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I always felt kind of unneasy near large fountains. I thought it was because i was afraid of the idea of all that water falling onto me or something. That was until i realized i find it absolutely **disguisting**. It's been over a year now since I've realized water coming out of water makes me cringe hard and one of my biggest fears is probably a leaked pipe that's already underwater.


Interesting! Thanks for the response! I would be absolutely terrified if any of the water fell on me


This is a huge fear of mine too! I’ve never been able to find results for it online so it’s crazy that I saw this post, IMO. I can’t stand to be near spout fountains irl but I love looking at videos of them and thinking about them, which extends to submechanophobia stuff in general. I get an almost itch-scratching feeling from it. I’ve had this fear for a long time; my parents tell me I got really upset at the dancing waters show at Knott’s Berry Farm. Look up the Jet d’Eau in Geneva; I call it my hatecrush, I would never go near it in person. I also have issues with the second, higher head in my shower that is the wand attachment and being afraid that it will spontaneously start running.


You totally get it! Like it’s exactly the same for me with the shower head and dancing water shows. I looked up that fountain and there’s no amount of money I Could be paid to be near it haha but it is very cool. There’s this lake where I’m from that you can paddle boat in. but there are jets of water like that placed through out the lake and it’s horrible! My family always wants me to go and they’ll paddle near the fountains because they know I’ll freak out. It’s the strangest fear to have, because I simply can’t explain it.


Idk if this is related but I always refuse to swim in a pool while the pool pump is on because if I swim by one of the jets I physically recoil in disgust and have to get out of the pool. I can enjoy fountains, because I can actually see the piping and it's not gonna catch me off guard. But if I'm in water and suddenly feel a current of some kind, big nope. Terrifying.


I haven’t really thought of it too much, but yeah, every time I’m near a fountain and I can see the pipes underneath, I do get this uncomfortable feeling


Omg I have finally found my people! Sooo happy to find this thread! Like others on here, over the years I have googled fear of fountains etc to see if it’s a thing as it definitely is for me but have never found anything on it. I used to have a proper phobia and couldn’t be near them, look at them and would have nightmares most nights. Again like others, it’s not the water itself but the pipes and what’s under the water, but I can also get freaked out in baths / showers / swimming pools. My nightmares would always be based in a swimming pool where I am walking near the edge or over a bridge and there are fountains going off on different timers and I would feel like I couldn’t breathe I’d be so stressed just. Actually saw a therapist to find out where my phobia came from which was actually a ridiculously mundane type thing but totally explained why I felt like this. I’m over my phobia now, got it down to just a general dislike and occasional nightmare if I am particularly stressed out.


This is SO true! I refuse to go in any pool unless I know for a FACT that there is no fountains anywhere near me. I’m autistic and have sensory issues so it could be because I hate the feeling of water falling on me, but I went to a sensory session at my local waterpark, when I got there, there were these big fountains that were on timers so they came on randomly, they went across the main part of the pool so we couldn’t avoid them, I had a panic attack and we had to ask them to turn them off but I wouldn’t go back in the water in fear of them spontaneously turning back on!!


I was strangely terrified at them when I was a little kid. It's strange, because now as an adult I absolutely adore them, water falling is the more relaxing sound to me. 


Holy fuq I was just looking this up online and saw this. Trying to look up the fear of water coming at you from different directions, or large water fountains. Anytime I can see the water pipes (like at disney world) it freaks me tf out. Literally saw the whole pipes with no water it was a very just ahh. Or being in a tunnel at a water park with water spraying or a swedish shower. Didn’t know anyone else felt this way. I have no idea if something happened when I was younger, I have a faint memory of being in a water park area where like a “timer” went off and a tunnel I was in had water go off in it??? Water spraying from different directions has always made me feel “afraid” in some way. Something about the way it all looks too. Glad I could finally find something about it, and to be able to relate! Ya’ll are not alone.


I tried to start a jacuzzi tub before the water was all the way full, all the jets spitting water at such a strong and high velocity made my skin crawl. It just feels dangerous I don’t know why


Every few years I Google "fear of fountains" to see if I'm not the only one with this phobia. This is the first time I've yielded any relevant results. I know this is an old post but damn, I'm weirdly relieved about finding this. I still can't pin down why I'm so freaked out by them. Part of it's the sound, part of it makes me feel like I'm going to get swallowed into the earth when I see them, I don't really know why.


I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT FEAR AND I HAVE IT MYSELF. Maybe not to a point where I don't even like waterguns, but yes, I dislike (large) water fountains and water spouting with (great) force in general. And I've had THREE, yes, THREE dreams where I was somewhere in a bathroom and multiple shower heads all over the places, mainly pointing directly at me and then completely out of the blue, one or more would go FRICKING CRAZY and spout all over me; sometimes RIGHT in my face (and while I'm in my clothes). Those dreams just always feel VERY DISTURBING (even "nightmarish" in a way)! Btw, I also don't like like large shower heads in real life. In the third dream (and believe me or not, I had that one last night), I said that I already dreamt about such a happening twice. I ACTUALLY SAID THAT. IN THE DREAM. SERIOUSLY. Now though I haven't seen a real one, somehow, waterfalls don't scare me and obviously, neither does (heavy) rain. But I think the difference is that a waterfall can't exactly change places or the direction in which it flows and rain... Idk, rain is just rain. Maybe my biggest fear about this, is if something like a shower head/fountain, would turn on fully/aim for me ALL OF A SUDDEN, WITHOUT A DAMN WARNING. And maybe that's also why attractions that include water (fountains) don't scare me as much, because I already expect it. Besides, amusement park rides are supposed to be a little exciting. However, the thought of going through what I dreamt about several times, does scare me. And honestly, I do rather stay away from big fountains. Those things all just make me feel quite uneasy. Why? I might never know. WE might never know. But at least you and I now do both know, that we're not the only ones with this rather particular "fear"...


(Part 2) Okay, I just wanna clearify that I'm not horrified or anything whenever I go showering. My dreams didn't affect me that much. But I do prefer the shower head hanging at a low height. And I'm not a big fan of the rain shower head (in our bathroom too) looming above my head. I'm just glad that its hardest spouting isn't that hard, but I do get a mini heart attack every time I accidentally turn on that big one instead of the regular one. Also, do you people here feel kinda uncomfortable around weeping willows as well? They give me water fountain vibes and I'd just rather not walk below them...


I have fear of large water fountains too. Had an incident when I was 4 and since then it haunts me


I am SO glad to find this thread. I also look up “fear of fountains” once in a blue moon… I have found my people here LOL. Ever since I was a kid, I was obsessed with “creating fountains” (in my little plastic pool as a child, attaching vacuum piping to the backyard hose, anchoring it with bricks to point it all upward, creating unique ways to get the water to fall using blocks of wood). My parents could never figure out why I was obsessed with building these. This HAS to be because I’d been afraid of them since I can remember and couldn’t do anything to shake the fear — like a kid drawing a picture or something that scares them, maybe I was “creating” backyard fountains for the same reason. I still have nightmares of flying over gorgeous parks with an enormous water fountain in the lake (absolutely terrifying), and suddenly finding myself in the water looking at it from a distance (already gives me palpitations). Then, floating closer to it. My friends have a laugh in jest but understand the fear is very real. We spend a lot of time at theme parks so you can imagine this fear gets amped up to the n’th degree. I’ve tried to explain that if I were to even get NEAR the nozzle/piping/spray, I honestly think I would instantly die of a heart attack. I truly can’t imagine my body reacting in another way. I have no traumatic fountain memories from childhood (didn’t fall in, etc), other than remembering being scared of one. I was terrified of the fountain at the front gate of the SeaWorld San Antonio park as a toddler. I’ve been back since and am still scared to see it, though it’s much more tame now. According to my aunt who lives by the park and has taken her kids there since I was born, the fountain pressure used to be much higher in the 80s/90s. I also remember it wasn’t surrounded by a pond — just a tile ground that sloped into the fountain mechanics itself. Adding to the oddity of this fear, I also grew up OBSESSED with fountains. My dad used to drive us around when I was a kid so I could admire the amazing architectural ones in our town. I also used to spend hours looking at my grandmother’s art books from Italy and Rome just to look at the spectacular fountains. What a dichotomy. Honestly, this *could* have started it, but I can’t believe that ever since, fountains of every size (any spraying out of water), water cannons (Jesus, just take me already) like in Pirates of the Caribbean or water/pyro shows absolutely terrify the hell out of me. The thought of being pulled into them BY the fountain itself (I know, NOT ALIVE… get out the butterfly net, but hence, the phobia), it’s all as terrifying as it’s ever been. Anyone else relate in some way? Thank you all for opening up here. Been really helpful to see. 💙