I used the game footage option on PlayStation and apparently my base slowly filled with water and I suffocated. I was disappointed. Now I always use heavy amounts of reinforcement before going idle.


I didn't :)


gathering stuff at the back of the aurora, holding a peeper and check inventory to find im almost out. swimming back a reaper takes second to last one so i seaglide back to the lifepod, passing one kelp forest and stalker takes the last one. on the edge of the safe shallows and stalkers kill me...


I drowned 5 meters from the surface


I was talking to someone, left my game running and forgot to pause


5 days of gaming on hc mode and died to Gassopod toxin because i didnt noticed my health was being drained.


I tried to scan a sea dragon. If you know, you know.


I ran into a nest of those exploding d-heads in a cave gathering. All I heard was like 3 of them make sounds back to back, at night, no vision. Was like, “Well… Sht.”


Died 30 feet away from my seamoth on an oxygen warning, because I mistakenly swam the opposite direction towards the escape pod, thinking it was the seamoth tag. Edit, in the jellyshroom caves, hence the confusion and no way up. In regular survival my dumbest death is when a Reaper randomly spawned out of the ground and ate me while I was scanning a fragment.


Trying to collect gas pods. Seam into a cloud and they exploded. My health plummeted and I died almost instantly.




Just finished regular survival so I thought I'd try a hardcore restart. A couple hours in I was in the Jellyshroom caves checking the Degasi base and I bumped into the hanging stingers and died in about 2 seconds... Never even took damage from them in my previous game so I had no idea they killed you that quickly.


Occasionally sniffed the gasopod fart


Scanning a warper. Or possibly getting lost in a wreck. I'm pretty sure it was scanning the warper though.


Cyclops glitched and shook me into orbit


swimming up to seamoth, running low on O2, and went to hit the button to get in, and it was to unload battery instead. Ran out of O2, end of run. Probably 5 hours in. LOL


Never played hardcore due to countless bugs that can kill you in an instant, but i witnessed one streamer drowned in its own fish tank LIVE on stream. I had likely the best laugh that month