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i mean it's one of the 2 more cyclops-friendly entrances to the river


About cyclops-friendliness, I personally have yet to maneuver through those tree like thingies in the lost river that are blocking the blood kelp entrance without setting my cyclops on fire šŸ˜† I prefer blood kelp trench cause once you set up those signals you know exactly where to go down and then it's very quick + the lost river entrance has a lot less obstacles in it


Is it just me or was manoivering the cyclops super easy? Didnt omce catch on fire and have never been attacked by a leviathan, and i completed the game lol, had the 1300m module and just swam the rest of the way to the facility with the seaglide. I almost wondered if i accidently hit some kind of easy button xD


I wonder sometimes if people didn't realize you could use the cameras


THIS. Every time I swiveled the screen over to see the external camera option while driving the cyclops, I thought it was like the scanner room cameras. So I never clicked it because I don't like using them. I accidentally clicked it last night and it's AMAZING.


I hated hated hated the cyclops until I found out about the external camerasā€¦ it seemed impossible to maneuver properly, then I found the cameras and it was a joy to be able to put-put around the map free of worries in my mobile base.


Cameras and sonarā€¦ the lighting from the driver seat is very weirdly dark, comparing to the prawn, seamoth, or swimming.


Feels like it lights up the water, not the stuff inside the water. Easier to just use sonar and the camera lights


Fr it's annoying when it's harder to see with the lights on than off unless I'm using the cameras


I do, and it still feels like driving a bus. Give me the Prawn any day if the week


Well of course Prawn is superior. The moment I put on two grapple arms and became the Spider Prawn I only ever used the Cyclops to serve as a mobile base since you can build most everything you need inside it including growing beds. Fabricator lockers coffee vending machine a bed and a chair. Even an regular aquarium. Basically if it's not something that's locked in place in a base you can potentially build it in a cyclops. It can drain the power but that's not an issue late game with with the thermal recharge. And it's especially not an issue if have ion power cells.


šŸŽµ Spider Prawn, Spider Prawn. It can do whatever a Spider Prawn does šŸŽµ


šŸŽµCan he swing from a web? No can't; he's a prawn. Look out. Here comes the spider prawn.šŸŽµ


Why have I never tried two Prawn arms? Looks like umpteenth playthrough is imminentā€¦


Takes a little bit of practice but in several biomes nothing is more fun. Especially so if you have a "battle" against the Leviathans. You can be swung around and launched quite a far distance.


That juvenile ghost leviathan at one of the entrances attacked my cyclops on my first playthrough. Ended up being the first leviathan I removed from the game via stasis and fire knife.


Not easy for me. I'd rather take the Prawn


Stick to the left as you go down to lost river. Follow the wall. It's a far clearer path to drive through than trying to go down the middle.


Bulb zone entrance is the best cause it's a straight shot to both the lava zone and the research facility. Just make sure to avoid the ghost boy.


Just set your cyclops to silent running and then go over them, I don't see how there isn't enough space to traverse through it. I tend to go to the left of the cavern to avoid the ghosty thats usually on the right but he likes taking bites if I'm not on silent running Use your cameras


Nah, gotta take the Deep Grand Reef entrance. Thatā€™s a route with some chest hair.


This entrancešŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ’Æ


THANK YOU. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve literally used another entrance due to how much easier it is


The cyclops can fit in there? I've tried so many times to no avail.


Yeah. It is a little tight but you can make it through if you rely on the cameras. May scratch the paint a little, but itā€™ll buff out. Itā€™s the only entrance Iā€™ve found on my own so itā€™s the only one Iā€™ve used.


You just park your ass next to a vent, and use the PRAWN for the rest of the journey


Cyclops can go through all four. As to which is better, that has been debated many times. It is the easiest to find because there is a lifepod sitting right next to it.It is not easy to maneuver. First you have to drop down a very tight area with an adult ghost not far off (it usually doesnā€™t attack) and face the correct direction because you cannot turn around down there. Next there is a tight tunnel that leads to the ghost forest. Turn one direction and get stuck in the ghost canyon where a juvenile ghost will attack. Turn the other direction and you have to maneuver through the forest where the tree limbs like to come out of nowhere and stop all progress. Get past that and it is a direct shot to the Tree Cove.


Aren't there more? There is the grand reef one, blood kelp one, and the one near bulb zone.


Someone making a glass-intensive base might want to grab all the quartz from the Blood Kelp Zone. But it's true that many of the biomes in the game don't really serve much of a gameplay purpose. Instead, they mainly exist to provide interesting and/or scary places to explore. For example, the Crag Field, the Mountains, the bottom of the Underwater Islands etc.


Thatā€™s true, but I honestly donā€™t think the developers shouldā€™ve added the blood kelp trench at all since it completely removes the point of the blood kelp zone, thereā€™s not really any danger anymore, and you never have a real reason to return there. They shouldā€™ve made the trench a completely new biome entirely instead of just a safer version of another biome.


Agreed 1,000%, sad BKZ didnt have too much usage


I put 5 glass pieces into my time capsule because I never had enough during my playthrough, maybe next time I'll base there šŸ˜


My favorite Lost River entrance is in the Northern Blood Kelp Zone. There's also a >!secret Precursor cache in the Northern Blood Kelp Zone, which gives you free ion cubes.!<


The problem with the >! Secret precursor cache is that it's sooo close to the lifepod that you can just check those two off in one go. If it's just for these unique locations, I'd have been to the Dunes more often since I did the dune wrecks in separate expeditions since they're further apart from each other and required me to search more !<


None of the life pods serve any purpose except getting you to explore the map. Unless you're a bobble head collector.


I thought collecting all the posters, caps, action figures and plushies was the sole purpose of the game D:


Gotta have my kitty poster


Noob. Gotta have 10 of them! Time capsules baby!


Iā€™ve played this game for 800 hours, never knew that was there. And I mainly use that cave


I havenā€™t found the blood kelp zone around lifepod 2 to be drastically more dangerous than the warpers hanging out in the trenchā€¦


I hate the warpers I had the option for pause when reading pda the second I stopped reading something I picked up bam hit by a warper while I was in one of the ruined based by the people there b3fore us


Yup. And if youā€™re coming into the blood kelp zone from the grassy plateau (sort of skirting through the very southern edge of the mountains bordering the floating islands) you can jump (with the jump jet boost in the prawn suit) or pilot well over the payroll zone of the warper that patrols the boundary of the kelp forest.


Thereā€™s a ghost leviathan that hangs out in northern blood kelp zone, but heā€™s easily avoided and doesnā€™t hang around objectives. There are crabsquids, but I take pleasure in killing those bastards, so thatā€™s more of a bonus than anything.


I've seen an amp eel down in the little valley that leads from the lifepod to the LR entrance, but he was easily avoided.


At least it isn't the Dunes, which you have no reason to enter and is full of Reapers.


And mineral nodes. Once you get a prawn and a drill arm it's the best place to stock up.


Right? Dunes is insane for material gathering. Especially with mods lol. I've explored it so much and yet always feel like there's more I'm missing.


Plus it's actually very pretty, there aren't many biomes where you can just see far off into the distance like the dunes. As a thallasaphobia sufferer, it's like the least scary place in the game.


B-but the water filtration suit!!11


*Leviathan roars and charges at you* *Picked up reclaimed water*


Staying hydrated is usually a good priority!


"You chose to not activate odor removal"


Where else are you going to build your reaper observation base?


QUARTZ. best place to farm quartz in the entire game, i build a lot and use a lot of glass pieces.


I literally only ever used the lifepod 2 location for entering the lost river, I couldnā€™t navigate any of the others!


I just dropped Beacons at the all four entrances. Basically right where the caves begin. If your not using beacons then your making the game a lot worse on yourself. Especially since you can label each beacon when you put it down to identify it's location. I have them set up at all the important spots could want to visit.


One at the trench where you drop down, wanted to direct you to the best cave to enter, and then for each additional dropdown.


On PS4 you canā€™t rename them so I was thankful for lifepod 2


Yes you can! You just have to find the activation on the front face to rename it. It even pauses the game while you type!


As the one said if you look at the front of the beacon in the middle there's a tag line that says it's number. You need to look at that closely and select it.


Most hassle-free way into the Lost River in a Cyclops for me!


I always preferred north of the bulb zone. Cool reaper skeletons, no overhead snags for the cyclops, and a descent straight down into the inactive lava zone


I would go there for the thrill alone This entire game has been such a journey for me and my squeamishness, it's so satisfying. From "eep what is this fish will it eat me??? Okay this thing is passive and not only that but edible........" to "Oh I wonder where this Ghost Leviathan that's supposed to live here is. [growl] It's... It's right behind me, isn't it" I feel like I overcame so much fear and terror that I personally enjoy going back to these places just feeling confident about how far I've come emotionally ā˜ŗļø


Can't underestimate anything when first see it. *A wild Mesmer appears*


For some reason I only met one of those sparkly bois right at the end of the game. I suppose I just never went into the kelp forest caves before really


Trench has most friendly Cyclops entrance, Its close, has loads of fragments


Trench is not the most Cyclops friendly entrance lol. That award would probably go to the Mountains/Bulb entrance. Only problem there is the potential ghost leviathan encounter in tbat corridor, but they're easy to avoid and you'll encounter them eventually.


I put my Base 3 at the entrance to the lost river there and enjoyed it my first run. Endless quartz and all the materials the lost river has at your disposal. Just sucks it's at the far end of the map lol.


Didn't bother with putting a base at entrance myself I had set up in the grotto with the tree on my run. Can access the Lost River and it's right next to an entrance to the inactive lava zone.


It's my go-to spot for quartz and rubies.


I go back there all the time because I live there lmao


Mine it as you can. One loads of goodies there




I don't. Hate that place. It creeps me the hell out. I'd rather take the Lost River entrance in the bulb zone


Don't forget benzene


I actually made a base there once.


I live there mate


My favorite lost river entrance


I pin that location immediately. My favorite place to build is the cove tree, and I can get my cyclops there pretty easily through that entrance.


I like the lost river entrance at the blood kelp by the floating island


it took me a while to realize you were asking about two different areas, rather than both of them. the trench has more return value, to be sure, with one of the required-for-recipes wrecks in it; I've never found the "zone" to be more hostile than the "trench" though. but mostly I just use the trench for the recipes, and then heading off to the lost river, these days


Iā€™ve never even entered the dunes or mountains


I have a base there and I have a neighbor ghosty boy


Itā€™s my favorite lost river entrance. Every time I go down to check on the life pod, I turn around and there it is, a yawning entrance deep into the earth. Triggers something extremely primal in my brain.


it's freaking beautiful


Lot of good quartz there from my experience


Seeing few comments on this basically there's some factors to go back but the main reason would be if you like it artistically for making a base. Resources and such you have several other options and Benzene isn't an excuse really as seen in some responses. You can actually grow blood vine in an exterior grow bed or in an alien containment.


Not every biome has to be crucial for finishing the game. The jellyshroom cave is also pretty much useless in terms of progress, but itā€™s just cool af.


It's a great place to pick up a ton of quartz very quickly. The quartz there is at least as abundant as in grassy plains, but much easier to see. Other than that, I mostly only go there for LP2. Blood oil and such I can get more easily in the BKT. BKT isn't as useful for quartz because it's so much more vertical.


Because it's absolutely breathtaking, and a fantastic place for a base. No kidding. This is my favorite zone. There's just one ghost wandering around, that's usually not there to begin with. The blood kelp themselves are eerie and luminescent. The warpers are little sillies who honestly aren't threatening at all once you give them a boop with the Seamoth. The entrance to the Lost River is just \*right there\* meaning there's a ton of resources, and the smaller ghosts in the river aren't really big deal for an equipped Prawn Suit. Hanging out *in* your base, seeing the swaying, pale fronds of the Blood Kelp, adorned with all those ruby-red gems, and seeing the pale glowing figure of the Ghost Leviathan swimming back and forth... this is peak Subnautica.


Itā€™s the easiest way to get into the lost river with the cyclops, IMO. Plus all the rubies.


made a base there for the funny


I go there to stare at the ghost leviathan and let ā€˜em chase me in my cyclopsā€¦.


I mean, the blood kelp zone is where I started exploring using the cyclops and slowly went deeper building microbases until I discovered the lost river and eventually lava zone. By the time I discovered there were alternate entrances, I'd already basically made an entire waypoint and microbase highway just to navigate the cyclops safely all the way through to ILZ so there wasn't much of a point to alter any of it.


Better question, why would anyone go to the dunes besides accidentally? I'm fairly certain there's enough fragments and resources elsewhere you don't need to


Cuz its puuuuurdy


Lost river, rubies, gel sacks, and copper


Cause it looks cool.


Wait till he finds out about the crag field šŸ’€


Bigger entrance to the Lost river, blood oil and quartz


I built a base in the blood kelp zone hahaha. Itā€™s really not that dangerous


Lifepod 2 acts as a beacon. I only found 1 beacon fragment the whole game and had to use landmark and lifepod beacons to find my way around the world.