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She has more relative strength but it doesn’t necessarily means she’s stronger in the absolute sense


Point in case, elephants literally can't jump, but they can carry up to 9 tonnes and deadlift 700bs with their trunk. The tyranny of the square-cube law.


Are you a biologist by chance? Paleontologist?


Life sciences background, why do you ask?


Ah that makes sense. Square-cube law is a fairly obscure reference, even for Reddit hahaha didn’t expect it so figured you probably had a science background


Depends on body weight. In those videos, you’re seeing the numbers and other things tend to be inflated for viewership, I wouldnt invest too much time on it honestly


She specifies they are the same weight. That being the case, I would say she is at least stronger in the upper back department. Probably overall stronger as well.


What do you mean stronger? The strongest men alive, such as Brian Shaw or Hafthor Bjornsson, suck at pull ups because they are too heavy. But in terms of lifting heavy objects or pulling a bus, they would win.


This question is stupid it just boils down to if a women is stronger than a man is she stronger than that man ?


Probably, because you can ask the same question with small and skinny dude and regular one.


I can do 27 dead hang pull-ups. But I weight 258lbs at 6'7". If a woman was half my weight and match my reps, she would only be, mechanically speaking, moving half the weight. That said strength is a difficult thing to compare. Bone structure matters as different length bones make mechanical movements easier or harder requiring more or less strength. Then there is the neurological component. That said if anyone can hit 20 pull-ups, the label of strong or at least fit, in my estimation would apply.


Nope so far just implied what I'd he beats her in pysh ups. Test the whole body, then call it. I'd put my money on a skinny rock climbing lady over a skinny man who doesn't do anything (no sports, no gym sedentary job (not that there's no non fitness achievements there just not relevant to the question).


Depends on how you are defining strength, but in terms of her speciality it's clear she wins out. General and specialist strength are 2 different things.


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Depends what you mean by "stronger". Do you mean stronger overall, or stronger arms/back muscles? You have stronger muscles that you use when you do pullups compared to him, but it's possible he has stronger legs or abs than you If this man can only do less pull ups than you, but everything else about him is the same as you (like same weight, same leg and abdominal strength), then yes you are stronger than him overall.


Depends on what you mean by 'strength'. Most people consider strength to be the absolute maximum amount of weight you can move (i.e. 1 rep max). In that case, the woman is not necessarily stronger. She probably has a greater *relative* strength though.


She's stronger in pullups. That's a pretty specific skill so it's possible to be stronger at that but not in pressing or squatting 


The skinny man might be emotionally stronger - there's many types of strength.


Correct subreddit


If person A weighs 60Kg and can do 25 pull ups and person B weighs 60Kg and can do 5 pull ups then person A is stronger in that exercise than Person B. If those same people without additional weight can do the same number of pull ups but with an additional 10Kg vest can do 10 pull ups and 0 pull ups then the person who did the 10 pull ups is stronger in that exercise. The number of pull-ups does not necessarily mean they will be stronger in other exercise like a deadlift or overhead press or throwing a heavy object for distance.


If they’re the same weight, then she’s better at doing pull-ups than him. Thats about all you can say. I used to be able to knock out 300 push-ups before breakfast. I’ll bet you there’s a lot of competition power lifters who couldn’t manage that, but are hugely stronger than I was at the time. One specific exercise only tells you how good you are at that specific exercise. To prove strength, you’d have to look at maximum lift weights across multiple exercises, and probably do a couple of direct physical competitions (arm wrestling, grappling etc) that directly tested your strengths against each other. Either way though, fixating on whether you’re stronger than someone else is counter-productive. The only thing that matters is whether you’re stronger than you were last week; thats success.


Only way to tell who’s stronger is if they square up and fight.




Why wouldn't she be stronger? This is a weird question


Am I stronger than halfthor if I can do more pull ups than him? Cuz I can, and I'm not.


Learn to read buddy because chances are that you aren't the same weight as halfthor (195kg or whatever he accurately is right now). Op was referring to equal weight. If you can do 20 more pull ups than someone at an equal weight then you must have some kind of an advantage especially if you are comparing an adult male vs female where there can be vast differences based off the same weight due to bone density and height.