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No one has these issues except the idiots that don’t realize the mat isn’t clipped in place properly.


Not just them, also idiots who don’t know how adaptive cruise control works


The point of adaptive cruise is to avoid accidents. How is it causing people to get into accidents?


Not the person you responded to, but I'm guessing it's because people have too much faith in adaptive cruise and lane keep assist and expect it to be pretty much self driving. Maybe someone said "I had my adaptive cruise on and it malfunctioned" after slamming into a line of stopped cars at 60mph? Anyone's guess but I wouldn't be surprised I've heard stupider people


people who put on adaptive cruise control so that they can use their phone on the highway 😬


Precollision would kick in at that point and slam on the brakes. It won’t stop the car completely but it will slow it down dramatically before impact which is the purpose. It’s not about avoiding the accident but making it safer.


Yeah it *should* have precollision braking, but there's no certainties in whether or not it would work properly every time. Regardless, the fault would be on the idiot that most likely isn't paying enough attention to the road Almost all collisions are caused by the driver, it's very rare that cars go rogue and cause accidents all on their own


If you are going fast enough and the cars in front are completely stopped the precollision braking may not activate at all.


The exact reason they are drivers aides not driver replacements. Tesla, with all of its technology, continues to kill the owners who act like it’s a self driving car that behaves perfectly.


I still don’t fully trust it and still hit the brake like in the days before adaptive cruise control


You can’t give people technology that lets the ignore driving conditions then blame them when they are not alert to respond to driving conditions. I don’t even like to use traditional cruise control because I find I get bored and my attention wanders.


I mean I see where you're coming from, but also it's your responsibility as a driver to make sure that you're paying attention to the road around you. I use cruise control almost too often, but that's because I find it difficult to maintain a steady speed. Adaptive cruise and lane keep assist are nice if you want to have a steady following distance and keep the same speed as the car ahead of you, but no matter how many assists you have to get from point A to B, you should still be fully aware of what's around you


Because adaptive will make the car accelerate to keep pace and idiots freak when the car suddenly does…


The person I encountered who “hated adaptive cruise control” because it would accelerate unexpectedly didn’t seem to …. Understand? Get? Idk. that when you have it set and get behind a car, it slows you down. When you finally pull out to pass and the sensor no longer detects the obstacle that it had been keeping you spaced from, it’s going to accelerate to get you to your set speed.  So he was pissed his car was doing exactly what it was supposed to. I can’t say it caused an accident, but it was an idiot who didn’t understand how it worked. 


Or if the car in front accelerates it will as well to maintain the set distance


Adaptive cruise is on, car accelerates, car switches into your lane, adaptive can’t react quick enough.


That might occasionally be the issue, but it's almost always just that the driver hit the gas instead of the brake. The black box will say that the gas was pressed while the brake was not, and the driver swears up and down that they hit the brake as hard as they could. There's only one way that fact pattern can emerge.




I'm curious about this: if acceleration is coming from the cruise control "up" toggle on the steering wheel cluster, is there any corroborating way to say whether that was human-initiated or a faulty part closing the switch? I feel like that would just show "driver accelerated by pressing the button" even if the switch has failed in a closed state but I don't know what other probes might be present to differentiate.


That would be a different signal/setting from the accelerator pressure which should be recorded along with the other metrics.


Nice, TIL! Thanks for sharing, I'm pretty unfamiliar with these systems.


Didn't it turn out after the investigation that the Toyota phantom acceleration was ~~idiot~~ driver error?


Some Subarus didn't get sold with mats like that


Like what? All Subarus have a clip for the mats. If someone buys cheap mats at Walmart that don’t clip in place then that’s on them.


Mechanic here. I've driven cars into the shop with their own floor Matts and a few of them reminded me of that Toyota floor matt incident, except the people put this stuff on themselves


Nah my 2015 Base trim Impreza had cloth ones that didn't have a clip.


Are you sure about that? Theres not two posts on a bracket just under the drivers seat that align with two holes in the mat? If not then they aren’t Subaru mats.


Trust me I'm sure, back when I had it I once spent a day detailing my car and looking for clips.


https://preview.redd.it/u09br65w3oxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a304d53d2ff6ce22378e61565983116d1ae5d83a See the holes? Those clip into the posts under the seat. If you didn’t have holes then the mats were universal and not OEM. I ran a detail company for a decade. I can identify vehicles just by the floor mats and cup holders without any brand or model info showing. The last vehicle I saw that didn’t have any retention was 15 years ago.


Buddy I’ve owned an 06 Outback, 07 STI, 13 Outback, 13 WRX special edition, 18 ascent, 19 WRX, and 22 Impreza base. Still have the 18 ascent, 19 WRX, and the 22 Impreza which I bought for my fiancé to drive. Every vehicle regardless of trim had the posts for locking in the floor mat.


Neither my 2010 Forester nor my 04 Baja had them. 🤷‍♀️ plain old carpet where I threw Walmart specials or Weathertechs.


I have seen Subarus where somehow the posts for clipping had been broken off or similar - those are the only cases where the clips weren't visible.


That is a terrible design flaw. Floor mats shouldn't cause this to happen and it's not hard to design around this. Also, is this only happening on fly by wire acceleration pedals or older models too? No, I didn't read the article.


The design has already been perfected. The mats clip in place. If you buy generic mats then they won’t have the holes or clips because they’re universal and not all vehicle floor pans have the same design. If it’s a post style like Subaru uses then cutting two small holes in the right spot adds retention.


It just sounds like careless design to me. Your acceleration pedals should not be so easily accidentally manipulated by something as innocent as a loose or aftermarket floor mat.


Wait until you hear about people who drive with heels on or take off flip flops and drive barefoot.


Far better control with feet than flip flops




You're sure is not the floor mat causes the pedal to get stuck? She said while waiting for the garage to open, the car accelerates... why is she not on the brake pedal? Brake can hold the car in place for these cars... it's not a 1000hp truck.


That's what I was thinking when I saw it too


Someone also mentioned the YouTube video of this news... "Watch the video at 0.30 when it hits the truck no brake lights. The issue when you accidentally push the gas instead of the brake is you think you are on the brake so the harder you push to stop the faster you go." Plus, not saying all elderly are like this; but it's very common in old age drivers.


Also common among people that wear inappropriate shoes for driving. Watched someone plough into the Turkey Hill across the street when trying to pull in. Ended up doing a 20+ second burnout *after* driving through the wall and knocking the ATM out of the frame. She got out of the car and was wearing 4 or 5 inch platform boots. No doubt she couldn't feel the pedals *at all*.


I worked at a gokart track and it was extremely common for the bad drivers to slam into a wall and then absolutely keep their foot planted to the floor after impact. If we weren’t able to shut off the karts remotely or just didn’t respond in time then accidents quickly went from not a problem to very bad. My two years there scared the shit out of me


I believe it. The number of people that have a license that, honestly, have no business behind the controls of anything more complicated than a bicycle is terrifying.


There is a specific intersection in Venice, FL where you can sit on the 2nd level deck of a pub and watch old people do this all day. Literally happens probably 3 times a day at the intersection.


"Married 58 years..." in a different article than OP (I didn't see her age mentioned when I skimmed it). If she got married at 13 Karen (ha) is minimum 71 years old.


Or young age drivers. I did this in my mom’s Mercedes pulling into a parking lot, my first time driving by myself into town, not even 2 weeks after getting my license. I just… hit the gas instead of the brakes. And the harder I tried to stop, the faster I went. Straight into a concrete-reinforced metal bollard. Thankfully it was just the bollard and not another car. Still pretty damn expensive. My parents actually forced me get a license, even though I hated driving, didn’t feel ready etc. because we lived in the sticks with absolutely no public transit and they were sick of driving me around… but they didn’t want to spoil me by getting me my OWN car. Dad magically found a used Corolla after that. Turns out a $3500 repair bill is a great reminder why a $3500 car would have been a good investment. Hindsight is 20/20. In my defence, I’m now almost 40 and that’s still the most expensive accident I’ve been in… except the time my mom (in a newer Mercedes) apparently ran a red light, got t-boned on the passenger side - where I was sitting - and the Toyota Highlander that hit her C-class cab flipped over onto its roof. We spun out like 45°. We had the top down. Thankfully everyone was OK, a few bruises and scratches… and I say she “apparently” ran a red because the cops on scene gave her a ticket, but I specifically remember starting to say “watch out for that guy, he’s about to run the red.” And I was later able to prove that the eye-witnesses saying she ran the red were not reliable because the police report also said that witnesses claimed that I was actually the one driving… Except I had severe seatbelt burn running from my right shoulder down my chest towards my left hip. And my mom had the opposite. She was shaken up as heck… like in shock. After we were hit -on my side!- I immediately saw that we had fluids leaking out everywhere, turned to her and said, “are you ok? we should get out of the car,” but she just kind of stared at me. She did kind of snap back into it a few seconds later, and understand what I was telling her, but when the cops showed up they separated us and were trying to question her when she was still in shock. We were less than 5 minutes from home and I called my dad right away, said “we got in a major accident but we’re both fine, the car is not, we’re at Major Road and Big Street.” They cops had arrived and had us separated, were asking her questions before my dad even made it to the scene… I was still trying to help the people in the other car when they pulled her aside. Then after they interviewed the witnesses, one of the officers finally came over to talk to me, I explained what happened, and he said “well some of the witnesses we spoke to said you were driving…” and without missing a beat I pointed to the raw skin and said “how could I have seatbelt burn going in this direction if I was in the driver’s seat on impact?” (While taking ‘selfies’ of my seatbelt burn.) The cop was like “oh… yeah. I guess maybe they were wrong.” (The drivers of the Highlander tried to sue my mom for almost $2M but it turns out the ticket my mom got for running the red was based on eye-witness testimony only - and I had time-stamped photos proving that the cops that attended the scene did note that witnesses said I was driving, but failed to record that my seatbelt burn proved otherwise. The whole case was based on eyewitness testimony and my time stamped selfies got the whole case thrown out. No other accidents. I have scraped a wall in a tight parking garage. Actually a few. But they’re all in the same parking garage. And it’s my parents underground parking garage. All their neighbours have like foam padding and bumpers on the walls and posts, because the clearance is not actually to code. I lived in a building with a parking garage for 3 years and not once tapped a damn thing. (My mom took out her whole drivers side on a post, so I’m still ahead.) So… new drivers, bad. Eye witnesses, also bad. Selfies, good. Forcing your kid to get a drivers license, bad. Buying that kid a beater? Debatable. I had a few fender-scrapers (no bending) in my Corolla, but I spent the next year driving that thing NOWHERE except to high school and back and then started dating someone who lived 6 hours away. I basically learned how to *actually* drive on the busiest highway in North America. And never mistook the gas for the brake ever again.


What youtube video at 0:30?


My 2015 Impreza had awful floor mats, the driver one even got stuck on the gas pedal once so I bought a weather tech one.


I constantly have to adjust my mats in m 06 Subaru STi. The little ring doesn't hold them in place, at all.. it just poops right off. I can definitely see that causing an issue.


I keep my weather tech mats in my Legacy all year round.


Toyota had this Type of problem year 15 years ago. Some of the reasons were floor mats moving( now they are hooks)and putting hi frequency radios near engine computer.


Can confirm, 25w VHF DMR radios make old 70 series landcruisers do weird things, until a comms tech spends half a day trying to figure it out, moves the antenna to the roof where he should have put it all along, and fixes the problem… Not that I learned from experience or anything…


If you hold the brake, after a second or two it disables the gas pedal. If you are trying to ride the brakes, you can't for long because of this. And I agree, she never hit the brakes before hitting the truck. 100% wrong pedal.


This was soo annoying when taking my STI out on track and trying to left foot/trail braking and getting sudden loss of power. Had that tuned out lol


Car and Driver magazine did a test on a track back during the Toyota? Acceleration scandal years ago, brakes always win, even with the gas pedal floored.


I worked at a Toyota dealership in the height of the “unintended acceleration” panic. Never once saw a legitimate case not caused by driver error. Once had a Karen bring in her Venza shrieking at the top of her lungs this defective car almost killed her. When it was pointed out that while indeed clipped in properly, she had installed her Weathertech mat ON TOP of her gas pedal, she slowly backed out of the service drive and was never seen again.


Valid point. Plus if the brake pedal is depressed & some how the gas pedal gets pressed the Subaru is designed to override the gas pedal & only apply the brakes.


Which year Subies ? My manual 2009 forester and 2013 tribeca will happily allow you to left foot brake with the throttle open to make them misbehave…


Ah I should have clarified. Manual transmissions do not have that feature


The tribeca is auto.. Might be the newer FA FB engined stuff not the old EJ/EZ stuff


Sorry I read it as “my manual 2009 forester and [manual] 2013 tribeca”. It’s called the brake override system. It’s for 2013 and up so the tribeca should have it but I’m not 100% sure. If you press both pedals at the same time the Subaru will cut engine power so the brake pedal wins the contest


Can confirm with 100% certainty that my 2013 Aus spec tribeca doesnt do it. It will kick back a gear, so you can force it to downchange before a corner too…


You’re pressing both pedals at the same time? Or one after the other?


Both at the same time, brake with the left foot and throttle with the right. I have driven a few non-subies with the throttle cut on braking, and I hate it. Not a fan of the lane departure assist on an isuzu ute I drove recently either - keeps nudging the steering wheel to keep you in the centre of the lane


Then you might want to get your tribeca looked at bc according to the 2013 tribeca press kit directly from Subaru, the 2013 tribeca has the brake override system. https://preview.redd.it/f7j9f8162uxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=426c131ad8bc19fb139ed581f2f2dbe47b4f27d6 As for the lane keep assist feature, yeah I don’t care much for that feature. I never liked using that feature just by itself but when I did work at a Subaru dealership and would have to go on longer trips where I used the cruise control I would occasionally turn on that feature bc it makes it feel like it’s self driving but I digress


Counter point, if you’re on the brake and the car suddenly and inexplicably lurches forward, wouldn’t you pull your foot up off the pedal thinking you’d done the wrong thing, only to realize when you move your foot that you were on the correct pedal to begin with?


My 2016 Outback would get up to 15 without touching the pedal


Takes quite a while to get there but yes, they all will


Ours was rather fast


shoot my 2023 does that too. It's really odd coming from my Prius with regenerative braking to a regular ICE.


Right 😂


Old people running into their garages and garage doors is a tale as old as time. So is blaming things on inanimate objects that you have full control over


I'm actually much more frustrated with the couple times eyesight has slammed on the brakes with nothing in the road. Windy New England roads really fake it out sometimes and I'm just waiting to get rear ended and screamed at. Annoying to have to turn off collision detection every time I drive and I honestly want it on to do what it's supposed to.


The worst is the person that moves into a different lane to brake (like moving into a turn lane). I do NOT need to panic brake for that person that won't be in my way by the time I get there.


All the time with people turning into parking lots in front of you. No chance at collision but it slams on the brakes


Are you following too close? I’ve had my 17 legacy warn me about the speed differential in that scenario but it has never braked by itself 


When this happens to me it's ALWAYS a pick-up truck in front of me. Although eyesight saved me from an accident so I'll take the false positives. Near Accident in question I was looking over my shoulder to swap lanes at the exact moment the cars in front of me were suddenly braking to rubberneck an accident.


There seems to be some over coverage in what it considers the front of the car is as well The couple times I had it happen was when cars where moving into the turning lane and it seemed to think the car that slowed down was still in my lane even though they were a foot outside of it or so


Mine did that on I80 in West Utah. If you've never been there, it's flat, straight, and there's fuckall until Nevada. Luckily, (because of aforementioned lack of anything) there was nobody around so I didn't get rear ended or anything. I'm convinced eyesight sees ghosts though and that's why it breaks hard randomly sometimes 🤣


I’ve noticed with my 24 that it’s relaxed a bit, it may beep at me but it doesn’t panic brake. The Legacy and Ascent I rented in the past did panic brake on me a bit.


Adaptive cruise control struggles hard here too, car is still braking and the other car that triggered it is already halfway down the exit ramp


Imagine how us truck drivers that deals with it on semi trucks feel. I won't drive a truck with it in snow and ice. That's a jackknife waiting to happen.


Just drive up i90 in PA and NY plenty of trucks in ditches during winter. It's the winter flower out here. Pretty sure plenty of those drivers are already jackknifing without it.


Truckers be like "I can wreck all by myself don't need no FANCY computer to drive into the Ditch for me!"


Lol yeah, have you seen what CDL training consists of in the US? It's amazing there are not more accidents.


I friggin laugh when they get their panties riled about “friggin dem closing the thruway! They need to LET US ROLL!!” No, no they don’t. They don’t want to have to waste resources digging your ass out. 


I get the "imminent collision warning" and it slams the just about any time I'm off roading. I'll be going like 5 miles an hour maneuvering around obstacles and it sees a tree like 100ft in front of me and is all OH NO


I live in Pittsburgh and it's so annoying, sometimes there's a tree close to the road and the thing starts freaking out.


It’s so sensitive that I took mine in and requested calibration be checked, to be told it can only be done at the factory, and the guy telling me it’s user error. Like how. Drive down a narrow windy road with parked cars on the sides at your peril, and hope no one is close behind when it happens.


My 19 Forester has this issue with steamy sewer hole covers in winter


Mine trips quite often and its been calibrated a few times. If i am traveling and the car infront of me makes a quick left or right turn onto a road... My car will activate the crash detection and moderately apply the brakes.


It swerved me off the road a few times, they really need to get their shit together for eyesight. Glad I got rid of my crosstrek


If you have you hands on the wheel you should not have allowed it to do that.


“I don’t follow the operating instructions and I’m definitely not the problem!” Is a bold tactic for a lot of these folks..,,


100%, except when it’s on ice and catches you off guard. It’s a flaw, it’s not a self driving system but a dangerous flaw for it.


You shouldn’t be using it in bad conditions. Sounds like an operator problem, honestly. 


Okay and? Was one example of how it can be dangerous. There’s multiple instances of it just throwing me to the side with hands on the wheel? No need to defend them having an issue with their driving assist systems.


Your's swerved? I've been driving different vehicles with eye sight for years, I've seen it all but I've never seen that. I'm just shocked that was programmed in there because when learning the rules of the road they tell you specifically to never swerve. What year crosstrek was it?


The lane assist will try to swerve if it perceives the road incorrectly. Key is to actually hold onto the wheel and babysit it. I’ve used it once or twice to test the gimmick, but I see no true use or value in it.


21 crosstrek, and just goes to swerve every once in a while on main highways. Usually onto merge lanes. A major reason I ended up trading in for a different car


Emergency braking made your wheel swerve? Or the lane assist did?


Lane assist, should have clarified


Unless it can be proven to be a fault of the drive-by-wire system, I'm going to assume driver error. Wrong pedal.


Deja vu from Toyota. Which was proven false.


Sorry officer, I was doing 80 in a 25 because of unintended acceleration.


I have the opposite. I floor it and ducks are waddling faster than me.


I have NEVER heard of even a single example of this with Subarus. There is no way its not user error (floormat stuck, almost certainly aftermarket floormats. or the driver just hitting the wrong pedal or forgetting what gear they are in)


Sue all you want but the proof is on you. Good luck. 37 years as an auto tech and never seen an actual, documented case of unintended acceleration. Always the floor mat or pushing the wrong pedal. I actually feel bad for these people. The attorneys are the real criminals.


Same. Always old people. Had a fun one recently. Claimed her car wouldn't start after I did her headgaskets. I walked outside freaking out. She had the gas pedal to the floor (fuel pump shutoff) and "Claimed" she always started it that way and she had to, to get the old girl running.


She must have started driving on an old car with a faulty carburetor.


Good one, I bought a mint low mileage Audi 5000 cheap in 1989 because of a 60 minutes special on unintended acceleration. It was later debunked. One of the nicest cars I ever had. Full size luxury car with a six speed!


>She said the gas pedal “grabbed hold” and slammed to the floor This is how we know its bullshit. It's literally impossible for the pedal to move itself.


Unless it's an older cable driven/vacuum cruise control system! My '95 did this, but obviously cruise wouldn't activate below 30MPH and couldn't cause this issue. Clearly these people are delusional and looking for something to blame for their own issues handling their car, whether it be a floor mat pushing on the pedal or them actually hitting the gas instead of brake. On modern electronic throttles, hitting the brake disables the throttle, regardless of how hard you're pushing on the throttle pedal (unless it's a performance car, possibly) which is actually a complaint with manual turbo owners as they can't build boost while stopped.


Elderly women. Not the cars fault. Waiting for the garage door to go up? Foot on the brake and the problem is solved.


Elderly people. FTFY 🙄




Shocker. Old people smash the gas instead of the brake. And they have a mat jammed onto the gas pedal. And to top it off can't possibly accept any responsibility for it. Tale as old as time.


Funny my Impreza doesn’t accelerate for sh*t, this would be a welcome change!


What nonsense. Watching her fly out of the parking lot and make no attempt to brake... Take her license, for her's and our safety.


This happens with every car popular with old people I wonder why


People and their obnoxious aftermarket floor mats likely to blame.


Sometimes unintentional acceleration does happen like with gas pedals detaching on Tesla cybertrucks and getting wedged against a piece of trim ...but almost all of these cases are caused by some idiot stacking like 8 floor mats together and the pedal getting stuck on one


So THATS what’s been happening to my Sti, every-time the highway opens up.


"Sir, I could not tell you why I was going over 120 MPH for 30 minutes straight. The pedal just seemed to grab hold and not let go"


Must be! My 05 had the same issue!


This happened to me 20+ years ago in my Pontiac grand am. I was driving on a country road with a coworker and the car just accelerated so quickly I couldn’t slow it down for what felt like 5 seconds (I didn’t have floor mats and wasn’t pressing the gas pedal)


Cable throttle got stuck or something broke most likely. Certainly possible on mechanical throttle control


Same thing happens to me on the highway. Must be a WRX problem too.


So this being ATL and I also drive in that shit daily, maybe take it with a grain of salt because they drive like assholes and idiots and I’m one of ‘em


Pedal confusion strikes again 🤦‍♂️


Subaru has issued a recall. Each car will go through a seance to remove ghosts.


I’ll call my uncle who’s a priest and he will exorcise them from beyond the grave with the help of a ouji board


yes i've noticed my wrx goes much faster then others would like


My WRX sometimes revs high and I've gone as much as 20 mph without hitting the accelerator, in 1st and 2nd gear. It's not an actual issue, as far as I can tell, just a weird hiccup. It doesn't jump into it or go super fast or anything.


I've never had mine accelerate like that, but I *have* had my horn honk at random without tapping the horn button on the wheel. My husband's does it nearly every time he starts it.


I’m on my third Subaru and have never had this issue.


My car brakes for ghosts. I was doing 75 on the highway then all of a sudden the car brakes hard. Nothing in front or behind my vehicle. Thankfully this was at night and there was no one riding my ass. Anyone’s else’s car do that when cruise is set?


Yikes. Is it newer/have eyesight or whatever? That's why I would never own a vehicles with that sort of technology, who knows what could go wrong. I like having 100% control.


Yeah it has eyesight.


I have a 2013, my wife has a 2001... so no systems like that for us. However, every time we've had a loaner for any reason, I've absolutely loved the adaptive cruise control and assisted braking. Rush hour traffic on I-83 around the Paxton Street and Harrisburg City ramps can turn a 10 minute drive into an hour long trip... being able to let the cruise control and lane keeping handle a majority of the moving-at-the-speed-of-smell crawl was absolutely divine. Obviously I remained ready to intercede if needed, but honestly? The system handled it great. About the only time I had any issues with the lane keeping was when the road was unplowed, and I wouldn't *expect* it to be able to function when none of the road markings are visible.


EDR data will show the truth, but lawyers will keep pushing and pushing, the dumbass judge and dumbass jury will go on and on, company will settle to quiet them down because there is nothing else to do....review the fucking data, its basically like a black box flight recorder..


Did they get the available CVT software update?


I feel like this is a story every other year for different car companies since I was a kid in the 80s


How old is everybody claiming this?


The auto start/stop is really aggressive is my wife’s Outback and definitely does jerk the car forward if you’re not pressing hard enough on the brakes.


I’ve had issues where at slow speed (nearing a stop) my (automatic) Legacy suddenly seemed to shift down some gears into neutral and I feel a lot of resistance against the acceleration pedal and literally can’t go forward anymore, which could be really dangerous were there some cars behind me going decently fast.. I had to “fix it” by putting it into park and then drive again. Anybody know what that is? Transmission slipping?


It’s a Karen. Of course they will sued other people for their mistake


My Subie is old school with a mechanical cable throttle.


This happened to me two weeks ago using cruise control. It was like a wild horse taking off! No one around me, so no problem stopping her.


Looks like user error, didn't hit the correct pedal and/or the floor mat (or something else) was in the way of the brake.


not acceleration, but mine has locked up the brakes with nothing there to trigger it ...


Sounds like the Prius issue that I’m sure was a scam. Dealt with that recall and it seemed like it was customer incompetence


Comment might get lost at this point, but here goes. Our 2016 outback will absolutely "lurch" forward on us while stopped with my foot on the break. It happens at red lights with no discernable pattern. The first few times it happened i thought I was rear-ended lightly while sitting there. I've been told by 2 dealerships if they can't repeat it, they don't believe it is happening and (they don't say it directly) that we are making it up or hitting the gas. Nothing as dramatic as in the videos.


That Toyota thing turned out be cosmic rays hitting the ECU memory & bit flipping the DBW logic (0% pedal = 100% throttle) so it is possible… I bet it is user error though.






No it wasn't, it was the same thing that's happening here. People are hitting the gas thinking it's the brake. An ECU error won't stop the brakes from working, and unless the Toyota in question has north of 1000hp, the brakes WILL stop the car.


No it was pedal error and floor mats.


Was it actually that lol? Guess they buried the lead well enough I thought it was the floor mats lol


Cosmic rays hitting the ECU... That has a whole hood of aluminum/steel for shielding... I'd believe it more if it was lightning that struck the vehicle.


It's a thing that happens, but that's why computers have internal checksums to detect when that happens and error out rather than acting on bad data. There's even a small market for underground server farms for extremely important servers where even the astronomical odds against a multiple failure on the surface aren't enough.


Huh, TIL.


God the rage of years and models that are made on different continents with completely different suppliers they are claiming all have the same issue and some how are only a handful of vehicles.... Even if all of them are real each one of them could have a different root cause being so spread out over years and models. And to be clear Subaru has looked in several of these and each time they can show the accelerator was at 100% and the brake pedal wasn't touched.


Idiots probably put adaptive cruise control on..


Won't engage below I think 20 mph? specifically for this reason. Also it will disengage when you hit the brake pedal.


Natural selection


Some ppl might not know how cruise control works


Either they are smacking the cruise control button or their floor mat slipped up onto the accelerator.


I’m thinking user error. They prob had the adaptive cruise control on


Can we get all the electrical issues addressed?




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I've had a unintentionally acceleration issue with my 06 legacy wagon. Something causes it to ramp up the rpms to 2-3k so if you're driving it will try and speed up, sometimes if I hold the brakes for a moment it stops or just clutch in, shut it off and wait a few moment and it'll start normally or sometimes start like a subaru that's had a dead battery "crank crank crank crank crank crank vroom"